’ of the BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS tach Cap- w paca the 0 # naft roofcouaterfetts rry Short is been not suit nd others re- vo ait 4, teaspoon of sugar. Sift finger Lips gradually Milk. t and bake 12 minutes th crushed perries. cific Milk Co. Limited Bo Drake St., Vancouver, B.C. FACTORY AT LADNER, B. c. ————————————— need mak- 13. Still in business same yi Hu s in use in Prit Rupert. s = AT ; red Stork’s Hardware COND AVENUE Phone Black 114 Pe 2 reals : i ston (jel WHITE COOKS: ispoons CAPT. RACKET WAS SUCCESS Three-Act Comedy and the Characters Were Excel- lently Sustained. Kacket” given last night Westholine Theatre was the best amateur events that has been staged here. The play was humorous and lively throughout, the players knew their parts or at any rate gave no evidence of need of prompting, and there was a large and appreciative audience giving psychological help. As a result the players were at their best and the audience went away pleased. The nesult should be an- other bumper house tonight, for the fame of a good thing travels as fast as that of a bad one. Jealousy the Motif. The play is not of the usual type, for whereas it is usual for love to be the motive power in manipulating the characters, in this case it is jealousy that does the work. Mrs: Tolman is jealous |of her husband. Anyone who has seen jealousy at work in real life not need to be told of the |possibilities. Mrs. T. C. Duncay carries off this part wonderfully idoes well. Anyone not knowing her would almost imagine she must be to the manner born. She is ‘the life of the play and the centre for all the comedy. A. W. Barr makes an excellent Captain Rack- ett. His assurance and nonchal- ance are inimitable. He is the star prevaricator of the troup. ,Rip Boyd as the poor henpecked husband gets drunk as if these ; were pre-prohibition days and his , excellent characterization through ,out was the subject of remark |\from everyone. Miss Edmands as Clarice exhibwts unexpected abil- ity alopg hitherto unsuspected lines. That kick in which the Captain's hat is removed is cer- ltainly a work of art. She played her part very well. Tootsy the Best. Of the more or less minor parts | Jack Frost was a first rate Uncle from Japan who would like to have married his nephew's wife; J. G. Dalziel could not have been im- proved on ds Mrs. Tolman’s fath- er, and J. Stuart Pudney, director of the onganization, to whom ,;much of the success of the eveut ;was due, had the very minor part of a cafe waiter. Miss Gladys Kemp was sweet and coy as a mischievous maid, but the charac- ter that was best sustained of all LAST NIGHT Plenty of Humor and Action in The three-act comedy “Captain at the one of rHE Bulky Rugs Washed for you Laundering heavy rag and washable rugs at home is slow work, especially in these uncertain spring days when the right sort of drying weather is so seldom avail- able. In five minutes, you can pack up half this heavy work of housecleaning, and have us do it expertly for you in our modern way. Then, too, your floor and bath mats, which soil so quickly, probably need wash- ing. You can send them along also. Let us lighten this toilsome - work, and at the same time help you make your home brighter with old rugs washed to look like new. Have our driver call for your bundle. Telephone today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 8 } the dances by Miss Gladys Kemp and little Miss Jean Grieve. Miss Kemp wearing mauve chiffon gave an illustration of the poetry of motion and form and beauty. She was exquisite. Little Jean light as a fairy, graceful as an elf, gave a scarf dance that was most pleas- ing. She was dressed in green silk with gold slippers and was much admired. —ee 8b ee * Tv SUBSCRIBERS * * —_—— * * Subseribers to The News * \* are asked to pay the de- * \* livery boys each month #* \* when they call, except * | where payment has been’ ¥ |* made for the year in ad- * \* vance. The boys when * | collecting carry official re- * | ceipts which should al- * |* ways be preserved. * * * SHEKHAR HHH HH HHH LAND ACT VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE Il. TAKE NOTICE that J. C. Clausen of occupation superintend Jeean Falls, B. C., for per- at of logging, intends to apply DAILY NEWS TO ATTEND CHAPTERS | DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE Mrs. F. G@. Dawson Leaving To- morrow for Vancouver and Will go on to Calgary. | Thursday night Mrs, F, G. Dawson, regent of the Municipal ;}Chapter of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Ikmpire, ex- pects to leave by the Rupert to the meeting of the pro- chapter in Vancouver. } then proceed to Regina Roth- the attend vincial She will to visit well, and National Mrs. attend Calgary. her mother, later will Chapter at LANDS AND LOANS TO RETURNED SOLDIERS OTTAWA, April 19.—Up_ to April 3, the Soldiers Settlement Board of Canada has issued sol- diem grant entries to 6,396 re- turned men. c . > il . Victoria, B. u. ONLY Moore the infant son of Mr. and} aads:— batt tig Crown Grant of the above claim. z Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors hirty Guat ie the first appearance of 1M r Frank Mcore | ade hi Commencing at a post planted ae ae And further take notice that action, un- Tt mn his notice in a local newspaper. cal \¢ id ran Moore, Who made His oon mere erry, oe oe gee der section 85, must be commenced before MINERAL ACT M. P. OLSEN, Applicant, debut on the stage as Tootsy the f\%, fir island: thence north 40 chains; | Me. issuance of such Certilicate of im- Sens The date of the ‘frst, publication of this . 7; tae ” , Slt ; a yroveme! ts. tice is Fe y 5, . Swirr’s ‘kid,’ Tim’s olive branch. hence west 40 chains; thence Paaias 40)" Dated this 3rd day of April, 1920. chi Pee nes See Do ae 5 ore *hains; ence eas ains to point of E. STA € I c sACON and If there was any criticism t0O/}commencement and containing 160 acres, stent mS ere - KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral LAND ACT. begs. make it was that the climax was}? 9 "S ) . GpausEN. NOTICE Hae, SSeS ~~. oo Coola Mining — a ocean a little weak, but that is the fault} Date January 21st, 1920. IN THR: MATTER Of an: application ford ahunel® wocue or Gaesea: side of abean Notice of intention, to Apply to Purchase Pa “= . ER of an aj ate thannel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range bs . Pg of the play rather than of the! sxeena LAND RECORDING DISTRICT | the issue of a fresh ertificate of Title to innel, North 0 deta a Vanec avel Sais District, Recording Dis- Ses fast, try stor : sea j avervone STRIC > QU “HARLOTTE Let Three (3), Block Fifteen (15), To TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARC > ee are sieaene Bro ang or actor. Suffice it that everyon¢ DRTRT OF es of Stewart (Map 818A), Satisfactory proof) {ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL | the west coast of Calvert Island, near Its aah and LgEgs came away thoroughly pleased. — if the loss of the above Certificate Of) ;QMPANY, Free Miner’s Certificate No.‘north end. ( 1é a ee : Bnly plea TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of} Title having been produced, notice is] ‘939, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date _ Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean viet The management and caste may Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply | hereby given that it is my intention to] Greof, to apply to the Mining Recorder Falls, B. C., occupation logger, intends to * be congratulated on the excellent for a license to prospect for coal and|issue after the expiration of one month} op qa Certificate of Improvements for each apply for permission to purchase the fol- PHSTOVIGLR?: OMENS OX oF petroleum on and under the following de- \from the first BORE eee a fresh] f¢ said claims for the purpose ef obtaining lowing ere ope eat . entertainme hey provided. arte ands:- {Certificate of Title to the above men- Crown Grant of the above claims. -omm . of Good ; a Mt tney _ prc Oates at a post planted at the| tioned lands, in the name of Victor A, G. (nd further take notice that action un- mile north of N.W, cor. Lot 897; ; ra Well Cooked Tween Act Dances. ering at ur D-L. 1853; thence | Eliot, which Certifcate is dated 24th) or section 85, must be commenced before north 40 chains; thence west eer} I , There wer 1O “tw ac . nth BO chains: thence east 80° chains;| Jctober, 1910, and is numbered 269-1. he issuance of such Certificate of Im- hence south 40 chains; y ere were two ‘tween act per- thence north 80 chains; thence west 80} Land Registry OMce, Prince Rupert, B.C.| rovements. ‘hains, and containing 160 acres, more or reas tt are Ww Se ; f commence Oth day of March, 1920. " s 15th day of January, A. D. 88. formances that are well deserving } chains, 19 int ¢ f ommen met | 1 day o O. 50RG. nn ionsted this 1 day o MARK SMABY =o. of special mention. These Want Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. { District “Registrar of Titles H. A. MACLEAN. Dated December 29th, 1919. ome ccneenpeaan eli —S—— — UR Pool 21 Third Ave. pp a nD. A00omMm The Empress Hotel CARS SODA Two per cen .™ a t. Beer} DENTISTRY 2 7