are our satisfied customers Ask the people who have their work done here—particular per- sons too—and let them tell youwhywe do their work. And then—try our excellent Dry Cleaning and Pressing Service. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone & IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth, THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph’ Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- necessary when you know bur, easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords Just In Come and hear the world’s best as Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 From Fraser Vailey Refugee beans the fertile Fraser They are stringless. QUAKER BRAND is the choicest of these, and in grow Valley. only the perfect ones are canned under this famous name, Dominion Canners B.C. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B- C. For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 eer Hand Your Baggage Checks to JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 Quick Deliveries THE DAILY NEWS Thursday — ~—me —— RHR EK RH EERE EH RS * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * RRR FE SER RE RH Oo. B. U. Fishermen meet in the McIntyre Hall tonight at 8. IS BOOSTER FOR TERRACE R. C. Lett Gives Out Interview at Winnipeg on Prospects of M. P. Vincent arrived from Hyder on the Prince Albert yes- vag ee . Certral B.C. Valleys. Fred Aslin, of Fort Fraser, ne- me ee ms gia turned to town yesterday and is} WINNIPEG, — April 22.—"In agriculture, mining and lumber- registered at the Hotel Prince Ru- pert. Mr. Aslin is a well khown |ingz,” said R. C. W. Lett, industrial inerchant in the interior. and colonization agent of the a RS G. T. P. Railway, “no part of The trial is going on in the|Canada is enjoying more pros- county court this afternoon of the|perity than Central British Co- The government of that now about to throw new land settlement Prince Rupert Mercantile Co. vs.)lumbia. J. Wolfe & Co. of Anyox. The!province plaintiffs are suing for the pay-/open five is ment of $38.22 on a soft drink areas adjacent to the Grand Trunk shipment. The defendants deny,Pacific line. Each of these areas the ordering of the goods and also will be of approximately fifty the responsibility for them, M.;/thousand acres and are situated Gonzales is acting for the plain-'in the Bulkley and Nechako val- tiffs and L. W. Patmore for the leys. It is conservatively esti- defendants. mated that 20,000 settlers will go into this territory during 1920. The preponderance of these set- Itlers will come from the United cin Sang States, as the American farmers TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of are appreciating more every year Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply ithe opportunities offered in the for a ficense to prospect for coal and 5 petroleum on and .uuder the following Opening up of these areas where described lands:— ‘land is available at a low valua- Commencing at a post planted at the ¢jo6n, The British Columbia Gov- a oe ctt ao, clans, ermment is assisting these settlers thence north 80 chains; thence west 80'by taking in stock. No less than to point of commencement. ithinty-eight hundred head were WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. (taken in and sold to settlers last Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. | * — ——___—_— —-———— ; year. As to climatic conditions, Mr. ‘Lett said: “It is ex¢ellent; they lian jhave winter weather of course, TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary Of wut no long periods of extreme Skidegate, I). C., settler, intends to apply cold. As the coast is approached for a licenie to prospect for coal and a cli ri oe petroleum on and under. the following at Terrace district for instance, described lk nds:— destined to be an immense fruit Cane. at ‘. eee Sa and vegetable country, the climate ch ae c sola: ini west 30 chains; is ideal. I can justify my state- thence north 80 chains; thence east 80 ment by telling you that out of to point of commencement. the twenty-nine days of February mateo RLWUN LEARY, APplcaMt nineteen days of bright sunshine ;were experienced. I consider this a record hard to equal in America. “There are reasons for Terrace having this delightful climate,” TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary .of said Mr. Lett. “It is situated only SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS chains, SKEENA IAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. chains, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRILT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply or é ae for a leense to prospect for coal ana 99 Miles from the Pacific coast, petroleum on and under the following On the Skeena River, and of course, the Japan Current being its best just ¢ is por north-west corner cf D.L. 1853; thence at its b - Just MF thi dk eas - north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains;;the coast, the temperatures are thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 sure to be moderate. The Kitsum- chains, to point of commencement. kalum Valley, to the north, and WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. : 3 “ey 4 _ Dated this 6th day of Maren, 1920, the Lakelse Valley to the south, fare only separated from salt water SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. iby low divides, and thus fresh air DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE jj ° Si reais 3 ISLANDS. currents are always moving, and ldo not allow for low tempera- TAKE N(‘TICE that William J. Leary of ‘type Skidegate, 8. C., settler, intends to apply; “Ag 1 f this bi for a license to prospect for coal and! AS a result of this combina- petroleum on and under the following tion, Terrace is rapidly becoming described Sands:— ae : famous, not only for its climate, Commenc ng at a post plante at the 2 is. m northwest corner of D.L. 1853; thence but for the excellence of its farm north 80 caains; thence west 80 chains; Products. Strawberries and other thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 fruits reach perfection, and wher nara Pac sas: Bic sumroquttpreia I say that potatoes yield over six WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applieant. ae ; ere : Dated ‘this 6th day of March, 1990 ;hundred bushels per acre, IT am ~ not exaggerating. One farmer in that district, who has had con- siderable in the growing of tomatoes, completing ar- rangements for the planting of several acres this year.” ASK HEARST PAPERS Canadian Ciub at Meeting Yester- day Passes Resolution Re- questing Action. described lands:— Commencing at a post planted at the i success is - TIMBER SALE X 2003. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 22nd day of April, 1920, for the pur- chase of Licence X 2008, to cut 530,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on ar area situated in Big Lake, Range 8, Coast Distriet. Two (2) years will be allowed for re- 10val of t‘mber. Further | articulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. LAND ACT dotice of intention to Apply to Lease Land.| At the annual meeting of the In The Skeena Land District, Recording}Canadian Club held yesterday istrict of Coast, Range Five District, and ttuate and known as Zayas Island, afternoon the following resolution was unanimously passed: TAKE NOTICE that William A. Noble | Lose . ; < ; of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation Re- The Canadian Club of Prince turned Soldier, intends to apply for per-|Rupert strongly protests against mission to lease the following described ands: Commencing at a post planted on the ast Coast, about 1% miles distant in ‘a the distribution in Canada of th: Hearst publications, news ser- vices and film exhibitions and re- ‘ortherly direction from the 8.E. extreme|spectfully requesis the Associa- oint of the Island; thence including the} ,; Ms a he 1 . vhole of the said Zayas Island, and con tion of Canadian Clubs to take aiuing 3,000 acres, more or less. such steps necessary to have WILLJAM A. NOBLE, Per Hoomes K. Freeman, Agent. March 12th, 1920, TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. banned by the Dominion Govern- ment the publications, news ser- vices and film exhibitions issued and distributed in Canada by the Hearst interests.” ; The resolution was moved by Alderman Dybhavn and seconded by Rev. W. E. Collison. Judge Young said that the matter was viewed with alarm and the Gana- dian Clubs throughout the coun- try were taking it up. He did not think it should be necessary to {draw attention of the government to such a matter as this, as they must be aware of it. ; Dated VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail! General Contractors and Labor; Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 ~ The case of Rex vs. John Mor- rison, assault on a police ofticer, was adjourned until fomorrow morning in the police court to- day. M. Gonzales, appearing for Morrison, asked for adjournme:.{ Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. the accused being indisposed. nana Morrison is out on bail, FIRST-CLASS OAFE ee Meese C, A. Green arrived in the city A La Marte. from Swanson Bay yesterday. POD PDD COD | Do not forget to file your on or before the 30th AMX Dominion of Canada Department of Finance earned $1,000 or more. more. year ended in 1919. to be used in filing Forms returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T 1A. CORPORATIONS and joint — companies must use Form Obtain Forms Postmasters. Penalty Every person required te make a returo, who falls to do so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of Twenty-five per centum of the amount of the tax payable. Any person, whether tazable, or otherwise. who falls to make a return or provide informa- thon duly required according to the provision of the Act, shall be Hable op summary conviction to a penalty of $100 for each day during which the default continues. Also any person making a false statement in any return or in any information required by the Minister, shal! be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding $10,000, or to six months’ imprison - ment or to both fine and imprisonment. Taxation. penalties. 2 Income Tax Return persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to on income, as follows:— 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, widower, without dependants as defined by Act, who during the calendar year 1919 re eived or 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,600 or 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the : General Instructions. Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Read carefully all Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Make your returns promptly and avoid Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION VANCOUVER, B.C. R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation Apr 9 a th 1999) —__ os & of April, 1920, a tax or the fiscal from the Inspectors or instructions on CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c / THE DAILY NEws WILL Not BE RESPONSIBLE For INSTRUCTIONS OR THE os some BE CANCELLATION OF WANT ADS OVER THE TELEPHONE. 3t—~— WANTED. | WANTED — Representative on a commission for Vancouver fruit} FOR | | Apply Theo Collart, Westholme | Theatre Block. 444) 5 | SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium and produce bouse. Apply | Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch | stating lines already carries. | Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per-| Box 64 News office. od fect condition. $1,500.00.—M. | WAITRESS WANTED — Wages| —™- Stephens. oT 825 per week and board, Wire!|FOR SALE—Three or four suits | Exchange Grill, Stewart, B.C. | of clothes. Very good condi-| Must be experienced. 97; tion—made by finest West End | of London tailor. No dealers. | Phone 362. WANTED — Woman for renova- tory work. Apply J. W. Mac-| — donald, cleaning and pressing, |FOR SALE—One double drum 216 Fulton Street. 95| hoist. Can be operated by belt. sie ee . ; | Suitable for fish hoist. Apply WANTED — Furnished or partly Wales Island Cannery. 99 furnished suite of 3 or 4 rooms | pita —Apply P. O. box 800 or phone} FOR SALE—Two bear traps No. 234, tf} 5. Have hardly been used. Will waihenins eeu asa eo: take $12.50 each. Apply box DISHWASHER WANTED—Wages| Daily News Oiice. 08 $25 per week and board. Wire| - Tao Exchange Grill, Stewart. B. C.|FOR SALE—Two Apple Dydamos WANTED — Woman to assist in| ~;7C2Ullt—in good condition. general housework one or more Halt price. Apply to: 4, Field, Cow Bay Slip. 98 days weekly. Phone Red 508. 97 WANTED—Three-roomed flat or! POR SALE IEE. FOO: OEM : . = reasonable. Apply suite 10 house, near McBride Street and eevanenit :Abmnehanaeie ft the waterfront. M. M. Stephens. Se ee ees ae 5 FOR SALE— One double drum WANTED—Kitche did ¢ ; oven a tae “ bi hoist. Can be operated by belt. ROD RT: AOR ae Suitable for fish hoist. tron. OG Tree a alsa CHAMBERMAID AND PORTER ee eee ean eey Little's Wanted. Apply Hotel Central. neweietd as wae, 96 WANTED—Good boy to work in FOR SALE—Spruce float—36 by shop, Daily News. tf pes 66. Price $400.00 Apply Dyb- WANTED — Broody hen. Phone) avn & Hanson. i ae piue $08, ws aaa: al 98 FOR SALE—New Sunset Sewing BOY WANTED —Onme's Drug machine, $45.00. Barrie’s Fur- Store. tf niture Store, tf SITUATIONS WANTED FOR SALE — Boxes for window : . : ; boxes at $4 each, Daily News A young girl desires position in Office. tf store. Apply P. O. box 779. FOR SALE ee —_—_—_ —- FOR SALE—Davenport bed, $60.- 00, Barrie's Furniture Store. FOR SALE—P, R. T. No. 4, boat} FOR SALE—Slightly used piano. for towing or packing salmon. Singer Shop, 144 Third Ave. Is 57.2 feet long, 14.3 wide, 7.9 deep. Gross tonnage 39.96, registered tonnage 27.1%—50 h.p. Wolverine. Heavy steel plates tanks, capacity 2,000 HOUSES FOR SALE FINE HOME, best residential section. Moderate terms. Hel- gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, LOTS FOR SALE “OR SALE—Lots i, B 32, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue, near drydoc! sash— M. M. Stephens FOR SALE—Lot 26, Section 8, ! close in. M. M. ste FOR SALI Lot 18 Section 6, N McBride Stepher 5 FOR SALI Lot tion 7, Fift $4175 Stephens Cove. FOR SALI I tion 5, City, | Avel hill. Mail } yox. FOR SALI ] tion 7, Fiftl Gove. $175 FOR SALI Section 7 cash. M. M ht LOTS FOR SAI _ lowest pric Stephens es STEWART LOTS Boas: FOR SALI ] ! Nes 905, Stew | I £41,000, Ih fe ness set Li Apply Da a FOR RENT ae a " eted ane FOR RENT—*! paneer decorated hall :< Store de L Hall is a hunar specially and other 5° , viii ; ‘ terms, apply enna ; guile FOR RENT roomed fs modern——MeMordi Na & —Apply Me! oe Doyle. . TO RENT—Ts ey voller nished. AP! malas St. Louis Rooms. P}0" oe LosT Aare ee eth- usd ve tied L0e LOsST—Bunceh of Key ser please er with string. © moe, tH return to Daily News " —— —— ds take ent ards Two-color Wi! iz em at the sve quickly. the eye 4 tment gallons. Iron sheeted bottom.| Notary Public. News Job Depa!