a: -e se ©7 ORs 4.4 ‘ss een, tna Page 6 eel Bet THE DAWY NEWS ____ ch Ty FISHERIES OF —f ob cin aie i1LOH CANADA ARE New Models Phones 82 and 200 Marine Insurance As agents for the Union Insurance Society of Canton —a British company—we can insure Cargoes of tions. Barges, Scows, etc., Plea- sure Boats and Fishing all descrip- Boats. Our rates are reasonable and adjustments quickly made. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Ormes_ Limited The Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE 30 573Ps COUGHS you want to be sure that your druggist keeps a fresh stock and employs an expert to take charge of the Prescription Department You can be sure of all these good points, and many more, if you patronize OUR MODERN DRUG STORE [ Local News Notes | ee i me ms tr er BE Mr. and Mrs. H. Telkwa, are registered at the tel Prince Rupert. * * * Household Lump Coal, $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. Terminal Coal Co, | re Ar | George Blane arrived in the city from Sandon on the Prince P.O. Box 1680 |Rupert Tek ae J. L. Nygaard, a Bella Coola farmer, arrived in the city on the Rupert yesterday. Weamne, of Ho- Best 7) | i Prince ees : A. D. Yorke returned last night t ul It is just as cheap to get yo \from-a trip up the Kestall River yrinting done wel! and done at| for, the Granby Bay C 2 oO 1 ) 10me as it is to send il away. Try : eee a a} e -ompany. Che News Print Shop. | George McAfee, manager of the oe |Georgetown sawmill, was an ar- _ Launch “Alice B,” Phone 41. | pival from the south yesterday. WATER NOTICE | eae aT, Just arrived! Shipment of 500 Biased tons of New Wellington coal; also Take notice that the Taylor Mining Co.,| 8 . Ltd., whose address is 607 Credit Foncier, large shipment of double dressed Building, Vancouver, B.C., will apply for 3 23 “a a licence to take and use '50 second feet, | fir windows, flooring, ete. and to store 2500 acre feet of water out of | USE AND STORAGE doors, . . . Clearwater Creek, tributary to Kitsault| Tuesday ni ’s passenger trai Gloar waters Hoos westerly snd drains into| Tuesday night's passenge! train Kitseult ee — 23 miles north of{is reported for arrival here at Alice Arm “SN ° Ten? ’ The storage-dem will be located at out- I 3:30 this afternoon. Tonight's let of Clearwater Lake. The capacity of|regular train is five and a half the reservoir to be created is about 2500! acre feet, and it will food about 200 acres|hours late. of land, The water will be diverted from | ¢ é ‘. the stream at a point close to lake outlet, and will be used for power Riineral teas | The Silver Spray sold 1,400 lbs. in Claim . the mine described as Wolt Mineral Claim.) of red and 600 Ibs. of white sal- This notice was posted on the ground | | mon to the Pacific Fisheries this on the seventh day of April, 1920. os A copy of this notice and an application; morning at 417.92 and 8e. The Egg Coal CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 ton. We strongly recommend it for your kit- chen range. SCREENED LUMP Delivered $15.00 ton. For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, $12.50 ton. Sacked, $13.75. Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 | | Best Coal Alberia Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton Beat sik; $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD. Phones 564 and 116 a pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act,/y;,, oe s ° ae i 1914," will be fled, tn the office ot the First Place sold 600 lbs. red and Water Decor er at Prince Rupert . Cc. 300 lbs. white as Ss woe Objections to the application ‘may bé! s, white to the Cold Stonag filed with the said Water Recorder. orjat 18c and 8c. with the Comptroller of Water_ Rights, é i Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., wit hin | thirty days after the first appearance of | Mrs. Belle Ward, who was re- this notice in a local newspaper. scien ts a a : The powers of this undertaking an fo | cone sent down to Okalla to jbe exercised for power and lighting within’' serye 3i3 months ’ gelling lthe territory embracing all the Wolf min- re onths for s¢ Hing eral claims, the Dolly Varden yineral | ‘liquor, has been released. The claims, and all of this Company's Railroa i : ‘ cen properties and buildings, or, any prop- oe tion was not reversed but erties and buildings of others in and ac 1e@ prisoner is merely out on jacent to the Alice Arm district. . The petition for the approval of the| Parole as a clemency measure. undertaking will be heard in the oMmice | * * e of the board at a date to be fxed by the The : ; Comptroller, and that any inerested per- The docket for the spring son may file an objection thereto in the|accjza ¢ Dita Ae aise ae office of the G se aller, oF of the Water | 4 ee at ds ond Rupert which Reeaneey of the District. las been set for June 16 appears TAYLCR MINING CO. LTD, ; ‘ to aka Applicant. jlight, there being but two erim- y C. B. North, Agent. j ee . . The date of the first publication of this|i2al cases, those of Duff and notice ts April 17, 1990 Richard Leachy for thett. There are four or five divorce actions SKEENA LAND DISTDICT -- DISTRICT OF | ‘slated. QCEEN CHARLOTTE, TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles Hartie, of} Queen Charlotte, Occupation rancher, tn- tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:— | Commencing at a post planted on the | shore of Skidegate Inlet, about one mile} in an easterly direction from the S.W. corner of °T.L. 27305; thence te chains; thence east, north and west, fol Seo ‘ OG lowing shore line to point of commence- NOL ‘elie Be 17 ment, and enclosing ten acres, more or} VAN iY ess. CHARLES HARTIE. April 6, i south five | 1920. | | aan an Old Dutch PAINTS DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 2 only. Evenin 8, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT DO OL OL OO OE OE OM OM OE ‘ 112 Acres at Welcome _ Harbour Porcher Island for $550 SPOT CASH. Good level building lot for Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue DUTCH KALSOMIME, etc. Silversides BROTHERS Second Street P.O. Box 120‘ Fhone 156 Green Out of town orders carefully attended to Cleanser Per Tin - 10c New selling price next week wil! be 2 for 25c See our windows for other Aupert Table St Supply Go PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. We have Warehouse facilities. 8. E. Parker, Manager MM. Stephens Notary Public Not In This Case Conveyancer It is true that customs change F and fashions vary, but there is one E custom that grows steadily rather Seven - roomed house, modern, than dies out and that is, the giving stone basement, extra toilet in base- where " nent, bot water heati vf silver as wedding® gifts. excelled water visu. boson Mth se se es ; Ave. and Eimmerson Place - We have proved recently § that tractive and splendid Bare = a about two-thirds of the gifts at altractive double corner, Terms weddings are of silver, Proving be- easy. Price under actual value. yond all doubt its usefulness in the Two ‘ots on Park Avenue, clos home, and its claim to permanent in, Sec ‘ : oe ; , Section s 8 “a Laer Note the splendid range of wed- eneees cme Snetenens heuse, Fifth Ave., harbour view, paying 10 ding ¢ifts shown | . B, gifts shown in our Catalogue. per cent. on $8,400. Price $6,000.00, Could not be duplicated for mueh more money, Two splendid view lots Fourth Ave., Graft Hill, ..., $1,506 EACH. M. M. Ste phens nea! Estate Insurance ewe Agent a (- _—_2 4 Vancouver, B.C. Os we VERY.VALUABLE Two of World’s Most Important Fishing Grounds are off Her Coast. Evidence that the most enthusi- astic amateur fisherman is piti- fully lac king in imagination com- pared with the confirmed statisti- can, is provided by Captain F. W. Wallace, of Montreal, writing in the Journal of the Canadian Bank- Association. Where his ama- teur rivals deal in ounces, Captain Wallace speaks calmly of hun- dreds of millions of pounds. “According to the latest avail- able statistics,” he says, “the value of Canada’s fisheries amounted to 852,350,000. Of this amount, British Columbia claims a fishery value of $21,518,595, or ers’ ” 41 per cent. of the total. The annual value of the fisheries in the other provinces are as fol- lows :— Nova Scotia ...5.... $14,468,319 New Brunswick 6,143,088 BUlSHoC ih6s shee 3,414,378 Ontario . 36.0 vsvene 2,866,41% Prince Edward island 1,786,310 Manitovae ~ oes 4in wawta 1,543,288 Saskatchewan ...... 320,238 Alberta ..0is-cisie sisi eya s 184,009 WUKON «2 s'6eh cea 67,400 “These figures are based upon the value of the fish as landed on the dock—the price paid to the first handlers—the fishernmen and by.no means represents; the total value of the prepared product, which, of course, ing to the and the labor expended on it, At the present time, about 100,000 persons are engaged directly in yur fisheries and the capital in- vested between thirty-six and thirty-eight million dollars.” The size of the fleet engaged in this work he gives as follows:— 200 steam vessels; 1,300 sail and motor driven vessels of the larger size; 14,000 small motor boats, and 27,060 sail and row boats—a total of 42,500, The figures for weight are quite as impressive. Cod are given as totalling 180,000,000 pounds per year; salmon, more than 147,- 000,000 pounds. Of the latter, 80,000,000 cars were packed and shipped in Canada during 1918. “The world’s most important fishing grounds are only four in umber,” the writer concludes, ‘and all lie in the northern hemisphere and mainly north of the fortieth parallel of latitude. Out of these four prolific fishing areas Canada is singularly fortu- nate in having two adjacent to her Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, and is thus endowed with the greatest fishery resources in the world.” is CARPENTERS’ SMOKER WAS PLEASANT EVENT Interesting Program of Songs, Recitations and Speeches. The smoking concert held in the Carpenters’ Hall by the Car- penters’ Union last night was a success and the most of the mem- bers of that trade in town were out to enjoy it. Conspicuous in the attendance were several mem- bers of the O. B. U. who were well received by the union. They took an active part in the discussion and program. Smokes in abund- ance were supplied and in the course of the evening refresh- lments were served. President J. J. Gillis was in the chair and officiated capably. Songs were rendered by R. McLean, Geo, Crate, Shodrich, W. V. Tattersall and Len Blane. A recitation by Mr. Wicks, of the O. B. U., was listened to with much pleasure. Short speeches were made by Messrs. Ford, Wicks, A. O. Morse and W. J. Greer. Wm. Mellravy jpresided at various musical in- | struments, gave the gathering q harmonious touch, The committee in charge con- sisted of Messrs. Ferguson, Bird and R. MeLean. seeceeveeeeeeeees * * Notice to Advertisers * * aduclaiadtaiesd * Casual advertisements * for insertion same day * should be in the Daily * News oflice before 10 a.m, * Changes in advertisements * should be on hand before * * 5 p.m. on previous day. * * 6 RSH RHEE RHEE ES varies accord: | class of preparation | SARIN = catall We are showing, some beauti- ful satin dresses. inedels in serge and Serge dresses are made from all wool cloths, and handsomely em- broidered. No two models alike, | These dresses embody the very latest ideas both in style and trimming. Priced from $22.50 to $27.50 Ladies’ Poplin Dresses. |) Some new models made in this | | popular silk, nicely embroidered. {It Priced from 4 $37.50to $67.50 See our windows for dresses, ¥ suits and coats. | Cornet of Third Ave. and Fulton St. a Ned ihe AER idl ; EEE we H 5 Wallace (y, Lt Phone 9 a ao Ce ere we es ne be eee — +e ee se < FREREERE EEE EEE ERA EEE EER REE ERE ee ee ERE LADYSMITH Screrned or Lump COAL IS THE BEST OTHER COALS WE HANDLE Are Steam Cnal, Bulk on Dock Steam Coal, bulk, Delivered 4 10.00 * Household Egg Coal, Screened, bulk on dock ;0.00 “ Household Egg Coal, screened, skd. on dock 17.00 Household Egg Coal, screened, bulk delivered | 2.00 Household Egg Coal, screened, skd. delivered ; 3.00 ite eee PRICES weve’ ON CAR LOADS. PRINCE RUPERT COAL Co. PHONE 15 Georgetown Lambe Co, PHONES 130 ang 423. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Centra! FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY CEDAR ‘SPRUCE _ FIR Consult Us. c 2 So Burns red Better and Brighter, and Givws More Heat. $8.25 per ton “ igh abwtd kone: ates et laedeobabahelale to oo oniitk P O. BOX 1632 — Girls’ Rw: 4 — shown here in a grea attractive styles. At the past have we been 4) such pleasing Spring Dresses so “' season. The prices of these garmen| moderate, considering the high cos' goods. a + ot Ffolepr vof We have also a big assortment of /#olP™ Hosiery in black and all colors.