= =, We €F GOs th ae: THE DAWLY NEWS a enna Ne ~\ Peay uae ~~ ae Py — a THE POINT | Local News Notes | O) MT e to be considered in buying eur | wie. “Teen ce sone Best Household Luip Coal, g : mn, oO course, an : » is me Black 5 | you want to be sure that your ceric Goat On. eee | | i] HHH] druggist keeps a fresh stock Re eS ig ; UAL LL e HU UN and employs an. expert to Dr- BK. ©. Arthur, of Nelson, pro | | take change of the Vinecial medical inspector, arrived en Prescription Department in the city last night. | Hi} You can be sure of all Anyox arrivals last night in- e HH these good points, and many cluded P,. C, Hanley, K. N. Turney, HH more, if you patronize A. k. Smith and G, M. Graham. OUR MODERN DRUG STORE Mrs. D. McDonald, of Terrace, and Mrs. H. ©, Frank of Kitsuim- ° e | kalum, arrived in town en the rmes imite Hieaia, 1k svening ‘ G. N. Durham and Miss Lren: The Pioneer Druggists Durham arrived from Usk last night and are registered at th: Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 ‘Hotel Prince Rupert. THE REXALL STORE A. J. Prudhomme, manager of +. 7 ithe Novthern Interior Co opera- tive Association, arrived from ANNOUNCEMENT relkwa on last night's train. Just arrived! Shipment of 500 Vi ; M Dalby M kill, ntralto, ftons of New Wellington coal; also h arine nsurance ‘ il i. Ahi sity for i rel large shipment of double dressed | vill > it e ) Severs ir ‘Ss ows loo gx, eu As agents for the Union weeks more, and in response to a Mfr , % an Insurance Society of Canton Beeeree rocerven Will Be oe ro} John Toner was this morning | —a British company—we meet with any WHO may on fined ten dollars for being drin S| woe serene caer a oka and disorderly. The arrest was} uo oice c "eS ¢ ‘ ‘ c si > » ,T’ bp . ety e "al Cargoes of all descrip- ie cenit sda tints by oe by Ot “ Uonevans Wynn | tions. pointment. Phone 554. it Joe Fadool, manager of the Bares, Scows, etc., Plea- lata \sia Trading Company, left last] sure Boats and Fishing Mrs. H. M. Stooke, ‘mother Off nieht on & bosiness trip to Van- Boats. Mrs. Duncan ©. McRae, returned! eoyyer, He will return in a few Our rates are reasonable south last night after having] gay. and adjustments quickly spent some weeks visiting in town. ; | ee eovaneeieesaenns All cadets having equipment : and supplies out are asked to re | > ib : * 78 Pare aes s. » turn them at once in order that McCaffery, Gi ons FOR SALE—Slightly used electric stock ae Sonn All she a ma in Dy onds night washing machine “in perfect . ° y or & Doyle, Ltd. condition, 95 £0.00 cash. “Call liekets for the Ypres Anniver- | at 735 Fifth Avenue West be- sary service in the Westhoein a] Agents tween 8:30 and 8:53 p.m., or Theatre next Sunday night ‘ca 3rd Ave. Phone 1] phone Blue 332. 97], had at the drug stores and LOST—A pocket book with sum ¢ s W. Vv. A ' of money. Reward for return. \lice Arm arrivals Prit MeCaffer Gibbons «& Doyle, Rupert last night is ded Ja Ss Limited. 97 | Valvin, Al. Faleoner, John Ander-| - ae Jot iF i ind M. P.| est 0a LOST—on Fulton Street, Small] Olsen, Mr. Olsen pr led th.| . black purse, card inside “Mme. L. Blain.” Return to News of- Irs. F. G. Dawson teft for the Alberta Screened fice. 99} scuth last night where she wiil] attend various cor ventions of the ti GUARANTEED LUMP Hanttheth of the Santis, thes | BAP og Se seret os Dawson will also visit Regina, + Hit} Pe ae Re pe " = . turning to town ir about six i] Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton ||} Special This Week Only §)‘°""" x | Wutk oo i $13.50 per ton — : : i eet i} Only a Limited Supply Skeena River arrivals on las Hil Phone Your Order Now ight’s train included Mrs. Dic and Mrs. Binns, Balmoral: \ Albert & McCaffer ee ee ee e y W. Lee, Inverness: J. ¢ lianna LTO. v Skeena City; A. M. Kipp and Alex,| Phones 564 and 116 R. Noble. Essington and \W } i jl lerman, Cassiar | | ar, | D | At the request uf the G. W. V.| er in c |A., Mrs. Dalby Morkill has kindly | } iconsented to sing Land ‘ ) Don't neglect your Teeth 3} ad (il Gh teh Lnaiverente af One decayed or missing tooth | New selling price next week will ly pres servje tha West et Po oe me be 2 for 25 i theatre next Sur dav night \ ftir | if } ‘a program of ic ar i asen | } DR. BAYNE Me % iia ve end a6 H See our windows for other has been prepared it} : Office Hours-- Morning, 9 to 12; ate i Afternoon, 1. 30 to 5 5.30: Satur- ree dey, ; Oi only. Breninan, SATURDAY’S PLAYERS | uesday ednesday and Fri- §/ —— iy tke Te | Rupert Table $I supply es ts | et Se a L n Saturday « OOLDATI wate D2 TAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONES 211, between the Trail Club and th PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT | G. T. P. the players will bé SOE OO EE OT Ol le Ol es t; d fre n the ‘ lowing j iil Girls’ ae ee SPRING DRESSES | | JHE NEW SPRING GARMENTS for gy} girls from 2 to 14 years are being shown here in a great variety of attractive styles. At no time in the past have we been able to offer such pleasing Spring Dresses so early in the season. The prices of these garments are very moderate, considering the high cost of all piece goods, We have also a big assortment of Holeproof Hosiery in black and all colors. Jabour Bros., Ltd. } Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street dance tonight at 10:30 in St. An- 7 i) I C. Blythe, J. Judge, H Menzie, G. Shaw, W Currie, Cummins, W S. Hardy, H. Brown, J.] Anderso Menzie, V j Williamson J i Cragges, and Sid Win by; G.T.P Waldorf, Harrison, Fanthorpe \lexander, Hamilton, A. Crageges. Price, Eddie Smith, Roberts, Mc: Ilravy, Stanley Smith and J. Ja: son. Don't forget St. George's Day a drews’ Hall. Gray's Orchestra. DANCE IN HONOR OF DEPARTING RESIDENTS MM. Stephens Wir. and Mrs. R. M. Walker and y : ‘ Notary Public Copveyaccer Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith Guests of Honor. i | FOR SALE In honor of Mr. and Mrs, W. H, even roomed mode'rn house Smith and Mr. and Mrs. R, M. alone ane cement setuent, OF) water heating, hashar’ viate *. oe Walker, who leave the city in a ‘ alue an “as rms . 7 cludes 4 double corner’ ™* ™ $]few days, a delightful dance was given in the De Luxe Hall last Six roomed modern house o sig a y . rie splendid double corner Fifth Avenue night by a number of their friends. and Tatlow 8t, Terma Gray's Orchestra provided the Eight roomed modern house on music and the affair was alike en “ splendid ac ouble earner sewer, joyable to entertainers and enter wating plant nad a 1 € ; condition, and on easy 1h, sPlenaid tained. At midnight refresh The Hest resideniiel double cor ments were served Bert Wear ner in the City on easy terms mouth and Perey Pinker had ; ‘ charge of the arrangements, The Windsor Hotel, with#¥urni Expressions of regret at the ware, 98 an aticne tive prtee, departure of Mr, and Mrs. Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Walker were M. M. Ste shane expressed, Mr. and Mrs. Smith leave town on Sunday night while I ~ - Real Estate Insurance fae bgoat Mr. and Mrs. Walker will be here “ for a week longer. Klett dd nomen eR eR RE HS eS em TORONTO | Adash of distinction in this ; style—the most popular two- button model for young men. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY BRYANT COMPANY, !tc THE CLOTHES SHOP FOR MEN Prince Rupert, B.C. err TrT Tr ' CLEAN SCREENED Lielivercd 813.75 tou We atronael recominend it for your kil chen range. SCREENED LUMP Deliver ®15.00 ton lor your heat CADOMIN MINE RUN 1. 812.50. ton. Sacked, 813.75 7 come Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coal Ge,, Lid. J. Lorne MacLaren, Room 11, Smith Block Manawer Phone 7 Dr, f, L. Stump of Hyder, re turned to town this morning ee ok K. F, Snider and Bert Gagne anrived from Prinee George Inet night, A sot me a, is Sak & Ue awe Porchef isian ecco spoT CASH Ed. H. Mortiimet hea on j CL eoarerraenrret =