= ei » *? @@2 t.d- cm. re THE POINT to be considered in buying Drugs first of all, the quality. Then, of course, you want to be sure that your druggist keeps a fresh stock and empieys an expert to take change of the Prescription Department You can be sure of all these good points, and many more, if you patronize OUR MODERN DRUG STORE Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE is, 7 Y “eee REESE RHR ERE TF & Doyle, Ltd. Agents 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per '2 ton mena. 3 ss oo $13.50 per ton CGniy a Limited Suppiy Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery Special This Week Only | Old Dutch Cleanser Per Tin - 10c New selling price next week will be 2 for 25c See our windows for other ie 1) fe a Ege Coal secon CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 We str recommend it for your chen range. SCREENED LUMP Delivere4 $15.00 ton. For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN Loos: $12.50 ton. Sacked, Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coal Co., Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 mnegly kit ton. Salvage Sale Underwriters Salvage Sale of Damaged Goods | From §&.8. Prince John Will be sold by public aue- $13.75. Taide 27th Apri No. 1 Shed, G.T.P. Wharf. of rooting Goods consist canned goods, ma- DENTISTRY van Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency terial, Columbia records, and a lot of other coods. ciead miscellaneous E. McCOSKRIE, . Port Warden. DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; ~ eeateeeaeteaare een sR etiImn at Afternoon, 1,80 to 5.30; Satur- rer ore day, 9 to 12 orly. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT LOLS EOE OOO OL ON OM CCl ee Oe M.M.Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer 112 Acres at Welcome FOR SALE Seven roomed modern house, Harbour stone and cement basement, hot water heating, harbor view. Excel- lent value and easy terms. This in- cludes a double corner. Si, roomed modern house on splendid double corner Fifth Avenue and Tatlow St, Terms. kight roomed modern house Usha fh scpmeceee pe, for heating plant, and all in splendid or condition, and on easy terms, $550 SPOT CASH. Good level building lot for $300. Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 324 Second Avenue on The best residential double her in the City on easy’ terms, cor The Windsor Hotel, with Furni ture, at an attractive price. M. M. Stephens heal Estate Insurance Financial Agent THE DASLY NEWS —E=— Is Economical. The Coupons which it carries -- redeemable for useful articles -- are a further economy. Sm tee me ee re Church Notices mt mt tt et et et ee Oe First Baptist Church Morning Con- if a.m Subject: ‘Love's quest. Bible School 2:30, Even- ne 7:30. Subject: “The Fool and his Paradise.” Preacher, Rev. James Dunlop. First Methodist Church. Morn- ing 11 a.m. Communion, and re- ception service for new members. Sunday School 2:30, Evening 7:30 Supject “This is the Lord’s do- ing and is marvellous in our eyes” 4 3 * . > 0 eee * Rev. T. OH. Nuttall, Preacher. arine surance Subscribers to The News * Fit -Presnyteren ore a re asked to-pay tt . »| Momning if a.m. Rev, H. G, Grant are askec ‘ dé ie de. L s o * will preach, Subject Life's As agents for the Union * livery boys each month * aes aoe * Sundav School 42:30 Insurance Society of Canton * when they call, except * outta saethals 30 Mrs J F a British company—we where payment has been * Se e aes ae cam insure Bede (er the your in edz o|insrem of Rangoon will addres Cargoes of all descrip- Jj* vane. The boys when * i sealants a tions. collecting carry official re- *) a a Barges, Scows, etc., Plea- * ceipts which should al- h mm the Great War Velerans sure Boats and Fishing oan ae oe eee @| memorial service tomorrow night Boats. = ithe following will take part: The Our rates are reasonable | May the Anglican, Presbyter- and adjustments quickly | iar Methodist and Baptist clergy- made, 6 ip }men; Col. MeMordie, St. Andrew's pamapepeodnent , SINCE $1870 fj | Pipe Band, the Westholme Or- ° , lehestra, augmented; Mrs. Dalby McCaffery, Gibbons ‘ H | Mor®ill, and J. Stnart Pudney. iCommunity singing Collection DRO’ | 30 stoPsCOUGHS iy War Memorial Fund tt seceueeesseaseaeess TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY * *esepeepeecegen a8 i's e / WANTED—Any one of following rifles: 3 British 1895 model, sporting Lee-Enfleld, 280 of | { Ross 30 U. S. 1906, or os ng Springfield same cal Best price paid Apply P. O. box 955, City. vy I} WANTED Competent Steno gcrapher Apply to Mr. Baldwin Grand Trunk Pacific Coast 8.8. Co. o8 FOR SALE Peterboro canoe— Apply EF. J Express ollice. Davis, Canadian Phone 300 AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE—Wednesday next April 28th, at sharp 6th Avenue at Hart Apartments between Fulton St. and Metho dist Church; of dining and bed- 2:30 p.m mm suites, also kitchen furni- | ture Geo. Leek, Auctioneer , SKRENA® CAND RECORDING DIVISION ' DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE j ISLANDS ! ' | TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of if , i 5 ai and " and wonder t “ be 1 3 Commer ge at &@ post planted at north-east corner of DI 27% bee east BO chains then uth & chains thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 hair : I t f commencement Dated this 21st f¢ ber. 101¢ day ¢ etobe WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION of October 1919 LEARY, Apt 21st day WILLIAM J Dated this licant Have They? | What is the diamonds ’ As charm ¢an only be challengeable As fine their eharts about ornaments described a4 un an investment in ee tc on What Charm vaiue as well a8 pleasure there is equal them the limited dented demand it may iid that fine diamonds will contin to advance in price We already timation cf this Write us about your requirements ; Our Mail Department gives personal | ittention enquiry hothing t Owing tw supply and ihe unprece ifely be hav ever | 38 ee ee | DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for ‘ enee t prospect for cos! ani petroleum on and under thy following lescribed lands Commencing at a post planted a; the north-east corner f pl 2799. thence I th. 80 chains, thence east 80 chains thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 hats to point of commencement c ~ f ‘s Q PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. { | Local News Notes Thomas Dawe of Port Essing ton arrived in town today. John Bulger returned from the south on this morning’s steamer, Jack Labrash, of Alice Arm, an rived from the south this morn- ing. . "* . Morris Soskin, the Stewart bar- irister, is in town today en route north. \ special fish train of five cars pulled out at 12:30 today for the east, Le , (9 f New Models in Dr CSSeCS SOS OR ORS eS 8 UR es SOSIEISIEISISIGK I YESS wees © ON MINN NN ho Lig ONG wit We are showing some beaut ’ ful models if serge and sali dresses, Serge drésses are niade from a wool cloths, and handsomely en No two the bromered embody both inese dresses latest in Alyle from ideas miming. Proced $37.50 to $67.50 — > > > Fred. Stork returned from 4 business trip on the George this morning. oa © Best Household Lump Coal, $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. lerminal Coal Co, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mahood, of Stewart, are passengers on thé Prince George today. Mrs. T. J. Manks and Miss Irene Marks, of Hyder, are passengers ss . ’ 7 tin ~ on tae LreurRe tluouay ivi ayuri . . . Captain Rutledge, a mining en gineer arrived from the south today on his way fo Alice Arm. . . Just arrived! Shipment of tons of New Welljngton coal; also large shipment of double dressed fir, doors, windows, flooring, etc Inspector Marchant, of the Canadian Customs, arrived from the south today en route to Stew- art. 500 Maurice Shockley was among the passengers booked for Ru pért on the G. T. P. steamer this nrorning. The Misses Scott entertained i imber of friends at tive hun dred last evening at their hom- on Borden Street. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Brynoldson eturned from Victoria this morn- heir little daughter ac- ompanied them ing W. E. Walker and son, of the Naas River, were arrivals in the eity yesterday and are Pegistered rt the Hotel Prince Rupert. Last Sunday the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James McKay at Hazelton was destroyed by fire. On Honday the Harold Gray was also completely destroyed, residence of Db. W. Bone, purser of the / J Ladies’ Poplin Dresses | | Some new models made in t : popular silk, ni ely embroiders ; Priced from yt) $22.50 to window $27.50 ‘f dresse 7 our ee suils and coats YOO TIE. EI SOS45S 268 46:5%5.4450-,. — . ww oR +P elf ee IT > *8e « ° Wee LONE ee pan eg * wo at . wa wis ai IRA AAA FFF H.S. Wallace Co.. Ltd Corner of Third Ave. and Fulton S: Phone 9 ¢ = Goldbloom’' | Quits | Mrs. Goldbloom arrived from \ ver ths Prince Rupert, has been married to Miss Protich, of Victoria, and they are now on their honey moon trip to England, says the} Vanconver Province Trim and neat aflen her an- ial overhaul, the Prince George reached port on time this morn-| ing from the south inaugurating | the new G. T. P. The George will proceed to Btew- ' summer service art at 10 o'clock tonight and will} maintain this sailing dumng the) sen son She returns to Vancou-! ver tomorrow at midnight. Select dances will be held each Wednesday ommencing Killas hall, | evening ¢ April 28th in the new De Luxe, Third Avenue. his hall has without doubt the finest dancing floor in the city. He i freshments will be served in the' ice cream parlomn. Gray's Orches- | tra has been engaged for the sea-|} son. Mr. Ed. Crages will act as oor manager. Invitations are} out, but those who have been un avoidably overlooked may obtain | same from Mr. and Mrs. Mel voy | who are ppomoting these dances CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Adams, of Port Ke. | sington, takes this opportunity | of thanking all the kind friends} for their sympathy with her in| her recent bereavement and makes | mention of those who presented | weaths: B. A, Cannery Crew, Mr. | ind Mrs, Harris, Mr. and Mrs. | Davis, Mr. and Mrs, Letnes, Mr. | and Mrs. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vick, Mr. and Mrs, Fraser, H, Robinson and daughter, M. Ohaski, H, Kishimoto, Port Essington In- dian Band, Caledonia Hotel, Bal- moral staff and employees, Mra. Ktosa Herring, Anchor from Port Essington school teacher and scholars, Mr, and Mrs. L, B Crane, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Frizzell, Mr. and Mrs. J, 8. McDonald, Mra Kirby, Bishop Du Vernet, and T. Dawe, and the managers of the Skeona River canneries. | Launch “Alice B,” Phone 41, | morning and is putting o garment in stock. 25 per cent. off everything Will either sell-or re: possible to run two shops— h« Remaining stock must | in Vancouver. itayt € -- ip Land Co. Lit. Street 101 Pemberton Block I VICTORIA Lots for Sale All Parts of the Town Listings of Business Lo' rrART EWARI HELGERSON, LTD ° ° LO EO S — = oi — COOLED EEOROEAOEEEEROOEETEE HEEFT ” THEO COLLART, Not: Buy a cheap Home.--7 room Il: oT. papered, bath, outbuilding $2300.00; Easy Te! nce Fine insuray” ties s MARINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE p. 0, Rot 0 Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Bloch aeanen rn ial + OOO OS OE COPOT EI OOF ee Subscribe for The Daily New! setae tc }umbia The Leading Daily of Northern British ©?