iF 7 a ey a a he s* Pre + fe wi ~ Te. hed J a ah < - —— Monday, April 26, 1920. eer 7 Brandram’'s WHITE Genuine ~ LEAD HEY used it for the stage-coach of olden days in England—we use it in Canada today. Compare it with any other white lead or white paint, and you will decide that your house—or anything you wish to have truly white and remain white—must be painted with this brand which has survived as the leading white lead for nearly two centuries. Thinned with linseed oil and turpentine, it makes a perfect white paint. Combined with coloring matter, it makes the satisfactory tinted paint of any shade. It is the basis for that finest of ready-mixed paint, B-H “English” Paint. Made in a modern Canadian factory, and by the same process as was employed for its manu- facture by its inventor in England, it is teday the only survivor of all the patented white lead processes of that earlier generation. It has survived because it results in a white lead of exceptional fineness, whiteness and durability. For Sale by Parkin-Ward?Electric Co.,* Ltd. PRINCe RUPERT, B.C. BRANDRAM-HENDERSON MONTREAL RALIFAR ST.vOMN TORONTO winniwee MEDICINE HAT CALGARY EOMONTON VANCOUVER LL asipaihieecemenesenessininetea ce Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. OC. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. SP EE 8 THE VANDERHOOF HOTEL — mee VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel That Is A Home. Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service European Plan. arage and Livery in connection, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT JAS. F. McCORMACK - - = Manager E. H. SHOCKLEY Reopening in new works at Cow Bay With additional Machinery and affull stock of Doors, Windows, D.D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar Boat Lumber, Oak, Glass and Marine Paint Phone 383] Quick Delivery by own Truck La Casse Bakery for * : . Bread Buns Rolls Pastry Pound Cake Pies Wedding Cakes a Specialty Phone 190 Auto Delivery NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. -~ WAS UNABLE , 10 GET POST | Despite Long Service and Recom- mendations Dr, Inglis Could Not Re-establish. (Special via G6. T. P. Telegrapns | OTTAWA, April 24.—The ses- lsion of the special committee on ipensions and re-establishment iwas today featured by a clash be- ltween the Director of Medical Services in the Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-establishment land several members of the com imittee. Dr. A. 8S. Inglis, in stated that he was nefused a po sition with the re-establishment bureau in Vancouver because the nid the stand lunit Gflicials there did not want him appointed. This was in spit of the faet of his claim that he ~ had been recommended by James Lougheed, the minister o! that department. Dr. Inglis had a wide experience in X-ray work and had served four and a half years overseas Returning to Canada he found dif- ficulty in getting re-established and sought vainly for a position with the Department of Soldiers Civil Re-establishment and a pen- sion. WOMEN UNDER THIRTY WILL NOT YET OBTAIN ENGLISH FRANCHISE Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, April 26 By a vote of 13 to 9, the congnittee of the House of Commons have laid on the table the Labor pamy’s Fran chise Bill under which women would be given the vote at the age of 21, the same as men. Th rill passed its second reading on February 27, with a unanimous vote. According to political pro edure the bill then went to ct committee for amendment. Under the provision of the bill, the present voting axe of women, which is 30 years, would have been reduced to 21, adding five million more voters to the remiss ter, IS GOING FARMING NEAR OOTSA LAKE John Morrison, Old Timer and War Veteran, Left for Interior This Morning. John Morrison, who has been vyorking for the city as a black- ith for the past two years, left this morning for Ootsa Lake e he has taken up land and ntends to farm Before his de parture Mr. Morrison was made the recipient of a handsome sil- ver mounted pipe by the city em ployees and the G. W. V. A. joint- ly. He replied suitably and ex- pressed his appreciation to the mavor, city council and employees | and particularly to Road Foreman Malcolm McLeod, whom he men- tioned as always doing the right thing by the returned men. Mr: Morrison is a real old timer of the North, having been engaged on the G. T. P. in early con- struction. In 1915 he enlisted in this city with the 72nd battalion, Cc, E. F. and served throughout the war. He has made a wid circle of friends and has always been held in high regard with all those whom he came in touch with. He is confident of the future of+ Prince Rupert and the North gen- erally and, though a man of mid age, he has decided to stake all in the North and with that object in view is going farming in the Ootsa valley. RAILROADERS WON SATURDAY’S GAME Appearance “tm New Players and Referee was a Notable Feature of Game. Still more new falent was dis- jcovered in football playing last Saturday in the football game be- tween the Trail Athletics and the G. T. P. when the latter were victorious by a 3-4 score, The score for the Trail was scored by Sid Hardy while Fanthorpe kicked in two of the railway goals jand Roberts the other. Referee | McCulloch made his first appear jance as arbiter and proved highly ilinesmen were “Doc” Clapperton \for the Trail and Bob Warrior for ithe G. T. P, grin HTHIRE ITERATE ATTEN TNA jsatisfactory to both sides. The : THE DAILY NEWS A ate — ATISFIES “Wee MacGregor’ DRAG SAW THE ORIGINAL LIGHT WEIGHT PORTABLE OPERATED DRAG SAW 4&4 Power GASOLINE PLANT (Frequentiy tmitated Never & jualled ‘1 » T YEE MacGREGOR” 1 r i! : , : pensive E i accurate ¢ of « inder any ¢ ) raped water. With equal i “4 i ; . and or up to seve leet i i , size and rant bh ent g Ange log i it from either green or dry logs, 20 to 9) cords of wood a day. Bo. light is its we t asil; carried can move it on the log 1 two men fr ii 4a"lae, ~ TS few cow, yee One mas seconds, a 4-foot log ig 3 minutes and a 6-foot log in 6 minutes Se in 0 gasoline, oi! and grease is apy ately 4 cents a cord. ae simple it can be operated and kept iu ord a gy va ee ea ae to the feed cutter, the p. the ef 4 irneased We carry in stock at all times in our Vancouver V ; t service parts, In case of emergeney ther ' r wait for POUUUUUA TUG GUAEEREDEGEEESOOUUO OOD SEUEEOEEERREGURERMOGEN GOES EEOURETODALOOU LUTTE ADA USES ET EEEL EEE AEEDEDEDEOREEEEGEEPEDESELEPUD DES S SOG ON DLE ELLE Write For Our New Illustrated Folder. Sent Free If You Mention This Paper WEE MacGREGOR oe SAW MANUFACTURING CO. 310 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. r SOUT SUMAAUEDEEELETAUELSUCAAUUA UNA ERAEEUENOTNTTNAT Ne reagan Tee A: SUULLELEONDALEENEY ERT EOE LETT ELON EE LECCE ener eet caer re Se Se) . IN THE LETTER BOX ; NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS * * * 7 se anaes ue sheesh “a abieean: | N E Ww M A R I N E a one hawatlan asst To the Editor Equipped for building and repairing & his petition was brought & me by Mr. Crane, of the Genera Bus Service, when I was just te gob outdo tne wall. Be tn- Seal Cove Marine Ways, | Lid, get out Nn. BHWOODWORKING, BLACK SMITH AND M Beast equipped pla: formed me that it was a petition A. Swan President urging the improvement of the hice Red 381 Phone Green my ty etreets ro I wa 7 willing to sign it in this pury i Afts vards I fo { * thet LAND Atl er mantl niained a iuse askine fi the | fYearm No. 6 dis sal of Mr. McLeod as sd} FOKM OF NOTICE n - superintendent—something I hac] ! , . eas . ; me. - ' rei LANAI ’ issed in the hurry =. id | MID TMS. 6 ’ ASSIAN J now the petitior tained any TAKE NOTICE that | a Mal h clause I would not havel; gy ge Ry oe or, 4 ' understand tl many ‘ as the following sTtibed is : ii I i ul al an Commencing @1 6 post planted at 6 f + most valeabit others signed the petition who did high water eon Ue Weaterty ‘ fy ie ; i . I ' 7 the Portisnd Cansl, on We Aor BD - . ‘ wlice this clause was veryic, fi 434. Cassar D . in t . ginitified to learn that a majority |! reviee of Britiah Columbis, distant ® waeTees, & minutes ast, of the coun il had ised their good : 1 tires jundred snd Ww a’ sis hb feet f > ie idgment in opposing M Me on 48a ee Leod's dismissal ae et lee § ae + cout : 1 & degrees 19 2 R. M. WALKER hundred and ten feet, “4 a | a | m s Weat ed 6 vet ile 7 u water line t therly to point of nm HAMAR GREENWOOD cae ton corer Poa ot ome a TELLS OF HIS WIFE) “" “ ‘fiom, wasnt, syrvy.,, m8 is Date ih January, i984 ocaaaer Lisame canna REET Thanking Her Publicly Says that ‘AND AC'l | Fred Joudry She, too, Has Political vt No. 9.) | . Ambition. von OF NOTICE j [Practical Optometnst Prince R . en Tr ‘ PMINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT sird Ave LONDON, April 26 in Hamas DISTRICT OF CASSIAR Thu ae Greenwood, in paying a tribute : i . ne ¢ ae TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabe! Sn tc hia wife for help he received it ‘ Duncan, British Columbia, occupat . uy > ' : : : bpineter intends t apply for peru om contesting the Sunderland ele i pureiase the rollowlne described lands: | = tion, yesterday divulged a fanii’s Cammenciig at @ post planted at the ppaaceereertttet 7 : ih West and only South corner of Lot) o ecret by stating that his wife i 434 Portiand§ Canal Cassier uth hecoame . ‘ . vrovinece f Britieh Columbia; Sout kely to become a candidate f (cgrees 06 minutes Kast, three ino : partiament herself before long feet thence Nort a 34 degrees 64 ™ r —— tLast, two tor 1) epee huodre ‘ and n rt) feet more or lees thence; North 65 GO) emma grees 06 minutes West, two thousand five} mdred and fifty feet more or leas thence; ‘orth #5 degrees 55 minutes West, f hundred feet thence; South following ed ater line to point of comment ement | Approustiimal eres one hundred and for } r acres, ih ‘ | LENORA MABEL auMiTh | by her agent, A. A. Forsyth Adar Hate #th January, 1920. | MINERAL ACT, were TENDERS FOR COAL, SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un dersigned and endorsed “Quotation for (Porm F coal, Dominion Buildings, British Colum ' N bia,” Will _be received until 12 o'clock noon, CEATIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Monday, May 17, 1020, for the supply of } coal for the public buildings throughout NOTICE | the = rovines f British Columbia ae set Combined specification and form of ten Kitaol No, 1 “Kitsol No, 3." Cau phon der can be obtained from the Purechasing[ No. 1 Sunset No. 2," “Maud Met ime Agent, Department of Public Works, Ot nd Sporteman Mineral Claims, awa uid from the Caretakers of the] n the Neas River Mining Division of Cas different Dominion Bulldings ar Distriet; fron Tenders will not be considered unless Where located About 24 miles fr made on the forma supplied by the De-|head of Alice Arm, on Kitzault River, ‘0! partment and in accordance with the con TAKE NOTICE that. Lewis Ww. Paw : ditions set forth therein rree Miner's Licence No, 31018 ©, as saieg 1 and jer Fach tender must be accompanied by an r Wiliam Martin, of Seattle W a s girs ORO on accepted cheque on a chartered bank pay ton, U 8 A, Free Miner's Certificate int : f het jrease Wo able to the order of the Minister of popti 1715 C. intends, sixty days trom the Saas + clase be ping Works, equal to 40 p. ¢, of the amount of |hereof, 20 apply to the Mining Recorder ' ris roy Om the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Do r a CertiNeate of Improvements, (ln ty satimaree Oneet minion will also be accepted a8 security,|[ purpose of eotatning . Crown Oran ry gsti™ nett 8 or war bonds and cheques if required tc h of the above claim | we make up an odd a q and further take notice that action oe nick AND oe noror® My “order, r section 85, must be commenced f wm | 4 - KC DESROCHFRS « teauance of such Certinent 0 i Secretary provements ap. 1090.) 2 Department of Publie Works, Dated this 2nd day of April cent | Ottawa, Ont, April 1@, 1920 LEWIS W, PATMOR