(920, —— FOLLOWERS OF = FATHER DUNCAN ARE RETURNING Lis) Have Made Formal Application to Be Taken Back to Church Missionary Society. A « - __ Bulky Rugs Washed for you Laundering heavy rag and THE DAILY NEWS ALDERMAN DYBHAYN GOT BIG SURPRISE Number of Friends Invaded His Home and Gave Him Birth- day Present. | — A number of friends of Alder nan Dybhavn gave him a great! urprise the other evening by in- ading his home on the occasion} 1 its ess washable rugs at home is f his birthday. homes TO NEW METLAKATLA slow work, especially in these (mong those participating in ABOUT 32 YEARS AGO as spring days when the “raid” were the following: i . oe sort of drying Mr. and Mrs. GC. G. R. Anderson, | has That the Indians of the Tsimp- ake et is so seldom avail- Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hallberg, Mrs. there sean tribe who broke away from @ “4 f Geo, Fritz, Mrs. Christina John- | the Church Missioaryn Society ee minutes, you as on. Mrs. O. Hanson, Mrs. Carroll ure Bi ith “Father” William Dune pack up half this heavy work amd: Menaee: B. aeees with ath iliam Dunean at theusedentin 4 he and Mes S. Haugen, John re ev some 32 years ago and went to os és ae i bom + Bergman and Ed Frantzen ed New Metiakatia, where an inde- a i Delicious refreshments were our modern way. ' elold pendent mission was established, Th serwed by the party and at the} are returning as a body to the en, too, your floor and table Mr. Frantzen as spokesman bath mats, which soil so : fold of that society under Arch- > bi oe ad n an eloquent speech expressed : nick! ‘oba - bishop Du Vernet and Archdeacon oe ae a aes bl the feelings of the guests and cific Milk Co. Collison is the word that is \ 5 i ianded Mr, Dybhavn a beautiful ; oug fr » Kines Mis- : ace reading lamp in memo ‘ 2 Limited brought om the Kincolith Mis Let us lighten this to: a i i? lamp in memory of the P Pe iver, 8.0 oe: Rast work, and at the same time oa : flavors like the rare § ’ ‘ : ‘aatle +e { t re n enjoyable me was ape P erorY AT LADNER, @ © During , +. . ea , ae help you make your home rs , ae , ee 7 2 number 0 1ese natives belong- brighter with old rugs washed ans rs party broke up in the ————— |jng to the Salvation Army, the} to look like new wee hours in the morning pyram Ss 0 Pp Kpworth League, Church Army | Have our driver call for , _ - ati a as a1 : and oe ae nee came | your bundle. Telephone PROPOSAL T0 SELL B th y are iown n ' "1 "i ae; o - : down to Kincolith Mission whene | Soy. ecause the a number of services were held WARSHIPS T0 CHILI . TOR K’ While there formal application CANADIAN long-lasting. i for their reception into the STEAM BY GREAT BRITAIN | SELI Church Missionary Society was LAUNDRY gid ot ) ae made and, it is understood, that PHONE 8 SAN DIEGO, Cal April 26 i And WRIGLEY’S is a beneficial V E, this reception will be granted. Negotiations between Chili and T O Great Celebration. Great Britain for the purchase of} as well as long-lasting treat. Great was the celebration e » tothe , irships by the forme: country, | eel x among the visitors and the hosts Send ndry are nearing Completion. igestion ed mak- during this reunion Services | Great Britain has offered al it helps appetite and d faa i 3 (3. Still in were held in plenty and a general . - dreadnaught, three first class de-/ keeps teeth clean and breath feeling of rejoicing was rife strovers, and an auxiliary ship at} business : pstroy Se an ¢ ary at} use in among them Great enthusiasms QTR EL MERGER what is said to be an exceedingly sweet, allays thirst. — was manifested in their singing} low price. - ert and th eit fevol ‘ "> i . and their ¢ ion to Christianity | — as taught them by the hardy and ARRANGEMENTS CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL 5 w S AT brave missionaries of many de- | Cc 9 nomiations half a century ago} clabilectiasin e red Stork’ |{wouid indeed be a source of erati-| MONTREAL, April 26—Tenta. | Sealed Tight— j ation to then ld they have jtive arrmangeme nis a reported ; aces St Hardware seen it, jcomplete for the merge if Cana- > wad ri, = e . ‘ L\VENUDE The story ¢ f how the village | an Steel Companies It is indi-|}| Cee j Ri h Phone Black 114 of New Metlakatla was founded/ cated that the total capital ™ TIMBER SALE X 2002. over thirty years ago by “Father” | amount to $500,000,00 ey i a Duncan has been the subject of Sealed jers = _. eived by the | Al0 } ; ‘ ' Lal > , ai ‘ 4 +e u : many stories and the influence **) ASHTON VILI A WINS [tbe 6th day of May 198 for om = ae ae had over the Indians was r¢ mark- | lfeet of ‘od Spruce, Hemlock and Bal le. W math in August,| sam on an area situated Big Lake es ne ct EW ost = ith his death in Aug Rilersiie Chat Rang Coast District’ | NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. | WATER NOTICE. 1918, they have been left without Two (2) ye will be allowed f , h. 5. C. Chapter 115. i vIVERSION AND USE — - it val f timbe cimetanen ; . a leader, practically, and their re- ry art f the Chief Foreste the Kieanza Gompany, Limited, of Usk, | — te to the ‘ginal missionary LONDON Apri 24 Ashton 7 ' r, Prince | British Columbia, bereby gives notice thai | TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose turn to the original m mar) ly r . the English footbaltt ’ ection 7 of the said Aet,|*ddress is Alice Atm, b. C., will society is a matter that is of great] * wom uw Pane cae leposited with the Minister of Public oe 6 Bowne 3 tatice | = +o P icup fron sdderafield at t-heis¢ vorks 0 : ; - a ; < fon ; abo “ gratification to the recognized|©UP ‘rom Huddersfield a wreras at OSS, oof ae ik One on siny |feet of waler out of Clearwater River whieh : . : sb» grounds by a score of f to 0 District uf Prince Rupert prince Hupert flows southerly and drains into the Kitssult society but could, at the sam okie teak © played and the al | British Columbia, @ description of the site | Kiver abcut 22 pas from the bead of the e ave eo . le . xira Vime was prays ne 7s | am ans of ver: sriak Rope-|'Mlet of Alice Arm. ane, mave peer - wp Di a6 ar “hte ndance was 50,000 ¥ - ae a Taner, wrenened ‘to be | The storage-dam will be located peer Father” Duncan's death - allt over the said Skeena River at Usk, | Papacity outta sepervelr 80 Pieces For the occasion of the re-| GRANBY BAY SCHOOL vrs cpabia, the He read on Dis-|% about 450 acre-feet, and it will mood union the new electric light plant ct Le is pampered 1437 and 833, Range | vous eed from. ae soon a will . Coast District. e ci : ed o or NOTICE TU NTRA RS > STICE _|dam and will be used for power for at Kincolith was turned on for) TIMBER SALE X 2338. ER the °%;| mining purposes upon the mine ¢ the first time It is NOW POT) conten TENDERS nite ar 1 by th ihe first publication of this notice the | 8 he climax Group. soe ink ane _- As opers i . oa y sealed tenders will be received by © | csi leat Compar > u is Potice Was pos on ground manenily established and operat- ie Grammy Sey * ein | oe ster, Prince Rupert, B.C. BOt! Sttion 7 of the. said ee ie el the 26th day of January, 1920. ing iby the Hos | ate 1 on the 29th day of April. | win ‘of Public Works at his office in A copy of this notice and an tien : Works uy ‘ “ : 2 purchase of Licence X 2338 | ine City of Ottawa, for approval of the ursuani thereto and to the “Water Act, . a ' toe i bh “i, B.c., ¢ st 425,000 feet | “Ts Site and plans, and for leave to con-| 1914," will be filed in the oMfice of be the S6th day of Af . i S Balsam, and 5,06 lin. feet} ciruct the said Aerial Rope way Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. : ARMENIAN REPORT n and mplet fa ri | i : i Dated at Prince Kupert, B.C., this SZist| .Ubjections to the application may be p 4] \ S . Granby Bay in the A ' . a : allowed for removal | 4. of January, A.D. 1920. sled with the sald Water Recorder or with ¢ re at Oran nt KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, be Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlisa- ] GOT LITTLE TIME Oe a ; er the Chief F t Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors nent Buildings, Victoria, B. U., within KA MIME. ele. Plane and sp : \ i Db t For —— — | hirty days ater oe first appearance of ani after 1 tet at te i B 5 a his notice in a local Bewspaeper. FROM THE SENATE)": °c." . MEA AT ne eae at ek A ay ' . sori) ’ NER — | ate of the firs icat Nilvers d st House Vat ver MINER a, AvI Certificate of Improvem*nts. | }otice is February 5, ib20. > MeM Feq Form j Tee ‘ l es (Special via &. T. P. Telegrepns.) — ' NOTICE ' ; 1 rat . Anett me | rt House, Prince } : : ERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS | KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral | LAND ACT. DP / roy . i . rill 24 ie re- H. And Esq ve gens - | aims, situate in the Bella Coola ining | ena DBROTHERS . ; ‘ NOTICE | sales. Coast District. * Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase ; port that Canada would be givert| ras ae 1 Work toe | Where _ located:——West side of Dean) Land. ndate nis ant a oe , ’ . Wolf’ Mineral Claim, situate in the} channel, North of ascade Inlet in Range! —_ 4 Green a mandate over Armenia if Nor- } Victoria, B. ¢ (aas River Min as pivisioe of Cassiar Dis- | *c mt District, ce ° | m Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- refully way refused to accept sut ho an| int g tenderers can obits ne copy t TAKE NOTICE hat 1. BUGE ARs HIBALD | trict eos const = = situate = alate ' ‘ ; by ying t t Near the bead of Alice| IACLEAN, as Agent fer SMELTERS 5S 5 land, near obligation was given little, if any, [ef plans ane sm o . " 5 in ° st | (OMPANY, Free Miner's. Certificate No. north end. redit wher fiscussed I the ['™ fersigned with & deposit of Ter Take » that 1 J.E Stark, Free] ,939, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean crews we : ro oe ]iotiars (6 wi wilt t ded | dine ertificate No. 20386C, intend,| ereof, to apply to the Mining Reex rder | Falls, B. G.. ocoupation wees. a Renate to Sir James Loughees » rel ' ty days fr Se date hereof, to apply| or « CertiNcate of Improvements for each | ¢PPy or permission to purchase ° — sid « ryt M day if * ~ : , _ nw et ‘ . x Mi : . ve oan t "3 wot incate of | aa oie for the Durpose of obtaining | owing aeoeree ene sane tan wae ee ee mat, as for as he s&nev i oe lowest r a Or provemet purpose of obtaining} Crown Grant of the above claims. ' Commencing at & pos e f ‘Ts { ot eve ware |*artly 4 epted (Crown ra the = ve claim } oy rurther take notice ‘that action un- mile north of N.W. cor. Lot 897; thence government was not even awa , EB POREMAN, Ana further take notice that action, un-| er Section 85, must be commenced before porth 40 chains; thence west 40 nie) , ) » kine as to ' neines er section 8 sust be commenced before| he issuance of such Certificate of Im-/ bence sou chains; ; that anything of the kind wa Public Works Ens ter ovance ot ich Certificate of Im rovements. |shains, and containing 160 acres, more oF ; be suggested put Works Department vemet ts eee BP Ss ee fo MARK SMABY a seni wee ; Vietoria, B. ¢ Dated this 3rd day of riil, 1920 1920. + . I t ce 20t 019. Advertise in the Daily New | March 23rd, 19? J. EB. STARK H. A. MACLEAN. Dated December 29th, 1019 = a —— ‘ = ——_—_—— Pool Room - Gene Byrnes Says:—“Here’s the M usic—Write Your Ow n Words.” 21 Third Ave. 5 ete EE The Em ress Hote} Pee IGARS SODA Two per ce ae ent. Beer)"; POPP mens AO OO Om | Meee. Mieessateee eT OM LEE CO. BAO Sac Second Avenue, West, VEGETABLES ctholesale and Ratal! Neral Contractor “abor and Exchange Pringg Rupe hone 547 Upert, B. OG. P.O Box 725 Pane Age, Beware of countertolte