Pe Ea) name - ore of compterfelts ind its ew homes it has ause there Nk ip the te were 80 inces worked it- house hola » ific Milk Co. Limited Drate &t., Vancouver, 8.0. MCTORY AT LADNER, 8. OC. TORK’ SELL OVE Revs commenced mak- toves in 1843. Still in ame line of business Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ON SALB AT ed Stork’s Hardware SOND AVENUR Plone Black 114 Dealers in HK ALSOMIME, etc. lversides} PROTHERS Second Street t 120 Phone 156 Green Nef town orders carefully attended to Opposite ¢ Empress Hote! * and Metal) Contractor "6 Labor Exch chee, and Local News Notes Central Tabor Council meete« jtonight at 8 o'clock in MeIntyr« | Hall, it . > . | Best Household Lump Coal,! $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85, Termina! Goal Oo. | . . . Lan- | the and Pat Anyox this morning J. M. Lawrence ders arrived from iChelotisin on Launch Provincial for ar Wednesday noon, Phone Red 3914} Prince Hupert Boat House. it! A. W. Garter, of Oceanie can. armved an town jand expects to return Thursday. | j | nery, yesterday one eS | Just arrived! Shipment of 500] tons of New Wellington coal; also shipment of double windows, flooring, large ir, dressed | doors, etc, | that all} taxes, local improve-| iment general, pay- able on July 30 was passed at last! night's council meeting, A bvilaw providing municipal and become Phe Callies players in & nights game will be selected from Campbell, Wigging Black, Stlew-| art, Sellars, Wood, Mitchell, King- horn, Mefzies, Martin, MeLean| and Kelly. ' | morrow | ' discussed the the local last night! left it over meeting of rhe city council report of the vetment mayor on Ue and have wup quest committee another committer if till | of the Alice this morn} naget tank from i the Chelohesir nearing ne of rangements are r the openi the if ight’s) was) . Perry steted at last i | meeting that if there y-law pequiring living along sewer lines to! that he law. ty all! por pete bee samme a by nnected with d ints such duce . * ° services of Harry L. are to be wou The Wigh- ton, of Vaneouver, ob-} tained this city to study < street question with view 0) permanent work, according to a) decision of the council last night. . . . A letter from A. Akerberg, Am- brose Ave., drawing attention to {he unsafe condition of the wand | road on that street was referred the council to the Board of! action at last night a, by a by Works for Oe . . > d Trunk team for to- ghit'« with the iCGallies will be chosen from Wal- dorf: Hamilton, Fanthorpe; Har- rison, Meliravey; Foote, Roberts, Eddie Smith, Price, Fanthorpe;| Reserves Alexander, Stanley Armstrong and Millwate: b ae Mre A. Davis of Wrangell left ow the halibut schooner Washing-| ton this for Ketchikan | from which port she will proceed | to Wrangell where Mrs. Davis’ en was recently killed. Mrs. tampbell received the infor- mation while she was visiting at Campbell Hiver > > disposition of discussion rrow dirar frame Srmith morning sad 2 j ashes came! at last council meeting and Ald cleared the matter up by! stating that the city engineer was in communication with the city authorities. at Victoria where a ash and garbage remoyal/ rhe in for night's some Casey model system is in vogue. Select dances will be held each Wednesday evening commence ing| April 28th in the new Killas hall, De Luxe, Third Ave. This hall | has without doubt the finest danc- ing floor in the city, Refresh- ments will bo served in the ice cream parlor. Gray's Orchestra has been engaged for the season, Mr. Ed. Crages will act as floor manager. Invitations are out, but those who have been unavoidably overlooked may obtain same from Mr. and Mrs. McEvoy who are promoting, these dances. tf MINERAL ACT Certificate of “improvem*ate. NOTICE KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral Slaima, mtpee in - welle Coola Mining ivision of Coast Diatric Where locateds—West side of Dean ‘Depa, ee rh of Cascade Inlet in Range SOMby stri TAKE NOTICE. ‘that I, HUGH ARC HIBALD 1ACLEAN, a8 Agent for SMELTENS STREL ONPANY, Free Miner's Certifcate No. ‘ntend., sixty days from the date to ty to the Minin Recorder ore certince of Improvements for f said claims for the purpose of Crown Grant of the above claims, And further take notice that action un er ection 85, must be commenced before ha issuance of such Certifcste of Im: rovements. vena ibis isi day of January, A, D H, A, MACLEAN, backbone of Experience, Because these surface. grade rubber is quantities. Goodyear has solved the problem of belting the great main drives of industry—the Canadian plants, says Good- year Extra Power Belts. with the strength of properly se- lected fabric, every thread” perfect. Yet fontble, bagging pulleys, thing advantage of every inch of pulley Flexible because in Good- year Extra Power Belting high- through the fabric in generous Every strand is cush- a an caAILy NEWS a The main drwwe im the moll of Glowcester Lumber and Trading Co., Goodyear Extra Power Belt still in use after 5 years’ service. Zine ATT totopen tat ses tee ON Uf iff Pili Wl iy production. Its in a thousand belts are strong— forced through and ioned in it. or weaken the belt. of plies. Te Hy Master Belts of Indus e There are many others—some selected at random friction surface grips, through dampness or dust. slipping with Extra Power. need for extra tight belts, pulling pulleys out of line. belt dressing. No lost power. The testimony for Goodyear Extra Power on main drives is very com- plete. For instance:— The Norfolk Milling Company, of Simcoe, writ drive belt, purchased a year ago, say:— “Has been in continuous operation for one year, and has not stretched nor given us the slightest bit of trouble.” about their No stitching to stiffen No separation No need for are: Stordish Crucible Steel Company, Lid., Windsor, Ont Dominion Sugar Company, Lid., Chatham, Onts Dominion Forge and Stamping Co., Lid., Walkerville, Ont, Page Wire Fence Company of Canada, Lid., Walerile,Onk, even No No Lid., Woodstock, N.B. Echo Flour Mills, Lid.,’ Gladstone, Man. P. Burris Company, Lid., Edmonton, Aha, Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mi-es Co, Lid., Timmins, Ona.’ Dome Mines Company,|Lid.,3South Porcupiaty Ont Burrard Sew Mills, Lid., Vancouver, B.C. Silverton Lumber abd Piiser Obeapaing, Ld., Sileerton, B.C. — Woodstock Electric Papncy Light and Pomer: Company; att A Ge FER Gloucester Lumbering and Trading Company, Bothesst, NBs lie oe Amherst Foundry Company, Lid., sho seta eck Te Hall Iron and Steel Foundries, Lid., Hull, Qua. Quebec Graphite Co., Lid., Puckingham, Que. The complete story of Goodyear _ tr; ae Belts on main drives is interesting. facts about other types of drives just as of Canada, Limited Branches :—Halifax, St.¥John, Quebee, Montreal Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Lendon, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, | couver. Service stocks in smalier cities: il! Mn At the reeent school meeting an application was re- 'act as substitute teacher. said in her letter that she had seen the advertisement) mn Daily News. The position was age, from Terrace, but it is un- derstoed the lady will come to the city and will aot as occasional substitute until thene is & vacanry. * * . ’ The Board of Works’ recom- mendation fer a minimum wage scale of 67 4%e for city day work- ers was thrown out at last night's couneil meeting, Aldermen Kerr and Casey voting for its adoption and Aldermem Perry,: Dybhayn, NcLennan and Rochester against it. It was deemed inadvisable by the majority of the aldermen. to Mg/place the city under @ bard and fast rule, EE me GERMAN TROOPS HAVE EVACUATED. RUHR. DIST. PARIS, April 26)-—A German note handed to the Foreign Ottice stated that additional troops which had entered the Ruhr Dis- triet had evacuated that district on April 24. board} the }damages when Mrs. A Board of read at A report from. the Works and city solicitor | ceived for a lady at: Edmonton to/last night's council meeting. re-| passed at She| commending that the city was not! mee ting. |responsible and me nat sidewalk pay json fell over a | given to Ww. " Ackroyd, 45 years of jadopted unanimously, GRANBY BAY S80 HOOL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SEALED TENDERS superscribec “Tender | for Granhy Bay School” will be received) Works up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, the 26th day of April, 1920, for the erec tion and completion of a Four Room Schoo) at Granby Bay in the Atiin Electoral Dis- trict, 8B, C, Plans and specifications can be seen on and after April ist at the oMees of J. Mahony, Esq, Government Court House Vancouver, J. H. NeMullin, Esq, Government Agent, Court House, Prince Rupert H, Anderson, Bsq., Government jourt House, Anyox. Or the Department of Public Works, Vietoria, B. C, Intending tenderers can obtain one copy of plans and specifications by applying to the undersigned with a doposit of Ten DoNar® (910,00) which will be on thelr return in good order, ; The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. A. BE. FOREMAN, Public Works Engineer. Public Works Department, Vietoria, B. C., March 28rd, 10920, Agent, Agent, Crate’s | was | by the Honourable the Minister of Public | refunded | for the borrowing of read and| coune il A by-law $10,000 was irftroduced, last night's MINERAL AOT, (Form F.) CERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS. NOTICE “Wolf’ Mineral Claim, situate in the Naas Kiver Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- rict Near the bead of Alice | 4. B. 20386 C, | | | Where located (rm i Take diner’s ixty days from tbe date hereof, © the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of } provements, for the purpose of obtaining Stark, Free that I, intend, No. notice Certincate to apply Crown Grant of the abeve claim } And further take notice that action, un- ler section 85, must be commenced before | he issuance of such Certificate of Im- | ‘rovemer ts Dated this 3rd day of Ape 1920. 4. BE. STARK. TIMBER SALE X 2338. Sealed tenders will Po received by the istrict Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C, pat ater than noon on the 20th day of A g20, for the purchase of Licence’ X RSs war Kitimat, B.C., t cut 425,000 feet f Spruce and Balsam, and 5, 000 lin. feet f Piling Two years will be allowed for removal f timber, Further Victoria, B.C., particulars of the Chief Forester, or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, 8, C, i “LAND ACT. |) Notice of intention to Apply to Purchase! Land. n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- trict of Coast, Range Ill, and situate on the west coast of Calvert Island, near its | north end. |}. Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocesa |Falls, B. C., occupation logger, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the fol- | owing described lands: Commencing at a post planted one half mile north of N.W. cor. Lot 897; thence }Dorth 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; hence south 40 chains; ae MARK SMABY _Dated December 20th, 1919. WATER NOTICE, DIVERSION A AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that | M. P. Olsen, whose address is Alice Arm, B. C., will a ube | or a licence to take and use 50 eu econd-feet and to store about 400 acre- feet of Water out of Clearwater River which flows southerly and drains into the Kitsault River about 22 miles from the bead of the ,Inlet of Alice Arm. The. storage-dam will be located near natural outlet of Clearwater Lake, The Seay, of the reservoir to be created and it will flood about 50 acres of land, The viater will be aivanved from the stream at stor dam will be used for power for maining purposes upon the mine described as the This osted on the limax Group. notice was ground on the 26th @dayrof January, 1820. A copy of this notice and an application ursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1014," will be fled tn the er of the Water Recorder at Prince Ru B. ¢ Objections to the applicati@y ead be sled with the said Water Reeord®r or with he Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia- nent Buildings, Victoria, B. ©., within birty days after the first Sppenrense of his notice in a local newspape P. OLSEN, Ap slicant, The date of the we ubltea on of this {| ones is February & about 450 acre-feet, thence east 46} shains, and containing 160 acres, more or) C28s¢ of Lic Sealed tenders Minister of the 6th day feet of Cedi sam Oh ah Eliersile Cha Two (2) years moval of Unt Further Victoria, B e Klean a British Col , le has deposite: Works at Of District Regi oa Pp vt AND pirapa bs the first p said Klee D LL section 7 4 . minister of ] une the City of Oftay mt said site and ann, aa a Stroet the sa bs Dated at ~ ie hee oa La sp whi ne’ ON