ur Best esmen our satisfied stomers sk the people who ye their work done re—particular per- ns too—and let them il you why we do their ork, And then—try wr excellent Dry caning and Pressing rvice. Canadian team Laundry Phone & pp Beans + Valle QUAKER BRAND ; ; } “4 ; ‘ ar fam oninion Camnmers) B.C. Limited cad OM ce, Vancouver, @ C. ; INYOUR R HOME at's worth HEPrHONE = ? P graph} : riays All Records ; ive are un ; xnow our pment of New Rec- rds Just In best Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Stere wi Post Office bes 644 Phome BLACK 183 tee Perens work:'s eee Comfort. Courtesy~* and Service £0 to e SAVOY HOTEL F, i ee t Owness NAGER one 37 PO. Box 1704 Ur He Lb akvage Checks to OE BROWN AC tor Transfer and cheer Service tand, Empress Hotel es 176, Black 334 Quick Deliver; ies On pepeneges NUMBER OF STREETS THE DAILY NEWS ALICE ARM HAD B As i; EBALL ‘City Engines eye Must Keep Ast City out of Law Suits. { On the mecommendation of the Tied with Krigés on Sunday | Board of Works, tenders are to | VANCOUVER me Northern Leagie has been be called by the city for the «up ; Formed with Four Teams 7804 . ‘Y" Saves lab The Iplying of 760,540 feet of lumber Wh or. e Coupons i ‘ ang 240 kegs of nails for plant value each package are a ALICE AIM lroad repair. The streets to | value in n themselves, lirst baseball g ‘ dendrite tise ort 0 v" repaired ipclude Ninth Avenue 2 a n the north f j } a ° { Kighth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, en mi day af Art : lied Ww \ Aimbrose Avenue, Four! Aver oS ' Market Prices the A Fifth Avenue, Seventh Aver ind ee te oe x of a0 ' streets in Section 2 i he i The bad state of repair of many Meats. and the pla , piank roads has be: ca x I irlo steak votrr qd city a lot of trouble and the cits Beet pot roast, Ib. Me to BSc"! ! ber hu a6 } t engineer, at the eour ! ‘meetin z f, chuck roast, Ib. ...... a4 A N last wight said that the 7] cet, rib roast, Ib., ......6% Hut ; , cam : ; oe. area ft ' ‘ be repaired to keep th ty , Beef, boiling, Ib. .... 25e te 30) C1 \ ’ ; u et ; of law suite oves Gainage | , Hamburger, per lb. ........ s0e)4 erty and persons Stewing beef, per ib. ...... 254 ’ NOG DOOL,. Oar ie .csacee 2b Lend, logy per Shy... ei... fhe | has » ALICE BRADY HERE Leth, lott apsibGhy....+.. 5c | seas IN “MARIE LIMITED” sictscn’ cucciace ccwet soc'v 35¢4will M t shoulder roast 32c to 35< |wili Veal shoulder roast ....... ah Mlice Brad Veal shoulder roast ......: 2 BILL TO REGU! ATE in pleturs 0 la Leg of veal ........30¢ and 40, Wau bh ‘ GCF NAUICA’ tures, “Marie Lt tob Pork sausages, per Ib, 15 CO*Sf NAVIGAT tonight at the W | fomato satisages .......... 80 ‘ ind it is said h POrk, 100) «axa % i5e to 5 ‘ . a { ‘ New Regulations ™ Ee Prom worth while \ } POPE. CNODN 2. ke.c sles 60 60a ov . : . gated by Orde of the Pork, showlder, i462... eee aoc ; : ' : Council pictures “ar { y i Baco plece, per ib, .sa er. O7¢ ’ —— number f ad Hace Cou, Der 1D, ..8 e's % 7¢ \ Fatty Art i Britist Ham, $9008, 6 ES Swe THA 6D F o ; Canadia ! b aia OmoKed, oc. ies re ees 604 ace roo roe Sanit bac oe ds > § ; good pr ‘ UG POURS os oe Seb shad oETED POEL ine he miadaianas DIC, DOF IDS 6 b.6u. Fes i 50c¢ r ; ; uit OWE, Wer? 1D. ks. ATTA BG 45c;,, ‘ ul : Pickled pork, per Ib. ....... 45c Looked ham, sliced, per ib.. 7d r Spare ribs, perm ib., ........ BO BOMSS BAM: s 08h sees ead 80 . Bpoiogna, por iba. iide¥ ecu> 5 : Jellied tonmue ...... He ft 60 STENOGRAPHERS ORI ons 5 ho indie ok cocks 60 : ~ i ‘ be iH i: ROR, bie be Seoeeews ‘ “a ; ; va ‘ New a 6: 3ONOR. 1B. cok ikon WW on tae 4 j f tongue 75 ‘Ca La ts ’ 2 lett ada . full ae Dairy Produce how 2 DEEP (kami so adeeccceee BO Vrida F ye ie te MEY ko a's rhi x i ’ i . per a. ches oDie ee ee ) , i Ag Linberger cheese per Ib Vi ACINNES ree GASB) « testis siccovicor pune a | B. Gs TFCGR. CROW oad 605 00 a0 65 4 vin i” ef = — —— tly new-laid eggs ..... Bi colt ja NOTION GOPBOrisd «ncssebecesecses Ade a Se eo dss v bie 8 o Cia S 50°) ~ in ; ‘ bi a for}. ib ae | . ‘ ai ; fei eus ar ye Hien #9 9 60 9189 0:99 9 watt GYAR pr “Tr “we : ~" sae ea read, per loaf, .. 60.0066. 15« iA PAR Pha Bip ' 1 (Maj ‘ West Flour ‘hard white 50-lb sk 83-71) ID nro ' ‘ : acre wv 4h3 bbe’ » . ; red an Milk, per Cas ‘ SG.00 s wiet ae wi ; a Fish. . OG. Fe Ss . 05.00:6 onuno ¢ ¢.ddue 6 35 s 7 od filleta, sinoked, ........ 20 Bhd n ‘ : 4 . cad ‘ i nl | i ‘ 1 Finnean haddie \j i os ‘ | ’ r ' t x. kipy ed, | { ' rait erring, each { wm i Fi der Fillets I AU I sa Acad Cod, 2-i boxes ; —— tivat per lover ‘ ' iii = pee . kale, { ib { | Is f a « Hi g } ibs i 8 ae 8 achans i ; ' port | Sp salmon, | i : ‘Calvert island: th th ¢é wins, White saln " : weet 4 ' ' ‘ ‘ tha tte © ous i hains to pf nt of as é mhencement « ining 1 acre see © © A a a ae eg Vegetables et ; i, £. CLAUSEN i) ns, dry, per ib ! e IN THE LETTER BOX Date January fist, 102 —-——- noon | (mre! a it ‘es ee vee eveeerre &* AND ACT ‘ ib ic eer ¢ urnips, | MR. CLENNIE REPLIES otice of Intention te Apply to Lease Land. ° Te ' in Diueen ¢ La District.) Cabbage, per Ib. ....-- he © | ¢ ne I ke i : ‘ n Na » Hart ‘ MOWED cece eeneererres ot i Take mot : "W ' t et f j a { rit € ht I r : et Thea ne 2.9 t ix 1 as ; ssels sprouts , . b fut x i si) Comm 21 i t i Sack ‘ { “ “ ; ml ba pr DUNGIC® eeses - ‘ ha ' Greet ONIONS «.ccecseseces 10 ante a } « a m I Fruit es — sf il eee Ba OD: is b-@ ok 64:0 + 004s 75 sty WATER NOTICUI { ipefri Calif 4 +f a, USE ANI rORnAGI @CMONS cccccveverseserseces 0 if M ‘ Fake notion the Mates (Grom) «evcecesesves J j j Lid, whose addr i ’ t Fon fo, tulk Dates, per Ib. ....++-- ot t ing, Vat ! “ apply for 7 li or © t a and 1 feet,’ Navel oranges ....> 30¢ to $1.0 y «t I and to store & sere feet of watt Apples Yellow Newtons No, 1 4.0 - ‘iearwate troek | ‘ ' iver, which Nows we jonathan apples No, 1 save ee i Altsault Hiver at t 3 u : 20 75 Alice Arnf, BL ¢ Cooking apples ....+ee++>. 2.7 that I The stoyage-da t a aad . . ; ir let of een cae. one i al Canned Italian prunes .... = tha the reservolt to be created al Raisins, per ID, «.eeeeeees Jt ' in : \ acre feet, and it will 0 la 2 ai . : it 1h of land The water Will be diverted roe Currants, pel ee , to harmd o t ia . , a ’ “ i¢ i Ke itte > ae } dk Hk e) an Th at a in & fh “ s upon Peel, per Dec tenes Snsrtes \ what as ai ihe mine descr, s Wolf M al CIM. | Mixed nuts, per ID, were eaes POO Te Id do unde aud lights Ww Al m Lilet ' r ) . ' ae ie Eatice was posted tt ground! "lable Figs, per PKBy «+++. I ID. al VNIil m the seventh da f Al ive nam Mantice. . eines . 2k A oOpy of "this ot ties 0 1 an application Mince Meat Pureuant thereto and to the “Water nee Evaporated Fruits. THAT PETITION v1é.” will © fle in “ ‘ « , - Water Decorder at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ ; Black FigS ....ceeeeeeeees 30 Objections to the application may De . Rig 30 ha Pe ld Med with the said Vater Recorder . or White FIBS ..seeeeeeee . - Po th adit i ! with the Comptroller of Water KEM! A nrigots saceeeerereeeeres $50) state that the for st Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within 8h ee thirty days after the fest appearance Peaches .rsreeeseterareces at imny Vements whe ded ta this notice a local newspaper S50 : at ives the “ a me rs s undemaking are to Apples ..ceees tere rereeee oo to sign hy t At ! be exercised for power and ghittng within Seedloss RAISINS «ccc eeeree VC hosv and did 17 the territory embracing all the Wolf min NeE.B0¢e : ; eral claims the Dally Varden mineral Prunes ...eee ee weeeeee 7. tents T was naw ‘ i claims, and all of this Company's Ratlr vl ‘s Me for the dismissal tt : and properties and buildings any Pray : : he erties and buildings of others tn and ad Miss (fi Crowe, nurse at the foreman, Mr. Mel ] arent to the Altee Arm distrtet . a . j ene Oe pe re approval of ait the Prince Rupert today returning | ypese niged hat wa | rhea undertaking will b heard tn the ome AnD s Aa passenger on oul . } ave = hat j if the board ata date to be fixed by the) Anyox Hos] ital, } | ne eer iN ld not hay I Comptrotier, and that any interested pers; north after attending the funers W. BB, HARPER son of fle an oblection thereto in ¥ 4 . ‘ lame at the Comptroller or of the Water) of her sister Who was’a Vvictiin of Care Kitkpa i © Harpe \Recorder of the District : r + +t ttt tities 5 f j $5 Th 1 tut} Fy 2 H j # fy ; 4 : bt St if + bt Hitt itd tt $ +t itits + 4 siiiss + tH $$) 3 es ttt i td} 33 =s tit 4 = i ‘ ff : : 3 H ¥: 4 + $ H teres tte sts ‘ . EEE oo ee er ee BE weadics dike Liar wiekcua, & St . A Cammy é : oo a E LASSIE FIED ADVERTISEMENTS | | Hotel Prince Rupert so 2 ‘TS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. : E Axc ment Taken for Less than S0c | EUROPEAN PLAN . ‘ Le RESPONSIBLE Por INSTRUCTIONS OR THE {| rm NI s Over THE TELEPHONE. $1.50 per day and a Mee et. See a ne Or ane ee EMR SURG FIRST-CLASS CAFE ED f SALI 29-40 ii. p. Medium | A La Carte. oe a Sterling Engine, Bosch|é tata a ! I ; 4 ie, in af . sie ondit $1,500.00. +, M. Stephens : DE NTISTRY ‘a ; ———————eEEE oes ‘ SAL ie is on a orrice te sy - ne OOO. BT a sandy | Dam. to 12; 1:80 p.m. ahead ou * . it tL pty in e city j zg E pair. M. M.’Stephens. | DR. J. 8. BROWN 8 , i OgnTisT fas i { SALE—One double drum! omee: smith Bleck, whee Avenue. App st. Can be operated by belt. | Phone 48400 £8 = ! Suita fish hoist Applyi :~—: saa ‘A Isla Cannery. 99 | ‘S 3 2 SKLE-—Peterboro cance]? A GRAY : i. Jd. Davis, Canadian! Teacher of Piano emis a fox pee oliice. Phene 300, Studio 137 Second Avenue ~ a densa { SALE—Dining rovm = suite, PHONE Blue 421 or 444 ’ t Apply ‘suite “10; Soto ios s t Apartments. {tia oe . ri SAI New Sunset Sewing PACIFIt CARTAGE, LTD. $45.00. Barrie’s Fur- PHONE 93 > 4 Sr 8 i tf HKeiiable Service at reasonable Rates. ee sins srs scractaatlbad sk eee he We have Warehouse facilities. z SALI B wemant 8. E. Parker, Manager i Si each Daily News|‘ a ‘ tr STEWART LOTS 7 Litt ee | OW SALE-——Lot 2, Block 10, Map 2 SALI ag house with v0O5S, Stewart Townsite. Price, ; Section 6, $1,700, terms $1,000. "This lot adjoins ‘busi- © t SALI Dave a t bed, $60 _| ness section on Sixth Street, s Barrie's Furniture Store. | 20!” Dai ac aaa f yr Ss a ipaba cet. FOR ‘RENT . a 3 : HOUSES FOR SALE Peni es.’ tego TE —— |FOR RE N’ T—Newly completed and : GR SALI liouse, 7 rooms, both |deeorated hall above the Candy zs : 3 Section °7, Cash | Store de Luxe, on Third Aves $2,000.00—J. Rank, 86 Hays) Hall is a hundred feettong and © Cove Circk 03| specially suitable for dances k ee Re Se ee ee ee eee eae, ee ; IN} HOME, best residential | terms, apply to dtm Sone rank sa ‘oa Moderate terms. Hel. | — —— eae - * “- TION SALE teal Estate, Insurance,| FOR RENT — Purnished fat, St, +e: No y Public, Louis Rooms, Mes, ‘Wiitersa. * t a : Behe ce Phone Red 94, 02 : fe s LoTs: FOR SALE — erhaey ¢ | FOR KENT—Modern three-room Gh SALI Lots 3 and 4, Block flat. F. Wl Hert, 00 ¥ i se n 8, Eleventh Avenue, re —_ u 1 near drydoek. $150.00 cash Losr aye mee I \ M. M, St phe pene ce iets ences iM LOST—Buneh of keys tied tigeth- e - ~~ |POR SALE—Lots 17 and 18, Bik.| ¢° With Sting’ Pinger niegae 0) FOR SALE 28. Sx on 8 Eleventh Avenue, return to Daily News olfice. tf i - ' . close in. $500.00 the pair, cash| LOST-——A poeket book with with sui I {, boat a it Aiebbens of money, Reward for retunn. —— ———— | McCaffery, Gibbons a Dayle: Is { wide,}/ FOR SALE—-Lot 8, Block 10, See L imited, “97 ‘ v0 i 7, Fifth Avente, near Seal | ——T" nl a is ve. $175.00 cash, M, M,/LOST—on Baitqass Stee \ a aly tf} black purse, Gl rd ine He weity Seana enn L. Blain.” “ ted FOR SALI Lot 3, bloc! k 6, Sec fice, \ { \ tion 5, City, Fourth Avenue on] 7-77" __ > 3a sass i {14 hii Mail offers box 231, An- FARMS For | vox. tf MIXED FARMIN i" ‘ i nen errr has stilt some cho FOR SALI Lot 15, Block 5, Seec- well-settled — t tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal ern Canada’ fon emis Ml Cove, & Lik 00, M. M. Stephens, prices; twenty : (0 POR SALE —-Lot 10, Block 49,| /?i#ated (at Sia } mh | i2x! Section 7, near Seal Cove $180] °°" Alberta, with | S, Heat 7 oash. M. M. Stephens, if] 1) OP OkS a r te od } ee settlers, wae % * . d a LOTS FOR SALI everweiiors at going fast, m8 arene -| lowest prices for’ cash M, M and full infe SALI i lot on Atlin| Stephens. tt} G. Loughran, \ int Railway Station, us. fl Advertise in the Daily News. Cc.