ine slay, April 28, 4920, es it has e there cific Milk Co. Limited Drake Bt, Vancouver, 8.0 fROTORY AT LADNER, B.C. TORK’ . SELL JTOVE reys commenced mak- stoves in 1843. Still in same line of business 01 2) Hundreds in use in — THE DAILY NEW: | ssing. | | Local ‘News Notes L, Heptonstall, of Port F lton, arrived morning. from the south this Frank L, Buekley§ arrived . | |town on the G, T, P, steamer this | in| | morning. } itt } travelling | town this) A fauditor, Cotter, G. T. arrived pinor ning. i . . . | j ; Best Household Lump Coal, #13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85.! . . . At next Sunday night's concert! Mrs. Jessie Longfield, ’ 7 { une, one ol Ine@ZZO0-80 ' best it! Viet ria s lerminal Coal Ca j jxingers, ‘ . . A, Lindeborg and D ownet f d Lindeborg, | the Hyder arrive cra this L morn of the Fr the police ¢ with having Fred Saunders abaret, Wa morning charged quer sron and ‘ ie iis unlawfully in his } manded until May] posses-| wae re . . . ' A. KE. MeMaater, formerly GP.P. passenger here and now an oilleial) of the Whalen Pulp Mills, arrived) this morning and reeled by tmany ol i Lown was ends at the| vharf resident ll construction | of the in Con- ed fror rowner a spring sale ne on echool) served cin ihe will be Al we Tea e evening there will be | t 8 of «Prince Rupert. —y ON SALE AT lighth ted Stork’s ved fipm Hardware eS iwo SECOND AVENUE Af the Phone Black 114 to Patevan, who Mra, Evans accompanied her apes a0. . . Evans, pilot on the tender Khatevan, ar- Victoria this morning charge of the Newington] Captain Hilton, | bas gone , eel ise MATL months Newington, relieve Captain Barnes of the} ix taking a vacalion.| +} hand not ot ee WW Fisher returned [nwn ay trip down the coast in connection| will hi inepine tax wning. Mr. Fish-| d, who has been} gx the agricultural depart of the University of B. ©} return to town with the collewe students but) spend the holidays in the} oe duties th Raymon as = WK of the wii TCH KAI SOMIME, ete. dilversides BROTHERS Second Street 0, 4 Box 120 Fhone 156 Green tof town ar jers carefully attended to moved to 21 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel “mae CARS SODA Beertj tn Rupert, B.C, 47 P.O, Box 725 E | | ith pursuing the practical end his studle . Arhong the students returning to town on the Prince} |Rupert this morning for the sum-| mer holidays were James Mitchell, | son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, Ninth Ave.; Mise Kathleen Grant, | faughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Grant, and Weldon McAfee, son lof George McAfee, ndperimendeat | fot the getown mill | Hudson also came north and will university ' Cieol Gieome ;eO to Granby Bay ow! T The Man in the Moon | SAYS | HAT weddings promise to be~-| ycome more popular, wedding celebrated dorf-Astoria, New York, not only the bride and groom wore overalls | but the bridesmaids also. . . . i THAT soon the Daily News will be advertising the latest styles in silk overalls for ladies. THAT the atest fad may lead to a general revision of the matter of dress, THAT an overall” ball is the next thing in order. THAT the “soclety” editress will say that Miss Sweety Sweet looked very chic in a pair of pale green crepe de ohine overalls cut low and with openwork socks starred with olive, . THAT I cannot wear the old suit I bought lon@ years ago. It's shiny at the shoulders, My knees and elbows show. But ‘there's no ¢ause for worry For this is clearly true I cannot wear the old suit, But overails will do. THAT now the Supreme Coun- U > EEE Ny Ny \\ fh wee s——— G Goodyear has solved the problem of belting the great main drives of industry—the backbone of production. Its Experience, in a thousand ioned in it. or weaken the belt. of plies. The main drive in the mill of Gloucester Lumber and Trading Co., Basher, MBs Goodyear Extra Power Belt still in use after 5 years’ service. AY ene *Foteseey Me OT null eS Gi \ Master Belts of Industry | friction surface grips, through dampness or dust. slipping with .Extra Power, No stitching to stiffen No separation rt yy Zs “ZY CO 4/) Ltd hg VA 4 so “y “ There are many others—some selected at random arés-— Swedich Crucible Steel Company, Led., Windsor, Orth Dominion Sugar Company, Lid., Chatham, Ont. : Dominion Forge and Stamping Co., Lid., Walkerville, Ont. Page Wire Fence Company of Canada, Lid., Walkerville,Onh, Echo Flour Mills, Lid., Gladstone, Man. : Z P. Burns Company, Lid., Edmonton, ABs. 4 : a pee Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Co, Ltd., Timmins, Om ° Dome Mines Company,|Lid.,|South Porcupine, Out. Burrard Saw Mills, Lid., Vancouver, B.C. : "OPA 7 even No No Canadian plants, says Good- year Extra Power Belts. Because these belts are strong— with the strength of properly se- lected fabric, every thread perfect. Yet flexible, hugging pulleys, taking advantage of every inch of ‘pulley surface. Flexible because in Good- year Extra Power Belting high- grade rubber is foreed through and through the fabric in generous quantities. Every strand is cush- need for extra tight belts, pulling pulleys out of line. No need for belt dressing. No lost power. The testimony for Goodyear Extra Power on main drives is very com- plete. For instance:— The Norfolk Milling Company, of Simcoe, writing about their main drive belt, purchased a year ago, say:— “Has been in continuous operation for one year, and has not stretched nor given us the slightest bit of trouble.” Silverton Lumber and Power Company, Lid., Silverton, B.C Pe Woodstock Electric Railway Light and Power Company, Lid., Woodstock, N.B. _ wee ose EBT Gloucester Lumbering and Trading Company, Betherst, N., ¥ Amher:t Foundry Company, Lid., Amherst, N.S } Hull Iron and Steel Foundries, Lid., Hull, Out “© Quebec Graphite Co., Lid., Buckingham, Quat. = f mt 3. nh The complete story of Goodyear. Extra Power Belts on main drives is interesting. There are facts about other types of drives just as important “ to you. Let a Goodyear belting man call and talk to you. No obligation. Just phone, Wire or write the nearest branch. Bee The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co; of Canada, Limited . a Branches :—Halifaz, St.”John, Quebec, Montreas; - Ottawa, -Toronto, Hamilton, London, a Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, y couver. Service stocks in smailer cities. TU cil is handing At a recent |#bout @ mancate for at the Wal-| pent. Would someone kindly sug-| jgest the Daily News. CEA “Welt” Miners) Claim, Sitvate in the | iaas Hiver Miuius Division of Cassiar Dis: | rich Where located: \rm Take diners iat mprove “rows Grent of fyrt Un §5, ¢ he isatrance. Of such Certiitate of Im- spovermer 18 . id $eG day Of April, 1920. i one 1g. BrARK And ler 5 TIMBER SALE X 2338. Sealed senders istrict ater than noon 20, fc ear kl f Spruce and Pilin Two f f timber. Further Victoria Prince days from ibe date hereof, to apply 0 the Nining Recorder for a Certificate o what Ku- it mandates, HAZEL Prinee TON CQ. Stapleton; chief moulder at ithe Prinee Rupert dry dock, vis- jited Hazelton last week looking | the district for supplies of} }moulding sand. A trial shipment lis to be made. MINERAL ACT, (erm F.) TIFICATS OP IMPDOVEMENTS. vOTIpR lover | | The flu is taking a heavy toll} Near the head of Alice) “OME the Indians at’ Hawilgaet. Sevewal deaths have already tL J.B. Stark, Free Peruhars. No. 90986C, intend,|Curved and many are ill, . . Burdick Bros. and Breg, Ltd., have taken an option on the Amvrivan, Boy mine on the recom- }mendation of R. H, Stewart. Two | shifts started yesterday morning | and the shaft will be continued to| the 300 foot level, a distance of 40} feet further, OC | sents, Tor the purpose of sc hy the obtaining etal aptic ub toke potice action, ° faust be commenced before A new vein was cut in the Silver | Standard mine last Thursday! whieh shows two feet of good! milling ore, A new gas engine whieh will arrive in a week or 80 | Forester, Pringe Rupert, B.C on Will expedite work at the mine. | oF the Dato Ht eetcd feet; The Hazsltom School has been! Aglsam, and §,000 lin. feet) wiosed on the recommendation of | the Medical Health Officer on ac- count of the prevalence of spring} illness, will be received Dy the . years artioulars of «he Chief Forester, g C.. o the District Forester, Cc, will be allowed for removal Rupert. TIMBER SALE X 2217. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 27th day of May, 1920, for the pur chase of Licence X 2217, t© cut 46,590,000 feet of Spruce, Balsam, Cedar and Hem- lock on an area situated on Peer Lake, Princess Koyal Island, Range 4, Coast Dis- trict Two (2) years will be allowed for re- moval of timber, Further particulars of the Chief For- ester, Victoria, B. C., or District Porester, Prince Rupert, B, C. MINERAL ACT Dertificate of Improvem*nte. NOTICE. KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral Naims, sttvate in the Bella Oooia Mining ivision of Coast District. Where located:—West side of Dean thanne!l, North of Cascade Inlet in Range Coase, District, a TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARGHI ALD TACLEAN, as Agent for 'SMELTERS § SOMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. 239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date ereof, to ‘apply to the Mining Reeorder or a Certifcate of Improvements for each f said clatms for the purpose of ODtelning Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un- er section 85, must be commenced before he issuance of such Certificate of im- rovements. Dated this 15th day of Janaary, A. D a 1920 i, 4&4, MACLEAN, LAND ACT. | Wotice of Intention to Apply to Purchase | Land. i eee Land District, Recording Dis- | 20ast, Range Ll, and situate on} the West coast of Calvert Island, near its) inorth end. ; | Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean! | Falls, B. C., occupation logger, intends to} }apply for permission to purchase the fol-} jlowinge deseribed lands:— i ; Commencing at a post planted one halt! mile north of N.W, cor. Lot 897; thence north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; 7 } hence south 40 chains; thence east 46/ te 6th day | chains, and containing 160 acres, more or) ©!43¢ of Li 3. feet of Cedar, MARK SMABY })sam on an Dated December 29th, 1919. | Ellersite Cha Two (2) WATER NOTICE, VIVERSION AND USE. | moval of by Further ie | Vietoria, B, t | TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose | faddress is Altee Arm, B. C., will apply | or @ licence to take and use 50 cu Ie | hupert, B.C. . : : NAVIGABLE WATE ‘AS PRO? | econd-feet and to store about 400 acre- . | feet of water out of Clearwater River whteb | n Vanex trict of - aw TIMBER Sealed tenders Minister of n KS. rhe Kle roe flows southerly and drains into the Kitsault) British Col Y sectio ~~ he | River about 22 miles from the head of the/tc has under Inlet ef Alice Arm, | deposited with The storage-dam will be located near Works at Ottaw natural outlet of Clearwater Lake. The| District Re ristrar }capacity of the reservoir to be created! District of jis about 450 acre-feet, and it will flood! British Columbia jabout 50 acres of land. The water will| and the plans )be diverted from the stream at storage } way over dain and~ will be used fur power for! built over mining purposes upon the mine described | British Coby s the Climax Group, | the said This notice was posted on the triet Lots /on the 26th day of January, 1980. 5, © A copy of this notice and an application | ursuant thereto and to the “Water Act,/ plration 0 1914," will be Mled in the office of the | the st tb Water Reeorder at Prince Rupert, B. < | said Objections to the appicatie may be/ section 7 sled with the said Water Reeorder or with; minister of he Comptroller of Water Rights, Paria: | the ciry ofr nent Buildings, Victoria, B. «., within! said site hirty days after the first appearance of | struct the his hotice in a local newspape Dated at M. P. OLSEN, Ap day of J The date of the frst Buplicas n of this K wlice is February 6, 1920, ‘ ground r. leant,