THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS j PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ; plished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ere } | cee “ OF RH EUMATISH - H. fF. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. fn J a Leadi wes esse ong ! is Leading ——— 2 —— ' ', e . sanif : rm dll Happily Stopped When He Contraite of Pacific mn, Tecsdese 4: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: iup ' Coa: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs sip pelery i carrier or mall, Per MOND... vse. Began To Take “Frult-a-tives” — days at 7 p.m. By mail to all par's the British Empire and the United States, ' M feos /1 \ iu 3 Ss fe abeenee, PRE TORT a ee ee RCE ee eee ae 86.00. irs wear yal » Hot, ; P.Q ; int a ah ‘ For Vancouver and South. To all ince doeentri ‘ dvance, Per year .... 1... ser $7.50. meadisem, Ise u i. for gh cha; "* { We " ’ ae vt " ; “ for five months ee i = ' ' 7 TELEPHONE 98. r , . LI tried all kinds o! . i ea: medicine without relief and thought 3. Advertisfy $4.95 " I would never be able to walk agai: “ 3 r Transient Display Advertising ) per inch each insertiag Ons Gay Ghile ivies to hed, J reed f . iy 4. 14 and 25 Transient ave oe ~ ae PARMS sew. wee Oe. 0 pe in h aboul “Fret sd the great t } “4 And ‘ 3 Local Reaves, © THOM... ee ee eee 4m for line mnedicin ae ee +l ; , elle From Vancouver and South. Classified advertise, 1 oy syn aye put or i ec i 24 er word, | needed, so i desided ¢ Sundays ... -» 10 p.m Legal Notices, ‘ ch iServion, ...+++++--. 1Sc. per agate line The first Sox heleod me. and 1 sti Invadaya ......6. 10:30 a.m Cont wt Rates on Application. took the tablets recularly ‘tool airaind vi l ha , All advertising should be im the Daily News Ot oT iv pr trace of the Rheumatism } ft me.” loist i : ‘cation. Al! advertising received subject t proval LORENZO LEDU M 10, 24 ceding publication. ved subject to a ORENZO LEDUC. ) ess nueiiaes SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2Q5e. : a ; Ba At all dealers or sent 1 i by For A ad A ITION. wee A” OR : day, April 30, 19 , seus | 1 by ‘ rst ‘ nyox an tiee Arm. DAILY ED: ist : : Fruii-a-tives Limited, Ottas i $s ; ° fip.m —— ae 7 ; - ORT Eb a~ ase 0.0 0 0.44 fi p.m Street Pavin Eee a oii i From Anyox and Alice Arm The city af Victoria has just decided to pave » sectic of ‘ ‘ 7 ueadays : streets and finds that concrete is about. four lift the price ris ALL KINDS OF ' ate ‘ ri Nee ish ea ate » - asphalt. Accorfingly this pavement ts being used. Concrete z ’ ree is ei ade cept dae —. coming into favor a good déeal*and’ as it is a British C nbia | mo is, Ove = AWS Vi es For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill fret a sentimenta re; , ; ferrs ; f Ss, Wal ‘ { a ; ? 7 : product. it should a entimental ms tne Peds: i ; eee ; s a a Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. seems likely that this material will be used in Prince Rupert ; F ae. beds, 3),, vas ' Sundays 11 crocke al findings a OES Nee sg ee Criticism of : Lye SAILS, AWNINGS. | ' ; E a A retuvued soldier in the employ of the city writ ty a . F. MAGUIR| From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mili whith fie asks us Lo J iblish in which he takes exception to some ’ os eee | pp, Sie LB - vr - roo wre Whles Island and Naas River remark ot Alderm in Dvbhavn, who. he Says. criticized the m¢ POE POOLE POL OOOOP OREO ODOC OO Seaaaial f i *4 5 ; > | x y % ive p.m = a a) who work for the vy. Apparentiy the aidermai oppos a = i a Sn ee ‘ 7 = e&s ss 8 ~ advance in wages and is alleged to have said uu = “7 « rt Nae Feiig: ye c ) evidently killing t PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * Sul RUI i 8 be pA I Queen Crariocttie isiancs. Unfortunately not publish th lett e | FRESHER ER EE HO ’ BLT LAR Por Massett rt Clements aod aré made at Aldermar bhava be se of his We Friday, April 30. Upper Isiand polote : ee i al AR Sita ligh. 12:3 + 5 feo MemPer for This District Tel May 1 recognize no nauona this cou xcept Canad . s it : ! 1O.9 : ; ee ee past we have welcome 1 people from every I irt of the we Low Gia 5 Victoria F eporter What Mo een cone offered them equa! richts with ourselves. Those that I rade Saturday, May 1. Thinks of Movement Masset, Port Clements and Y y good and become cilizens of he country are Canadian i ey ras ‘ t Mi island, points much as we. Also they are Brilish subjects and as ch shont 12:44 RO f% gn ; ; be ‘subject to no disabilities. L ‘ ; ‘ g ; > i idewate, Gueen Char te Pies Renal highs Sunday, May 2. ie 8 City and I island points: ° High, 0 a 20.8 t i 1% : ; Alderman Dybhavn is a member of the Canadian Club as well i ip. 19 feet - as being a British subject. He musi be a Biitisu subject ! chs . A ~ rate. Queen Charlot 4 7 J : —s : a weeAaALe, Yuee ar ile being elected. He ha been elected by the people to represent ‘ ‘ ‘ i and Lower Island ¢ comm them. It is his duty Jo look arter the interests of the city and ca CHT e ’ aera . Plaga \ i is } eri and Wionda , May 3 ' . May 4. 18 and June 1 if he thinks ther¢ is anything wrong he should say so openly, as igh, 4:12 ne 7 1 ke --- he has done. 43:57 ce tae 1d We know nothing al eS ; ; } 13:57 ni., 19 fee eds; For Skagway and the Yukon. thing abouft the right or wrong of what Alder- | Low, 7:47 a ont una Ke i \l 1 May i and 3! man Dybhavn said. He quite possibly may have been wrong 19:46 p.n cw lei cael : a. he i rons s no reason for jibing at his nationality. Tuesday, May 4. ‘ From Skagway and Yukon. ose of us who are British born are usually proud of our coun- High, 1:44 a.m., 21 feet A a : May 4, 14 an@ 25 try. We have reason to be. ‘H we had been born in some other {4:32 p.t {8.8 feet bt ‘ ae: country we should have been equally pr T the ’ © ~ as a 7 | 1 hav ually proud of the fact. The man Low 49 an ‘ Stewart, Maple Ba ds who has no affection for the country of his birt mere a. ! » Map y an wanp af I } ; s birth is not much : 0418 p. 7s f Point BM Bas coins h much of which to be proud. There|, The time used is Pacific St , : y line points about every nation. i. for the 120th M “ ’ ue ~ i me ‘ i . ny British Came it Ay Gounted from 0 to 24 From Germany ~ ifrom midnight t midr f ‘ : i. ; ii ‘ 4 aita . 7 __As for the Anglo Saxons, they came from Germany and after} * page. Uren’ is re ; SLANE mingling with French. Danes, Norwegians, Celts and other ere ee he tit eee ilies merged into one nation which we ll B sh. The Oey: vat . ine peopl equally cosmopolitan only the formation is a SOnC oe and t 8 7 "y ore recent inte. They are a newer Anirv Ganada } - ” ; 2 ee 1€) connt ‘ canada Nas). : a ‘ pm population and ali have equal rights except Orientals, |, © SOmPuled Bs oat € oe lime will be given politic al rights, the same as others. peer at Pri a pert tha ' n : hatever may be our private feelings in regard to people of Rens Cimpson Heth Sh aprings anc ’ other nations 5 gard people of! aa; ths ainaatinieh 48 ; . ‘ citizen h phates than ourselves, it dues not make for good p ins fh . ‘ ce ; : “ : ship to express them. and the Daily News a ere 5 ” rince uper narpo is Biicht ‘ ¢ e ye a spi ’ : ail ce tinliv will not} pies ae a : 2 a : ring race hatred or differences between people a "4 th “¥ Port Simpse Ry eralis wilss 4. ‘ ‘ ifferent nation: aed ihe height is in feet and tenths ; AS We nass along sc , ; 3 if feet above the erag es EN ; nationalitie Pea a the streets, we find people of different ida h w water : On the Trail ! ' ¢ Lo ; abba vith accents showing them to come from many}! — : sath vm TANI ; differént countries, Their childre nn See eee se—ahennepshnemegrenipieenerennin tines : tha [ ree grow up ¢ . ieiy children, however, all speak alike anc SKEENA LAND Ree rnict aanad It is difficult to distinguish one nati« eee DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE hi st Witam J. Lea i ! Oona ' from another oi th “te iby ISLANDS . ; z ié first generation. It is found too that there TAK} riot ut William J. Leary of oe is no natic : Sicide ge te ‘ tt ! . t ’ 7 ional bound to intelligence. No country hé kidegete, B ends & apply hat : of brains. . . uUniry has a mMonopely ane mae I i nd } ‘ ci et n : ; r 1 i ” i” —— th tt hnemeieeccne- Cor st a ty . * . 5 b ia u { i ' i uth 8 b . t “ . : ' cf “ ’ cl ty wraet &0 . ' 4 a asse a ery WILLIAM J. LEAI er ; th : ia s Noted this #th f Ma : hi i ’ ut ’ bet 1 ssthei tine RECORDING DIVISION. : t of the may ; 19 Sa — we LAND RECORDING DIVISIO . , peat B for DISTRICT OF OUEES Ix DIV 7. " ' y rth practical t LAND MI i ; - LON read Buns Rolls tee NOTICE ina William 3 Leary ' whit : : t ned “— ri ‘ ' = P 1Al tk > , ; : py iA t thie B ror : icense lw respect for coal aid |, j ‘ , . astry Pound Cake Pies Seema ands oe: ee ee, ee he | lat Me PARE NOTICE that Wiillam J. Leary of I “ J Commencing at 08t Planted one mile o oF We art f va | mn fends , P Wedding Cakes a Specialty nosth nf tg northrwest” corner of Dt ler wh Pat 1 Meemne 16 | for. coal mt thence Past, 86 ¢chains, thence ete , "a ta ro hone 7 7 80 chains, Hence West £6 chs ‘ OX] il his lee pee ; » oe 8 r ime | wis 190 Auto Delivery : a 80 dinine, to point of unence Dp Shmemenmmnane m ; ; v t and ne . oF tn Pa r " wenn ta ' t th ota ae P Ipated thi 25th day of tobe 1919 ] ‘ i} , mht a annmaed * WILLIAM J LEARY. Appl t d of wae f DL. 18 Uber " pa ; rent! ; self north ch ‘ n chains; a stream of water three fee one ae “ weet 9 aeep in ler that : ; feet ne, to point of commencement ! hat he ld not WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant Hi d legs wet Late; on steal t ih day of March, 1080 . ' ad 1 ; cae " ee - ” - © y the ide : HO fell) SKEENA LAND KECORDING DIVISION ws a side and could not keep DIBTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE 2 ; ith 4 Procession were those IH#LANDS Dentist who did not properly take care of thamecly. a ee FO 0 TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of “ pelled Conia cori Com. rae iF] fing settles, intends to apply Rooms 7 and 8 Smi Rg” Sees ane eee ae ee ferent posts who suffere petroleum on and und © follo an mith Block sore feet f hafing or a from leseribed (sn 6 ee 4, fag rl ments, which « ould haye b ot ws n ona ee wee, eee el ° vents ; mye been pre-e | Periiwes wrner of D.1 185%; | thence D Has everything to t RES Oe. ® NS | atten.( Mer 89 Clains; Mence West 60 ciiain Ir Ke ion. thene@ south 80 chains ence eas do with your suc- chains, to po is "i f a 0 ee tn Moderation. ’ ; ' ) cotomencement li cess---your pe rson- rhe overa 1 mnovement, tih il Dated ue oun ; Nar eae eo aaYre ‘thins u Ke fi alec 1 Gey of Mareh, 10%0 ality---your appearance and your good health depend 4°" ements, is oll right iq} lore modert ” ‘ bw upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect such moderation. Generally speaking, NOTICE | a valuable asset. Spemilbte wha adden Wit Ne -CRel Usa! eae wigres e's 3 : Cause most of the! the tesue o ’ = of an app toation for PERSONA rr LOW PRICE S..-Best materia] money can buy. trouble in life,’ Lot anne ‘ & fresh R, eruncels of ville fo SU) . wT > i , : Of Stewart (Map 8184 Satisfactory pro ri} Re em TENTION, Prompr’ SERVICE, will insure the BEST RESULTS” |) ‘rhe Princess teatsion Vas ustine ett Seite ane, 95 lemib dd R d ’ a PALPICe® Will sail hereby Piven that "tt Pes om enaiae ” Office How ermy address, Kooms 7 and 8 Smith Block for: the south this week at 10 a.m, |lenue. Ales ibe, espretion te, month . Sune insteas ‘ un the first 5 cation hereof, @ freal 9-12; 1.6; on ady Assistant Open Evenings whe id of 9 a.m. as Comitieate | of | Tith a gages AE RE my o 7s ’ “ " . m lane u ( ’ Phone 575 Sunday by Appointment eas a Which Cartine at ff ps Natl . —e ~- Uetober, 1910, and is numbered 264 ie a TE atk ee There may be some thing y | Land Hegiatry Office Prin ieee ae 2 es yOu!}s0th day of March. 14 ' 1 Ww ’ areh, 5° 20 | Want, MacLROD, FROM _———- TORTURES FINE SING: i CTORIA th ys Bee the classified column | MAIL SCHEDULE * ese e eee eve eer eeneeene For the East. o« lays, Wednesdays and Sat- sat 10:30 a.m, 1 District he wistrar of Titles, DENTISTRY “a QUALITY SS Se teers + noone Dr. Bayne OFFIC! Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.3 Every y tven Dental Nurse in «+ Phone 109 { Rooms 4,,5, 6, Helgerson Best Equip; fice ed ( 6 fram I 7%. ae OR PIP el Ge S.S. PRIN HOU! } ; if appr nimenst CE RUPERT GEORGE &.8. PRINCE ALBERT ' “ i RAIN SEP VICE Passrne Monday wr ’ be ' : t ; 7 . a * . ie 5 t . att “yy Age ll Ocean St: ip Lines Cup Tete Oece, 820 T ” - . va ng a I ng a Oe OO AO eee et PO gg ag a Ga lh * + alialialialalalalalelaielehaleielelelsielcleheibeisisbtetd ted di Mite eee x CANA \DI AN | P) CAMAUIAN Gad, a ‘en. 2 tine st. PRINCES RAIL CHIC B.C c + Coast st Steamship Servien MARY Pr * Rupert for Metehizen, Jureau, Bhegesr, Nimes, Way Ma wt for Vencecver Wicter’s « : e ca Rage Apri 14, 24 may 6. 16, «© & PRINCESS BEATE : From Prince Rupert fer Swane Ge ‘ +. Morey Gey, Oot Oe Beaver Cove, Powell River, Ver . end ¥ 2 Crery 8 fey « | ’ : « . . Wi. ©. ORCKH “AV, Genera! Agent Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Stre Pp Reenert, BC — 0, OO Aaa OO Py BO ete se eeeeeseeee LADYSMITH S Scree ned yer SEEGER EEE REH HEME EHH EEE q or Lump CL i Burns Loner, Betier and lohter, and Gives Mort Heat OTHER COALS WE HANDLE i Steam Coal, Bulk on Dock $3.25 por ot Steam Coal, bulk, Delivered 10.00 ' Household Egaq Coal, Screened, bul' x 10.00 " ' Household Egg Coal, soreened, ska jock 11,00 : Household Eao Coal, screened, bulk celivere 4 12.00 Mouschold Egg Coal, eoreened, skd. ¢ { 13,00 SPECIAL PRICES QUC PRINCE RUPERT PHONI TED THEY re Jk at | The Hotel ' eld Centrally located, Convenient to Gepo Garage an UNDER MA JAS. F. McCORMACK Zuropean Plan. New UNION BAN Prince Rupert Branch t EERE EEE EER EERE ERE ON CAR LOADS COAL Co. seen ono Li ANDERHOOF HTH , B.C. A Home Good service nection. ery in cot Ma nage? T? the merehen re bank le inv ; ay ) long ay 2 our oft core, on ur - aaviv® on "a EA ope ae f ' — * weet Ui, eek} Pt B84 «Crs pointe Tifton, ABUas [ ing bon 2 y oot mate ing « business ce 5 tO Beas of : < sve. y pr Ord ths ouge * ona rd 10 oe ood 8174001