‘ teres . **rene Lees we 4 Oa al Ore, toes ‘ i ‘ ~ + } Ce ekal Wl ‘ SUWN 3 é , ‘ ( ; ‘ vi ' w* CONTRACT WAS ON USUAL SYSTEM Explains Pegare THE DAILY NEWS COST PLUS W. Patmore standir Bi a ding nm of Now S ! to shool. Misun- the ‘Reg oes a VEGETABLES = = t AND FRUIT hs — VERY HIGH south las THE DAILY New xi—-~--~. ~~~ gi" ehild rp 1s ene WANTED, Rn, ; : ailed for Vancouver Jast night. ecraseacttineiliiltligine ailwaymen's Strike Makes Pro- ee WANTED—A 2 uce NTE Any one ov duce From S8cuth Jump McA Georgetow! oi a = 0 | | I Skywards istered at the Hotel Prines , s ‘ ish » model S| ting Lee-knfield 80) : een 303 Ross, 10 U. 8S. 1906, o1 ; j Inst i Paterson left) “I ting’ Fy] - sd i } ; . ist night's Hest prive paid Apply P. VU j 955, ( y } ‘ , i“. ARE, WANTED — Representative on a t : d . W. Lee of Inve commission for Vancouver f ! f » yesterday ; pitieheahes ms eh e ‘ , . : tating lines already carri: - Best. Household Lunip Coal ox 64 News oliice. Of brunt 13.00 delivered, Phone Black 89.) wan pyepe—younsg lady f ‘ sia il Goal Co ' aha at C. MePhail, manager of ey Tae i i team, arrived Pas j Ap 4 \ last hit. , : ‘ t ° " ye \ Fiewart ' In Old Ker WANTED Ward Maid f a thine Meats. A ict f daring deed tf saan eee , L of faring d . loapita For part ; and fast horse ipply to matrors Wages if : th b i and i Rack Pay } , , i ; ‘ it Allie Arm al glia sinesntemmmentemensemnememnations _ MN ty t ght and WANTED Furnished or partly his ‘ south. furnished suite of 3 or 4 rooms F : . Apply P. UO. box 800 or phone \ 5 + has pe 234. tf . ' ReMi mE: - - ; i + esidenct VANTED—Housekeeper for ger . t ‘ will ! hospital. I I ilars Ww. J. Gre : apply Matron. t e : us mi : mae ft e since such WANTED Women for kitchen e wd gathered at an out wip at Inlander, 830 Second 5 i i lat the Pring eyCrrus BE A 309 gl hen she pullec | wanrep Experienced house i : rhe friends 9 iid. Hotel Prince Ruy thronged t N ; i } the newlyweds WANTED Good hoy to faye ‘ s Daily Ne “ws. “ AUCTION SALE. { | Caribe ; ALUCTION SALI Wedness : i a having 4 “Ot te : ae ; ‘ Mr Aver at Hart Ay ts i ' ip ye n Fulton St. and M eu - . ‘ Z and I ; Va 5 ‘ f ‘ I Au acts 6 th FOR Sale gt Pee is 0) SALI PR, T. No. 4. boa g \\ f towing packing sali ‘ . Mice Is 57.2 feet long 14 Vick ‘ \ “ th 7.0 dee Gross tonnag ; ’ ’ gistered tonnage 27.18 Dairy Produce. Nutt “aout h.p. Wolverir Heavy st ' : ga 5 I ~ ted ; ‘ Apply Th Coll Westiol : Theatre I if Y FOR SALE—Goldl S ty ’ - > iratlely M “ | av i } As FOR SALE—25-40 hb. p. Me 8) Sterling HEngine Bos ip mm, 4 cyl., 4 eycle, ' Fish t : fect condition. $1,500, M M. Ste; 8 t ‘ ay th s FOR SAI Iwo lots gra ~ lat a } piss ONGL OUy a ” OLICE SEIZE alates . L OR SALE OR CHARTER i2xt r ft. Semj-Tunnel Boat, powers | i, 92.37 H.1 lard | with 32-37 I » Standare ! v gine M M. stephens t 3even Cases in Court This Morn- FO SALE-—Splendid lot on Al ing Charged With Being Ave Section 1 close 1 Over Limit, $400.00, M, M, Stephens { FOR SALE Peterboro AnoE | = Apply E. J. Davis, | ¢ idia ; \ ? ’ ; Express olflice. Phone 200, - i ' re Vegetables I i FOR SALI Dining room suite ! va dw - reasonable Apply suite it ' I ' ql Lior Summit Apartments ft y seized by th ver the sp jeq FOR SALI New Sunset Sewing { . cent spirits machine, $45.00. Barrie’s Fur- ' B ( Probibitior niture Store tf i evidence adduced /poR SALE — Boxes for window court t would appear that boxes at $1 each, Daily News aS ‘ - rw over the limit. Omice, tf \ I> { if the hinoress EE om — 15 Ca the Royal Pool|FOR SAI k—Davenport bed, $60 ( ot Room, and ! W. Childs were 00, Barrie 5 b urniture Store, Fruit. di fi . ig y and were fined $50.50) Houses FOR SALE er FOr \) the Royal Hotel, FOR SAL k—House, 7 rooms, both af 1 MeMillan, of the Block 3, Section 7, Cash I Jui hs i‘) and Black, of the $2 000.00 J. Rank, 86 Hays Or Wind i Olier Besnier, of Cove Circle. 03 to $4.00) the Knox, all represented by. W.| 2 ee ee Per \ {84 Matmn vere granted adjoura reNE HOME, best residential No. 4 84.00 ment until May 8 so that samples | section. Moderate terms, Hel f | $2.75 may be submitted to the breweries gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, , lian { kOvly teat. | _Notary Public, ey aah a a JROR SALE—5-roomed house with on FOU ACLUANY 500) +8 SORSArian bath. Section 6, 81,700, Lerms 60C of peal ick life in “In Old Ken-} M. M Step hen : tf \ | HOl tu ight and Saturday, and| ———— owe Figs, | P50} Satunyldy matine 103 LOTS FOR SALE 1), ede ie 1N8 ca Evaporated Fruits PORDROS . oo + 9:0:0's ee beam eke 35 FOR SAL. I L. ot 46. Block a and I) Mew etek 80¢) Apples oe Sets oh abe Box Lot 40. Block 412, May 905 \\ | SOC} Seedless NASins oe eeeeeees Bd« Sixth Street, Stewart, $500 each \ ' ASO) PRUNGS diccc: a0 Cheese re 300) M, M, Stephens, tt | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisernent Taken for Less*han S50c WILL Not Be ResponsipLe For Ix CANCELLATION OF WANT ADS Over THE TELEPH: INE. ELIS Tt Yt TY as ts BE ~ —3t “ML Stephens Notary Public FOR SALES STKUCTIONS Or THE ~~ ee eset ral SALE 4, Bloc OR + ALE Lot and 4, Bl h Seven roomed modern how 32, Section 8, |} enth Avenue, st ne and cement basement . te I rbo ew. g: near drydock £150.00 a. it rat eee Get - te ens This in- M. M. Ste phe: a double commer. fe lern house on FOR SALE—Lots 17 and 18, Blk nS J corner PIftH AV@RUe 26, Section &, I enth Avenue 4 , 1 : : Terms. ; ere ' r ? ciose in. $500, he pair, cashis Bight med modern = on M \ Stephens a aplendid double corner, comnts M. pi , heating plant, and all in ’ splendid t lition, ap@ on easy terms, FOR SALE—Lot 8, Block 10, Sec ~ : The thes sidentis { - tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal ' 0 th City pg - a mn Cove $175.00 cash. M. M. ; = eee Stephens, tf) 5 The Windsor Hotel, with Furni- bid ilialicaciaptivaalial - 3} ture, at an attractive price. FOR SALE—Lot 3 bh ck 6, Se } —_—_——— tion 5, City, Fourth Ave yn M. M. S h , il. Mail box 251, An-/t tephens B. tf Rea! Estate Insurance Financial Agemt SALI Lot { Fifth Avenue, near Sea ial al $175.00. M. M 3 Hote! Prince Ri pert TUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 por day and up. FOR tion 7, Cove, STEWART LOTS FOR SALI x i= hs resewn teaweds 5 ect i tb Stre ceomprtiiesiens ipply Datiy News office t FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La farte. FOR RENT be Ke t RENT Ny ' ‘ ted ar SP OO i ited hall ab the Cand TRY sores ek ee ee DENTIS | I dred feet long and " és, 8 on te OFFICE HOURS: : Quy Sullawes a 9 a.m. to 12; 1:30 gm. to 6:80 pm. i other social events ‘or terms, apply to Jim Killas. t# DR. J. 8. BROWN $$$ DENTIST OR RENT I nis tee fla St. Office: Smith Biock, Third Avenue. ] ~ Mrs. Wo ss Phone 464. . "os 1s a rT FOR RENT—M t ee F. W ____ of ~~ A, G. GRAY. Lost é 2 Teacher of Piano coon nee Se err ern are ae ans tere Studio 137 Second Aventie t ico, hakenion Makai s PHONE Blue 421 or 444 a) es ] der pho 61 asciladetie soncneienontist ms] | ‘ ef if +} string. Finder please | PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. t Daily News oftice. tf PHONE 93 able Service at reasonable Rates. LOS] At book th sum We have Warehouse facilities. 0% ‘ j d Coon S. E. Parker, Manager MeCaltlery G vmons & Doyle Limited. 97 ae ane, acer, Sela TO LET Lost_—on Futon Simat_ aoa HOUSES LOST 1 | I treet, il “s FOR SALE bla rse, card inside ““Mme Sections 1, 5,6 and & at prices : uen ‘ @ ae ] Bla ‘ : : oirg investments and o¢ slues aS eas, 3 | or see F. W. HART at ‘ ‘ ; x a - RIGLEYS. 1d > Here’s to teeth, appetite, digestion ! The flavor lasts—and the electrically- sealed Package brings \ WRIGLEYS to you with all its goodness perfect- ly preserved. S 7 - ‘ ODSLZEN _- NK SODAS. “fe xv Sealed q Tight-— Kept ii SS \ YN town cE ry y JUICY FRUI LHPWINnG. oun pti ene Ca Tea YY), | EREECT GUM Fa Af Fare eae rTZey) 7 ;