“friday, April 9°, 1920, aS , =— Hay Bareirs in Photographs at the Peerless Studio : We are pleased to announce that notwithstand. ing, the prevailing high prices in photographic materials we have “« cided to offer our Superior Cabinet Portraits and all large sizes at greatly reduced prices. For 30 Day Only Beginning May Ist We have just received direct from the factory Hm geveral new and aii active : Call and see‘our sumples and learn our prices. XTRA SPECIAL! With every order amounting to $10.00 or more q we will give FREE of charge ONE ENLARGED PHOTO, 10 by 14, in sepia or black and white. The Peeriess Studio Suite 22, Alder Block. corner 3rd Ave. & 6th St. etyelan AF mnaunting Svyi€5 Gi MOUTRUDRS. ———\ THE DAILY NEWS WEDDINGAT SMART WEDDING H. Yelf, at Full Choral Bride of Willlam Adams, Win- | iwhich consists of 18 members ” Phone Red 328 ‘ All Busses Stop at Our Door ° e gy = —_— aoe : SS nl OLDBLOOM’ f Great Sacrifices IN FINAL SALE \ For several months I have been trying to sell my | business as a going concern. I find this impossible. i + Consequently I have decided ta dispose of stock and "fixtures separately, and close the doors. This is final. Lone "My Vancouveristore demands my attention. eM The’ only way to convert the stock into cash is to ‘fa smash down the prices. The price cutter’s axe has been swinging wildly. ~ Suits, Dresses and Coats a i The most exclusive and beantiful ready to wear ever - Hy shown in+Prince Rupert sacrificed regardless of > sobis/It is an opportunity to make one dollar do ty bt the work of two. mr § ~ , ~Mrs. RAY GOLDBLOOM Y : Sor, ie aes “Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 139 ang 423. P. 0. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. ©, FiS#! BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR . CEDAR Consult Us. m ne : ‘ { m ' uh ve —_ i part of the war. This was espec-|by Misses Jessie and Lily Scott lially interesting as the piece of|and Mrs. A. M. Manson. The| jmetal threatened the life of the/toast to the bridé was proposed by! groom before its removal. Che} Fred Stork and was fittingly re bride also wore a pink picture hat] EIISINESS ewes afid potatoes as articles . NO WV O} IN t OR BUSINESS diet. j ¥ . . . . ~ aA THAT both grooms in tast . ‘ ‘ : Phone 453 Shawatlans Passage jnight’s weddings fought not E 4 ’ feet and well for their eountry ir er. - a OF Beate up: s My os | France, BWOODWORKING, BLACKSMITH ND MACHINE SHOPS . . . i tsé : Cent Cowmita | THAT coming home they tried lconelusions with the little ‘ S l Cc e M i W L d ; é eal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. Cupid and went down to defeat : } - A. Swanson, Pri ‘ WwW. EB. T n, Gen. Manager jas many a good man has done ix ; ifore Phone'Red 391 Phone Green 153 } > > . me ' THAT forgetting their exper — lence many a good man and t LANI jwill engage in the same batt g , land will meet the same fate. : ao . . “ b fn 1 THAT in spite of all we will PRINCE VOUR ltt honer them in their defeat ——se i. daittngitnewndlike Uillacendediaientiationes TAKE pees € ; t nema It is just as cheap to wet your |spmeur, wrinting done wel! and done at} fo : . ‘yi most valuable of 1ome as it is to send it away. Try 9 inet . ke ‘ . b - Phe News Print Shop. Gar Lot 424 ca . sti 7" 7 , - , ' : , aced directly pand Uu . ° tenth * esigdt ; ' are , 7 t tee Fa t “ h & te er r 7“ ‘ ous = | ! tred and ‘ ’ : im * “ ’ a t health hinety - : , reacriD ’ WW , pe tent : te bor 4 s apT ; : ’ ate @ eve siren nore r as ' an LENOMA “ ; arn SPALED TENDERS addressed Ww the un by i ae j == Gersigned and endorsed “Quotation for Nate ath Jar com, Damnenion pane, ae Colum - -_—— - a,” w reeeived unt! o'clock noon : AAND AU dry Monday, Mey 17 for the supply of LA F d Jou os for the public buildings throughout Form No, 6 re we province © tish Columbia | Combined cifeation and farm of ten PORM OF NOTICE i Practical Optametrrs! der can be tained from the Purchasing Rupert | Ament, Department ef Public Works, 01 PRINCE Kt iT LAND DISTRI Third Ave Prince oS ae fram the Caretakera of the ray * 495 ‘ anh - | diferent Dominion Bulldings PaO ee : 0 o Pot . | Tenders will net be considered unless TAKE NOTICE tha uM ' jmade on the forma supplied by the De-| ,- Duncan, Britiah ‘ {partwnent and in scrordance with the Got | eo) 0 1, sends’ 4 jditions set forth therein. 10 purctiane the f _ } me ater must be is companies by ni’ Commencing et o ' : as the accepted cheque on a chartered bank pay ou est and on 4 ' a intipennnsqoonapenneenrern able to the oer of the Minister of Pablie|, > tga Ne otlead ;, i “ al District Works, equal to 10 pc. af the amount of |p poyine: t Mritiat . ; the tender, War Loan Boods of the Do-|jegroes 06 minut ; ' ' minton will so be eceepied as BECUFILY, Ipc thence, North 4 dex? ein te Ml or war bonds and cheques if required Wliset two thousand one if make “B sh 966 ammount feu more or lees thence; North 65 d eee CLD 7 oa r, ”" utes ot. twe sand eee . > , grees 06 minute West 8 t and In@ a. C DESROCHERS, hundred snd Dity feet more or less thence PLUMBING AND HEAT Deparunent of Public Works, Rendred fest inenée; South following is ENGINEERS Mewa, Out, April 12, 1090 water Moe lo point of soramencement. _ = furnished. SKEENA LAND DISTDICT — DISTRICT OF Wit i ha Bettinaes j QCEEN CHARLOTTE. * LENOTA MABEL SMITH Avenut head Sao , e orsyu ve ' TAME NOTICE ihet I, Charies Hartie, of| pate ain fanners eho ee Address, 3rd Queen Charlotte, Oceupation rancher, ’ tn. : : =| of Second Street. end to apply for perinission to purchas: ; ' we following deseribed lands: » MINERAL ACT, 174 p, 0, Box 274 Commencing 8| & post planted on the (Porm F.) |? Phone ‘na or cere ree Intet, geese one mile | —_— 4h easterly direction from the 8&.W “~TPTC )