ik . 5 THE POINT to be considered in buying Drugs is, first of all, the quality, Then, of course, druggist keeps a fresh stock and employs an expert to take charge of the Prescription Department You can be sure of all these good points, and many more, if you patronize OUR MODERN DRUG STORE Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 ani 200 P.O. Box 1680 I} THE REXALL STORE you want to be sure that your > Y sorted 10¢ DENTISTRY | ; ; ei bi > : mixed spice Don't neglect your Teeth K and Beans, specia One decayed wr missing tooth lowers your efficiency ' ; ; ; ; DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; ’ > . § fee ber wi ndows for Other Bargains Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- a | A 3 ‘ “diy, 9 to 12 only. Evenis Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT Rerererererererareres ine er nree ts we eres neiieereesicorrntir tie Auge ‘t Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. vcerree 7 112 Aenea al Welcome Acreage at Terrace Get your Acre Lot or Ten Acre Tract at Terrace fora summer horne before- prices advance. Gcod lots adjoin- ing the Townsite at reason- able prices. nuit and Jots of fishing Town Lots $75. to $200 Porcher Island __ $850 sror CASH. Plenty fi | ee ee ee ee ee Good level building lot Write to of ROYAL S ay P VANCOUVER ac od a Use Royal Crown Soap | The death ocecurr: ently aad Save the Coupons (Garcross of Kate Cormack, a noker jindian woman, widow of Georg Cormack, discovers f the ri | ADDRESSED LADIES AT CHURCH HALL mrs. J. Frank Personal Experiences. Phe, address delivered by Mrs, | Frank Ingram, of . Rangoon, india, on “The Women ond Chil dren of Burma” in the Presby- rhe Pacifie International base ball League opens May 5, when the Seattle nine visits the city. Never ‘taemet to eal through “LAND ACT | fotice of Intention to Apply te Lease Land. in The Skeena Land District, Recording ‘strict of Coast, Range Five District, and ituate and known as Zayas Island. TAKE NOTICE that William A. Nobile) Prince Ropert, B. C., occupation Re urned Soldier, intends to apply for per nh Ww lease the followin described OE A pe . Commencing at a post planted on tt ast Coast, about 1°% miles distant in sortherly direction from the &. E. oint of WILLIAM A. NOBLE, Per Hoomes K. Freeman, Agent. Dated March 2th, 1920. extreme the Istand; thence including the | vhole of the said Zayas Island, and con aining 3,000 acres, more or less $300. , .. 4} Kenney Bros. & Co. Ed.H. Mortimer tlt Real Estate and Insurance Terrace - - B.C. j me Agent, $24 Second Avenue jee, ie i ai A ws KNITTED GOODS E have received a big shipment of woollen > : Sweaters. Coats and Pull-overs in latest yee Shades and styles. The shades are: no American Beauty. Turquoise Blue + Strawberry Kelly we Buff Apricot ae Lavender Jade You are invite d to cor 1¢ and inspect these and We are gure the prices will suit you. They are unusually chic. For the Children Too Fy ahi mae Children we have a large assortment of “over Sweaters and Sweater Coats in a | number of shades and in real values. ot ae ail ye Combinations ! } The latest styles ee Knit es and finest quality in Ladies’ ia ritted Vests and Combinations are in the last rad y shipment. ew (i " | ey Goods are arriving every day and ladies rt InVited to visit the store and look them over * Jabour Bros., Ltd. Co: mer Third Avenue and a Street Shampoo Parlor GO TO THE NORTON SHAMPOO PARLOR to get a facial massage to see the pe it does to the expression; a enna Pack to change the grey hair to any shade. Scalp treat- ment, electrical vibrator treat- ments, face powder and all kinds face creams, ete. Opposite Government Buildings 210 4th St. Phone 493 dean. THE DABLY oe FAMOUS INDIAN WOMAN DIES Grace Cormack Ploked up riet| Nugget on Bonanra—Sister of Skookum Jim. pay dirt on Bonanza Crees gold strike that startied ! Ingram Told of iter, formerly Grace Cor Burmese Costumes Based on She was a victim of nza Mrs. Cormack leay: 1 da jbeaut ful young we in wi imarried a few year | pore us rancher il Cantorn where she now lives and has family. The late Kate Cormack was will her brother Skook J << eininratenenapupebetsions jterian Church hall yesterday Dawson Charley whi h l ‘—_— ternoon was well attended y was made and she is said ! AAS EST LD ee Ke eK ER HH Re & & BE ladies and proved interesting and picked up the first nugget o @ | instructive. Mrs. Ingram dealt Dawson Charley was add ‘ | Value ~ HOSPITAL SECRETARY «°° ® clear way with the customs|the glow that kindles pecia s ey e ind peculiavities of the native and one night when he was : ‘. Applications will be re- # heathen oF that country, where spooks attempted in Section 6 * ceived for the position of eae Mab Pesided for many years, {railway bridge at Carcross. WV ne * scoretary of the General #/*% her. lecture, based on per-lwas left of him was fished out of LAL isone io erie ‘e ; re ass . . 2 } . * Hospital up to Saturday, * ae sake cairns largely, was the ~~ ae ee the bridge lat . a . sia * lore npressive, | ether i” juniped \ hoard ft _ k O7 May 1. Apply to Acting : we eee i. : Lots 4 and 5, Block 27, fy Seenetary, General Hos. 7 . The addry ; wee ee indefjescape the spooks el Seventh Avenue, * pital. 98-00-02 1e auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of, never was known. % m Ji ma. s ejune Presbyterian Chureh and was|who could-take ear f his sh near McBride Street CeRRRHRE SEER ER ER #@/ presided over by Mrs. U. A. Eggert.}or Dago red in hie day, we — iMrs. F. F. Schellenberg sang two}a dectine and died a few yeu $650 00 each pe in a pleasing manner. lat Uarcross. All were Tagish I neptraeeiy tae idians, ; . ty . i : Co . fle ‘king ae ' Specials This Week CALGARY DEFEATS — enh ae | \j Lu ’ jstrike and realizing a fortun ; (ewer yaaa VANCOUVER AT BALL wont to seattio, marcieg © wnt Mc ery, | ons j Quaker Brand Tomatoes 2s 3 for BOc woman, and has lived there ever ’ } Qua : ‘ Ae i (Special via G.T. P. Telegrapns.) since. & Doyle, Lid | usher Bross ‘corm, per Gos.-€2-58 Ul VANOUUYES, April 30—In an —— y = s Best Refugee Wax Beans ‘Xhibition basebail game Calgary COMPENSATION FOR Agents oe . 2 fer 45c defeated Vancouver by a score « 3rd Ave, Phone 11 Aimer Brand Surawberries, a AS Tichree to one here, making the; = WORKMEN IS NOW ' aE ; : in: ith standing 2 to 0 for Caigary in ¢ I as series of five games. UNDER DISCUSSION Soertal by GO. T. PP. Tetegrapns.> OTTAWA, April } \ ndation designed niformity in tl orATMen compe =i i ontrol of factories was a MMMmMissior m tf tion of labor. The recommendations ega ing workmen & ‘ npensa provinces adopt the idea of ar ‘lusive standard It Was a s to Othe eftect that ul mended that all empleo ovinela governthents« ind nunicipal ties inelud ice and firemen, be ir the scope of the wot compensation act NO DEMONSTRATION LABOR IN VICTORIA Protest Meeting Tonight but May Day Will Be Quict in Capital where in Canada. A { regarding the Winnipec I prose cutions is, howeve planned for tonight Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton Pe $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD. Phones 564 and 118 MAY DAY DEMONSTRATION Egg Coal CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 ton. We strongly recommend it for your kit- chen range, SCREENED LUMP Delivered $15.00 tan, For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, $12.50 ton, Sackéd, €13,75 Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 In aid of he Wivesand Families of the Labor officials how under. oing imprisonment as punishment e their activity in the Winnipeg Strike, and to provide Funds for the appeal of a test case to the Privy Council, England. McINTYRE HALL SATURDAY, MAY 1 Programme PUBLIC MEETING Commencing at & p.m Speakers--W. E. Thompson, Geo. Casey, Geo. Rudderham and others SOCIAL AND DANCE The drawing for the pie ture of Nacro Fjord, now on view at the Boston Grill, will take ple we dur ing the evening. All those hold ing stubs of tickets will ples hand same to J. E. Burro io Melntyre not later th an 9 p.m., May 1 ecdleah in free. Collection (Auspices Women's Auxiliary, C.L.C,, O.B.U,) 4 If you like the “belter, choose this style because the smartest member: “belter” family. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY Cr BRYANT COMPANY, THE CLOTHES SHOP FOR ME? Prince Rupert; B.C. SEARCH IS MA AT POWELL RIVER FOR MISSING MAN | Seneuene Piano Tuning and All Kinds of Repairs. GEORGES GAGNON | For Outside Orders address P.O. Box 1666 Phone 7) BIG LEAGUE BALL American League, vith gifle of Maori fea rveved pipes, cloak and anct wr er erererereencnrns | \\ whe ‘ ; i i in ; ‘ | National League Bt. Louis ih i { Cincinnalt s itt Phi lelphia 1, ! t New York 0, Ih yu 3. Pacific Coast League. Los Angeles 2, Seattle Bait | ce 45. Vernon ¢ san Franeiseo ¥,, Portia Satramento 4, Ousatand GIFTS FOR PRINCE (Special via ©, T.P Telegrapoes ROTURUA, N, Z Apel the Prinee of Dales teday ‘ the headqua eve of the j\War spear, oe Ss : oy er eye ~e-