THE DAILY NEWS page 2 —— ——— a a pone $$ i %.. (or en Sil ee Sp Vee Ce “Oa i - iy ne IED i | Y DAY eee 6° ow eee ft e —— ie, Ty. WwW ' 6 wit fo : WA y A j MAIL SCHEDULE , nn arf ») THE DAILY NE S lt ' WEL ec eceee enue ua a, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ti - 1 For the Gast. 4 PINT ; q lst | Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News R iT MEDICHIE iy iondays, Wednesdays and Sat. i “| : Pub Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. | \ i Po ee B days at 10:30 a.m, i AY | ; me rACING essed. | Specia) via OTP exrapha,) | f H. F. PULLEN, Manacine Epitor. | . From the East. oun... i N ‘ < aht | ‘ pode : stil idescteiaalinibcbiaihasi taste Every Home in Sanada Roads ‘i a “ oe al 3.1 , id svnodays, Tuesdays and Thurs. , v7 ——— oO orkers are er tt 2 vacpatapetigy Sa pag gel e, y ue T " ary ery , ‘days at 7 p.m. QUALIT > livery, by carrier vo! mail, per MUNA 2... ee eee The. FFIUIT-A-TIVES”” have saruabins ipated in (ire re rit 4. | ; very, #7 ** . ie ' i : om ; : ain's observance of May ay by lites i all parts of the British Empire and the United on a Tothose suffering with /ndigestion, |, ee the aan aw baka For Vancouver and South. aoe RD ich a CAN gle ete le bees ie 4 * pt Sie 86.00, ; “seehibntiens Sieh o ‘ 's 7 ON, resdays i pom ’ ae ae ae S Torpid Liver, Consi:pation, Sick or scala sti aa ae eare ‘ - Per ge agentrics, in advance, POP Wear. i 2. eee eee $7.50. | Nervous Headaches, Neuraigia, Xtd- | : 2, oe ar s ¢ eb Bes Dacha di" sigue To all o% oe er ee, |: mey Trouble, Rheumatism, Pain in |'™" ws ee - oe Phe Mave eensays «+ sees + * Pe Yr. a ne | TELEPHONE 98. | the Back, Eczema and other skin (S01 Pee oe bh the [Sumdays ..-++es-ee -.. {1 p.m | “affections, ‘‘Fruit-a-tives”’ gives (‘0 limpet ‘” wee a cos May 4, f4 and 25 ° OFFICE HOURS ‘ant Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. | prompt relicf and assures a speedy | Seta : b ae se i a ] — _- Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, La0 to 6.30. % o0 i ae advertising on {rontU' page . co... 2%. $2.00 per inch.| recovery when the treatment is |C)"tuI 7 Cae 0m PAIRS From Vancouver and South. Every Evening from 7 2 = eee late pel ‘insertion, ie hd asin frccece 20c, per line. faithfully followed, bi ay ! railwaymen's pre Bundaye ..... at 10 p.m. } Cvening niu J Local oy | srtising, per insertion, ........+.+ 2c. per word. “Frait-a-tives” is the only medicine |® NASCO. ; », Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m Dental Nurse in atte: ane ae mach: insertiONg: «6%. ee NN i5c. per agate line.| made from Fruti—containing the CHICAGO, May 3 ee y eRudaen a. PRs. 10.90 a.m P} ] Legal Notices, om au : atad icati medicinal principles of apples of families in Chis went on sila jJo.n hone 109 for appoints ‘ai Seats TES paid Neeat Cinbe on day pre-| oranges figs and (pruners, ectibined rent strike” on S&S day aud 7 e if BO May 10 Zi and at | 5 . i. | All advertisi" = or AN advertising reanived subject to approval | with valuable tonics and antiseptics. |refused to vacate tl apart r : Rooms 4, >, O Heilgerson Blk. ¢ : ime full * 5 ? - te - : —- _ OF mer . ar Corrs met ' ; , ceding publi: - . SOc a box, Ofor #2. 0, trial re. jmet ts In accordar h May For Anyox and Alice Arm. Bes Equipped Office in Nort satis M 3 4920 At all dealers or sent postpaid by | Day moving orders - {4 p.m Lif mnday. Mz 3, 1920. ose ai _ : : : eet ; ng [DUDUAYS oc cee ww ee ee des ) DAILY EDITION. asta Monday, Ly | Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. PARIS May Maa oo} Wednesdays ..csscescs i4-p.m nn were massed at ' strategic i a e a ; “ vor s stren: Saturda' Premier Oliver ; = som Rial Po ‘ ane i. From Anyox and Alice Arm. TUCOGRYS ccsscvers ses ae 4% p. m. Offensive. . . HOLESAL jconnection with May Day cele : eae On it is difficult to catch Premier Oliver on the defensive. He ie , |brations, Doblbe cre were) BUPOdAyD ..ccceseete ce. i ee no . » enemy’s own country. At the) LL AINDS OF id aad: in, etidenct ——— usually carries oe war) into mm eee d : » the Canvas goods, _ oilskins, 3 en ae id : For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili ~close of the session the ‘Dolly Varden Act was pounes giving the boots, overalls, mackinaws, Fhe ree eee eemeern Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. title in the Dolly Varden Railway and mine to the Taylor interests. gloves, waterproof clothing, %} / i ¥ / Dibaba oR. ae 44 The other side had a chance to take it up under the legisiation baggage, harness, beds, |) The Man mn the oon ) RINGO Hi ii a 5 pum. last year but failed to do so, Then the Taylor people took erockery, shoe findings, ) SAYS:- i pees Wednesday {0 p.m, f Ar aaa ine and worked it and found it to be very rich. TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. i. ~* From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mit! Sanday and Thu M hold of the mine aud wo si BER tag 34 J F M A GUIRE | THAT the Man the Moon is 2@¥, Wales Island and Naas River. The Dominion Government refused to disallow the legisla- i . ~ Mi i a inbdleiiats Talis ai) ides sun i Ps “Ave » . 2 . or 7 Dan - : . sorry or tose spire editors tive act of last year an 1 in order to prevent the. property being) 182 Second Ave., © Prince Rupert who are-Sesin4h D.C, thissiem Saturdays sodas csceceoss neon tied up by litigation the provincial legislature passed the law| ‘* | ‘ giving the present owners full title to the prope rty. | R. T. Elliott, who was acting for the former owners, tried) | | to stop the legislation ! Up to that time he had been a supporter of the Government, and apparently would have st ll supported them had not his personal with his public policy. Now he bitterly Is I interests clashed against them. i Bad Form and Poor Politics. The Dolly Varden quarrel is largely a legel one and is not} of much interest to the general public. What the public is in-| terested in, however, is the character of the man who leads the Government, Mr, Elliott suddenly finds that he has for years) been a bad man, whereas formerly he was a man to de trusted.} i =— es = eee RR RR RRR RR eel pse of the prom ° PRINCE RUPERT TIDES yw making charges against Premier Oliver. CRESDHRESRRERER SSE 48 ES Monday, May 3. High, 1:42 a.m., 24.4 feet. 13:57 p.m., 19 feet. Low, 7:47 a.m., 3 feet. 19:46 p.m., 6.9 feet, Tuesday, May 4. ’ High, 1:44 a.m., 24 feet. 14:32 p.m., 18.8 feet. Low, 8:19 a.m., 3:1. feet. °* 20.18 p.m., 7.4 feet. Wednesday, May 5. High, 2:15 a.m., 20.7 feet. 15:8 p.m., 18.3 feet. The swiden conversion of Mr. Elliott and the efforts to injure} Low, 8:52 a.m, 3.5 feet. the character of the first public man in the province, will oo ee mS a meet with much success. To say the least the effort was bad} High, ae ee - Seok. form professionally and poor politics. Premier Oliver stands | 15:46. p. m., 17.7 ‘feet. as high im-public esteem today as he ever did. He has shown | Low, 9:27 a.m., 4 feet. himself to be strong and fearless. He has carried on the affairs| 21:26 p. m., 8.6 feet. of the country at a time when the difficulties seemed almost} Friday, May 7. insurmountable. He has had-to fight against false friends and} High, oe a. Mm., 590 feet. open foes and he has in every case come out on top. He is a} $6:28 p. m., a9 = feet farmer, not particularly cultured or refined, but a man with good| Low, 10:5 a.m., 4.7 feet “horse sense.” He does not shine at afternoon teas, tennis! o2:4 p.m., 9.2 feet parties or drawing room receptions, but when it comes to solving Saturday, May 8. the problems of the nation, he is there. He may not be right! High, $77 a. M., 18.5 feet. all the time, but so aften as to be pre-eminently the man < 47:38 p. m,, ey-1, Tat. the hour. ' Low, 10247 a.m., 5.5 eet. It ie very probable that Premier Oliver will visit Prince} |. Se D, Mi, OA. leet. Rupert this summer. If he does so he will get a good reception Phe tira see is Pacific Stan- for he is just the sort of man that appeals to the people who|%4"d, for the 120th Meridian west live here. If we have questions to ask, he will answer them, and oh is counted from 0 to 24 hours, if we have suggestions to make, he will give them consideration, oe a a” Port and if he thinks they are not good he will turn them down and}, *"® ‘#¥/€ #iven Is fo - ; Simpson but the time for Prince tell us why. Council Determined To Build Bridge, Apparently {he Morse Creek bridge leading to Sectionstwo|m is to be built this vear, be behind them in doing so. possible. There wil] b hoped that the latest proposal to change the specifications and |g cali for new tenders wil| bring results and that the work may| proceed, - German Efforts We want the bridge as soon asine | e other work to do next vear. It is to be}P1 Rupert varies only a few minutes fon ithe others is tide some days and on Vhe range of the ay be computed as 5 per cent same, The City Csuncil seems determined to |greater at Prinee Rupert than .at force the work ahead, and the people of the city, we think, will |P« yt Simpson both at springs and 2aps. Therefore the rise in the ‘ince Rupert harbor is slightly yater than Port Simpson. ‘The height is in feet and tenths iof feet above the average level of wer low water. To Come Back. _Iustrating the efforts of Germans to get back former positions the London Times says:— " | ‘The Handley Page Company have received an application! for a position as pilot Ariny. His sponsors whom he had serve; himself by stating to 1 ion the Western Front. He recommended from a flying officer recently of the German’! °. were German squadron commanders under | Prince Rupert invends apy ihe following describe LAND ACT. otice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. slands Land District, of Skeena, in Queen Charlotts cording District Naden Harbor ake notice that Hume B. Babington at occupation master mariner, for permission 4 lands and situate to appl wo lease y . that he i t ilig 7} , ap | Commenciog at a post planted about 20 m having ian i the Ww 1s familior with English territory, ddan aeaees af Goce Ft eee i ae yver the Eastern Counties on many occasions. No|nerth 10 ebains; thenee west about 2 vacancy was found for him. chains more or less to shore; thence south What a surprise! as Maupassant easterly along ¢hore to post and containing a valuable asset. PERSONAL ATTENTION, eme Office Hours: 9-12; 1.6; 7.9. Lady Assistant Phone 575 a DR.JOS MA Dentist Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block ality---your. appearance and your good health depend upon your teeth, You eannot afford to neglect such LOW PRICES---Best materia] money can buy. PROMPT SERVICE, will insure the BEST RESULTS mber my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block wrote at the ; ; end of ne : re _¢ "jee? 5 acres, more or less 4 f one of his most fiercely ironie stories. : H. B. BABINGTON rt eS = er i =——= i GUIRE Has everything to do with your suc- cess---your person- Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment imer without getting even. a : 8 For M aed land Queen Charlotte Isiands: a ae ‘For Massett, Port Clements and : j : lan > TRAIN GEAVICE rMAT if they only knew what Upper istand anne Parseoeer Mondey, W*dreedey . ay ‘ th were missing they would May {2 and 2¢ Prince George, Eadmobiun « e insist on taking in Prince Kupert ——— all f S. ° ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and THAT we enjoy a new wordto Upper I*land points: Agency All Ocean Stear I tickle our jaded minds as much May 13 and 27 Por informers and re jas we do a few dish to tickle « demiatgaisei Ch Ticket Ofes, G28 T renee. * ‘ jJaded palates. |“or Skidewate, Queen Charlotte Po City and Lower Island points & ae a : % heat ,¢ i THAT the next best thing to a May 4. 15 and .29 w word is a new meaning to ar senate OR Pg gg OO OO PO AO cae i” dad o . . . ) Ola ne. From Skidegate. Queen Chariotle ' - A arnrs rmwiy j <9 . : ge N Lal 1 | THAT the renaissance of the City and Lower Island points CAI LADIAN PACH AV 4 AILWAY i May i8 and June 1 ord “vamp” is an example. i . ei. ¢ ee CANADIAN FACHIC OCEAN SERVICES i . | THAT a writer ima middl For Skagway and the Yukon. L: : | neil * aw . t ; ~ mem ’ ; West paper describes the meaning | April 30, May 40, 24 and 31 B.C. Coast Ste amsa Y Services fi the werd like this: } * lalla eaianeti hee names | A yard of silk, | From Skagway and Yukon. ih dieheee’ mane } A hank o° hair, May 4, 14 and 25 feeen: Pe “ for Ketehinen, Juneeu, Stagwey, Aleria c ‘ ’ i Iwo passionate eyes, me Apri 9, 19 May : White gleaming arms j itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp For Vancouver Vicictic aod Grete fr r + Re A couple will’ do: Point. Apri 14, 24; Mey 6 1 j And slender ankles— For—-Saturdays ...... 9 om 6 & PRINCESS armice ake »* : | From—Sundaye ...... 10 pun From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bey, « pene = Make it two; | i cscs sor Core, Powell River, Wanceurer ey A cosy corner, - Gvery Geiurdey & 6 B 4 shaded tan Pp: SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION io E ‘ And th a DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ’ — : nd there you are ISLANDS W. ©. OROHAAD. Ge: ai Age One litt vamp! | : » Ss “ct Prine ° ° ° TAKE NOTICE that Wiilam J. Leary of Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Stree ! | PHA’ Lord have “mercy upon | Seidegate, B settior, intends to apy ee * miserable singers” mieht be meee ” 7 . os te » ‘ ‘ 7 _— --- — j ther churches than the * : ats diflerence between “music’ and SKEENA LAND KECORDING DIVISION : PHON! é pea eer rtt® . : Li ; : sane ee ” real music. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHAKLOTTE SAAR EEA AEH HR ERE OR oie ee Suey eS ISLANDS renee THAT he says when Mrs. Long ey field sang he forgot himself and JAKE NOVICE that William J, Leary of | was transported j , ne kidegate, B. C., settler, tptends to apply | ran : ed into the seventh ij Meckee to mecenect” ter encl” to feaven, where . SOMCONE Te- |) petroleum on and under the following jimarked, “Oh Shucks!"). leseribed lends . . CLounpenciig @1 8&4 post planted at Uy THAT self conseiousness is north-west corner of DI 1653, thence m ra : c north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains ° d Ice vhat everyone should avoid. thence south 60 chains; thence west #u an i ‘ RY : sl ’ hains, © point of commencement At BUTEDAL! . THAT the extreme of self con. WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant rh sciousness is illustrated by the! Dated this 61m day of March, 1930. ERS | 1M! [Ev it who stands ak ie ee ti ett Mate WESTERN PACKERS, | girl who nds ona chair in) gxyewa LAND RECORDING DIVISION, og front of the mirror toe see if she DISTRICT OF OGUREN CHABLOTTE Butedale, 5.4 (18 Knock kneed, ISLANDS ea oe adie i | THAT what is worrying tha), TAS® NO MCE Abet Wiliam 2. Leary of amber : : Skidegate, G. (C,, settler, intends to apply me mbers of the overall clubs at for @ Heenge f prospect for coal and Vancouver is, what they are to do petroleum on and under the following | with the money they save. described tends: | ' @ 6 ; Commencing at & post planted at the | 3 THAT the ne wala ‘ _|Horthwest corner of D,L, 1863; thence! as ‘ e next Broble m to ive horth 80 ¢caning; thence west 80 chains: | is what is to be worn “under all,”| thence south 60 chains; thence east so| pepartment® 5 E ° e & chains, to point of commencement | N the Basing® ee ‘ VHAT unfor tunately underalls WHLLIAM J, LEAKY, Applicant iz our 4 venience O20 MY agp are just as dear as 6veralis and’ Dated this 6th day of March, 1020 ( weil pnt rhe an i and Be | —— eee gee eaten pene : 7 vos Dy YS 4eQu much more important, } ; ie ‘ earner thus make Oring @ a oe NOTICE ; 0 oe by Ce ape” .” — , 1 , ! * Supe CHAT if you don't believe nnn u Pine ondy MOP ay eet ee eve ML.) IN THE MATTER of en application for | fixed t be gained by 6 SO: ANT ¢ jthe issue of @ fresh Certificate of Title to} ac i } ‘ «oe but Three (3), Block Fifteen (15), Town ? — 7” » f Stewart (Map @18A), Satisfactory proof ag oo ladies do not seem tojof, the loss Of the sbove Cerin cete of | ave taken up the ore tpngo | title) having been produced, notice ta} | i ’ vverall craze hereby given that it is my intention to} with any enthusiaam. issue after the expiration of one month a feation hereof, a fresh from the first pub ies . EES | Cortincate of Tithe to the above men 8 jJUBL as © 2 ; Honed lands, in the name of Vietor A. G, | oe , neny W get your itiict which ‘Cortipeawe is davd. S4ib ,orinting done wel! and done at “ctober, 1010, and ie numbered 260-1 Land Registry Office, lrince Mupert, B.C ; 10me as it is to send it away, Try | 30th a of ere Che News Print Shop. an day Merch, 1920 MacLkob istrar of ‘Titles, uP, District Keg