rasere race see PeseTeLegere SAILS TENTS All Kinds at Sizes made Jones a Co., Ltd. Yea Experience) c. H. 40 Agent Fy, F. MAGUIRE Second Avenne gpa Fes es OF OIRI IOI OT AICI OTS ww PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centrai British Columbia’s “ J eA po : , Newspaper sv \ The Daily News ~ \s Lo Cy I PRINCE RUPERT B.C., WEDNESDAY, r MAY 5, Shipyard Control JON. JOHN OLIVER TAKES ACTION AGAINST ‘THE SENDER OF TELEGRAM ase now practically Settled with Erb in Full Control; Head . Office moved from Prince Rupert to V aiicuiae favourable Progress on Negotiations for Tankers r ox Walkem takes p'ace of A. M. Manson as Director and Solicitor for Shipbuilding Cencern ‘ ts (rovert ent Te hia VANCOUVER, May 5.—-The last step in the Prince Rupert wdock sult was taken yesterday when Rewman Erb of New k pald $32,000 into the Bank of Montreal in connection with settlement with John L. Mullen and associates under which was to pay therm the sum of $76,000 for the stock held by m, Mr. Erb is now in full legal control of the plant and all actions both parties are discontinued. Knox Walkem, Erb’s solicitor, states that the registered office. the company is being transferred from Prince Rupert to Van- ver and that he has been appointed director and solicitor In) of Alex. Mi. Manson, M. P.P., who was associated with. lien in the recent action. } Favorable progress is reported in the negotiations for the! tirvction of steel tankers, mention of which was made by . Erb when he was in this city. i} egrat LY VARDEN BAKERS’ STRIKE CASE UP AGAIN 1S SPREADING © Court Being Asked for Practically All ‘Cosst Cities Tied Delay in Action Being Up in Regard to Bread Taken. Supply. I SCHOOL TEACHERS I» MAY TAKE ACTION lb y Va VANCOL VER May ‘ Union \ Mines cials her say that Victoria Miss Harriet Bb Pratt, we s bakers w have joined the strike Slew York, is seen taking a ride at i x a mst chain of sat i ima hing Vancouvel Seattl : | ad and Sa Fr { pany s Tl s up to th fter j bhurs ‘ard @ tion of the difl ty Regarding the unrest along the ’ j om af me boat stewards, lite ° : . 4 BOR TEMPLE heey oe ‘icine aay Miss Katherine Fillsbury the strike vote is counted but the ewman Erb Makes First Payment to J. L. Mullen in eyeoms Case intial Police Constabl junbar rets ud foom Swan- Ba by the P Rupert this} mening ON THE BRIDLE PATH AT HOT SPRINGS ot ran net Rw a, a Gielen ina lek om Jy ** + z eT? Pleo. ja mast Nan taf C5852 rund Se r set of society ip wn in the young the fqmous Virginia winter resort — Bh fist Prince Rupert Stucent Graduates from University takes her B.A. Degree at Vancouver tomorrow; earlier Education at AS A SCHOOL . Snother esis and _poesibi E et trike is neat K a Tdmorrow, Afth Ganvor ion of versily of British teachers of Vancouver, Hiowing ' \ : f +} 43 { shury : il e held Th iver and for the Tirst lime . he ernment and School Board the school board's refusal last Golumbia will | : a a After Vancouver Edifice for ght to grant teachers the new history of the province the ime ofa Prince Rupert stude nt will Technical Purposes. aT \ compromise offer to|appear in tre list of students taking the degree of B.A, This grant increases on last year si honor has been won by one of Prince Rupert s real old timers May Ihe Pro-| schedule to cost the city $100,000 in the person of Miss Katherine H: Pillsbury, daughter of Mr. { ‘ e jis 0 al ece ro { mass . REC Welle DEX 1”. a . f it : and Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury. rolialt we for eo wu as eon calle o con : alis rr meetin ia } Miss Pillsbury had her first s hool associalions in the tirst th labor sider the matter, wee to be used as Both Stand Pat English Church here on Centre Street and a picture of that according t , . May 4.—Both] first historic group of child ate aaael ee ete Tt me ( B wo VANCOUVER, May 4 | . Pioneers’ Asso- S¢hool Was moved to the city hall . nade by: Hon.'gides are standing pat in nthe} preserved in the lonee! _ ‘ See ’ ‘ where he ‘le ‘ . arters ¢f . . ler, Of educa-j| bread strike Employers who are; ciation book, Later on Ul id = ic : , ‘aa on eae ' ‘king tt ‘Ives are increas-|school was Dull on Second Ave INSLALIOG, inally the Bor- ] Dy working themselve al + hiibeaied stil n Street Sehool was erected and : Government has!ing the output considerably and/aud fnally the King tward | rt 7 Se aaa 4 ; eT s erected on its pres-| ere the stal as increased by tt ' laying plans the public institutions of the city lice@choo! was el : ; f Mis TLenarhe 1e @x { the technical! are being supplied with bread. ent site and here Miss Pillsbury}! " : re ue Bae ore a) : i ; main i“ ater 2 ar " ‘r accepte I nd with that The school teachers have de- completed her PUDILO set hool ty ; \ . ; pt 7 " ples mV t ; . je : he high e- posiion 0 instructor in tablishe ft Ban anil ; seoling and passed into th : i hed win-!eided to defer action to enforce) ing the principalship/PAysics and mathematics, Miss ONE too} it various points their salary demands until the;sechoel during the” prineips Pillsbury worked faithfully dur seal ting rhe latest meeting which is to be held on|of D, McD. Hunter, It was in this)?! WW vonked faithfully dur- Me by g of a more Thi a 7 year, 1913, that one of the Gov ing these pioneering days, when b) 7 towards th en lernor Generals bronze mi dals (Conditions were net always too "§iment oe) "a ° © C5 epemnemmenmains rn Patmaaited ; . favorable and the same spirit has the iq ‘Oohnical sehools Hon. 7 D. Pattullo, minister | was brought - this district Dy Se ree een “I ‘ete e . } ; : . e student, YON & a s . ) ol er re- re, of the prov-'of lands and member of the legis-j this, sam e a ‘ tha a ; Liha assembly for Prince Ru-| At the High School. ( vt A ow at the Lavy pty : sti- . | oughout her careet in thestUlta oO earning Wwhrieh she 1s ML the ’ rived from Vic-| Throut : Xe meetin f the G.'T. Pp to * ibe Prin - Rupert this|high sehool Miss Pillsbury shows djJust leaving Nay uae ‘ ' ‘;boria on i ce : ' : st : brotherhood!) morning Mr. Pattullo will spe ynd/ extreme ability. In the fall of University Activities. BOb J, Wracs Es 0414 e old sehool building was In Seplember, 1917, Miss Pills- Peleg enholme was » time in the north and will 19419 th | rely rent Joe Harvey visit Al i. Arm during his stay used on Second Ave, and Seventh bury was admitted to the class of hey : ‘| And P. Waldorf tre \ bye y oa j Street with J, GC, Brady as prin-|Arts '20 at the university and her has, ' a-|} -- — meeenrs id sole teacher for high/consistent work has brought COrs are elected| ft for Hazelton|e ipal ant ( t t roug POAPi}y ecled Jack W rathall lof ‘ i lv ohool studies. Later the high|Prince Rupert well to the fore in j this morning. | + ior j black and tan Welch I jhad jihad fallen ithat under | streets of a city. -OLICE COURT POISON CASE . Weich Lald Poison for Howling Cate and Pet Dogs Fell! Victims. was fined te court this morning poison as of investigations into the of Dr. W. T. Kergin’s “Nick,” and G. W. pup “Frank.” leaded guilty to and expressed regret C. Welch the laying n dollars n police a result ne poruce soning Cook's Mr. the airedale harge his it the himself loss of the dogs as he, fond f the of animals. deaths to the investigation On the round st ng made, it at the Prince Ruper# Store that strychnine had sold to Mr. Welch. On Mr. Welch being interviewed he free- ly admitted that had laid the under his aud the to kill cats that annoying him by their The next he two dogs was On report yesterday Vas at or made. of the drug yes bei was learned Dri been he oflice some poisen sidewaik been nocturnal howlings. had heard was that the victims to it. It is pointed out by the police > no cireumstances can laid on the public In the esuntry be poison jit may be laid but all residents Iwithin a two-mile radius must be personally notified and signs put up. Rat poison in a city may be ltaid if proper notification is made | j | ithe het i and DE SSED ORS taken. FLOATING TRAP FOR FISHING Decision in Alaska Court Regard- Rights of Fishermen KETCHIKAN, May 5.—The case f the United States vs. Perty and Joe Jenkins charged with illegal shing re sultall in the jury re- ning a verdict of acquittal for ie def lants. An iportant feature of the ase was that it established the egal status of the floating fish ap whieh has heretofore bee mewhat hazy in its elation to ther fishing appliances, rhe decision in this ease im- es that the floating fish trap is ot a fixed fishing appliance with- n the eves of the law which would lact it in the same category as 1 seine or gill net. rhe dispute in the above case irose When the Jenkins brothers drote a trap in a certain location and had started to hank the web and Capp and Steers towed in a floating trap and started fishing within the 600 yard area pro- hibited by law, and when the Jen- kins brothers started fishing a ‘omplaint was lodged against them for fishing legally. Attorney A. H. Ziegler Gonduet- ed the defense and Distriet At- torney Jas. H. Smistr eonducted the government’s case, Skeena cannery arriy ivals on last eht’s train which arrived about 9 o'clock included James Lamb, |} of Cassiar, and 8S. H, Peatee of Inverness. all activities. Last term she held the position of vice-president of her class and during the term which has just elosed served in the capacity of vice-president of Students’ Council, Her social and scholastic attainments gain- ed the respect of fae ully and sti- dents alike, and all Prinee Rupert ioin her parents in rejoicing at SUCCESS. i Rt. writ is that in which the Premier was Charged with selecting lands for himself in .connection with lands for soldier ertte- : ments. The section reads: a “Then two men, Petley and Heith, were notified to saith " hefor® you in respect of large land areas in the north, with a- % ‘Take Srssniten: ¥ to saeamiiens j parliament, Prices Drop In New York : Big Departmental Sto: Store Slashes 20 — per cent. and Tendency of . Others is Downward NEW YORK. May 5.—Following the annonncement Of @ wenty per cent reduction in the price of practically its entire