; ——— oe + THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT ed Every Afternoon, except rinting and Publishing Co., H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. ' SUBSCRIPTION. RATES: Sunday, Third Avenue 3RITISH COLUMBIA by The News exer FRUIT MEDICINE Every Home In Canada Needs “FRUIT-A-TIVES” wery) by carrier oO mail, per month 00 ¢9¥0 ves . THe al yo all parts of the British Empire and the United re To those suffering with Jadigestion, in adva ee, per WOAr «es seewevetsevens ; : or eevvvvee see e's 9 en u. Torpid Li er, Consi 1 ifton, Sick or To all other coontri n advance, per year ....... 800s $7.50. Nervous Headaches, Neuralgia, Kid- ees. ee ney Trouble, Rheumatism, Pain in TELEPHONE 98. the Back, Eczema and other skin ae affections, Fruit-a-tives’’ gives Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion.) prompt queasy: n ee $ & Sj ody Transient advertising on front page ...-...... oe per inch. recovery when the treatment is Local Readers, per ins SP GROMA, cio. 6 tad eiwed ks . 25c, per line.| faithfully followed. ie J adverlising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. “ Fruti-a-tives” is thbonly medicine ae Nouces. each insertion, .....46.4+.. idc. per agate line.) made from Fruit—containing the Legal Not Contract Rates on Application. medicinal principles of apples, ising should be in the Daily News Office o All advertising received subject t All advert ceding publication. eo DAILY EDITION. asia gor W ednesday, EE Sterling Money Is Coming Back. With fluctuations back and forth the British pound sterling standard, of values, more as the May 5, ora combined Ww nges, figs and prunes, th va luable tonics and Se a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Oat, n day pr e-| oO approval. antisep! 25e. {92 WHOLESALE Aut KINDS oF ig gradually taking its place once “ie avede ollskitia, and Jeading autho lies predict that by next December it will have nadta: ‘overnite, mackinawe, fully recovered its normal value. It should be worth $4.86 of gloves, waterproof clothing, our money and the same of American money. baggage, harness, beds, Financial men seem to be divided as to the reason for the crockery, shoe findings quick recovery of British exchange. of a stockbroking firm: “There are pound; the principal un doubted)y for the that several sound reasons recov be Great ing returning to wproducing maximum with greater-and more busi- The following is the TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. de Be MAGUIRE 722 Second Ave. Prince Rupert opinion POOL EOE ACR EAL OD ery of the} Britain is “see ePeeeeerereeee s slike celerity than any other of the late befigerent nations asta eee a Se © PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * in Burope. British shipping and foreign trade are rapidly re ee ee ee eee ee Oe ing to normal, and, since the commencement of the year, some Tuesday, May 4. £2060,000,000. wort! manufactured gools and materials have High. 1:44 a.m., 21 feet. been sold or cont ed for to be sold externally; United States £4:32 p.m., 18.8 feet. interests praving among the largest purchasers. Of the foreign Low, 8:19 a.m., 3.4. feet. , ; ; 20.18 p.m., 7.4 feet. ade which the United States has lost since the commencement ra ; , ‘ a epba eee st a Wethdeday, May 5. of 1920, and which is estimated at nearly 70 per cent, it is cer- Hieti 3:45 a. m.. 20.7 feet. tain that Great Br has gained the principal share. Great i: 8 | {8.3 fe Britain has shown a consideration and willingness to assist her, Low,,8:52 a.m, 3.5. feet. late allies thai has proved a most important sentimental factor 20:51 p.t 8 feet. in trade rehabilitation.” Thursday, May 6. High, 2:48 m., 20 feet. Disorganization of 15:46 p.m., 17.7 feet. Trade is General. | Low, 9:27 a.m., 4 feet 21:26 p.m., 8.6 feet. Prince me people have been much worried oy market and the of cars. given for the lack of rolling stock to handle the local p shortage Various reasons the shortage is everywhere and Prince Rupert is suffe with other places. .The, pljieials, are doing their difficult conditions, Possibly when the of the railway, one of the first things-they will attend the increase of the rolling stock. A lot of money mus to bring if up te a point where it can properly cope w business without aliowing for increase. But there will increase in business if we can only get the means of | New Dock Waiting Final Sanction, Final sanction is awaited by the officials of the ra Government assumes complete control} er the fish Friday, May 7. have beem| High, 3:25 a.m., 19.2 feet. roduct, but! 16:28 p.t 17.2 feet. ring along), Low, 10:5 a.m., 4.7 feet. best under} 22:4 .p. m.,-9.2. feet. Saturday, May 8. High, 4:7 a.m., 18.3 feet. to will be} {7:18 p.m., 16.7 feet. st be spent} Low, 40:47 a.m., 5.5 feet. ith present! * | 22:50 p.m., 9.7 feet. be a large | somal 1andling it.| The time used is Pacific Stan- idard, for the 420th Meridian west. it is counted from 0 to 24 hours from midnight to midnight ilway com- THe DAILY NEWS THE WONDERFUL APRILNOT GOOD MONTH Car Shortage and Switehmen's Strike Combined Had Bad Effect on Fish Market. f halibut days at 7 _ a eee ee enw ee wee MAIL SCHEDULE * ee eeeeoeeeeeneeee For the East. PT Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 1:30 a, m, From the East. luesdays and Thurs. p.m. | Sundays, he tot an . a uM ’ ' For Vancouver and South. ee” Oh aa pap. j) PUCSdAYS cece eeeeenenes 7pm won “Tike " rt PHuUPeadass Wesccveisecs if p.m, lmon oon « hes , : { lays .. 2 p.tQ, figures do nat favorabl ; BuUNdAyS oc cease ss “ae 0 with last year he same!” ” ara ‘4 1 of OM ; iy 4 ' and 2o month, whieh we { ' ihalibut and. 91 mon, but , ' ‘ From Vancouver and South. umber of f nave ¢ ‘ : ; “al thi Ss ¢ ne fe Bundays .cccvecccseses 10 p.m, 7 ‘ Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m { 6 ye ¥ mt 1 iys 10.50 a.m : 4 vas nm ex aii - ’ : i inys e* oe” s p.t nth and one t hit nots . oie P int : April 30 May 10, 21 and 31 cur in years fi amount & h caught. Pea 5 A A . Conditions Unfavorable. . ae: nyox and Alice -. n Phe weather ntt 7 ford Wednesdays .......+++ it p. in as fai nu i nd is ere, on the w very ae ae ; Stieis ‘ Se ae ae From Anyox and Alice Arm. wail ' Fa ace eu re month, | PUCSOAIS «cecseeeseeeees Pp. m, whieh, no doubt atta the hursdays .....+..-. sveece Dem, sands of pounds hatibut ther ports. Th ¢ Avril For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili the: effestacor a eritedivrie Cay, Wales Island and Naas River ty » hit the P Kupert ma BUMGRAIS access coneess 11 p.m et like a bolt fr i the blue and Fridays Br eee ee sees OPM for some days ali s! nents east ware veftiaed fy capeee eam. ehem Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill ac: iE ie nae ape tied Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. eee ike tL decreage,| UCMOBURYS 6.00 vececereees p.m. hy th ' ol : y he | Sn GPdhye. once s. beers se- noor if hd yp A) vet 1de for salm t the sensor od s nol. as fer.e ed thie year Queen Ciariotte Islands: ust : For Massett, Port Clement andi Aptil, 1949, sav ater fluct Upper island poicts thine . the 3 wiéde. tins May {2 and 26 re ever before Y 4 prominent resident of this might be well for local organizations to again draw attention |2°2?8- Therefore the rise in the! City reminds me that a dog sticks to the fact that the work has not cominenced and that the new Prince Rupert harbor is slightly you, evén when you are down dock is badly nee led. No one wants greater than Port Simpson. nd oul and men and wean for- to worry the we do want the railway iN carrying out its lt work we think the Sivied ronment the dock to be in o —=— fT} licu but which owns peration this year. Government the La Casse Bake Sees for = Bread Buns Rolls lhe 'News eye quickly. Job De partment. LAND ACT ry | cording District of Skeena, and situats hh Nadgep Harbor fake potice that Hume B Phone 190 dock and} . ' . of feet above the average level of should want ‘ lower low water. | Two-color window cards take upon your teeth, _a Valuable asset. ee LOW PRICES SaRPONAL ATTENTION, Office 9-1 2; by 6, an DR. JOS MAGUIRE. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block, DENTISTRY ality---your appearance and your good health depend PRomPT SPRVICE, will insure the BEST RESULTS émember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Lady Assistant Phone 575 Dentist | Has everything to | do with your sue- cess---your person- You cannot afford to neglect such ---Best material money ean buy. Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment | The height is in feet and tenthsg>4*+ See them at the} otice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, jbuying overalls is the | a 4 WILLIAM J, LEARY, Appiteant. THAT in 0 ‘1&” Gf ‘boarding | 2 OO ee 10 houses in Vaneotiver bread has NOTIC 2 become the greatest luxury, sk } . * . CREE you, * . . THAT a dog is not intluehced by money considerations, . . . ~ THAT a dog knows about graft. n¢ thing | j even bet than when THAT a Mog likes you ter in clothes you are dressed up. shabby THAT you do not even have to Babington of Choose your words carefully when e i P Prince Rupert, occupation Master mariner, Leary of astry Pound Cake Pies intends to apply r rt n to tease) 41king to your dog. Skidegate, B. C., setiler, intends to apply Weddin Cc S i the following yp ME fa . . . for @ Meense to prospect for casi and | Commenciug at a post planted about 2 ; g akes a pecia ty . chains southeast af dooce rt = nalts PHAT the next best thing in the|petroieum on and under the following north 10 chains; thence west about 20; world to a brunette § girl g | desertbed lands ~ I ; Mit | Auto Delivery chains mare of le ss to shove; the ned south th- | btonde. Commencing 4t & post planted at the 15 acres, more or less ‘ - i orth West corner of D.L. $863; thence H. B. BABINGTON ia Bis north 80 echaing; thence east 806 chains — —_ — PHAT it would be a POOr INi8-|\ thence south 60 chains; thence west #0 / — erable world without either. chains, to point of commencement . . . WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant THAT it is reported in police | Dated this 61h day of March, 1020 circles that a local merchant lost a potato, but the thief has not been located. It is not yet Known! whether the groeer will SUPYIVE| TAKE NOTICN that William J. Leary of! the heavy loss entailed. |Skidegate, 1. C.y settler, intends tw apply | . . . for a Liceose (6 prospect for coal and) THAT there have so far been | Petroleum on apd under the following | Oo overal! ; . ; described tands a ‘he — worth me nlioning| Commence at & post planted st the! , jhorthwest corner of DLL. 1868; thence | pe ae ee north 80 casing; thence west 80 chains; THAT the worst objection to|thenee south 80 chains; thence east 80] price, THAT no one today’asks is the | mw ferns white or brown, but is it| ley Three ie STOR Pe etaichory aso read, [of the loss of the above Certincate of } ’ e ‘ lite having been produced, notice ts THAT ; hereby given that it is my intention to / as long as the Prince | issue afver the expiration of one month sa Ly tee : rom the first publication hereof, a fresh Rupert bakers eontinue to work |Certineate of Tttle wo the above men jno one here will worry Honed lands, im the name of Vietor A. 0. | a vf |Ellot, whieh Certificate ts dated 94th] ee ‘ober, 1010, and is numbered 260-1, There may be something you iwant. See the Classified column in | Skidegte jcheink, to point of commencement From Skagway and Yukon. May 4. 14 and 25 stewart, Mapie Bay and Swamp Point. For Baturda@ye@ ..see- 9 pw. From—Sundays ...... 0 pus SKRERBNA LAND RECORDING DIVIsion DISTHICT OF QUERY CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE (tat William J. Leary of Bb. 6.. settler, tntemds to appl) se prust- for a. ond amc 6lvieer 6 foltow for «a tice pelroleutn Jeoae ribbed duinen “ ands me ‘ th. wee ther f ot south 80 chains Ube: thence porth 80 chains int of comipencement WiLLIAM 4. LEARY, Applicant Dated thit 6th day of Maren, _ 20 at & pert planted «i 1964 ‘ east 80 sins ihente Weet & haina, + RECORDING DIVisit QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS NOTICE that William 43, Leary of intemis to app for coal and tive follow ine SAEENA IAND DISTRICT oF TAR skidegate, ji. C., sets ! prospect etroleum ee es leseribed h pds :-— Commencng sf & post planted north-west corner of D. Ll. 18 south 80 cming; Mende West & north 80 chains; bees bains, Ww point of comnn adios WILLIAM J. LEARY abpl Dated thie 6th day of March, 1920 SHEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ' ISLANDS a licen t at te chaius on . ant TAKE NOTICE that William J, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION VASTRICT OF QUBEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Wed .. : nye. 0 os Nee em i DENTISTRY 6oOl., QUALITY Se — Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOUR Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.20, Saturdone ¢ J Every Evening trom Dental Nurse in att Phone 109 for ay pointn Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor Best Equipped Office in Northe t FR . ~ . A. ~ cee eee, ie et a ‘ s. 8. PRINCE ALBERT } Mia att. | it i { TRAIN SERVICE Parmenger Monday, W*dneedey « ‘ Prince George i in al Agency All Ocean Stear = ’ f a Cuy Viebtet Office, G25 AY * 200 FEPEEEEEEEE ORE EEE TEEN OEE EEO EERE é —\§ : 4 co =| + , Pee eee eee ee Orr one TRRIRVIT A AT ANAVIAN CANSOIAN PLOIF MK fAN SEP VICE B.C. Coast Steamship Ss PRINCESS #AnY oor Eeichines, dunteu, Sieqeey, Aise’ ’ ® Ruper Acer o. 128 ” sn For Verweuver © cierie end Seatt'> ’ ¢ Rope Aprii 44, 24) May 6 6 PRINCESS ATr'CE Prom Prince Rupert for Swanson Bar, Ove ’ . Beaver Cove, Powe! River, Ve ef ¥ Every Geturdey ot 4 Herdy tay, Oot & G. ORCHAMD, Genora! Age Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince gO gO rege POI Rupert, B.C. eeaeeeeee 1 or Lump COAL - ST LADYSMITH Screenes IS THI Better and EG: on Me Burns Longer, 5 More - ARE $3.25 per tor OTHER COALS WE HANDLE Steam Coal, Bulk on Dock i Steam Coal, bulk, Delivered 10.00 i Household Egg Coal, Screened, bulk x 10 00 Household Egg Cost, screened, skd . " ° a Household Egg Coal, screened, bu'* ; om sorcened, sd Household Eag Coai, D ON CAN LOADS SPECIAL PRICES QUOTE PRINCE RUPERT COAL Co PHONI! seet 77 NOW OPEN FOR ! NEW MARINE ‘ways « Passage Phone 453 x) feet Equipped f & WOODWUDEKING, BI Best equipped pla Seal Cove Marine A. Swanson, President ; Phore Red 391 r building a ACKSM ‘ Ways, Ltd. IN THE MATTER of an application for issue of 4 fresh Certificate of Tithe to} Land Hegistry OMece, ne Vrinee Rupert, mh day of March, 19290, Hu. FP, MacL£on, District Kegistrar of Titles, A. T. Broderick, Man Prince Rupert Branch