THE DAILY NEWS - — Tr : == = FERRY FOR USK." *™ mors rover | 1 em BEING BUILT <3" | loa News Notes || CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS] M.ML.Stephe No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c who is leaving on May 10 for a| r . i wy J. J, Whalen returned to the , visit to her home in Norway. On| city this fi att THe Daity News WiLL Not Be ResPonsiBis For INSTRUCTIONS OR THE CAKCRELLATION OF WANT ADS OVER THE TELEPHONE, P. Doiron in Charge of Erection rneneemas u experience nol necessary, one behalf of the guests a pear! neck-| f OR AL at Government Wharf—Ship- ar ae 4 ei Bie } ned Covietice on oa? * |lace was presented to Mrs, Wick | Wm, Beynon artived from Port P . Gs ; ‘ or } F S ; by ae n Johnson, The guests|Simpson yesterday. | :seatialiaanedtagha WANTED. sail { TS tod 7 ‘ 7S “ Block | Seven Pa omed o modern included Mr. oh. Wie 4 Jol of é > ; ¥ , Pection , “Hieventh Avenue, | stone arty ce Oe A so » John a / 4 alte tim aie ” rater hes sae | n the buildis f ‘ al i ‘i cat son, Mr. and Mrs. Vermice, Mr.|- rommy Smith was a passen- WANTED—Young lady for office, | near drydock., $150.00 cash+—|} out vatee Ean onsy terms, Th Lii¢ uahit - Le] ' Cr me iv y and Mrs, K. Rood, Mr. and Mrs,|8¢? up river this morning M. M. Stephens. ti|% cludes a double "Comma . j he Provincial Government at ' ' e with high school education and ence | 4 Stockland, Mra, sulande a! « . eas one . ; me i 8 y od modern house. on gmen the government dock. The new! pe, ar My MB ul sy af Mi ‘| G. W. V. A. meets tonight at} kaowledge of stenography pre- JOR SALE—Lots 17 and 18, Blk.| splewaie ‘double cornet being built by P.)tversen. M a \ arows are. @, 8 o'clock. Important business, | ferred. Apply box 66 News of-| 26, Section 8, Kleventh Avenue, and Tatiow St, Terma tisfied Doit ler the supervision of ae I ; . “a M tee 7. ei © ifice. if; close in. $500.00 the pair, cash) Eight rootned modern house on r 6a ae eile, ghar ) n ane r. Roger. | H. B. Knox arrived in the city| — -_— _M. M. Ste ‘phens. . oe ee oe sere the Skeena Hi Pr et. } ‘ ; from Burns Lake last night. | ANTED Kitchen maid for the|<-= eo a Fee Tae. condition, and on easy terms. : ; Fred, Cook, of Carnaby, was an : i | General Hospital. Wages $40 FOR SALE—Lot 8, Block 10, Sec ie? id ntfat donble ¢or- ast we Wor md >. ; Th est siden le who : estitvated that it will take arsival oa last night's train, | J. F. Brandt returned to the} per month with board and| ton 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal ner in the city on easy terms, : the peop ? t We f “a - bs ods icity on the Rupert this morning.| room. tf; Cove. $175.00 cash. M. M. ? oe k done ad Bes Oe ee ee . yar ptt Stephens. tf The Windsor Hotel, with Furni- their wor eae mee , é M k t P ‘ | J. L. Chribtie left on a business| VANTED Furnished or partly} c ture, at an attractive price. . ‘oul r- ferry, when compigted, will | arke rices furnished suite of 3 or 4 rooms |FOR SALE—Lot 3, bloék 6, Sec- R - — particular pe ‘ , hae itrip up river by this morning's } ; , ’ . > ; ; ‘ oO por fe Oy Berens Sehnert chee eae <1 train. Apply P. 0. box 800 or phone tion 5, City, Fourth Avenue on M mM S ; too—and let them Hout forty feet bridged t Meats. é-weee 234. tf; hill. Mail offers box 231, An- puwbywedotheir B] Ector, Mis being built of Mest giioin steak... i... S6o|, Best Household Lump oat ain —Man for cooking and| 22 UC} fal fstote Iswranee Fall i i : i . . Sd m9 a- wan Or COOK gz & CS EE Ve era . pleted Beef, pot roast. Ib. 30c ar} 813.50 delivered. P » Ble P par And then—try ere and pped o river on 2 ', pot roast, Ib., 30¢ to» 3b« i e - a mp age Black 85 general deckhand on launch. FOR SALE Lot 15, Block 2, Sec-| wee ro . ae ; t cars 1 ner will Re > ORDER ro en ID. veeeee 50¢ aot a oe ‘ re Crew of three. Apply District tion 7 i, Fifth Avenue, near Seal “- excellent Dry ry sid aft t ul at Usk ane re Oy tts cerbes 450! Mrs. D. Archie and child re- Forester, Prince Rupert. 09 Cove. $175.00. M. M. Stephens. r feef, boiling, Ib. ..... 25¢ to 30¢ eae ee A site duendinediiing-o a é , pate sing and Pressing twill be in the neighbor /Hamburger, per-Ib. ........ 30¢e)Urmed from a trip south this) wanpE Housekeeper for gen- STEWART LoTs Hotel Prince Rupert . nood of 85,000 0 acrteinl . oe, | Horning. : hie ae oe é Se, er nt ot Manual tewing be ‘ f, per ee eee 25c 34 | eral hospitsi. For particular >| FOR SALE—Lot 2, Block 10, Map % ae Ee ents DOF IBe +++ ds or KE. C. Manning, district forester, | apply Matron. ie aidan ti 905, Stewart Townsite. Price, FUROPEAN PLAN ae di ae iia ae at , a ' ee 1eg, DET MD sevseeee oc returned from an official visit to| wANTED Experienced house $1,000. This lot adjoins busi- $1.60 per day and up. ana ian ning ' wis fiber end, 20% nvr oy eee © ne """ Ocean Fails this moming. | maid. Hotel Prince Rupert. tf ness section on Sixth Street. an ; . ", Mutton, stewing on ' i i ‘ : the , nee , B srereroaes = I 6) 20 sam a - Apply Datiy News oftice. tl FIRST-CLASS CAFE am Laundry , - Mutton, shoulder roast 32¢@ to 35: Regular meeting of the Sons of} WANTED—A machinist and boy : A La arte ‘ ; ty . . a of nt ‘ ‘ . Phone & a ae ee ‘ Veal shoulder, roast ....... J5¢|Canada on Thursday night. Im- Rupert Marine Iron Works. 09 FOR RENT o i i ' : ‘ Veal shoulder roast ....... £2C\portant business, 2A Pegege eager: ROBT ITS A oN’ ; ; © district Leg of veal ........300 and 40c eae FOR RENT—Newly completed and | ---seeseess Pork sausages, per ib. . 2... 486). Miles Douala "MANA. D. Yous decorated hati above the Cand) T ISTRY * “OF tor W. D. Moxley “ Tomato sausages .......... 80e/are returning to Aliee Arm by the} Store de Luxe, on Third Ave. D E N oe taking the P e George-Smith- |p , Ge x iinén Canal Hall is a hundred feet long and) OO aSSSSSS—S————— 73 Pe BO ns 6 a 6 a ae a i5e to 50c! Prince George tonight. ' ° ea lie ors mun in place ft ctor Pork chops ..... tobude ie 60 oes | specially suitable for dances OPFICE HOURB: ° ® a.m. to 12; 1:30 B- m. to 6:90 pm. — Warren wil ins f the pork. shoulder ‘5 Mrs. T. Winifred Eustace ar- WANTED and other social events. For Bedi 10 a aS i nning between here a 8 piece er Ib. 67¢\|tived from Burns Lake last night terms, apply to Jim Killas. ~ tf DOR. J. 8. BROWN ° ot KER Smithers. The 1 t i ! bie ' sy, |to spend a short time in tht city. . : : a DENTIST | AK ilar Ha sliced, per Ib. ...... 7 ‘ na MINERS, mine helpers, FOR RENT.—Three-roomed front] gmc: emi Stech, Thin Spense 7 ia | 6 B. KE. Porritt, ot Vanderhoof, and both inside and flat, furnished. Mrs. Wolters, Phone 454. i . j iat i SOG, seccsevenese 0 ie ; i a , } s oe snika: Dice Mad O4. ' s ‘ Balt backs .. boc" ived ¢ last night's train and outside labour. High- t. Louis Rooms, Phon i ‘ r« is registered ¢ > Hotel Prince sf ; kK. T. Kenny T Micken, per Ib, ...-.++4-. Be] * TeCisened: rey - est union wages. Good |FUR RENT—Furnished suite. Hot Va'lon ites t Rupes ; ; GU UGEE BEANS, ! ' elit per il Baers One and cold water with bath, 410 R Id 9 SEE ee a ae " °. ’ : ; a f the University of B. C. employment. Apply POCKET ANSCO camera was | ft d ue gna, per lb., ... ii 35 . . . at roadside near Cold Storage| ~ QUAKER BRAND hn OEY lellied tongue ...... 50¢ to 60 rhe Prince Rupert arrived fror MOUNTAIN PARK Finder returning to News of- ' sie ™~ OS ham ! sess DB cecdcdedvecevee des 6c ithe south at noon today. Phi COAL COMPANY, fice wiil receive $10 reward. is, eacl 9 éeowed 6 6 Bee 7h essel had a very heavy passenger * 35cllist for Ocean Falls this Ltd., Mountain Park, | LOST Gold earring, knot style, PACIFIC CARTAGE,LTD. oe 1, 7 0 head edi age era es rh ae en Alberta 111 ball drop, between Wnhallace’s Reliable Service at tot at vepeidainatis, , * OOK 1 peel neue eeeseer ut » ‘ senior ; or mwilding TP) ‘ ‘ Ormes’,. Finder phone 2614. We have Warehouse facilities. Lainb hearts it He A building permit was this and Ormes’, i ' ¥ Saturday ree 8 fice in a 8. E. Parker, Manager . nINiON Canners : - ‘ae are Dairy riédeee. a cs rie re ge ae | LOST—Bunch of keys tied togeth- ; ; atts for the erection of a $2,575 ‘ ; an ; : a” ossen bon Bethe oi cae pas shee ede 0 0k 80 ; low ; ‘ : 6 4 Be er with string. Finder please ck liye DUUNRALOY on rranati ve., sec Sate ila tas a Peet | ein cth cap Vauaamlties 75 elurn to D: News ollice. tf B.C. Limited , ve year Butter my 620 bss. t 15C lion 2, for 8. Batcher. _ return to Daily News ollice. _ HOUSES TO LET : ar Cheese, per th, 45 . PRT Noe et ae he a LODGE MEETINGS FoR sam Lb Ofice, Vancouver, 8 C : s io Ampticn Limberger cheese, per Ib. ... 60% Coming next Monday. Matinee SITUATIONS WANTED LODGE 1051 LOYAL Oven 0! Testa eee and o» terms to : may t kews ‘cas¢ 50 : , . . wr Eger oe * : oe eeseteseoese 0) and evening, one day only, M J set ini Monday Sound cevenue braringinvestments apd \ al Win Toe , ore fresh aie 55 ‘ Young man, 26, with ‘ railrodd,!| ,7#008@. Mees. every mone rare speculative values, wc "i MACINNES it ar eee yh 22° t 28.8 65) Alla Nazimova in “Red Lantern.” | > ¥ ; é : ; = j evening at the Deep Sea Fisher- Phone Rlack 451 or see F. W. HANT at . "hers 2 new-laid eggs ..... S0ci This is the best production Mme enking, Cuglome Bnei ote nen’s hall tf banc 4 ' SA eee 45c| Nazimova ever appeared in. sale drygoods _experience de- _ -——iComb honey .............. 50 i aa sires position. References. Box ae rir SURAE DO TBs ty. aicvees ce 22% Kd. Conway, the Anyox mining 68 News oflice. 10 aia “ a 1, per loaf ; aes Seclengineer, aruive ro i Mothl cee cy So ee Ce ane an 4, an application for t , ; sO aT Be r, artived from th POSITION WANTED by young : ‘ f e tor | ir (hard whits 0-lb sk 83-75) this morning and will remain in kee watth ania rnbbtonbe * ‘ " oe M per Case £6.50 to 87.7 (the city for a few days before wee , ’ ad ’ die if SlLenokrapn a ’ generai ¥ y iy Weert ; ontinuinge his nm to the ; ony ' seuft atres Fish. 7 ? eet banking. Apply box 67 News dred Dh ae eel ie sa 3ho| Smelter town, 07 ‘ j : . : OMice, ‘ od fil m . ° +s oveee Chet Neff is leaving tomorrow Fresh black cod per lb i a “A ashing Boel Deis: bagi . FOR SALE ' addi : 25 Ste ee oe wet - DRINK wnder| t, per i Ketchikan where he will box Carl/por gaL_ieyp. R. T. No. 1, boat VP YouoR __ aa sated 2 erring ppered, per lb. . { suede! eturning Here on Satur- for towing or packing salmon, sour! WHATS A‘sespectively.| Salt Herring, each, ........ 10c/2#¥: There is @ party of sisteen| 1, 57.2 feet long, 14.3 wide THE MATTER mM ‘ ‘ , Flounder Fillets, Ib., ....... 206 “ee » bh nee : 7.9 deep. Gross tonnage 39.96 ARENT yee TERRIBLE ; 2 MACLEOD, Salt Acadia Cod, 2-Ib, boxes 55 Mien 3 he het nbatoa’ registered tonnage 27.18—50 HUNGRY HON GRY mene ‘ 7 ‘ 1 a . ive . sureicé . 2 g i - ; : ———evmmeee | ()vators, per dozen ccceecccs OM, rse at the weneral hospital, re hi p. Wolverine. Heavy steel BOT { AN \ { Shy ne er ih 1h slates iKS capacity 2,00 ; mmane? AMS ee mere eet 8 6 turned to town on the Prince Ru- me tanks, ‘is ' a f 0 kate y. ib Cc callons. ron sheeted bottom. { Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land sate, per Il Coee se eevrews ~~ ert this morning after spending +a : rt I Crilaie we s fe 2 Brille .....ees : 3 for 290) her holidays at her home in Van “Dey Oe ee rn : . ing A ibs for 25c] ..n.var Theatre Block. 144 = 2 o> A pas & t olachans, (D.,; ..sesecs 10c ; * . e Pre rm : ree Med « Pl, t , rue . ' 1} " ° Ss -—25-40 -p. me r mayer Fiano Year ; ‘ tions| Spring salmon, per Ib. ..... son Mrs MecLenaghan and Miss FOR SALE ? " h.p cee : ‘ ri woRWCMItG GGITION 2. is cesreves ~UC; McLenaghan, mother and siste: Duty Sterling ro “er nd Repair ; ee eee ea 25¢/ respectively of Mrs. Thomas Mc- oe Po yl., "wane om 0074 ‘ oo ' ect condition. $1,500.00.—M. of ; ey : Rs ‘ianiiuthion Ivinoht and Miss McLenaghan of - ok Sil tf GE GAGNON ' wins Onions, dry, per Ib. ... _ 5c) the high school staff, arrived from a : cictiains t ae vee areite, ner Wik o.c64 6 4 o'ccks 5c} Vancouver this morning where/~oR SALI [wo lots on grade, ‘< ahd ta j ‘ ‘ f he ee ef, oe: Bi they have spent the winter. After near drydock, ground =§ sandy \ i il F ¢ . ee Celery OP I occ ss ahs 30c|spending a few days visiting in loam, best buy in the city F oe \ Will dmun iS A. KEROIN i r the eity they ll e a ; he ee i . 3 : : ; Fowk — Cabiase.. 06F IDG isis< io oe . : ' lo take and us second feet ‘ ; 7 ‘e of a third one for use in the! -———— ~ . ‘ "* e fee f wate fr Gree ot eee et. Pe owe oc 7 , : > ane i Com Ort, Courtesy~ ‘ Eres, tribe WO Kitsault ( # be , ! 50e to 60 Musical School, The Academy / FOR SALE New Ross Rille, .3053. - . . ate ' ey y ucumbers, eat hale kn o 60¢ . ; Band Seri, ’ er, Which flows west and fratua inte ISUINDSTS, CALH , poocured, through W. J, Pitman, Will sell cheap for cash. Apply . /ice Kiteault River about 4 miles worth « . . ‘ slice Arm. B. ¢ Fruit. the local agent.ithe fine instru-| roem 16 Windsor Hotel after h y tor i located OUEi- | p> The ~ : % 60 to OF Cleatwater Lake. the capachty, of/PANARAS «+. sssseeereesers 75¢/ ment that was used by Mrs. Mor-|__6 p.m, ah WHY DOMTCHA pie ? lar w reservoir to be created is about 2500 Grapefruit (California) 3 for 25c/\il] and Miss ‘Taggart in thei: 7 . ert er : oh 2. Barton youR. ba J is Y HOTEL acre feet and it wilt f nd Mant BOO BOE ater cscs ans sfenae 60C] eoncerts lately. St, Joseph's FOR SALE ee - d a COAT Poa } or . ’ ie, Sectio ) "lose ; ‘ 4 the stream at S pont chose +. lake ate t. Patan iaabin).. . is. ricd eae $50] Academy. in Toronto have: ‘aued| Ave nue, ction v ( t Ms | s ; ‘ j rr wilt wer es Ut : ve ae 60 a -F $400.00, M. M. Stephens, if} ese ‘ + RA oe e mine described as Walt Mi inet al Claim,| 3ulk Dates, per ID. seeaeees ©) Heintzman & Co, pianos for thirty oy a See eee ere 5 \ ipl CSS , is’ dave ce }e whe or = the ground Navel oranges ...+> 30¢ to $1.00 years and find, as does the FOR SALE New i ail Sewing | 4 a 2 . it seventh a of April, 1920 inles Yellow Newtons No, 4 $4.50 ( , re , +h Berea ek ci > , , t PO af py of this notice and 60 application ee } ~ nt , n : 1 84 ab Academy here that no oitei machine, $45.00, Barrie’s Fur-} ¥ 1 0, Be x 1704 4 ‘ a " he afer - io me oe the ganas a oee cry. hes 89.75 piano will give the continued niture Store. tf 4 y Water Hecarder at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Cooking apples ...eeeeeee P=-4Yl satisfaction that is wsiven by a| -————--——___—_—_——__ j ee fae ik nt 1 with the ‘id ier Ree nder z Conned [Italian prunes ...., 40) piano made by “Ye Olde Firme,” |FOR SALE—Davenport bed, $60.-| Pret § ~~ | with the Comptroller of Water Rh ents Raisins, per ID, seeeeeeees 350 | —_———— — — ; 00, Barrie’ s Furniture Store, at a > Parliamen ulldings ietor —- in ar = in ; A eee ata abel oR pe By ‘or Gurrants, per Ibe eee es Joe lseueneawececceeae ST rere oe | eee y smd a fue pavers Of this Unnereakian are oi heel Per ID. so. rssesesars nn, |* . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL * NOUSES FOR SALE A be exercised owe 4 lighting within)Mixed nuts, per ID. ...-.-6- “Clee ee ath, aie | 4 | Be BROWN. ah territory " n freciue all thi Wolf mn! Tal te Figs, per pkg buet eee l ‘t Sere Weerdowcnaling ONE MOM Deby" tenien ntial} ss eral claims, the Polly Varden mineral) }@eie © ts ; =e °? arr yon't fonget the dan xl . ' , s, dor Tre ans : ms jeg” all of this Company's Ralire vd Mince MOAL .ccsesaaevses@ees 20¢ : a . a ce toni it section, Moderate term Hel I fer and tnd properties and buildines, or any prop t d F its in the new Killas Hall De Luxe. | gerson Real Estate, Insurance, ASs ties and buildings of others ta and a v orate ru . } ays wha . i 7 es F : ‘ “en Ber Se vice Al i the Alice Arm district e ap 200 Gray Orchestra, good Noor, re- Notary Publie. ad, Em, The petition for the approval of im Black PigS .eccecereeernee 80C/freshments, Dancing 9:30, it pre e undertaktr 1) be heard tt re omer ; Si ow aha j : +» Hote} it the honed ate date to be fixed by the] White Figs .-ssseeseseres 30¢ oie, 18 LOTS FOR SALE ; S U7, Bl | mptroiler, and that any interested per-] Apricot® ..+++++ a che Dans 45e Mrs. Roy DLineatt?: will Reeve! acccoe-taweerneereee : ' sie , oblection thereto In. the ; . on . . . > ac 334 Waa ae oa’ a Pe on Mae the Water Desbhae: ..ivde cea banee at 350) for the flyst time at her home,| FOR SALE-—Lot 16, Block 7, 7, and| tA eUick De rap en SYLOR MINING co., LTD Apples vscceee cereeeeeees 85¢/435 Fourth Avenue West, on Fri-} Lot 410, Block 412, May 905, | ‘ clive ries ; Nett Seedless Raisins «essere ees She;day, May 7th, from 3:30 to 6] Sixth Street, Stewart, $500 each | shee +e bh . B. North gen OAn Aha! 7 nik sete erecpagenn! The date of chen: tp blicat on OF HHS) PpumesS .ereeeerreereee 206-30 iP. mh, 06) M, M, Stephens. Ul f : ‘ *iuotice is April 47, 1080