a; bs THE DAILY saab na UY ante " . . Weds ui? aut youn EXPLORATION ELKS OFFICERS F we ~ =f OF CANADA'S ARE ELECTED COPYRIGAT, CANADA 1920 BY AS SHUBERT, Limitee ‘ HINTER W. J. Cash is Exalted Ruler e| = ( | ge re | New Organization; Twelve wed «Xo The ? Initiated. F. H. Kitto, Who Vis! Visited Here Last | nee EF . Year, Takes Party Into |} Officers were elected of the new | ¥ amily Northern Wilds. porganizal of Elks in this erty) a lat their meeting last night, and) S EDMONTON, May 5.~—Canada's)the new oflicers Were installed by moKe jvast hintetland, extending from) M, Stewa sevrétary of Vancou ithe northern boundaries of the ver Lev who eonducted the | Ouganized provinces to the Arctic! meeting | focean, will be further’ explored lhe 7 odge went off to an lthis summer by a Dominion Gov- excellent tart and it looks as} ernment expedition headed by F./though it would have a large} H. Kitto, who visited Prince} membershiy Iwelve members | Rupert last June and has already) were jnitiated Jast night and ah left Edmonton for the North. Mr.lother I vill be taken in at) " LD CHUM” i isa family friend. Gr andfather Fy Kitto is connected with the hatum/the meeting next week Follow ; and Sons have been smoking ke aes , "Years and years. Duri this half century, “OLD CHU 8 ily in popularity and favour. al resources intelligence branch,|ing are the new officers of the or | Ww iINNIPEG 'Department of the Interior, Ot-| vanizatior i niza i A CANADIAN HOUSE, FOR CANADIAN FUR SHIPPERS = tawa, and is the author of pam- Exalted er, W. Jd, Oash us supply our tremendous demand for MARTEN, FISHER, MINK, (phjets on the northland wrilter Ree i ‘ine Knight. D | and all other rs from your district, “SHUBERT” ‘will pay "you the link Shab meverticvent 4 sera, oe ae) mae EXTREMELY HIGH PRICES quoted below: | : it. iJ, F. Max has grown j It was estimated that the party) Keteemed Loval Knight, George! rere Pe amaber appreciates “OL D CHU mM” quali tthe ee eS ee etal teed) | Mill. Wavel roughly 4,000 miles/H, Munro. | Ser arma the kenge Chetan by exper : }from Winnipeg and. return, od Esteemed Lecturing Knight, 8 sto away il the perfect tobacco tate nd or 88 ~ 2 iro z > ve ous aterways r i ~ an me! j MARTEN j wing the ari waterways!lK, Shan: : flavour are fully developed. mi . 50.00 to 40.00 | jnorthward to the divide between Secretary. W KE. Williseroft. i 35.00 to 28.00 jthe waters of the Mackenzie and) Treasurer, Pied Gilhuly It is this dependable, constant quality, maintained { ' 25.00 to 20.00 | Yukon basins, down the Poreu-|~ Esquire, W. EB. Thompson years which has made “OLD CHU M” th or ‘ 35.00 to 28.00 pine river to Yukon and Dawson)" [nner Guard, ©. CG. Clementson, | hers in Canada i e chum of all ; 30.00 te 18.00 I /c sity and thence down the Pacific) Pylep, J. Dybhavan i J i . . 7 jeoast to Vancouver. Mr. Kitlo) Ghaplain, J. Buiger. FISHER jwill make a side trip into the; ‘Prustees, George Frizzetl, Dr.! j buffalo country at Fort Fitzgerald/s) J. Pwans. R. O. Miller. Fine, Dark }250.00to 200.00} 175.00to 150.00} 125:00to 100.00} 90.00to 70.00] 90.00te 40.00 fand will report on conditions | EE ETT API ' - MINK : which the Dominion and Alberta igovernments are building jointly APRIL HIGH Fine, Dark | 40.00 to 32.00 | 28.00 to 22.00 | 20.00 to 16.00 } 15.00 to 13.00 | 15.00 te 8.00 from Fort Fitzgerald to Fort Usual Color 30.00 to 25.00 | 20.00 to 17.00 | 15.00 to 13.00 | 12.09 to 10.00 | 12.00 to 6.00 Smith. It follows a trail whieh Coast 22.90 to 16.00 | 15.00 to 13.00 | 12.00 to 10.00] 8.00 to 7.00] 8.00 to 4.00 has been in use for hundreds of Addition of Wanestrens Figures Brown 175.00 to 156.56 5 125.60%0 182.00} 90.00to 70.00} 65.00to 45.00}65.00t030.00) (there. He will also report on the i . ; Pale 125.00to 100.00] 80.00to 60.00) 55.00te 45.00] 40.00to 30.00} 40.90 te most northerly road in Canada, a BUILDING FOR k ' vehicular road 16 miles in length ‘ bj nu ‘ . ‘ oO or te . ; * > You've got to ship your Furs to a reliable House to get the “most money” for = }""!*: having been travelled in Brings Figures Higher Than Canada’s F: ravorili id SCHUBERT” has been satisfying Fur shippers for “more than a third (1778 by the discoverer of thy For Same Month to of a sista 1883. That’s a record that speaks for itself. Take mo Mackenie river. Another of i Previously. i P ipe Tobacco tie Hah —“THE SHUBERT GUARANTEE” protects you absolutely—bundle wp | fjeja) purpose of his visit will by . Ny, Me til the Furs you have on hand and SHIP TO “ SHUBERT” TO-DAY. oi Rl arg bdr baa :; a Z & YOU'LL BE MIGHTY GLAD You DID to 100K Into tmnining properties at The announcement of 46.000 < Stewart lake. He expects to re-|for waterfront building during a : BHIP ALL YOUR FURS DIRECT TO , jturn to Winnipeg in September the month of April made by the et B.S HUB ER E 2iMv7ED Itinerary of Trip building inspec this morning} * : x ee SS THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN ai folioda: Wienipes eg! os oe i a ~ building: ee oo TH AMERICAN RAW FURS Won aiid’ Peace River Cyoasing by(lOrel ema one fpr vacbesid oc ieaeaeilll wn rn 324 Donald St Dept. 2+ tm. las rail: by boat along Peace river tolmonth which was 826.4858. hel * Baca of FE. H. SHOCKLEY Fort Chipewyan and total building in city during aaa === | gerald; overland 16 miles to Fort the past month amounts to 860,- Georgetown Lumber Co. ithe Mackenzie river to Rat river building values for the same! PHONES 130 gt 423. P. O. BOX 1632 | near Fort McPherson; up the Rat) month Mm any other year. river to the height of land be- The waterfront work for the Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY } ' tween the Mackenzie and Yukon/month includes the bufldings of SPRUCE FIR CEDAR lbasins; across to the Poreupine|the drydock, Grand Trunk Rail- SEALED TENDERS pddressed to the un , S$ joned oh wudethed t Doors, iatows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Cela Consult Us. Cow Bay W a : a fall stata priver at La Pierre house and down Cald Sto rad eude “Quotation for) 4Trive ouse and down | way ld Storage, Spruce Mills, saryrene Dominios Buildings, British Colum Lumber, Oak, G lass and Marine Paist Mhe Poreupine to Yukon, thence! and Charlotte Islands Spruce Pro- ww received Until 12 o’etect noon, Se Phone 383 i ° 'to Dawson City and thence down! duets Co. 2: m print iene dette . Brita Columb . d ‘ific S ’ Ve ‘oOuve sical Ciacci : ver ithe Pacific coast t ncouver Ine apecib entice avy. ie sabe jcalling at Prince Hupert on thet | seb cas be jped from the Purchasing powell th | Ament, Defariment of Public Works, OF-| a — 168s, aod from the Caretakers of the eect | diderent Dominion Buildings nders @) hot be contidered unless LAND Atl ee ot : eee ST. ANDREW'S LADIES INSANE MAN Sess a byte Be | me THE VANDERHOOF HOTEL HAD SOCIAL EVENING ; ch tender nasi be accompanied by a: ’ / yP NOTICS Nn " pied chégur on 4 chartered bank pay me ia 16 the order af the Minister of Pabh PRINCK RUPRAT LAN i forks. equal to 10 p. ¢. Of the emount of Distt . CABBIA ! |P. Shannahan of Ketchikan WII ihe tenuer War Loan Bonds of the Do | Music, Refresh d i | usic, ments and Dancing Go to Asylu Ori Was a sou Bind? aad Teta pied $e stourts TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabe The Hotel That Is A Home. After Regular Business wf Duncan, Brite t Meoting. e Revolting One. e up 6b odd emoun Sencar % Ti A. ‘© on = tr ; Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection. Beat aia ail , pe {SMBENA LAND DIT DICT —_JUSTRICT OF | 3) ert ee nine » apes | pleasant social evening was spent| [°° Se? Mmsane and will not be LOTTS youl one miler | winely- seven feet thence 7 jonly have been the act‘of an in- by her agent, A. A ’ wo: : . : dearer . . wy.Te out que enpitoeme os C DrEROCHEAS ope ~— oe Sas . om ee i « . eat bree hundre¢ 1 whirt UNDER New MANAGEMENT itried for the crime, He will prob. | eae jenihe feet roa the port we . JAS. F. McCORMAC ae at oy | by the members of the society. ne ABE NOTICE that |, Charles Martie, off tot 494; thenee foun ef cee " oat ‘ol K Manager lin the absencs of President ®. D. jably be sent to an asylum for the|¢ Carew. Occnpetion Fe et. “a the &W [high Water line portheriy to ft ' ; ‘ * of TL. B7EG6; thence south five | menerment ‘ aif ‘ awe ‘and Ed. Ross to the accompani-|— : s AHARLES HANTIE Date sin January, 109 papered, bath, outbuilding; ciose in, only iments of Mrs. Fraser and Mrs, |"#0® person. pen as aa =, LAND AC! Fred Due i ; ae ~ | ' fecretary 4 high water line on the W scher, in jminutes Bast ive : i pissian t purchasr| South & dearest 17 tr : ’ restore \Macdonald, Wm. Reid was in the|°"™!nally Insane. _ - =a) « ’ -* t After “the tegular fusirenns Patrick Shannghan, accused of! 5 riment of Pablic Works 7 ees eed on | of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the st,|{#e murder of Steve Regan at) jiawe, Ont, Apri 19, 120 lary of Lot 436, Cassier . a“ iy we W ‘ pa Sane aoe lange hundred and ten feet, theneeNorih #4 oF aia 4 re. ~ chair and solos were rendered by rhe e ae of which ee i ; was accused was one o e mos |Mrs. Captain, Miss Beatrice Kil- THEO COLLART, Nao Public llen Miss 8. Reid Messrs Kd prevoitin eg and cold blooded ever + thence éebG Hirth and west, fol Ares approsiqately four end * Oe . , : bg shore line 4o point of commence. | ore OF fees et aie |Andrew’s Society last night, a Ketchikan last October, has + rovinee Of Bri ties pet lanted on the | erees, 65 minutes Wert, two Buy a a cheap Home.--7 room House, plastered and \Crages, Robert Robertson, White, COM ™Mitted In Alaska and could) St" COP Ghelosigg: ten acres, more ol LENORA MAM? i ; | On the evening of October 23, ; $2300.00; Easy Terms Pope, 19919. tt fr ", su LAND Sehonpino DISTRICT ‘Porm No. 9 sctical 0 - Refreshments were served in| '!'*, teturning from his duties ela OF VEEN CHANLOTTE iPr MARINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE lat the District Court whieh was Aps ’ ronM OF NOTICE Third Ave ee # sor intense at PRINCE RUPERT LAND DIST! openine Pet iene % toapeet F for coal ane pisTHMICT OF CABSIAI idler the following de ome i aug that Lenora al clog ata a the usual delightful manner and Phone Blue 69 Westhoime Theatre Block P. 0. ox 66 the evening closed with a short!) S*ssion at the time, Steve Re- yt Ce ‘ - ——= dance to the strains of the Pipe|**" stopped in Henneghan's bak-| Pm mn, i Band ery and after making a few pur-| pes id. lehese asi ‘ eer chases proceeded up Front St. in C >= TAKE NOTICE post planted ot the} of Duncan, Britien Columns poe “west corned At DL. 1853; thenee| Spinster, intends to apply for | i . ‘ee , a r nor the direetion of his home. When $0 cheine: 6 66st 80 chains; } to purctiase the ; Bort GP eheing; tekes west 80) ees! end only Mouth ‘WERE WEDDED LAST fhe the : ” had reached a point in front) the outh Weal and of ‘ De es Me « NIGHT IN CHURCH of Zimmerman'’s store, the mur- “wh Tiss i. Taant. ppiitent ae (Pordend canal i.e } | dener walked up behind him and Dated thie 6th dey of March. 1990 hoon. sr ateated Hast three Ni tH fegres ‘ tre ; following Ges shot him in the head, the bullet fret thence; North 84 a nN co IN VISION . » thousand one b Miss Emily J. Williams Becomes striking juve back of the right SERANA LAMP, sai, noe vast, two Coussad gee & North. 6b f — @ AND Bride of Harry Greenwood. fear and coming out at about the seen. = can ate feat thore or i er pLuMBIN Md isaine location back of the left fice cerns tO Td Leary os Sor ee degross 38 minute “ . aN a The wedding was quietly solem-|ear. Regan dropped to the side-|for © Néenke to” prospect for coe tnd | water line to Bolt of comes Estimates nized in the Catholic Church at)walk and diéd almost instantly. petro _ on x under following | Approximate area one bundre — . deacribed landsye— more r tease ; anil 8:30 last evening of Harry Green- | According. to witnesses the! Cammese odin it @ post planted ie 7 ve LENOMA Mapa! earn address ard a ; } i) or ep sales a en oe and)murderer after firing the fatal BS nuet park ns reine port Pee danary. 1980 of Beoont iss Emily Jane Williams, of the!shot bent ower his pr e vio- ae e a : ! Central Hotel staff, Rev, Father! ver his prostrate vic- | south 60 chains, $0 polat Of tommence MINERAL AUT phone 174 sentra o all, » Path tim to agcertain if he had m- | syle : as McGrath officiating. Charles Fox |flicted a mortal wound and then oe wi i Bin My ppticent “eo aid was best man and Miss Heélen with gun in hand turned and CEATIFICATE OF IMPROVEMEST? Collins bridesmaid, and the cere-|walked ¢ooly down the street. MINERAL ACT, NOTICE mony was performed in the pres- | After eoing a few feet he turned de Fy “Kitsol No. 4,’ “eKitsol No. 2 . phone aree? ' Maud ence of a a4 are | and looked back at his vittim and CEATIPICATE OF IMPDOVRMENTS. No. 1.” “Sunset No. 2” iad m0 After the we ding r. and rs place ing the gun in his pocket —— nd Ree inera Claims : ; D | fiver Mining Diy! g Greenwood left for a short trip.j|continued down the street until NOPICR IM aa yer a a ‘Mr. Greenwood is a fish buyer ; . ‘wolf ‘Mineral Claims, situate in. the] Where located: about 8,1 —" i he reached the alle *y at the side (eas . ining Division of Cassiar Dis [head of Alice Arm, on Kites pu patinore puilDERS AND for the Oceanic Cannery and is/\of the Stedman hote! TAKE NOTICR that Low) nate and passing) "er ; No. 91018 ¢ 2 well known in fishing circles, ithrough the nlley went directly to ion Where located:——Near the head of Allce|lrer Miner's licences of. i ait + we ny spocialltt pepalrd fale or William Martin, ; ‘ struction af Mrs. Greenwood, who has been/his room in the hotel, Guards Tee notice thet |, 1 t* nten oe inlends, siaty days from ate rirst Ol rah } U.S.A. Pree Miner " s 1 he employed at the Central Hotel for |we ‘re placed at the door and when ‘rie Sars troy abe Baty herent ‘ jo apply | hereof, Bie of Impre yramnenns,, for, the enimae OE Cer cate Grant jfome time, is very popular, \Shannahan e merged from hie mprovaiben Rvconaen tobe Hic ot Surpoes bt obtaining & Grown Cy lrooms be w 4 own Orant of the above claim. tach of the above cialis. 0.1 , anion AN preston! as overphwered and) nq turther take pies that action, un And further take Novi enced bef # A. Hepburn has resigned as & taken to the federal jail, ler Seotion 55, must Be pommensed Peron’ | ike ineusn 35, must be ¢ at Tue Cert . cate of im-|the issuance of auch member of the Prince Rupert fire ain ea amet o , DRO AMAR ty pera 1990. | einer 18. department, j Advertise in the Daily News. "Dated thie Sra day, of April. 4096. Dated this and i 1 AR Ma i Certificat