“ny 5, 1920, ednesday, — _ | _—— a | ty ne . “ype PROHIBITION am tones their desire to have a| ; sehool worthy of Pr go inée HKupert, LADDER ANTAL B oreo de Mm whieh their enildren would re- wat aay ‘ OUR | CAMPAI ceive metruetion in proper sur. | DIED OF INFLUENZA Cy roundings and under proper con-| urd ae oo alia lara te of health and comfort, we! Among the songhbound passen- yworen rm . . = ~ | Bonedrys Hold Meeting in Vietoria |, se ace eee Oimed and the ers" Kers on the Princess Mary last! Si children are to. continuet . night was Rot rt J , | and P iu o ac- bert Johns, one of the) repare for Stiff ‘Wuire their knowledge bal jb inads; Carts ) v1 Por ' ge, good taste | The fingers were ee of Mr. Wisay Cartage teameters, Mr. | 7 oa es i DAsetnents borrow i J. W. Besnard, of 529 Craig St. Jo fins is on a sad trip as he re- | oe rom religtons organizations! B+ Montreal. He says, —" A tall- jevived word yesterday; of the| VICTORIA, M; 5.—~Vietorin | sudh . holes | ing beam badly smashed my hand. | jeat) ; | prohibitionist ' ofa ! Bnd :cormete 88) Two fingers were so severely ' ae Sagnllare ae daughter, Keith | ' PTLia “rs ’ : , . ’ ¥ ‘ a ae ee me need to may | "ay be vented. from privale own-| erushed. that the doctors said they Ethel, he Vietoria Jubilee Hose | , > . , . > 7 1 trategy they will adopt|¢?*, or in temporary sheds epected| Would have to be amputated. Nat- ‘pital on Monday evening. Phe} during the fall plebiscite eam.iy the city. + Urally I didn’t want this, so de- |deaih was the result , again. ; ; ' | eided Zam-Pu ‘ result of influenza | paign against the “wets. rhey humors ¢entinue | , | 7 ie Seek Gree. 1 age aft er effects, of whie i held their annual meat the | that (1 ‘ © elmpulate! pijed Zam-Buk daily, and by the Sr ak » OF WEG Johns i i iA neebing in the i i@ reason Tor this is twofold time I } - . wife is also iil a 7 ; : jad used $4 worth, the in- é Hh. ' ehool room of the Bt. Andre's Firs iy tbat a few tightwad pry jury was completely healed. My (fer attending the funeral Mr | Presbyltevian Church, named a/Perty Owners are getting in their fingers were saved!” Johns will return to Prince Ri p-| bn new siate of officers, headed py| deadly Work, and secondly the ome STARE Pan ton of the [er in about two wee ka Mr. Harold Beckwith as president, |4Pathy of the City Council toward dents will happen v . fing ~| ery W'l! to withstand attacks of poison gas these officials to re member that oral naan ging Aeninnse. hc sed ce £00 » gage] t wey y epee ry cre ° ¢ : and other means of wicked war. the people of Prince Rupert have Creek, by San Fra sco and New} and di * . : a ‘. . | or itere«ta wd a . ca it Puzzle fare, But th who believe in| ee demanded the school, while! |York interests, 8. ‘I. Bentley, of igestions. ‘a Ged, who believe in the triumph the opinion is general that if the! Tonopah, is heré examining the / 0 imhteousnes know that we question of street betterment by | mine, —- * * * ' cific Milk Co. hall win. Tam contident that the Dond issue were submitted tO a] cess 4 contract has been let to Boyl Its benefits are a Ce avinese wi werte le of the yreople ‘ Sep oe aan ae ; : er , . : , "ere it Limited yee " will vert n the rignt!)*? people, it would be ; for 49 Se s. for 12,000 feet of diamon 3 oe 2 Dreke St, Vancouver, BO. “ (Way, bul Tam doubtful of Victoria, | *8Owed under. One authority iting on the Big Missor - s its cost is SM ? i ’ ' ; : SS0 r pACTORY AT LADNER, 6. OC. We have got t make Victoria has industriousty circulated § the os . Tie Tt } | mate Out in the logging and statement that the bands cannot McDonald & White have ~ . | Mie . > pur- t mining camps, far way from be sold. Phis is equivalent to! ichased the 14-Mile "One it satisfies the desire or. : : : j é ~i roadhouse nape Ame . ~\civilization, are some of the/*@¥'Ms that the city is bankrupt.| near the old Red Cliffe mine and sweets, and is beneficial, too. ‘tin ngest outposts of the move-! ont Bond Drive will reopen the place that was al ment Here im the city some of nited States financiers do not TIMBER SALE X 2002. popular resort some years ago. T g us are lax and apathetic. There|“@"t these bonds, start a home . eid woe te | soit ; » offe ‘. oad Sealed tenders « recel Dy , ; ORK is Weakness in some of the drive, Terme the same induce- Minister of ‘Laat La ach fates ce eee ‘on lwo diamond drill oulfits . be- ehurches,” ments as are offered to the finan. |“ © day of ao i920, for the pur longing to Lynch Bros., of Se- . SELL me al ' et base of Licence O02, 1 Ub 1,409,000) Witin are t Organization. enlist the aid of the princi-|feet of Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Bat-|#'Ue, are here to begin a contract pal org zations o sd vary | a2 I J fa situat Bt i for e gunies eve nN ] You want a ganization that|! a i of the ity, « ul}; ca alie Channel, anaes if . ae f th Algunican Development a ten. inte: haenees: snd-eteeel? o" bonds into certificates of oe (3) years will be allowed for re-/Co. During the summer explora- i i a j uwval, of inber 6 ome ‘ fort Stall Ge ) i ns, and see how Further particulars of the ef Forester, tory work will be cart ied out by eight b leclaved Meuilhens juickly =the home people wil bane HB. C. , or District Forester, Prince} W.'A. Meloche, on the Spider and Medes” kag aati’ that ‘th "| a finance it an —-—-— ——— Northern Light, two mines bond- rmeys commenced mak- ik eiieteiaet a 4 ; ie Let every citizen who has the LAND ACT. ed by the Algunican. A compres- Tr ; i : ith i ‘ , eet ° . fovea in 1R42 : n , *“lwelfare of his 1 na ear . sor plant is being sts i > stoves in 1843 Still in ne sines . w y Z ; am , { heart pro-|metice of intention to Apply to Purchase) 0S Pi4Mt Is Being In tatled a€ chy same line of business swe ; ¢, U8 against delay and evasion Land. Spider where John Hovland is Hundreds in use in ead ‘ I . ; and Prince Rupert will s n have ; in Ce ant J and District, Recording Dis-|5UI erintendent, 1“ that «he i po nt to with ree i Skven tanger ™ e ® Prince Rupert i - ‘ gain you . Take notice that 1, David Mawhinney, g ‘ 7 rin i . ha Piet Po a O° Werle Bete tow : Superintendent P. A. Jenns has bee Mr. Andrews recalled the day AG th shame intend Se eile Tay Eadie een ee en cteett as a ear eet oe : RESIDEN PAXPAYEI. | the lowing "ds naeiinaa: ee. gee are added to his force at the Bush : : ’ whie t ‘ re ‘ ny re is : ON SALE AT : . i ’ ; TRE ‘omumnet anied at the/ ine and new development work elected a ay B #epite of soutuwester \ and about ‘ir undertake : i St ’ siniséd onpdeltion sties ’ thbound from Alaskan ports 70 paige por DEONOR DOM. of wef well # undertaken. Mr. Jenns | j or 8 : es . ; ; ; : ; the Princess Mary called here said island: ‘thence AD A ‘weatests a ee much satisfaction wail | H d neal Balas 2 eg lage sterdam afternoon and loaded th ae S ae > i wing the sinuos-| the showing at the Mish. ; both newspapers j iad bee ; , . ites OF the shore the 1 1 ex j ar ware ; . shite a f tha : . 24,000 pounds of halibut at the | meneemen: and cootunis wy t st ty a0 " ni On ea teh -_ ‘AN sane I ~ he ft win wi the ace of such bs acTes, more or less J McPhee ‘ ee ae g a! SECOND AVENUE dds, surely it was possible to Atlin Fisheries dock for the New D. C MAWHINNEY. oe ao bis ee us wR Phone Black 114 lenias the. athiden tala i. England Fisheries at Vancouver, | Abt 24 18% to renee in the employ of-they (¢ lea ; Vhe Mary had a very Mxht pas-| NAVIGABLE WaTERS PROTECTION. act, °UStO™S department and will pro- ee N m feoatboens Matfer’ the south. m, S.C. Chapter 115 jbably be stationed there all.sum- ew Officers. ee tg Sa fhe Kieanza Company, Limited, of Usk, ™Eer- G. H. Hobertaon. who hae «ery s ‘ , | British Columbia, hereby gives notice that eas - —_ = a a lil 4 h : teve King left today for Eng-|is has under section 7 of the sid Act, sh ‘ is | inte 0 rT COple’S liand. He says he has not had a| 2epogited (with the Minister of Public MINERAL ACT } e Prohibition Association it Vic. helid { : Diswiae Racine re Ag®. gh -* , wiliday or six years and he in- iwstric gistrar of the Land Registry SS ~~: toria for three years, tendered his tends to spend several months on | British Columbia ee ae atten were = oe : a SR gee : resignation. rhe following new the OFF . ie, 1 tty L j aud the | aes of , | rove . ; : Slay n, M J. M. Graham, |jowing described lauds 4 Patmore & Fulton. Solicitors, | ,opaled this 15th day of January, 4. D arts O e own J. W. Spence Mra. Boyden: edu- Commencing at @ post planted one half} ———— | 1920. " ———_-———— yer er ew ’ asi mile north of N.W. cor. Lot 807; thence WATER NOTICE H. A. MACLEAN, ealional and literature committee, porth 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; | “Ls ai, - a8 Busi I Ww hence south 40 cheue thence east 40) WIVERSION AND USE 1tN PROBATE: Listings of sin ts anted P AINTS a Pe Br RARE, BAM, . So. tse hains, and containing 160 acres, more or oe + IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Ph in ae ‘ j Hatt Dr. I est Hall, Mra. Lane | ess TAKE NOTICE that M, P. Olsen, whos COLOMBIA. ans ee ee — 4 i ~ atty h, . Se : = on : MARK SMABY address Alice Arm, B. C., I i > , TCH KAI SOMIME Mrs, Shandley, Leonard Tait, F.| pated december dtm, 1018 ors licence 40. take aa use ‘50 cube, |IN TRE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. HELGE ad . MHS i 5, Oe GornetiL and Rev Wilkinson: fi econd-fret and to store about 400 acre TION ACT RSON, LTD - 22a LOCAL AGENTS : ar . SESELVES, § | feet Of weter out of Clearwater River which - ana — : ’ e nance committee, Messrs. J. W. jfows southerly and drains into the Kitsault/[N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF oS i Bpencer, G. H, hoberteon, HT Bite Seg. as pa (rom the Deed of ihe] rRNA ER Toe wad = . mncer, G obertson, i : linlet o ce Arm. OTICE 1S SREBY GIVEN TO WHOM — Versi eS Chafe, W. H. Bone, Alderman Al- | The storage-dam. will be loceted near IT MAY GUNCERN of ah Hpder made by} i \ . ¥ ; ' : | patbral meee, .F Clearwater Lake. The/|His Honour F ay i oeae in the above ion Johns, A oseph Patrick |eapecity © reservoir to be created| Matter on the 27th day of April, A&A Bil PROT ee eg meee cee ere | ote, ee aE eed, i ceil, “at "FT" aR CRUERED ‘nat the sald. fonn_ x | and @X-Aid. Jon ‘ ‘y. DOU acres of lan Water wi S ORDERED at the said John H. f . h 1 Street | ze | be diverted fram the stream at storage, MeMullin shall be allowed to swear to the’ NOTICE ' TO FISHERMEN “Ox 120 Fhone 156 Green | Cas j}dam and will be used for power for }Ueath of We sald deceased as oecurring/ ut Of tow a Pa > — matin antes purposes, upon the mine described . or om ut the m - of January, 1918, rdere carefu 221 j ¢ Climax Group after the expiration of one month from the attended to , ‘ I h Bo j TIMBER SALE x 1. } This noice wes posted on. the ground | dat rf the frst publication of notice of BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAI n the Letter x j oa eon SS on the 26th day of january, 1929. this order, unless in the meantime proof Sealed tenders wilh be received by the A copy of this notice and an application |'s furnished to the Registrar of this Court e r spainoor, 73 peas eet ree = cot ur: |eneae a porate apd to og ans. Act, | st on rs te B, { ee the said de- and Ice " 1 day of ay 0, fo e Dp 5? e “ul in the oMce of the , ceased, Louis Dixon, was alive subsequently . = THE SCHOOL hehase of Licence X 2847, to cut 4,500,000) Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. c to the said month of January, 1018. *f A BUTEDA a ifeet of Spruce, Balsem, Cedar and Hem Objections .to the application may be | AND If IS PURTHER ORDERED that t + LE CANNERY é “4 i jlock om an area situated on Deer Lake, | sled with the said Water Recorder or with | the said John H, MeMullin do publish notice} y | To the Editor The question | Princess Royal island, Range 4, Coast Dis be Comptroller of Water Rights, Pariia./of this order in the Prince Rupert Datly | : f © Fo trict | pent Buildin Victoria, B, u., within) News, a newspaper published at Prince} WESTERN PACKERS, LI wd that is bulking largest in the Te te) yeare will be aewed for re my ays = ter the first appearance of | Rupe rt, B.C, for @ perted of one month | Ve ; : -imeval o tmaber nis notice in- «a oe new spa DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., >this > p conversation and thoughts of our Further parttoulars of the Chief For- | OLSEN, Applicant. 29th day of April, A D. 1030. us} Butedale, B.C, x your Acre Lot or Ten - Tract at Terrace for a ae hon e before prices ®. Good lots adjoin- the Townsite at reason- bt a a ots o ing Wn Lots $75 to $200 Writs y Bros. & Co. Real Estate and Ineuranee trace ~~ B.C eect ON LEE CO. 40 Second Avenue, West. holesals and Rotall Heng Tal Contractors and On Exchange, i ‘have twice people at the present moment jseems to be the Western towns that have soon achool question, pros- ipered and advanced, as as they passed the tent stawe of their) existence, laid and caried out ex- itensive plans for the housing and’ jeducation of their children. | Here and there in the west, lwhere this spirit did not prevail, | ithe town has remained stunted) land dwarfed, while rival towns ihave thrived and prospered, The first question asked or con- sidered by every desinable citizen before moving to a new, town 1s, what kind of schools” have they? All other questions come second to the man of family or even fhe bachelor “with inten tions,’ And surely no bachelor “without intentions” is desirable, Visitors invaniably classify and judge a town, and more especially a new town, by its schools, lib- raries and churches, and not by its street paving. Persistent Rumors Persistent rumors are circul- ating that although the people EEE THN Dey AaWe JOHN’ H. MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrato™ | M. P. The date of the frst wttce 4 February 54, Victoria, B. G., or District Forester, | Rupert, B.C ester publication of this Prinee , i a Le ———— — = in IT’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN emmees T | ”AzB voiced in no uneer ¥ ee a a ] i } i mee" §