+: t ale oe ey iv i Hi ~ ate P23 ae ae i? Orm es The Pioneer’ Druggists Phones 82 ani 200 HE REXALL STORE you want to be sure that your keeps a fresh stock an expert to of the druggist and employs charwe Prescription Department You ca of all good points, and many if patroaize CUR MODERN DRUG STORE Limited n be sure these The re, you P.O. Box 1680 ~ THE POINT lo be considered in buying Drugs is, first of all, the quality hen, of course, | } i | j | ’ ee ee ee oe - My 2 THE RING | that is to bind hear's for a life- tine should be a good one, but that does not mean it must necess- arily be very expensive. We have : “ i DIAMONDS Wel! cut stones, clear and brilliant that we can sell you at modest prices. It's the sarne with ali our Jewelry---good qualities and fair port APPARATUS : | Tests to be Made by Mr. Goddard I tod Ly indic ate that ‘ THB DALY NEWS POLES CLOSE IN ON BOLSHEVIK! hinese Rear Guard Shoot Down All Those Who Retreat With- ROYAL (as Sen A SOAP" VANCOUVER aA Royal Crown Products | oe oT carry ¢ oh eetiahens redeemable i (Special by GT Pp. Delerranns | WARSAW, May rhe Poles lare Rradually closing in on Kiev, motwithstanding the resistance of REME the Bolsheviki infantry and ar FOR EXT HEIGHTS | TET, costes bak Poles aty 35 to 46 Kiev at ldeveral points. A tes bopt It is asserted that t kilo in in July ifrom } WASHINGTON, May 5. o defenders ; ' each altitudes far above the {the front line of t is ts Den 7 earth's air envelope and, as forced to fight as e rear guard igue possibility, even to the made Up of Chines nines als }moon, will be made late in July at} *! ooting down a is who! Worchester, Mass., the National) e% without ord Geographic Society announces. ero lmmediate objects of the inven-| JUDGMENT RESERVED tor, the announcement said, was! ,,, ; the study of the aurora and of| Phe evidence has been taken in ithe short Wave Jeneths in the ithe action of Thomas Mot iymont | spectrum of the sun which are|** A. B. Williams, foy tommis lentirely absorbed by the air.’ sion On a Teal estate sale, and At more moderate altitudes, | Judgine mt has beer eserved Piofessor Goddard hopes to op. ude Young. Yesterday after jtain valuable information con. | 2008 the evidence of Thomas M cerning measurements. of wind|'Y™Mont easaA: Sutherland, th: buyer, a® well as W. E. Fisher, for , arr penn velocity, humidity, temperature; ‘ prices prevail here. jad 'bee s all: of whiel the defence, was heard. This All repairs promptly done. end predeure;, Si: OF Which enter j}morning was taken up with coun into the business of weather fore-| is’ ee pe " R. W. Cameron festive. ; Peariciecans bs j he rocket will be propelled by! The Jeweler Srd Ave the explosion of su aa char. } A. Piazi, who was formerly a es For extreme altitudes, sec artner with ‘I Budenich the eE= ndary rock é . ail with Phird Avenue Meat Market, left jondary rockets, « a rocket wi I ‘ * ye a 5 se na ‘ aomeemeeer] LAND ACT la rocket may be used A special n thi morning train r New iYork from which he will sail by eevee ee eee sesees ‘ ——~ irachute will prevent destrue- \ : ; ; o . fotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lanc atl? the “Gelidete: tuskruensintd the White Star steamer Cretik ecla a ue Tee ‘Sheena land * t, Record 4 May 27 for his old hom: Itals Notice to Advertisers . f Coast, Range Five District, am | On the return to’ the earth Ac- 7 : : ‘ » i Knov z ; ‘ ‘urac liz rmofessor od- : ‘ ‘ : id ase) . t — jure vy in flight, Prof r God rhe party of longshoreme Cas advertisaments © 1 Section 6 n BR lard béjieves, nay ie obtained who left for Clcean I Ais > ‘ fe en e ay * Oe mista ha sc Of nholécaanale ey utnnse tees seers sweets. is ee > f ! rope ze en th . : . ph ; a days ago to load a trans-Pa . } tl iinily 7 t i a wing tbe ive vo whik h, ‘9 ue 1 INNU-lereighter with paper products, \ ‘ e 10 . wy or ¢ of rays of light, will keep the! paryene a ateun hen ‘ ; Lots 4 and 5, Block 27, Com 5 mod om. 18 et on its course ; eit Sa eee Leen MavOR . es t} Ni ai i distant in : ~ “ iGroves has gone to Vancouver and «} ; » 1 i? . peventh Avenue, rthe aa : mh from ie. 5 oe nC uM R left t i iwill return ne eth ‘Tatar * 5pm pr d . nN? . oint he Island; thence in¢luding th 1 COC.’ MeRae le or the sou j . near McBride Street vhole of the said Zayas island, afd cor ; ty . ’ . - . . ’ SR ha ee ees ae ae jun the } rincess Mary last evening. W. J. Chaniiniies d, the Stewarti, seeaacoeaeeoeeeeueasd bh WILLIAM A. NOBLE, [Ny THe SupneM® count or sarrisy|*T8nsfer and packing men, ar- : j €ac Per i s K. Preeman, Agent COLUMBIA. rived this morning from Vancou- Sieke al —| 1 Probate; ca lver where he now, makes his ia age ee Ee ae In the matter of the “Administrationfhoine. Mr. Crawford will remair hile cn AO. cts ro er o » Bs . of Fras Marry. Mobley, deceased. | in town till Saturday before pro os ; ; TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of} ceeding to Stew: art: M (aft Gibb on ' F t qn ci yt! pril, 1920, probate of the last will snd} { 2Ui }estament of grank H. Mobley, deceased, : C Hk a Ons pecig i race iat o* Riana administration of his estate, effects} Mr. and Mi %. a D. Galloway : j nd credifs was granted t David Gordon! . Lah ; & Doy! a Li } 1000 Pounds j3tewart and Alexander Finnie of Prince| Were passengers arriving by the oyie, Lid. * #9 [Rupert BoC. the, crecusors named in the! Prince Rupett this morning. Thes Agents r y | tainst the maid estate are hereby re Gute eileft on the train for Hazelton, | AUMC BBY ‘ es oral Ss | tnd if parties ndebted to the estate arei Where Mr, Galloway will resume Townes . tien Ave. Phone ] ] ’ e ‘ re to a ‘sia a hae his duties as district mining en pe © ead : : . idhichsbeinnemmeaaiaia “B g 4” oe ast Sop ae sean tyne oe aren | Sino. Be he scccguant ¥. s ] L Dated this ist day of May, A.D. 1020 ' an “3 R WILLIAMS & MANSON, : e*e@e@eeoeeeev ee eeeeeewet i Salicitors for Exceutors . TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY 1° (~ **#@e- ' * ga Coal olfee |, war teae ie or von , Si Al man to take charge of year ! : ee en Re as alue 75 per Ib. | 1ze one | baby for portion of the day W SCREE Delivered ’ i Apply room 62 Prince HKupert $13.75 ton, ..We ly 1 tb tis 8 M k th aly - ins 0c Hotel. it recommend it fer + » tet ’ ! a es e ri "\ ; chen range 5-Ib tins, $2.40 . ! “a : This is much Jess than wholesale i Di ference It is just as cheap Ww get your oe a SOREENED -, Rete ago shag 7 Powter MA gl data pties | rhe quality of Birks’ Dismonds c wrinting Jone wel! and done at Bid. tor for ; ly ay ah to = c . \eetaaias liad cas 4 one ° : se rT ‘ ) F ate j ickly if you w re bang ) Bave money | always the same, The modest little rome as it is to send it away. Try “ Ys Re CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose vee aos diamond ring at say $30, the neat the News Print Shop A $12.50 ton. § ed. £13.75. f ; Ti ble ¢ ( solitatre at $75, the fancy ring at —_— — ae oy 8150, or the diamond and platinum | ramee => Best Furnace Coal in City. up ert ap UD Hp l 0, } creation at #1 } have diamonds > oF'4 a A ee PHONES 211, 212. | of the same high quality, Size igs a Consumers Coa! C0 Ltd LAS. || | woods, Abela ta: Medias rs : vf Ud! LU,, : mean eet ef Bias Digthballs CANCELLATION OF REBZRYS. a: Lorn MacLar M free o Peak aiece. tt aoe Te aii We invite your enquiries our ; HEREBY \ Room 11. Smit ae . | Mall Dept. gives careful and prompt « ’ ‘ 4d, OMI ih Phone 7 ’ er ° i 7 . vier 7 a a onsen | OPENS SOLE| {hj vee oor cautonues ok eit getk cs 5 eS NORTHERN INTERIOR , Bulk Ru S He: iol DENTI ST ; CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION y gs , 2 ef 7 sad Soe sell ISTRY 3} witt open inc. H. Thomas's Washed for you WATER NOTICI Don't neclect : A a stand, Third Avenue, DIVE! AXD Uad a eglect your Teeth 3 opposite Post Office Laundering heavy rag and rf he decayed or r % } i ‘ that ; c loan or missing tooth = 5/8 On Monday, 10th May, 3)! | ares Sere ees Con Lis. whe oon waer bt Ce : with a full stock of local Meats, ! Vancouver, BC. it) York, ieee tee via Stewart, \ ts - E a Fruits, Vegetables, Farm and : i uncertain spring ys when wo take grad Tt t eet of Wa DR. BA YNE ‘ Dairy Products. the right sort of drying ey eed oe inte Cascade Creek. an hice Hours--M to. 123. 74 - Sean eat a Seed weather is so seldom avail- we quarter f t luteria tions d ee atur- os = able. r. The water i . 4. frear te es Ww enings, th ere r In five minutes eres 85 8 I " toe - Tuesday, Wedn and Wes Night Phones J. G: Steen, 371 utes, you can ones ; ; day, from Tto 9 W. Longwill, Blue O10" | pack up half this heavy work Clan, and Ww “ jornme OogyV ue Z } upon the Pre Mi to te DUEL Wii «int remus, canes of housecleaning, and have stated On 1 ; sscade orks ft Poth 00 pon \T m ut ANCB Day Phone 5 us do it expertly for you in This *tor to be used to generet OF Er ere er nrern, vier ee STEEN & LONGWILL Al | our modern way. ag BE aM aaa i ea" im ¢ + ee rla _ Screened Then, too Oscc nection Ww th ite mining and milling opers Sods he ’ » your “cor and tions : Diiite eee on GUARANTEED LUMP ja Doge» 04 rpg on te 2ouh day of Aprile 1080. Suns PPP POOL ODL Agent for McClary Furneaes quickly, probably need wash- A copy of this notice and an application 112 Ay L Welonmel a For Kitchen Stove. ing. You can seud them pursaint thereto at the “Water ere Hart Sanitary and Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton along also, eet ee ee Bee ee “ye teating Engineers Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton Let Objections lo the appaicat nay be fled us lighten this toilsqme with die said Water Kecorder or with the iv : ‘ A 4 oO Sth Street and Fraser Street Bulk ....... $13.50 per ton work, and at the same time Comptroiier of Water Rights, Pariianvwent *rince KR er " ' sidings, i i eithin days rc e ¥ ; rrtion Rares B.C. Only a Limited Supply i help you make your home aes "i oo Dp t 4 pg ig 7 - Phone Your Order Now brighter with old rugs washed CO eh aa NING CO. LS nen POM to look like new. ror a? ; Applicant " en Island Shampoo Parslor Albert & McCaffery | Reve et ies ects rie dave ot 11 oeele te ith, Meant ip your bundle, Telephone were ee Leh cieksiii eelaicdhneidicinalalilin’ GO TO THE LTD. today. LAND AOT TARTON & : , } A! AO $850 SPOT CASH. NORTON SHAMPOO PARLOR Phones 564 and 116 VANCOUVER LAND DISTMIOT-DISTHICT ‘ . —— to get a facial massage to see the CANADIAN . OF COAST. RANGE Hit 00d level p lot for good it does to the expression; a gusnanainine carne nen on rere ren "STEAM ree PH ok E coins fie want a *! Henna Pack to chan ge the grey nt of loggin tends to ‘ mly for per 4 , : > hair ” ~~ ahade, © =e alp creat- Piano Tunin | LAUNDRY Tnission to Nees. the tollowloy. dene rite a ae ment, electrical vibrator treat- | PHONE 8 “Comma ing at a post planted 2% miles! ]] i ( t yon lan ter Ed. H. Mortimer ments, face powder und all kinds and All Kinds of Repairs. | ox narterly hueetin "rin it, * orth ) e creams, ete, i ieemtinenemenmmenmaiameentatae eat corner a Ot #897 on the West cous } . > ae ek f Calvert Island: thence north 40 ehains; eal Kstate ar d Tuaueoeeie Opposite Government Buildings GEORGES GAGNON he nee ‘Wost on chalts thence posit 40 ger 801 © ‘ ; rains wnee east 40 cheing tO point o Nh. 824 Benn, i Avenue 210 4th St. Phone 493 =* amend eure nated i commencement and containing 160 acres, we ° nore or hes. rece | ee ~ verre OyBox woes a J. C. CLAUSEN, : | Date January Vist, 1080. | rears 3 are | hu “ening Now the Days a me ‘ . have ¢ PATTINSON, ! /HOT PLATES - ; Ovens - “ 15H Fans . . Het Plates ar Owens w H P { . POLLO LL OL LLL LL LL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LA OA A LEE Goldbloom Quits Business Beautiful Coats, Sui! 1 Dresses selling at less than factory cos! Abcdst Fisteres fae Sale : ot ae + Ne Reserve os ie lt GOLDBLOO Mi’ - eee noecerteet EEL LMS OO LL OOOO OOL weer en GI ‘ / ] ING DONT ANY PRI Unless it lt get do« “ n amy ot Department The News Printin specializes on high-cla There are exper! eidk did work, enced men in charge anc they do the work well We have on hand a Poster | few specially choice 1” Dodge's Vitation cards in severa! Circulars | \ styles. Call at the office Booklets | and see them _belor 2 ) ordering. | Daily News Job Departmen!