* . av May 7, 1920, priday, > — — THE DAILY NEWS i Market Prices Local News Notes Tea | tht oie te. eee dq | Sandi | 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. Birloin steak ws. seiscceens 55e Vaudeville night Tuesday os THe D re see ie B teen ie ree teeeooace | Beef, pot roas ann etthas ay ; . HE DAILY News WILL Not Be Responsipie For Instructions Or THE ry Constantino Wires Daily News ;,,,,./ a : ” o Ih, 30 to 35¢)Not a dull minute. CANCELLATION OF WANT ApS OvEK THE TELEPHONE. in Regard to His Heaith. eat’ ohh ake oe nae ee Fy | Beef, rib roast, Ib., .’....... 45e Heseryved seats § for Hospital : “ 4 Phe following wire was received '' Doing, Ib. .... 26€ to 30¢| Vaudeville on sale at Orme's, smiptaslac peer tena sadn ag — lots 2806 4. eae Seven aie this morning from A, ( Hamburger, per Ib, ........ 30 oe | VANTE ody hab BMNOAL vee tk ee ee rata fir f ‘ \ ' i ate ' ° Prey stewing beef, per Da® ves 25c W. EB. B. Dudoward, of Porta WANTED Young ‘om son: Ais “| hear drydock. $150.00 cash- at ie nt value and on } Sree Corned beef, per Ib 25¢| Simpson, is in the city, experience not necessary, One) M. M, Stephens. tl chides 6 Om Please put this in your paper aad tan nt i y Heenan aS . ; , with high school education and} ne ee ee Six roomed mod from A, Constantino! I have been emesis } doy sc tesees ‘ = deg Sketeh by Mr. and Mrs, Brady, knowledge of stenography pre-|FOR ‘SALE- Lots 17 and 18, BIK.|$ snicnaia double Terms. : he Hands Of the director! uuitcn istewiie |... 2.0.04 o-,.| Hospital Vaudeville night. it| ferred. Apply box 66 News of-| 26, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue,}% ad Tallow St. 0% re our satisfied f the Hazelton Hospital Dr.|yution,shoulder roket me dt ok, at . |fice. tf} close in. $500. U0 the pair, cash) Eight roomed + a Wrinch. I am now feeling pretty ’ . \ ok shoulder roast 32¢ to vy | F. F, Sshellenberg was a pass- ; Vag 7) | —M. M. Stepher he a oa i a customers { will be at New Hazelton the|°™ * 1oulden roast ....... 35¢| unger southbound last night | WANTED—Kitchen maid for the|-—— , eee 0 iB APPR DS eed tony and on easy ental itn. the ales Veal shoulder roast ....... 220) a; , General Hospital. Wages $40|/OR SALE—Lot 8, Block 10, See : cash residentia? ne tlundader adds © aS 30¢ and 40¢ . ‘ onth witt ‘ t tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seai ee , M i jitane Jack uw ; ne eee New afternoon and street | per month with board and , ’ ; ner tn the City On easy ; Ask the people who Pen a Harvey : f te . ae Pork sausages, per Ib, .... 45¢] dresses just arrived at Demers room. tf Cove. $175.00 cash. M. M. pote ae Porat have their work done thee meal at the first clase| emer seumnwes .. eos euss 30¢ oe 3 i Prvsy cre Stephens. if The Windsor Hotel, with . thsipans i Ned Banelion ater es sa bees 45e' to 60c| 8. J. MeGrath arrived from|'‘VANTED — Furnished or partly) , ——|} ture, et am attractive price. here —particular per- estqura i ew Hazelton @ pop, eee... 53 50d bee 60: | Terrace jast’ plaht | furnished suite of 3 or 4 Pooms| (FOR SALE—Lot 3, block 6, Sec- - o—and let them c rune Mh, Sr, Constantino Pore, ehedider, . .../téseies 45 as i Apply P. 0. box 800 or phone tion 5, City, Fourth Avenue on sons to i e nies meal in the cour facon, piece, per Ib. ..:... 7c] Nazimova in theeRed Lan- 234. tf! hill. Mail offers box 231, oe X . nave initia ¢ ¢ ZIASS f i ller ” oO ¢ ¢ ee : ‘ . . i eee ee ek er yox tell youwhywe do their afte meals ft drinks with John oe sliced per Ib. .ssess a , n, nday matinee and ee ANTED Man for cooking and ee eres rae { . "on soe (ine oOo > work. And then—try fase ; leadiee titel ia eh cas pec eticcseebee aan) iB only DB, | genetal deckhand on launch. STEWART LoTs ‘ Hazelton) first Gaptain Mr.'... ae ee eee run Sextette from “Floradora” by| Crew of three. Apply District " nes theca our excellent Dry Constantino wants to leave here Salt back#y +..+...+++s5004 ort a in Dali Mork 1 a a aa Forester, Prince Rupert. —09|/FOR SALE—Lot 2, Glock 10, May ; : a ) i ere hicken, per Ib., .......0.. 50¢ rs. aIDy Mork I CROs F iiccetealaietatieettei - oe 905, Stewart LTownsite. Price Cleaning and Pressing after Lomorrow with best respects owl, per Ib 45c luesday night's Vaudeville. i.) WANTED—Housekeeyer for gen-| Si 000 This lot aittoinn vnai ; ends and to Mr. Lark-/|p. 4) aie llie a: aa ; le , a eee. 2 gene. Service. ; a : " Pickled pork, per Ib. ....... 45c ie > : | eral hospital. For particulars ness section on Sixth Street. la GOIN AWAY ANY | Hooked the liced ; aa A. Cotter, °G.T.P. travelling | oly Matron { Sans: oe ee ' ‘ vain : tb. ae 3: iuditor, weturned south last} eee _ “| Apply Daily. News office. bi Spare ribs, per lb., ........ 30« . 4. CONSTANTINO. : night. WANTED Experienced house-| FOR RENT Canadian Roast ham .sscesccecssees 80 * maid. Hotel Pr ince Rupert. tf | hisapnabibiennaintatubesibinsemeptdiat Rede as fee POOSNa, OE IDs 6. i 53S 35 SteamLaundry | KNIGHT ATTACKS Saad tone £6.50 to 87.7 QUAKER FRAND , te Coa PB Fish. ae e wk ar ade BOs: idk bodied 6 oe obs 35 2 ra tod fillets, sinoked, ........ 20 black.cod per Ib. .... 15¢ RGN: RAGED boc n'secawe ee 254 STENOGRAPHERS alibut, per Ib, .......4.. 251 OUST, Ser ame EM See 15 Dominion Canners | 12. cer ss Bel aan uercing, eect, ....c.. ‘0, . . “s , ss «as | Flounder Fillets, lb., ....... 2 B. c Limited ras , uw - raat sete | al ci Fillets, i: boxes 55 LAYER ROLLS CV MACLOOD, _* acnuenbers, saoke... 500 to OO ria mining engineer, returned rom Usk on last night's train. rhe payroll for, the police de }partment last month was $1,017,- 16, and the accounts £439.60. Ee i W. 8. Harris, the Hazelton min- ng man, arrived the city or last night's train. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snell, of ince George, arived on last! light’s train and are registered | t the Hotel Prince Rupert. eo" . . : James Turnbull, forest ranger | if Hazelton, is in town on his re- irn to Hazelton after, a holiday pent in the Okanogan. Skeena River anriyals last night wluded A. M. Kipp, of Port Es- ‘ington, and George M,. Durham, if Balmoral They return up- iver on tomorrow's train. | . >. . Mrs. Raymond, mother of W. J.| Raymond of the Evening Empire, Yas an arrival on tast night's rain. Mrs. Raymond has spent the past year Visiting with her laughters in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker and infant left last night for Var ouver where Mr. Walker is going nto business for himself. \ large number of friends were jown to see them off and little Miss Walker was the centre of ittraction to a large and admir- i WAN’ _Rupert Marine Iron Works. 09 Store de ee Ye +i FOR REN T—Newly comple ste d and reED—A iboleia iat and boy.| geeor: ated hall above the Candy Luxe, on Third Ave M employment. Apply ward school and the hospital. COAL COMPANY, POCKET ANSCO camera was left Ltd., Mountain Park, | Finder returning to News of- Reliable Service at riesonanilh’ es, Alberta. 111 fice will receive $10 reward. We have Warehouse wouhdealiieinsbiele Ss. E. Parker, Hail is a hundred feet lonm& and specially suitable for dances and other social events. For terms, apply | to | Jim Killas. tf Set an ra ' nOURSH FOR RENT.—Three-roomed front| 9 gm. 49 480 9a a. a i lat, furnished. Mrs. Wolters P WANTED | flat, - Mrs, own : DA. J. 8. BR St. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 914. DENT!ST INERS, mine helpers, | FOR RENT—Furnished suite. Hot OMice, Smith Block, Third rhe and both inside and |; and cold water with’ bath, 410 Phone 464. i 6th Ave, East. Phone Blue 217. outside labour. High- eapante oe e ‘i est union wages. Good Lost A G GRAY mining conditions. At- ——_—___— 2 side ses Teacher of Pi : kilns ES LOST On Wednesday night, sé ‘eta : tracuve housing vad partly finished sideboard scarf Stucio 137 Second Avenue rangements and steady with hoops, between King Ed- PHONE Blue 421 or 444 MOUNTAIN PARK | Finder leave at News office. P at roadside near Cold Storage LOST—-Bunch of keys tied togeth- er with string. Finder please | peturn to Daily News office. tf)2°** LODGE MEETINGS oo HOUS 3 ae Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch _ SITUATIONS WANTED LODGE 1051 LOYAL Okwek OF ca, ts fn Seong 00 a Young nan 26, with railroad, Moose meets every Monday rare wines banking, customs and whole- Cy Pa tAs at the Deep Sea Fisher- Gire comee tn hae sale drygsoods’ experience de- men’s hall. tf . sires position. References. Box 68 News ollice: 10 fOR SALE FOR SALE P. KR. T. No. 4, boat I towing or packing saimon. Is 57.2 feet long, 14.3 wide, 7.9 deep. Gross tonnage 39.96, registered tonnage 27.18—5( | Wolverine. Heavy steel plates tanks, capacity 2,0 ga is Iron sheeted bottom. Apply Theo, Collart, Westholme Theatre Bi ck. 14 iFOR SAL K—25-40 h. p. ‘Medium ’ Artist W ? esh sy i wer Ib .. 25¢ jing group. ; : i LAND ACl . , eR per 1D. -- ce oa eee ‘- Be ‘ lenition, 4 cyl, 4 cycle, in per- lot house euCumbers, each, 40 e4ir ml wart Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land.|Radishes, per buach re ia Through the kind offices of A. fect condition. $1,500.00.—M. ris wy taken’ ' > ei Sweet potat per Il one | Kilpatrick and Dr. Lennie, the G,} M, Stephens, tf r ‘ ‘ ate . 4 ‘ ast ee es, ) Mv 4%... + se ? ~ - - = 1920 is Plaver Pix Yer 7 ' , rol sap | Parsley, per igen ‘Mierke toc} FT. P. Medical Department has FOR SALE—Two lots on grade, 4 ean ; een = rT \ : : pat . Fresh asparagus. .i....66.- pie made a donation to the hospital near drydock, ground sandy Our Piano Tuning and Repair : 1 woman, intends 1! ciobe artichokes, gach, .... 20¢/* Smithers of all the equipment loam, best buy in the city / Department a eee __ |Californ® beets ° Ibs. for 25c]'M Use — me —— meen $550.00 pair. M. M. Stephens. (\ e supervision of {), » © a nth 20| Datanine ner ib... cess ioc} Maintained — their iospital at eee nati teienestananersniias £3? F h me. CEORGES BAGHON j “e a d Fruit Prince George. It will be shipped! FOR SALE—New Rods Rifle, .303. Sy or rosyc ; te rt : west 80 vaporate Peres, ane to Smithers during the next few Vill sell cheap for cash. Apply happy smiles, white | ' oo eo ve ; 7 eo. ne 30 days. room 16 Windsor Hotel after 2. ‘ aie — [EGR Sian 60 0 Uh eo vee 30¢ . + 6 | . ‘ > eames » 6 poem, 06 t th (6 Wil Edmnads ; i : ve A. ‘a ’ APPiCOlS cones eereereveees 45¢ An application from Special P. $$ ee ? oOo ap | « Repert Music Siore ; H. KR. Fowler, agent PORE «cu tie ¢ + 6.814.005.8409 35¢/. Leek received at. this morn-|/FOR SALE Iwo 4x6 pool tables e \@ " oem tie : WATER NOTICE APPlOS wc cenee cece eveeees 35C/ing’s Police Commission meeting in good condition, bargains. an gestions. ; toe pu O44: Phese SLACK 183 { USE AND STORAGE Seedless Raisins .......++. $5C/ asking for a clothes allywance Apply Daily News Office. 14 / 6 wees - tila tial € +e 2 . — kr — oo een eee : nat the tay PRUNES .eeeecncersvees 200-300} was turned down. The commis- FOR SALI N i jeri - ' Fruit. s ‘onsidere a speci: SAL 5-roomed modern y : " . ad rult i ml ite bg pt d eet 1 rh lab) house on double corner. Otto Its benefits are as GREAT a . ae : et acre feet r f LUNAS ~ ce wee eee edevevee A { = 10 en ed o 1° al-| ei went we a For C miort, Courtesy” carwat Poem, brine Fy Grapefruit (California) 3 for 2oC|}lowance when a régular man had| _ Miller, AONE Sen me. aon aE 12 as its cost is SMALL! r ' “ ‘ \ t y a ; and Service pute bout Ss mice ES. 9 Mt Re. CARAS 44.2.4 * UC} recently been refused, IFOR SALE—Splendid lot on Atlin] e Art B, sates (GTO) si bs hd wo Cee aoe . . . ae ae i | f The storage-dam will be located at out ’ c Avenue, Section Two, close in, | . 9 to t of Clearwa C Lake, rm ab ac ¥ J of sulk Dates, per Ib, ....+--> 60¢ At next Sunday night's concert! 400,00. M. M. Stephens. tf {t satisfies the desire for : Peepers, Se Oe, head alot es|Navel oranges ..... 40e to $1.00 solos by Mrs. Dall Morkill, is iaaiial I dele d fox ' wi ’ it act , fe 7 : . é Ud} n = The SAVOY HOTEL le siraem ete point. eS whet ft Apples Yellow Newtons No. 1 84.50/"Ayve Maria” from Cavallieria| FOR SAL E New Sunset Sewing} sweets, and is beneficial, os ‘ ata i : 4 | z ; : } jy Hanlon pamstinmnnienhiamelaceatanes 1 will be uged power poses a Jonathan apples No,.1 .... 84,00 Rusticano with ‘cello obligato),| machine, $45.00. Barrie's Fur-| the mine described as f Mir Gt ! < 77 4 . is cae re | B, T.¢ OwWness ind tights 4 hie Arm. District Cooking apples ......+05> $2.75/"My Ajn Folk, Killarney” and niture Store. tf| ea e f ‘ ik notes s poste the round | ¢y, . | urigs ...-+ A0Clother . : ie —--— a | MANAG BR r not ae m ‘ ’ o20 { annped Italian prunes . others. Cornet anc cello solos by re h the seventh day of At : Se tee . ates d 960.21 Phy - - A copy A ? thia notice a ud au i al agon Raisins, per A rs ah as aoe B5¢ Will Edmunds: saxophone fsok oF ot SAL ky ney ane e S6 ) 9 raus here n ) " ate c ‘ . Qhe . i es " P "ea Siore, ne 37 P.O, Box 1704 SEE eee aie i ihe omice of the|Gurpants, per ID: .....ee0e 95¢|by E. Ross; trio for violin; piano| 0% Barri urniture re. ecorder at Prince Rupert, Bh. «e OP, Iba. vicwbas stances s 600); ‘ce : ee orohastr lan | Wier ectons 10 the application "may be| heel, Per, Iw » an, | and ‘cello; three orchestral selec- | HOUSES FOR SALE ‘ied with the said Water Recorder | oF Mixed nuts, per ID. .....06. 35¢/tions; no community singing,| ——— oe — i wit } ‘ miroller of ter tants . . . bas Ra | can . | [Partiament Buildings, Viet Ware's “within] Table*Figs, per pkg, ...... 15¢) TicketS now at usual places. |FINE HOME, best residentiat | . prey Gare AP MOE of eet iead re arance OF Minge Meat ...scceerserees 20¢ q * ., tes | section, Moderate terms. Hel wy Cheeks to The pawers of thie undertaking are tT A Bories of meetings havedeen | gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, } q 0: BR be oxereia a for p wor and lishing within Mr. and Mrs. R, M, Walker/arranged in different sections of| Notary Public. / eral claims, the Dolly Varden wainers: were passengers for Vancouver/the farming country to the east | ee ere errer net : lal 1d all ¢ iia Company's Ratleoac 5 Motor Tre ansfer and id eer le ‘ines. or any prop on the Prince Rupert last night,j/for the , Purpose of forming | LOTS FOR SALE J erties and butidings of others In and a roo e ‘iends re anche » Norther rior |as 4 ; . 7 assen S ae Un” te mi oie district. \ number of their friends were oI anchoes of the North rn Interior) OR SALE—Lot 16, Block 7, and} ‘ ker Service rhe petition for the apprey 1 of alte at the steamer to wish them sue-|Co-operative Association, These! Lot 10, Block 12, May 905, | Slan indertaking it) be heard n we aomee i ‘ nn . x : 4 a ‘ » ( ~) t p and, Empress Hotel ' ir baard "1 4 date to be Axed by ihe) cum and happiness in their new pe mn Rene at Wistaria, Ootsa| Sixth Street, Stewart, $500 eac sh | i nptr er are mt oan rere ster Ti f ‘ ’ J ‘ 2 i sis hones 176, Bla F{Camptroiior, and that any oer nee the | home sake, atalaska, St. Francis, | M. M. Stephens. tf| ac 334 gJoMee of the Comptroiier, or of the Water ne North Francois, Collymount, and ———— Q ; mpparCer, LOR OINING oo., LT | Two-color window cards take! Burns Lake, iIFOR SALE-—Lot 15, Block 5, Seo- uick De livéetisl } oe apphibant the eye quickly, See them at the ee tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal "tereccceepene ' rhe date of the nrat publication of iis News Job Department, j B. C. Undertakers, Phone a1. Cove, $175.00. M. M, Stephens, | PF inotice is April 17, 1020,