_« 97 COP TR OR, CANAD 000 OY 4.6 SHUBERT, LiTED J SHIP ALL YOUR —_ * = re re LAUDER | TAKES BRIDE —n | Interesting Ceremony in Methodist Church When Local Couple Bulky Rugs THE DAILY NEWS - CIGARETTE SMOKING BY WOMEN BANNED The of a pledge emoking by adoption against cigarette Imembers of iris jthroughout Canada as proposed | by Mre. Greene, poesident of the organizations | United in Marriage. ILondon, Ont, WiG.TA , | | be ey “OP. is arous | ; edepdiamennas | Washed for you jing considerable interest among | ume . Sire Mothodiot shuren Laupdering heavy and ithe workers who are endeavoring jwas the scene of an interesting washable rugs at home is jto devise some means to cheek (he wedding at 8 o'clock last evening! slow work, expecially in these | Jarming “development of the iwhern Margaret, daughter of Mrs uncertain spring days when habit in the Deminion i |Margaret McDonald, Washington the right sort of drying rhe W.U.T.U. bas had the ip ee the bride of Eric! weather is so seldom avail- vatter of cigarette smoking a-! ; Newton Lauder, the cenemony | able. ne girls and women under jing performed in the presence f In five minutes, you can ladvisement fon some time. and a large gathering of friends by pack up half this hexvy work jrecently a& controversy has been Rev. W. W. Wright in the ab of housecleaning, and have waged in which numerous women! sence of the regular pastor, ru us do it expertly for you in have defended the practice on the | }Nuttall. The bride, who was given our modern way. ound that it is 3 . | mPOUTE i sa nerve-soothing Tne by her mother wore a gown Then, too, your floor and liversion and that it should not! of white silk and a picture hat bath. mats, which soil so he restrieted for the pleasure of Ww { N NIP Ee G and carried a beautiful bouquet} quickly, probably need wash- en alone,” said Mrs. Greene lof Easter lilies, Miss Margaret ing. You can send them j NADI 0 | Phe gipwing habit of ciwarette caer ow tremecdoas demand. for aaron Tones Gane | Musgrave Was bridesmaid and along also. : I. noking among young ost wilt | .. and all other Furs from your @istrict. “SHUBERT” will pay you the | was gowned in white satin wilh a Let us lighten this toilsome indoubtedly increase with the ar NY E ¢ io w EXTREMELY HIGH PRICES quoted below: /picture hat and also bearing lilies. | work, and'at the same time ival of immigrants from the Old $ x jJamres Parks, of the Prince Ku help you make your home I : ; SLAG SIL ; ; ’ 7 and, whehe ig 4 rady firm T ee scree a peeten late testo cine fe neeanon se pet steer | pert Gre department, was grooms brighter with old rugs washed F és =. = ghee. ' Ee W f NG © i i to look like new . tablisped, 1} should tike to ; man, | a sugges} that the i ; | . young people's Good Sendoff. Have srond driver call for }organiggtions of «the ob. aut = aE RS PR) SNE 7 | After the ceremony the bridal sane — Telephone have @ pledge of all girls promis! a ' so 25.00 to 20.00 jparty, and friends went to the} we ne abstinence from the smoking cer cameos 35.00 to 28.00 home of the bride's mother where CANADIAN if cigarettes,” oe 26.00 to 22.00 a wedding breakfast was served M 70 : , ’ : STEAM ' Mra. Goeene declares that she ‘a , : 20.00 to 18.00 land singine and a geiiwra: good LAUNDRY jis developing the belief that more} a as S| C ~ A ig time was enjoyed. Before ‘mid-| PHONE 8 jcan be done to oheck intemper . eo CTY inight the party made its way to janee by eduvation than can be ai - ii Fine, Dark |250.00t0200.00] 175.00t0 150.00] 125.00t6100.60] 99.00t0 70.00] 90.00t04000] {° Wharf where, amid much accomplished by legislation. An RB J 1” Brown 175.00 to 150.00} 125.00 te 100.00} 90.00to 70.00} 65.0010 45.00] 65.00to30.00) | CPeering and throwing of confetti effort to undertake an educational sreac o Rolls Pale 125.00to 100.00} 80.00to €0.09§ 55.00to 45.00} 40.00te 30.00 40.00 020.04 the young couple were given an . campaign will be made through Pastr - fal Poe Dp: enthusiastic sendoff to North teen age girls’organizations and A our: _oanKke i 1°$ Vancouver, where they will make} the : , 7" le ‘ s MINK ; through the mothers’ clubs. We ing Ca i Cia their future home. . ne . Scam <—_—2- ee, a —t Both bride and groom are well |} h Phone 190 a rr Fine, Dark | 40.00 to 32.00 | 28.00 to 22.00 | 20.00 to-16.00 | 15.00 to 13.00 | 15.00 to 8.00 i | Advertise in the Daily News . ito D Usua! Color 30.00 to 25.00 | 20.00 to 17.00 | 15.00 to 13.00 | 12.09 te 10.90 112.00 to 6.00 and favorably known in the city] :OM MIX TO! IGHT LL tt liana Deling Coast 22.00 to 16.60 15.00 to 13.00 12.00 to 10.00 8.00 to 7.00 8.98 to 4 jand have formed a large circle of AT THE WESTHOLME. ae Te friends. Mr. Lauder, for some} ' iis You've got to ship your Furs to a reliable House to get the “most money” for ee , gt - — és " them, “SHUBERT” has been satisfying Fur shippers for “more than a third |‘, Mas been employed by thi At the Weatholme tonight Tom Ty CLIT CK of a century”—since 1883. That's a record that speaks for itself. Take no | Frizzell meat markets while the eek tah uot ce F ia ri KLEY SHUBERT GUARANTEE” protects you absolutely—bundle up (bride, formerly of Tite's Furr ee week ee ee oe - . W all the Furs you have on hand and SHIP TO “ SHUBERT” TO-DAY. ture Store. has more recently| => Shvot@r Andy,” the man who _—— eee YOU'LL BE MIGHTY GLAD YOU DID hen chbanen at the Inlander|)* "new for h nderful smile! _—~s es ‘ wiles a 4 TENDERS FOR COAL. "mem Ede YOUR FURS DIRECT TO | Boarding ade: Théwell wishes ; : i! f audible ; ( JW ma Vv WarTeD of their many triends among the} eres SEALED TENDPRS addressed to the ot A ° ¢ lyounger population of the town| /'!8 Pbotoplay deats with life veal, Do sive buudings Pores D Wind ».D.F > young wopule ‘ } “ “7 ; ‘ 4 |, DOTeion ulbdin iritie® ¢ PF oors indows, WU. UW. rirand ora ’ LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN will follow them to their rew |‘ - he gold sh davs The | bts z vee, wares - Me or te, ee b . O. ke Gl ' . Ms -” Sat acenes e } m the 0 , ‘ v ‘be node ax, 8 anc Wlarine rai RTH AMERICAN RAW FURS fname in the south, | : ” yy re town of i for the pubie tidings trou et m ’ 4 2/858 a") Viarine Paint) ‘diel sescsblacsiealaialeil | Bannack, Nev as. they were |" Bete mieten aed tern, of tes Phone 383 24 Donald St. Dept, 224 Winnipes” Canada iRWIN BRUYN WEDDED |sixty-odd years ago and the story det cee'Be sbisied fre tar perches is said to be based on fact. |Mret potest of Peni, Works, Ov —— i eee ee ee at lifferent Dominion Bulldi ’ | MISS BERTHA WILLARD encour oo SO ake", BY 8 | rehters “Sith tor ‘Be “enaldered | wategs | es ; isherif who is in neatity a des- nee on the form supplied by the De ‘TAND AC LOLA OOOO OD eS ee cs oes ue ment and in secordante with the con : ’ ri perado and who sea the cloak of at f set forth therein. : e ‘Ceremony Solemnized in Drexel|the law to cover the acts uf his NS Fae wot er keg re vpen gang who, kill and rob Comes !able @® the order of the Minister of Pobt In Coast La ; core Rooms Last Night by Rev. - ee © era P Works. equal wo (6pe¢ of ie eanhianed ‘a triet of "ake os, hens , I W. W. Wright. nto the town one Andy Crawford,| ibe teider, Wer teen BD of the Do-| Take moter ites . : the character played by Tom Mix, }@alon Stl) also be secept af security,jof Prince pert ; PHONES 130 p| 423. P. CO. BOX fod ; : ’ or war bonds end cheques if required tolintend Ww epply for | ; Laraest A A quiet wedding was solemnized His sense of justice, his quick }mete +e = amount | ite ae wine desten ; ( Pp meariqnngs af umber in Cygtrat &. 6. lat the Drexel Rooms last night} ?°@'ane his quicker eye, guided RG DESROOHENS, [southwesteriy « ; FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY at 9 o'clock, when Miss Bertha rol “ ce icaar ce wen oa eect ment of Poblie — in 3? te ; SPRU Willard was united in marriage pee ee rom Dadness (to dew) Reps. ee 1 Moe. sachahins Eerie aia ; On Mon day, 10 CE FIR) — CEDAR ftp trwin Bryn, ty Hew, W. w.fo0es- Me, saves Susan Allenby | "Waren noni. [ie | Consult Us. i Wright. i a aera ae = * " ie DIVERSION AND USE | : > cere my too afLa i? tches ind aided y ier eight —_—_ ‘ | Phe cer rive . kK a we ta brothers and sisters wins hert pape | NOTICE bee Premige? Gold Minidg) Aprils #¢ ; , ae es | Posie oO rs arie ahistrom ; © | OOre Lhe whose address ip Premier BD ‘ ‘ eorceert = land Gust Maberg who were the|?@4ft- vid Stewart eat no ae 2 gm LAND A oo P, ws ” eae only witnesses. Mr. and Mrs.| 4 ee \OUL OF Fletcher trek, WHER Some West | scice of intention to Apply to Leese Land. } 5! poo arnt . : riy ond drains into « Creek, abe ; ham Bruyn will make their residence | ~~ cad arvrr colle bw rib of ih Anter atta! ae oa . 4 ee i . boundary th Sélttem Hive e re Chadian ; in the city. { The Man 10 the Moen The water will be ae "prom toe | . de oa ons tt : The groom has lived here for]? sifram a1 & point about the tris. |, | tepert, oc os ; ' SAYS: east corner of Lot 8507, pert Miners!) nee Per’. 7 , aimee i several years, during which time } _ Claim, Bod will be uted for er PUrposes in tcitowine : he has been employed in the store }% MS ented on. ot 9467-—Concade. borke ho. be “Commueniag at & VANDERHOOF. B Ci. if his untie, A. W. Edge. The rHAT a woman at gr Man., nee on a be << ee corte 1 caine ; The Hotel That Is A Home. bride was formerly at the Emadj)recently gave birth to triplets but jeretler pid, hy ; ls Lia. - eon choine ' : ; See enetintremmateneoneas Confectionery Store. a* only one had been provided tions. 7 ee — pled . " — ; Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service —_-- -- lfor, what was she to do? joo the seh Bast Bh sronns ; . European Pls ° . . , end en Heation | SSEENA LAND 1 ti + 910 4¢} an. Garage and Livery in connection BETTER PICTURES _ aor x " mates han QCEEN CHA ; 210 4th . PHAT she did like any other pureuaat ¢ to jhe eter, Act ; Unper New MANAGEMENT ei in the meg of the! axe Ni st , ©. nome mother would have done—-made | Water Recorder fince Wipers, Bb. « : i Queen ha ’ a . JAS. F, McCORMACK - - - Manager FOR THE EMPRESS |"... all as welcome as possible with aie we oat SS aah tee fend . - ej : ; . Ae he f wine a ea le ' ——— with the means at her dieposal. | & er of 1 Righle, Parliament ee menring ai a pot . opserr _——— Better pictures are to be se- . . : Shel gp ane mop “I i, "astean ta} i. ro of Buide s ; Siti ri ; ~ jeured in the future for the Em-| THAT we always believed mar. |* $% eur OL mmine CO. utp. (corer of Th ; bi press Theatre. These commence| riage Was a lottery, and this con- Applicant Getns shore line. .< == nea THEO C tonight. The management havejfirmis tue belief, | e date of e*, vo pat pubic sn Ot thts -. — . ? - a NOIREERS Bas OLLART, Neotaéy Public deduced that cheap films do not) | eet [noe fe May 4 = cs CHARLES WANT ; Ene Buy a ch pay in Prince Rupert*and for that} THAT Nazimova will be seen) gegpaa paxp ING DisTmicr | ser!) #. S680 ; sini yac Cap Home.--7 room House, plastered and reason they will secure the same|"*! Monday at the W estholme, | _. OF a UNAOR, CHARLOTTE i LAND AO’ ; Toenail ) } “Sih . . e¢ nhdeiiion t unform.| 4nd everyone will want to see ; ind Avenus papered, bath, outbuilding; close in, only class of picture for all perform roe lo ¢ NOTICE ina Wan 3, Leary of | VANCOUVER LAND. DISTRI ; + Street $2300.00; Easy Terms ances a8 are used in the West-)"" 6 {far met = toe cag tnd OF COAST, KANOGK 1 ; of Second ONE eee ee MR Rae rt ce, holme. , j ah Gene ia ‘ et feltowie = TARE NOTICE that / 7 ; a p. 0. wg lh INSURANCE “REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Tonight the picture is “Picea-], aan? judging by advance no- |fg atid en by yg cere bone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Box 66 Aiily Jim,” featuring Tom Mocs: ; wd : 8 ful _ a lot | geome ne at +e oligud Theives | aia: m 10 Ieate the followiue | coe ’ : of great pictures are shown. uth #0 ches hence east 80 chains; |” t planted ¢ pannnnneet onan meee iit is a story of kidnappers, ptot- | awe thoes north to ehetns: pe wast bal _ Soman: ing 81 ® post pant oo oer , se [== “rs : ers ne ¢ ¢ wher of Lot #07 ; rye 2 —-- ween |Lrs, intriguers, @ beautiful girl! THAT there te a difference of| on “whitiawo “Tesh Avelicaa [Prk cereee ee means north “ ” “abid bs ] Ww Celvert a -~ sid baseball fan, Baseball] o, inion as to Who is the gre atest | Dated this 6th dey of March, 1900 hence weet 40 ebeins , ; Day “ renee ' ‘ “ i COOL eee ee oan pis or ag = mee in hand. | pe reson in the world. Some think) ht BNA LAND ee a DIVISION. | comiuencement snd plaining tf i a H 1s story is all right. it is Ty Calis others say Lloyd! STRICT aR CHARLOTTE | nave or less, © CLAUSEN ; STEENG 7 ea en ieorge, De Valera, Marshal Foch. | Date January Vist, teF0 ; Meta Fs | aw : ‘ TARE WOTICE 1 wt j " heet ™* 5 HUNGARIAN TREATY iW ho is it? Is it a woman? [paidegain, be wee ink intends a z . - . , . . or nee or Goal Qn) 7” 5 po " etroledan J under the follows : REPLY SENT TODAY| #07 1 as « tat teohinan teh ae | ee 4 ow 4 one mile pa satin platote. panted to nts Nd ieriea sl 8%" ene tadt"DS Bit Yedios ol oo f ietols wanted to stand twiee am : ns, eo nor ; H Enemy Osis fe aie Mosept eritay awhy: 4bee bie thin a ko chals, thence weet Ab chains, thenee | ; H Reject Within T D mn COM. | south chains, to point of tomme nce ? H n Ten Da f A ” panion as the companion was'Bated thts 2510 an 7 October, 1050. | ; " fae —-- ifrom him. ILLIA LEARY, Applicant, NOTICE nore | . ARIS, May 6.—The Allied re-| iit é fi] | Ply to the objections of the Hun-| DIED LAST WEEK | aan, NOTICE 1s METRY GIVEN that 4!) i C -“ . . 9 | 4 on ‘ i at > f garian Peace delegation to the| eek | castuicave So teed Peete stbdivisions under ' terms of the Peace Treaty handed|* The wife of John Batiste, Tyee} le [ier Rae inde ce townsite Low ; j anda or Towne to Hungary's representative in'Lake, died last week. and Father! NOTICE lined te gverdue are retiree January was delivered to the see-!Godfrey officiated at the funeral! ,.{“Wolt!. Mineral Claim, sito in the PP? TDeet rice, ether of the full retary of the Hungarian mission at Morrice town, Hive little enil | Hee iver Mlaing Divinon oF e r Dip fue layethor P wit, a ; BU 7 - oe aue, 0 mild arth at ia mj tien this afternoon. dren are left motherless, Dez we located:~-Near the Wad of we itl i which |i at Ot eae e Hungarians are given'teniceased was a daughter of M \* "7 Rotiee thet |, 2 & tvidence thai all taten, whathe gs giaires days from tomorrow in which to dtendniur tadkeans ” tnt ¥ r. | diner’ Certifies No. pine on mpeg. on Brow inci have bee h paid I pirst Cle rina aw ; | inagen for! itty days from date ae poly the agreements for sale will one accept or reject the treaty, itlfe Hudson's Be c | © the Mining Recorder for a oat a ae ded by section 70 of garimater ° p CADILLY JIM’ daetiieditl ail . fos : ty Company at) mprovements, for the purpose 4 ining |, g Chapter $20, i ononeTe / Muamce pic . im the "Red Lan-(ACrt Bt. Jame, and a sinter of] CeehaceMast MUS aes ug] cad anion AN, enero } : , » “fe an. ; ey en ; NAD ’ TURES. , azimova n it ted Lan | Mrs. Ware, formerly of Haretton, ler section &6, must be need before| nu nh WADE 00 tern,” Monday matinee and even- gene he | isouanes such Certifeate of Im- Gepariment of Lands, ing only, Advertise in the Daily Rad Dated Mis Sra aay, ” april. 4908. Vie oa” jst) 1020.