——————— SSE Up Tare, RETIREMENT du slit of the Dah osistss =e Sport Briefs pal rs Oe Oe Ot a tt a et i Fach Cap- Boy Hanged Himself beara the 0) A Pueblo, Golo. school aconauial named Beck hanged If last Sunday bec: he i} win evel in a high track meet, In the Letter Box heehee ee hae ee SEE KEEPER COMING | hoy nam Turo IS CONFIRMED President J. J. Warren, of Kettle The fingers were those of Mr. | Valley Railway, Makes Report is been read with| J; W- Besnard, of 690 Craig. St. l would ha@eicalt E., Montreal. He says, A fall- OMcial —— “7. mess ing beam badly #i@iashed my hand. injured; Two fingers wera 80 seyerely crushed that the do@tors said they would have to be @mputated. Nat- (1% urally I didn’t want this, so de- clded to try Zam-Buk first. I ap- plied Zam-Buk dally, and by the time 1 had used $4 worth, the in- of Jury was completely hea My fingers were saved!" : red Just another illustration iny like 200 Ibs, per col healing power of Zam-Buk Anofher man took a few! dente will happen. It may be your to Telkwa and turn next. Better get a box and ly big crop keep it handy. Accidents are less the : P ° frequent than skin diseases, and | reports true, remember this— hand Smelting Company which be made a Zam-Buk is just as good for |“! Prail smelter. want now is t i | Victor lo him- 7 ' failed school | the Inditor: For some time past I have been | receiving wor I daily paper that it h rest, iuse an and will ty . . . Warns Americans Instead of gx Lo ihe piad chockful of contidence ability to victory, oun May 6.—Con- rumor that he the Kettle Valley | Re ee presidency is giv-| . Warren who is visiting} regist at the Hotel accompanied | of the spp, OF For Acet- onto, who is tournge the ere ee j for the first M Warren is ma a tor of lated Mining} VANCOTVER, of the tiring from but accident, you was ; before Weg jivim in a of our I sweeping railway firmation is| ann cot ning to your country tot the production of honey. |} that you have a adise, I inan who took to Srithe another Yankee dding iz that the New make Valley enby this Vat engage in athletes |; | id of have relieve bee. | of tough ale the Id ren them some ale thre ecpet pat learned his ered He is liv, f couver, s visil by f lew colo es ny ni ' / re = and thisis the Sreatest | surface saver of them all. commenced- mak- in 1848. Still in same line of business oe dei: Senn aa 0 Hundreds in use in ‘ome | Prince Rupert. -_<--— olinkg Viclory thie neys ‘ : Line, toves over hin ones secured iging direc. if this in- big one. o get hold rnish showing the | enormous Now Consol | these are rates the vastly greater than the cost of paint-protection. But it is to be noted also that the rez! cost of using ordinary paint—however cheap it may be—is vastly greater than that of painting with a pure and durable paint such as B-He If you would avoid constant repainting—if you would have the that has maximum covering-capacity, investigate the cause of reputation attained by B-H. You'll find that the favor in which : held by so many experienced painters is due to a truly degree of purity—a purity attained by using such ingens famous Brandram’s Genuine B.B. White Lead—together zinc and the purest linseed we know how to make in our own equipped mills. Your investigation will result in a trial of and that trial will make you a confirmed adherent of this goes so far and that lasts so long. Its fine, smooth sofacs never eracks ; or peels—the tough, air-tight coat it gives affords the surest kind ‘+. surface-protection against time and weather. oy Parkin-Ward Electric Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BRAN DRAM- manic oer meee Aan SL Ome PEOICINE HAT [ from paint-neglect is eczema, ulcers, skin diseases, and ai ple, ae, fot ext marae, bruios.— IMRS, LONGEIELD SINGS AT ANYOX or 3 for $1.25. Refuse substitutes, Sade id of Victoria ' here ot night, any retur last night Anyox can hand on south. sang at in the Reereation Hall a gocdly gathering. The audi- was very appreciative and no less than ten songs were given by the visitor and even then the people there were not satisfied There were several soloists afd Harry Andtews interesting readings. * who can f me! meone cations ena the ni d aces and d Mrs. Sane ned vent a t oncert to ence Jesse vho Sunday from She might night be just as ew od as mentioned I have ity the places Wore Mourning Bands. that ral yor Whe \ Ti i ihe ! d at ON SALE AT 3 tu rita a TOO ve stance from Prince Rh SECOND AVENUE i { ; nur ' ‘ i nb ae bOt on mght around Princes Ru-! dustry can What I ? n. in the ron with a map ed Stork’s Jovian iu forene Arene|or tutus places an ' : y : pert and other shipping Hardware \ ‘al ti . “ ’ + | points It is possibl that oul Phone Black 114 par tal ail a good planing —— which WATER NOTICE, important factor, as it 1 SRSION AND USE hed material $a if bee Live ko Nana for the in your ¢ another juires a in the and ix- \ jay | i wry ’ ahiel ” caine TAKE NOTICE address is Alice | or @ licence to acond-fret and feet of water out Pows southerly River about @2 miles from the lujet Alice Arm, , The storage-dam Wil be of tem- batiyral outlet of Clearwater capacity of the peseryotr to ! reau as I would(% #bout 450 acre-feet, and it will noo! shout cres Of lan@ The water wil w just how cold it getsibe diverted from the stream at° storage Og PE eae lam and will be used for power forj ie fe in northern |», \ing a upon the mine desertbe We have * lima s veh at \ \ ve J Oreap varPed by the 1 tehis , us Dotter that M. P Ne whose Arm, B. ( will apply take and use 50 cubl to store about 400 acre of Clearwater Kiver which} and drains lo tbe Kitsault he ad of thw i they ' ive bands know who might scyneone iittie information business there, alsod give mea the ither cor of eave bee nea The cated Lake ditions range neatar Serance, lh apits ses . was Posted Decembe mn i 2 I lay of Januar 2 ‘ f this notice a 3 applicatior cold and ; 4 wrelo and to the Wn Act half at the m dead, | 19t4 be Ned tn the office ? th Water HOLDEN, bj Ave Ne 1 wi n the i” TIMBER SALE X 2217. Logan a erved by the than boon on the pur- rder at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ I the apt may be said Water Hecorder or witt a vee ‘ a Cotaptr or Water Hie Parila roe ' ou Ohio. ent Butidings, Victoria, B. «.. withir ealed tenders will be re one the ‘ : ‘ i { ° hirty days after the fire! appearance of | mM t PAINTS wel : "the date ot oe a oH APP chace 7 A j ed { I tins Now M. P. OLSEN, Applicant jchbase {7, to cut 4,590,01 444i : , ns iid WERS INQUIRER. The date of the first publication of thisifeet of Spruce sam, Cedar and Hem ae 2 ’ ‘ sotiee t« Pebruary 5, 1090 ; : area tu j mn Deer Lake CH KALSOMIME, etc. Bi, . habia aondrayen Princess Royal Island, Range Coast Dis ; ’ Ta ; al . InORY! is fi HE MATTER OF THI ANIES : AMENDING ACTS : ears will be allowed for re aad f tignbe ACT AND . ‘ a nt vl er iy j ie of yesterday's versides . : rus ne 5 F : for is for ; ei aie a ‘salinal ROTHER: eald hate & shtninihibubtae Street | hone IN THE MATTER OF THE PRINCE } PERT er part rs the Chief For SPRUCE MILLS, LIMITED (IN LIQUIDA ster tet District Forester, TLON Rupert B. ¢ TO GREDITORS IN PROBATE in ie > REMI COURT OF an extra COLOMBIA the members |IN THE MATTER OF THE mpany duly con TION ACT at “a benefit © have been given by the Women’s 0. B. U. care nin funds rdised TICE Fifth BB So) STEWART. 10% Pemberton Biock VICTORIA Lots for $ Sale; An Parts of the Towk. Listings of Buaiicieat Lots Wanted BRITISH ADMLNISTRA and -— } THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF} LOUIS DIXON, DECEASED, INTESTATE.) ° voluntar wimling’ up of the above NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM named Campeny, and George Bo Winter,({T MAY CUQCERN of an Order made by Chartered Accs Vuncouver, B. ¢ His Honour F. MeB. Young, in the above Was BPpoinied tidator for the purposes | matte m the 27th day of April, AD of stich winding up, and at a séconmd Extra fohows ordinary General Meeting, duly convened IS ORDERED that the and field at the regisiered cece of the’ M ‘Mullin shall be allowed to swe Company, Pacife Building, Vancouver, B.| death of the said deceased as ¢ corre c, om Saturday, 24th of April, 1920, the |'r ebcut the month of January, 1918, Resolution was duly conOrmed, after the expiration of one month from the The Creditors of the above named Com-i{date of the first publication of notice of world « . par are required on or before the 14th |this order, unless in the meantime proof money raised for that Gey of May. 1920, to send in their names |is furnished to the Registrar of this Court aaa addresses and the particulars of their (at Prince Kupert, B,(., that the said de- debts or claims to the Ligu dator, 210) ceased, Louis Dixon, was alive subsequently Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Vancouver,|& the said month of January, 1918. KB. ¢ AND - Is Ft RTHER ORDERED that A merting of the Creditors of the h . . . Josh Joshes Hank. MEETINGS the said n H. MeMullin do publish notice ; . . liar oORn named Company, fn liquidatior will of this « the Prince Rupert Daily 3 Trader Unity Fir t hole | W Auxiliary, B. I eer Gi cos Sadie arte the f When Josh showed Hank i . News, a nhewspaper published at ‘Prince ‘ oom — — aE j fk Scotia Building holed - Lhe ; Rupert. B. ¢ for a ri of one month iTakne C ounell, Josh's bar and NAVIOABLI WATERS, PROTECTION ACT. urday the ith day r DATED at Prince ipert, 8. C., this mm : . 1920, 7" eaday, # p.m = he ‘ : one from} 90th day of April, A. 's Auxiliary, First ¥ yards i Weduesdays, Social .e Fourth Wed tinews Meetings men, | r hureday AOTICH pat at social said t January ixiliary of the rhe facts of the case Was z s hereby given t rdipary general mee f the above pared voned and = at the Coftpany’s office at f on ist of April, 1920, Resolgtion was pessert 156 Green Olympiad for Niagara. penis le ° u . . led to. aly ' arious Ontarivu organizations iN are that! mentioned as, one to assisia and it was that a benefit social be assist the supposed need. it transpired that is no immediate need, ntlly no benefit social was Is ineeding me, ; it Niagara Falls | Proposed Riven to central |{ America }*'**" end INCE RUPERT 14 the scanic beauties of the jOn dl Labor Gouncll, ffs. ar ‘even a mninratsans| "8 the lox m of the next 0. B. U. vent being held at Niagara Falls te! ts and Dates of mpiad staged said John #.| osition itn ar to the ry ali given nor ic purpose. MIS. R, McCARTHY, MRS. H, J. #pe ‘ Pres. rec. ed HELGERSON, LTD FOSS, Ree ii li let a i ee LOCAL AGENTS — if above if ag for if ler in mens 2106 euver May. JOHN Ho MeMULLIN, AS of April, OMerial Administrator WINTER eg A iguidator SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA ihe Kieat Com y, Limited, of Usk, GEORGE t bereby gives notice that 7 of the ssid Act, Minister of Public be office of the Land Negistry in Prince Rupert MINERAL ACT : } Brifleh ¢ to believeit) i. hes the | Gepom r¥ae at ta né\er section ed th (tle ttawa, and Newistrar t rir pert iN THE OF BRITISH oe Jo ’ real bow had a it! —— Certificate of improvem*nts. NOTICE ‘ t OMON and IRON KING Minera) the, Bella Coola Mining Probate In the matter of the m Of the site Act And in the matter of the Aerial Rope f Freuk Harry Mobley, deceased proposed to be _ iver at Usk, PARE NOTICE that on the @8th day of Where locafed West rting towers of April, 1920, probate of the last will, and) thannel, North of Cascade ated on Dis- testament of Frank H. Mobley, deceased, Coas, District. and $33, Range and administration of his estate, effects TAKE NOTICE that 1, HUGH ARCHIBALD and erediis was granted to David Gordon) {ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL | after the ex- | Stewart and Ajexander Finnie of Prince | (UMPANY, Free Miner's ertifcate No. the date of |Rupert, B.C. the exeentors named in the; 2390, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date} potice, the ssid will, and parties having claims) ereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder will under |against the said estate are herehy reenired) or a Certificate of hnprovements for each apply to the|t) furnish accounts pr Fs ‘, s office in perly Verified to,! f said claims for the purpose of obtaining | end all parties indebted & be City of Ottawa, for approval of the the estate are) Crown Grant of the above claims, i requiregd & pay the amount ef their in And further take notice that action mn-/} sald site and plans, and for lesve t con-/deDbtedness fo the = said atruct the seid Aerial Repe pe David Gordou) er section 85, must.be commenced before x | Stewart and Alexander Finnie on or befor he issuance of such CertiNeate of Im-) Dated af Prince Kuper this Sist/ ithe {81 day of my of Jandary, A.D tere. ; June, 192 rovements Dated this tat day of Dated this 15th day of January, A. D KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, WILLIAMS & 1920, Patmore & Fuolten, Solicitors. Ag MACLEAN. Solicitors ~~ : ————— —— - See wat eason: 4) TAX CHANGES IN sic . iy ENGLAND PLANNED [Gene Byes Says ia Great Life If If You Don’t Weaken.” ¢ Townsite at reason- Lot 875 ess $200 , Nl | ; NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS Phone 453 Shawatlans Equipped for building and repairing all classes of beats up ‘to 100 in length & WOODWORKIS Adminispratian | State KING SOI Jaime, situate in ivision of Cogst piftrict reversi ‘ Skeena River decilar« I i Jo m ei built r the said Skeena umbia, Ue bupy Ropeway © be } pambered 1437 District TAKE NOTICE f ” month Nication of Ompeny “ the said ni nist er of Public W Trades, F iret and . Third side of Dean Iniet im Range ackers, Fourth Saturday Hank that from ee ited, eiit j ‘ to a AND L how} Bre the next day said Cant that there he n ud hand |é The neighbor enough the round! ‘ same and BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE OPS. Best equipr ped plant in Central British Columbia. ” Seal Cove Marine V Ways, Ltd, . W. E. Thompson, Gen, Manager Phone Green 153" figure o col awful bi “os the th sbout driver A. Swanson, President beans, “! ' Phone Red 391 said, “Josh t and ther priied sy Lot or Ten he Terrace for a firs ro ads May, A. TD VANSON for Executors ust drove baiiy 192 dug the hole : ——_- (yt Yes MAMMA oof (Mm GETTING taxation | > prices, There will be at be five con ied tua FrsiQicnt 7 ney Bros & Co. ‘ : | a siderable changes mn u MAMMA - | Lt } I\| A | Estate and Insurance 6ET ve~ BE UP mies trrace _. B.C, ML LEE CO. Second Avenue, Weat. EGETaARgLEsS Clesale and Retall eral Contractors and abon Exchange, ince Rupert, B.G P.O. Box 725 fr dob es EVI Diane a ase hai’ inl Seg tte Up “od Balanced Wnts he ots Prepared the Honr or Month TT Ay enue bengland 1. A complete ree Income-tax,”* giving for the married heavier A higher sce of the relief asting more and imposing penalties for evasion. iie of taxation for motor vehicles, together wilh the dyopping of the petrol tax, An increase of the duty imported wines, which have | taxed heavily war as beer and spirits. i. Higher postal re solution of the problem of rax, whieh now cent, upon not the | | i been 80 since ites, 5. A jthe Excess Profits istahds at 4° por LAND ACT. ——_— | Votice of intention te Apply to Purchase) Lend. Recording Dis. and situate oo Island, near Its) nh Vancouver Land District, triet of Coast, Range Itl,, the west coast of Calvert Phorth end, Take notice that Mark Smaby Falls, B. C., aecupation logger, apply for permission to purchase wih deseribed lands Commencing at @ post mile porth of N.W, cor, Lot 897; thence! horth 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; | henee south 40 chains; thenee ¢s*! 4° thains, and containing 160 acres, more or oss, of Ooean | intends to} the fol anted one half MARK SMABY Dated December 20th, 1919. a) {TS HALF PAST EIT ree doe TEN MINUTES OF NINE WILLIE thE, [3% Wh A h iTS A GREAT LIFE \F YQ DONT WEAKEN