ote 4 ; we ~* | TENTS a 7 4 AILS oN | Kinds ~~ Sizes madey 2 ee ~ ae fe Co., Ltd . . 7 yous’ £ eer ye @ z= S$; Y Agent ¢ s | |F, MAGUIRE ©” | PRINCE RUPERT Annouene) sold his imerest 35 Taxi. 4" the Re at bs 7 vond Avenne yy Te cas $e Northern and Central British Columbia’s ne waeee te > p. XI. Ot PRINCE RUPERT, B. CG. MONDAY. MAY 40. 19249, f s aero a - pRICK FIVE CENTS _ See trike Situation Is Still ‘Unchanaill VOLUTION IN MEXICO SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY SUCCESSFUL Claim Dismissed. iliams case, giving #150 and costs . . , ’ . e se run to Victoria and Seattle Bakers Remain Out But There is (0 the plaintitl. ‘The case arose) before leaving Mexico City Plenty of Bread for jout of commission in a real es-| ‘ we Customers. jtate deal, whieh the defendant) ; aac fntan a . ’ ANCOUVER, May 10.—The service between this " PREMIER WILL TAKE ao | hainied’ wan Hot cominn’'46" thal EL PASO, Texas, May 10.—General Obregon’s forces gre in ' oe Ste 4 ff this mort cian : , lcomplete possession of Mexico City, aceording to an official an- e Ruy Anyox and Stewart was cut off th me ! 4 i VANCOUVER, May. 10.—The/ plaintiff. v ts op Prince Rupert returned from Seattle and Victoria Se iT ON ¥ EDNESDAY .. cklayers’ strike here has been fhe action of the Prince Ru-| houncement in Jaurez late today by the revolutionists. There oe i the north on Saturday and her crew the eft hes —_—- ttled by arbitration. \pert Mereantile Co. against J.| were no details of the occupation ziven in the communication. i » at the G. T.Palock. Captain Nici si si OTTAWA. May a Rober The bakers ard@ st out. In| Wolfe & Co., of Anyox, was dis- The report that Preside *a has been arrested at Es- fe , 6 iy ' ,! t take his seat Victoria they are resuming de-|Missed. This case was a claim) ..i29 State of Ver># ‘to the city of Vera Cruz nazasmall crew to lake the vessé » Vietor ima ‘ : -_ until veries to the houses todav. In of $38.22 by the plaintiffs for soft } ath, a Th mM rt naid that n, but he has failed to secure a crew for the ¢ troduction. Vancouver they will do the same/drinks alleged to have been de- from th . ae poe ' D. tomorrow Phe output of bread|livered on order of the defend- his cap eral Sanchez. ed here that the Prince George, now the only G.I is reported to be almost normal.{2mts. The costs in the case are EL PASO— (Later )—perure-.~¢ing the capital in full pos- . : aa tale - rea ste ia Re Seut ‘ t south last teat ‘ , ; said to be heavier than the amount) escion of the revolutionists, General Marquia Carranza carried g. i nialt Launch Alice B. Phone Blue 548./invo! i in the case itself. out a wholesale slaughter of political prisoners at San Diego thation is unchanged, all the CG. P..B. boat t Se eee military prison. Among those reported killed are fifteen Mexican { the Princess Beatrice and Princess Ena s Kg FRENCH COLONIAL TROOPS 1 IN FRANKFORT | generals. ¥ 1 Northern Steamers Tie Up Except mame ava a Mexican Capital i in Princess Mary. and Prince George **rs.tz.twc Hands of Revolters- ry will give Temporary Service but All Other Vessels BRICKLAYERS’ STRIKE a Young on wiaetas arg, Capture of Carranza n not been verified Await Outcome of Strike; Prince Rupert made HAS BEEN SETTLED woo. in tue Mocivwont vs. Wi... Slaughtered Political Prisoners _ P. and Union Steamship Company's beats are idis more f} y announced here that there will be temporary eee ‘ 5 % f 1g: oad . re wer so be ) Prince Rupert and Skagway by the C. P. KR. steamer ‘ bar renal a s Mary which [eft here Sat irda) for those points, | # ARE EXONERATED had displayed preciation by the eight yeara of his|inand for ‘encores. "| Five Thousand Veterans , lege had wor! MUCH FISH SELLS ca wee on FOR SMALL PRICE omcial. f all of them, and “Ave Maria. having donne A delightf saxophone solo, C d h G irked aanto ee Mother Machree vas rr a on emn t e overnn ent Two Carloads at 150 and 9c., But leney the Duke of Devonshire, about $12,000. : friends had “put one |by Ed. Ross which proved new and f F ili P id Majority at Bottom Price, Se Ghvasnin wlenmieh th 1 family Under the agreement Colonel - rt al Bk aaa te aeons moon or Failing to Provide "crn. the Goveraie-Senarl, a fm : af-| MeMordie will be responsible Tor ohed thatipieasine arrived Quebec past year the number|ing as a solo cornetist , Tre iernvon from England on the the entire building so that the tered was 13. of many with his skill and was a VANGOUVER, May: 10 Over 5,000 veterans of all the city] One hundred and Sixty Seren Canadian Pacific liner Empress matter is out of the hands of the ‘ elu ed men pies ‘ vo ; La Z tLighs held imarmmoth meeting at Stan jb sand . men 4 ok of Fr Bnoe. He was met by or school oer oe i ee : ‘ anne ' “e { ‘ 4 nded at this rt over the week- vant race : sulen- Tegularly monthly payments on iduates had just'}d Am l t : ) q arnndn mt hi a Widaral war dl i PaaS vas : Charles Fitzpatrick, the Lieuten 3 B. A. in the trio Extasie d'A M : ; which ‘th rom — Oe me Tt two carloads of whieh are i _Giyernor of the Province of the architect's certiffeate. The sity and another) Taylor excelled herself ar ad was ndemned for | g to provide suitable employment for vet jbeing shipped east on the only Quebee, E. R, Beatty, president of contractor will supply equipment the degree of B. D, injassisted by Alex. Gray ai d Will erans jears available in the yards today. the C. P. R.. and others. including conerete ‘mixens and ities of eastern Edmunds The orchestra It was ures i that a more equitable pensions list should he] Che following is the list of sales) After an exchange of greetings, hoists, will finance all buying and lhe archbishop paiditions were. Kings Escort March, |)... hed and the speakers dealt scathingly with Brigadier jtoday and yesterday: the vice-regal party left fon Ot-| paying of sub-contraetors, will p paid I l | 8B rij | 100: Glacier. 49,000 work of Principal, Light Cavalry, overture and a cose MeLean’s utterances and demanded his resignation from} Bravo, 8,000; Glacier, 13, ‘tawa at 6:25 p.m, pay his own expenses on trips he lectior ' é ; ' : oe SOs +" land Nidaros, 10,000, sold to the eee aie will have to make out of town of exce onal other sel xceptional his the Board of Pensions. i Booth Fisheries at 15c and. 9c ha of i line, strdne ir iy? a Macuiise, in making ii i tad a ais rong. m smeament stated that on the “The country has already broken faith with those who sleep|and going east. ind executive pow- | anne incement, a ' | : ‘ e to Warder ris already given he j,, } jers Fields,’ declared one of the speakers. He urged the] Phelma, 14,000; Rennell, 10, i Sha asi i four cones ores as @ man 000. and Volunteer, 6,000, sold to Winning person- as 852 out of fj } x ' ige their suppert to the United Publie Servis 1} 5 i appointments were | maintained on a coll wen - ‘ Snancar. 2! -N , O00; Dp of 4 aledonia to be | without loss. He also announes a Mrs ee Doncaster, after W. T. Must went to He sport} Spencer, 23,000; Nunen, 18,0 ivinieiaiantilinee : ‘by given to aso t : ; } ) ‘ in ns of Prince Rupert ;season, e ‘ Khyex, and A. W, Carter Oceanic, | night, Ito thp Cold Storage at 10e and a = Sere ‘ws eae i” : it His Wore y - be, ay ee ace Local ospital Be Ay named ie ee Spanair a bra ne reenennerernnerannres nomnne | Mab sold 2,000 Ibs. to the Royal reply has been rectived as fol-| Be Quite an Eve “Neing May ‘on nea companied by his wife, returned) see mi ahenine at 10.4¢ hee 6c, jlows ; ee c "8 Up" wos k aes ae |from a vacafion spent in the east i Trawler George FE, Foster made “No boat to Prince George. Director Pud ney M8 are peana, ful Maes I= Filast night. He resumed his run }port Friday night ae 38,000 Ibs, | Roads impassable, Go south tO- g vaudeville s Sled to , dae fully re. on the passenger train this morn sce thet ald: Stordae. hmorrow. night at the ‘thol Isldo pri Ray : Pi their ing. ! ¢ Me Leg | It is expected that the Premier enough pep and. * he eh ee 'o ‘. and Z ets k yards, : * the Star of a’ Thousand moods, in P. R. CHORAL SOCIETY. jwill come here later in the sum- q month. It is a real variety tor hich dubha he : rubbish G. A. MeNicholl, assistant gen “THE RED LANTERN” salah ALL jmer, bul just when has not been tentainment consi of late ” pat the same ms; purned = eral freight and passenger agent lhe annual meeting of the|arranged. He is a very busy mat song hits, humorous. ‘ Meta, May be easily dH. H. McCall, superintendent Surpasses her previous Great Suecesses; from the Famous Novel by y e to come when the : i‘ heck e# an 1 by the scavenge end . : Edith Warren In Seven Big Parts Prince Rupert Choral Society willjand will have to com dances, Theresds ing on pt ‘venging went south on the Prince Geore COMEDY . GAZETTE be held in the Presbyterian Chure bh) stress of public business makes/the program that will appeal 4 ERNEST 4 Woops last night, Prices The 55c, Children NIGHT at 8 p.m, Monday, May 10, Alljit possible. ' | everyone, i Ag 4 “Me 8, ‘ited ——-——— TO ONLY ! rs ¢ uested to attend, ET een ' rt at ae Oily QGlerk “oturm soutl t members are requeslec } ‘ y Olerk. Angus Stewar t returned uth Westholme T ea re Wednesday Matinee { 10) Advertise in the Daily News. | 8. c. - llast night. | . | i POPNOW READY 10 . ne ices Pea We | a \* VANCOUVER, May 10.— HOP GIVEN PROBABLY WAS “Bo Fomine ona ak Go * of the steamer Prince John * Sehool Board and Col. McoMordie * and Captain Roberson of | Game to Final Arrangement SCARLET GOWN LAST CONCERT 2 RS Lares 2 ee i® onerated from blame atthe *} i: ie ii i a }* conelusion of the inquity { ConTRACTOR su suPrcie . Oficial of Anglican Church J. F. Maguire Announces That .* into the collision at Skide- * Own Seon esesed at Wasiieionn. Support Not Being Given on * gate... The marine court af * ’ « Collection Basis. |* inquiry laid no blame or *| On Saturday night in @:comtere 1 idle: ot eer” | * mibepent es to ‘ehmet to x fence between Colonel $. P. Me- ' ) Colles Last night's Sunday t \* Justify interfering with /Mordie and the Board of School Va . was, as il, a ya * their certificates. * ‘rastees, final arrangements were \ was | and , a vo * ass gee eeR oss eee for the signing of an agree- alah. « lier ! as q jment for the ereetion of the new CD M Da } M Serres") Strata ee te jschool at Hays Cove Cirele. which he holds, on the vocal soloist and \ JOVERNOR iS According to the agreement honid at nen : 4 that is to be entered into Colonel ge. In making the Gray's Orchestra, It was the ; 5 a at APIO . McMordie will get 4 per cent on Bishop de Pencier|seneral of n that Mrs. Morkill cies tates & teen AT OTTAWA”: all contracts already let for ma- thing had ever giver As e@ve in bett : e sna Photograph shows Tricolor patrol guarding a supply of food being taken to outposts scattered about the | and supplies amounting to pleasure. The eftic ever before and the audi was biwty cbeupie’ German city. $70,000. For the balanee of un- {a ae whi 4 bagkward in showing its a 7 ae io a i ee let contracts and materials he Arrived from gestene Yesterday will receive 10 per gent. As theré, QUEBEC, May 10.—His excel-|Mordie can possibly get will be oat » out of pocket. He stated). ce wil allie ; pce eT ee i Taratitn » ani *. urday night, Col, MeMordie stated lthat the concerts could not be) Ah te eeandtnata the work G0 si a | Royal Fisheries at 15c and 9e and CET TO RUPERT thal he thought the building lection basis ; voing east, could be completed for a little t i ico 2,500; ; 000; Kast- 1 to be president and Rev. that he was in communication). ooding a few days visiting injon this morning's train. I. : ? i . eas hates 13 000, No Means of Transportation from Nix them! Victoria ee) tah i ee home he ce te ern Point, 2,000; Reliance, 13, “ er of the execu-|with Gideon Hicks, 4 ihe cily eturned to Ae rome in pe as ; Guesnel to Prince George. lsoloist, and if he could be OM-i now Westminster last night. | H. Gunderson arrived from! Valid, 4,000; Johanna, 24,000; ; ‘linined there would be one tore . . ’ Smithers on last night’s train. |Melly, 4,000; Nakano, 3,000; Im- | r ‘ : e Oliver eS : ' ar i : crivais s rhit . , . verieuse, 4,500; Nautilus, 4,000) Hearing that Premier os : sas t, there will be n Skeena River avrivals last nig . iJ : . v oo ss \ PUBLIC NOTICE jones - eae ii ht concerts this|included A. ©. Gillen, Port Ks Provincial Constable Alex. Dun-|Notlad, 2,000; Giffen, 2,500; Was’ al Quesnel, Hon, r. D, Pat- EY ‘Ole is here eae . ington: Mrs. W. A, Hodgson,}bay left for Swanson Bay last} Pearl, 1,000, and Victor Hg, sold tullo last week-end telegraphed es : START SCHOOL iwill be no commission allowed for any cost over $170,000*the total possible amount that Colonel Me- buying materials and will pay his own office assistance, | Asked fér an estimate on Sat- funder $160,000, VAUDEVILLE 3