THE DAILY NEws EE—— = = — = — a | ORMES LTD. hee Pionele Druggists Phones 82 and 200 Orc nteliieieeneiaie iene a a P.O. Box 1662 Lynch Bros. G McMeekin Pioneer Grocera “tAL 3 OTICE—~We have the sole agency for Reid’s F amous Ay ahive Bac on iver and L. I Ol ur FRESH EGGS G them will eat r Don't ft rye Pioneer Gro CERS a trial LY) CH BR '$, & MeMEEKIN t Phone Phone 5 "Sheen & Longwill SHEET METAL WORKS Agents for McClary Furnaces Tar Gravel and Manufactured Roofing SANITARY AND HEATING ENGINEERS nd Avenne Prince Rupert, B.C. Don’t Miss a Word on This Page After you have read all about the Vaudeville at the Wesholme tomorrow night, read carefully over every ad. on this page. These ads. are put in by some of our most enterprising and public spirited business men who believe in boostirg. It is through their buying these that we are enabled to pay the enor- mous cost of this space in which to tell you about the Kirkpatrick & Harper Moen’s Outfitlers rOYS STATIONERY Allen Co. ——— ROCKERY The Denny —— So , Bargains in Bazaar Old Stock ENDING LIBRARY OPENS MONDAY MAY 10 G. S. Fitzmaurice Wholesale and Retail TOB. SACO, VISTS ing f TOBACCO then is the psycholegical nt to th a ae (G. S PB naurice), and cail at { S ar leas A‘ Block, 3rd iz ve There you can i ‘SMOK E S line, and listen to the FITZ will tell you about his recent continental experi- es whilst on his recent trip to Es irope. 909 Tel. 372 a= “> a} SWS a Ne ya I nything in th KORSALINO HATS $10.00 Martin O'Reilly oP A € A 44aZne@D guna ~~ = he Demand “RUPER BRAND’ Fillet of Sole Packed by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., upert, B.C Limited Prince } (nee: Karrie’s Furniture House eee _ RUGS OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES Blinds and Curtains : Chesterfields and Davenports F Upholstered Chairs tty ne Phone 128 ARTHUR 8 MARKE iP a fee assortme arrive on bor Z mitting, Deine per- Wi sdnesd y's Plants: 5 bird Ay nie eine t. Grou J. Frizzell oe. oe Mbhtuethie oie aie tin the Good Meats FULTON MARKET Phones 10 ‘And 25 Halibut, Fresh Cod, Red and White Salmon daily YOTOR DELIVERY Phones 480 and 481 oe er mee me ROYAL, MARX ET mone 185 VAUDEVILLE NIGHT And it will be some night, I’ll tell the world. If you are not satisfied after you have seen it all, just say so and you'll get your money back. There’ll be Comical Sketches, Sorgs, Dances, Instru- mental and other Selections for a solid two hours and a half and say, Class, and you bet, class right through. You’ve seen a whole lot-worse on the regular vaudeville circuits and liked it. Just give the programme below the once over and if you haven’t got your seat cinched, put in a hurry call to Doc. Orme on the corner, quick, because there’s going to be some crowd. III say so. The Price - Qne Blue Chip PROGRAMME PART ONE : Leo ty” Fare bate e's M ind Mrs, Brady I) i ] g ; iene Griev | a SOLOCHONS+ eK ass 4 + ccmewrk at H in Sex { Dance-— (Gresi@h) o.ceeecs oes eh Welebe's M I rhom Da \ ng Mr a BS Morkill) cies cas { I y' M I th Miss ( Ss ley l ve, I G ‘ee is . PART TWO Cabaret Scene S ti FORE von Vis as Gk Ko. 0 Sk es Our Own Jazz Band ; ©)’ ah ein sae o 4 o-w Mga Slice eens Frank Moore g mit Cute Little Wi Dabs e Mrs. Jarvis McLeod 0000 6.0. 04 ate Oe ek A's ¢.0's tales been see's « Will Edmunds Flor a (A 1 by M M LOR 6 is I) Vorkill, Mr. Bentley, Mrs. Evitt, Mrs. Jarvis Mel !, Miss PF, L, Edmands, Miss Kathleen Grant, Miss Gladys Kemp, Miss Eva Thomson, Mr, Evitt, Rip Boyd, Mr. A, Barr, Mr. J. Hutchinson, Mr. Frank Moore, Mr. J, 8. Pudney, Sketeh—"Box and Cox”—Mrs. Direetor, Messrs Tabrum and Fiwmaurice, Some Night! What? A pete Naf AGN eof APIOON LN Nf NUON Gig ll Net R he, Rr POI ey ong} gaat heap Ngee, aS SS SSS Senses For Real Art in Photographs BENSON STUDIO 4 IS THE PLACE Come in and try NEILSON’s CHOCOLATES —— Phone Blue 418 Wiiat we d rosxw | Cy)’o | Se We eigen oe Git carry fresh ; arty fresh | Cigar Store about it NEILSON’s CHOCOLATES always fresh THE PROPER SELECTION Electrical Appliances are made on very much the aees order sot) clothing---the price varies with the quality, and it does not —_ oer: buy the lowest in price. The lowest is often the most ae We are in a position to. sell almost any make of electrical a but we have adopted the policy of’ selecting only those devices W reliable manufacturers guarantee and which we stand bene Elect > pendable device. When you buy an appliance sold by the ‘ ‘Parkin & Ward Co., Ltd.,*” you can be sure that it is a guaranteed de Parkin & Ward Electric Co., Ltd. 99 6é No use to be a Good Cook IF YOU DO NOT GET GOOD MATERIALS , Phone 88 MUNRO BROS. THIRD AVENUE Kaien Hardware Go: 608 Third Avenue Paints, Oils and Varnishes Alabastine Ship Chandlery Graniteware Shelf and Heavy Hardware ATKIN'S MEAT MARKET Atkin'’s Sausage Sales are overatona month Fish Boats and ‘éhioping Cidinre a Supplied with Fresh Meat — Geo. D. Tia QUALITY HOME FURNISHER | Furniture Linoleums Drapes Crockery and Glassware P.O. Box 1647 Phone 20 Prince Rupert, B.C. McRae Bros. BOOKS PHONOGRAPHS PRINTING STATIONERY An ideal shoe for your boy or girl. THE MOST DURABLE THE MOST SERVICEABLE THE MOST ECONOMICAL Shos you can buy today, Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed “Chums” SHOES FOR |, , ., = acenns CHILDREN | £m faces THE PRACTICAL SHOEMEN The A. W. Edge Co. for WALLPAPERS McCaffery, Gibbons 6. sEae Real Estate and Insurance a Prince Rupert B.C. The Prince Rupert 7 | Family Chemists = 3rd Avenue, opposite Second Street » 1 Penslar Agents for Garden Court Perfume Garden Court Garden Court Taleum Garden Court Garden Court Powders