101 Pemberton Block Fifth Street VICTORIA STEWART Lots for Sale All Parts of the Town Listings of Business Lots Wanted HELGERSON,LTD - - LOCAL AGENTS COLLISION INCIDENTS |Evidence Given by Captain Rob- erson Before Commission of Inquiry. into | between the Albért and ne J = ~ HOSPITAL SALE WAS A SUCCESS ; on the oiaiaia of March 30, se Home Cooking, Fancy Work and ‘ition than ever before rve| MANITOBA ELECTIONS Mothers’ Pension bill was the! | World follows: teferring to his log book the steamer ip hie bh ae iced the Prince commission Phone 453 A. Swanson, President a NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS _ Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length BWOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MAC HINE SHOPS. Be: uipped plant in Cer tral British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 ithis morning. 1. Shipping Federation, of Esqui- were also several! , were the nattical aece McTaggart and . Moorehouse, r Captain Roberson’s occupied the entire morning with W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager PHONES 130 ang 423. commenced eorgelown Lumber Co. Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8B. C. FISH BOXES & SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. Squall Closed in. stated, a thick sno » seén closing in. t up a position on the wheei ho ind had just started to con P. O. BOX 1632 He at once eae Bao tele speed astern, r having orders ——— eww: oer Rs Re tT THE VANDEREOOF HOTEL helm to port. manded the © amet VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel T That | Is A Home. Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service Garage and Livery in connection. European Plan. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT JAS. F.McCORMACK - - - Manager John a quarter point on his port bow close up, Pushed Vessel to Safety. The collision took place at 6:42! The engines wrdered slow ahead and then E. H. SHOCKLEY Reopening in new works at Cow Bay With additional Machinery and a full stock of Doors, Windows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar Boat Lumber, Oak, Glass and Marine Paint. Phone ,383} Quick Delivery by own Truck When in Town, $230 10.00; Easy Terms MARINE INSURANCE | REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Phowe flue 69 Westhoime Theatre Block P.0. ¢ox 66 PPOOO IP ICL LLL DLL LOLA OLED POR OLD DEOL EAL Cl AL OPPO DLO ait SVEA POOL ROOM Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes Proprietress . 7 ¥ ~ roe errr ver wor — ——a : = : = : = Petersen plugged up and run the It requined an hour an< but not needed as the sengers soon poured over the dech fog signals were POP ALOPL OL POLO ROBO PLCE DCL EP OCDOCR LD: THEO COLLART, Notary Public Buy acheap Home.-—7 room House, plastered and papered, bath, outbuilding; close in, only termaster two. proceeding at hour and the witness was coming wheelhouse speed when the John's blasts were surprised to see slasts was the signal of the aaieanonadins LOL LE PE LO OLE DEL BE LAO OE LED PA PDO POLLED OPOL Gre Come to the approximately * minutes had elapsed between Albert blew the speed when your first fog signal? at the Westholme Tonight. Visibility Was Good. ‘Witness explained that he was buoy and the He was simply taking a precau-| Referring to Macpherson read an extract which showed that! speed before entering the squall| was quite proper. trary to the provisions of Article; Canada Shipping Aet. “I do not see why he should re- duce speed when there 1910-14-17 It was not con-|-—-— haart that Capt. Roberson had) been 28 years al sea, seventeen | ands of which were spent on this coast the exception of first collision. He has been with! . Steamship Company | #08 4,000 acres, WIHLPAM A Per Hoames K, Bate’ March 12th, started operations on this coast. TH party NEWS Saves =. with each pac i, value in thems«! lves. | | a Number of RaMes— $70 Netted. Phe Hospital Pa ‘ \ David ‘I K. OU. Parsons, the receipts as et te 270 The amount of hor fancy work on ners of which w Hand-painted donated bY Mrs js Miss EK, Tho Biscuits, thur’s ' Market, Edmands. Raby’s garment Mrs. R, C. Pars Jayne. s k ‘ ‘ Dv Box of are ‘ Pars -¥ Teily ‘ ~ a Mf : Vv M af be : ; v ~* | } ! na ; and dessicats Mussatien ‘ ever fo aA Week “SOLDIER IS GOING NORTH i: ‘ Captain L. FP. Garratt, D.8.C., on ' Princess Mary Today—To Build Bridges at White Horse. Roberson’s|s.C., of the French A no the passer going north today or Mary is Ca 4 ind i iseveral years if ting al tLapt s\ i H . b nica wigs i he nige at Whitk Arm Bridwe In the iriy days ‘ t ‘ tf I h I ' he 1 ‘ nieount of w da, : {f sergeant Hel ‘iUnited Stat he th the Princet sity Battalion won the Db, &. C. ; nm be (2uerre ar received s¢ ere since triotic d lies. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. IN TH UNTY ' . ; KET WEEN was only approach.(His Honour, fud Y Furthermore Visibility was good. HAKKY PLA ra a! PORT CLEMENTS Hox ’ (PANY LIMPTED, MA LN TED and Ni En EX PARI ier at f the . tu i i ee auction f thew eatiafaction « vir tue f vid Jndgine ja the 20th day f ter \« ' ‘rw ond Luter Connprarny | Chetuent ii. ¢ w he re ated 1954 feet of A ha set oul in amiel) mea ; d) Oartire ie Court Hous ciw B. JOHN LAND ACT fotice of intention to Apply to Lessee Land. } In The Skecna Land District vigtvict of et, Mange Muat and 4} wh as Lt NOTICE that hupert, B 1 Soldier, iatends to Mission to lease the Comimenciog preg ast Coast, abowt 1% fortherly direetion fron the oint of tt Island; vhole of the said Zayas The Coupons kage are a announcement, but sald that the} Wiike Workers, HUNGER STRIKERS Fein hunger at hers were : % guide tar hospital, discharged and home ‘SESSION WORK “SHIMINYING? -ISREVIEWED = NOW BANNED , J. W. De B. Farris Says Eitiott| Coney Island Bathhouses are Un. Charges Not True In Fact or | der Rules for the Summer Supposition NEW YORK, May 0. Thy. NANAIMO, May 9)—J. W. de B) ty Island police today i t of rules far Farris in @ public meeting here|' i rote jhotuses Women bathin last night previewed the work of s F ' HAtiny t fal ; eS Shon, lie made no new) thitest wear t ; i socks thy nieee hal {Elliott chawes against the Pre-| - § i ‘ sare banned and be 1 abeolutely unfounded ; ithe Rye 4 ' supposition, arris said that the indus. ial ad ola were in better con-!} rowning achievement of the] IN FIRST WEEK JULY Ciove men. rhe minimur for girls will protect giris jwit Be Followed by Celebration Pacifj hen Wages go down. The Pr ncial Labor Bure of Fiftieth Provinnial Anni. vorsary Mr iti “said, ad placed 506 men in fobs without ¢ to the} Wi 2 ; a I } May } j “ POTATO ELEVATORS i a ‘th soe tna re ‘ bey ' TT. te tien ‘Quterte seid e ab Has Given Notice of Motion ,,, ; } to This Effect iwhiel j rORONTO, May ® lr. lL. Ker LAND ACT edy, M.L.A. in the Ontario legis.| } inture for Peel, sauwa that he has | "eee of mentign te. Revy te Purchase ; wccount of the present high price it Coset Land Ln trie of ae . > given notice of motion that on] Take ce datuftea steps be taker hy ce the gov nmr 7% ret ‘ a : sit tion by the ¢ aatr ' f . evators for potators : . * « ARE RELEASED FROM. [so =. WORMWOOD SCRUBBS, LAND A — @tiee of tetention t© Apely to Lessee Leod LAONLTMON May G»+—Fifty ~ a a : © fieteira ' : ase tetice the ' Pa . eased from Wormwood Serubbelerince nepert @pa ‘—* i appz ; ithe ff wing de ik = re moved from the ja to the (Seipewesus st & pert ple rison, twenty-seven alt Helfast! leartie y « £ the iasale of freeh Certificates of Tithe far iiot Pifteen (15), of Lot Three hundred] TARE NUTICN that |, Churtes Nartie ,} SRG sigty- two (3643), Range Five (5), Coest(Yuern «harhitite ; po! ret “?T r District (Mep 067), end the Aorth Wess j'enc t srg for perwmicsion te 3 bare e tore of less, of Lol Pourteen huadred sad eumeneing 61 & port plenied the » Princess (twenty. tures 14623), Range Five (6),/Sore of Siideget shodt one mile C_oegst District & em ferterty re ir Me ' intention t issue, efter ibe expiration of )*Being; thrnre cart, Gor . one mOew from the Bret publication beree!, F's shore line t 7 ' ae fresh certiBcates of Utie ibe abovte men Bent. apd ehcioting & acres, more tioned lands, io the Dame of Aletender) o* : ‘Chisholm, which Certificates are Gated ft¢th) CHARLES MARTIF a March, 1613. end #6th mer. i6ts, sad Aprll @. 1970 a4 ‘ re Lam Hegistry Office, Vrince Kupert, b. ‘ i _ Motice of Iniention to Apply to Lease Land. - erly from town of Alte Arm wound?. been active Lid, wheee eddress is 607 Credit Poncier a licence @ take and wee 80 Becond fect . and to store $500 sere feet of Water out of| Abra iat, 109% Clearwater Greek, tributary to Sitesult fiiver, which Gows westerly and drains lat: bilseu liver about 23 miles Bort of Alice Arta, B. C = | The storege-dsin will be located 61 out Het | P R pe t i of Clearwater Late The capecily of! é race ul T Oe cere 2 et jibe reservoir to be created is @hout #500) of end. The water wil) be Sreree rose | EFUROPEAN PLAN the siream af « point close to e outiet LIM- |and will be used for power purposes wpe 61.50 per day and up. the mine described ae Wolf Minera! Claim, | end lights to Alice Arm District ET LUMBER COMI /1994," will be fled in the office of the i mounts Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C tain . ts, On nied with the said Wéter Recorder or . 8t\ wit the Comptroller of Water Rights, D E N T IST R Y | Parliament Bulidings, Victoria, 8. C., within “thirty deys efter the Great appearence of thie notice in & local newspaper ' fallowing deseribed Comptroller, and that any Interested Pete | eer rrr ae son May fle an objection thereto tn the, o |omee of the Comptrolier, or of the Water Kecording | Necordag of the Distriet } A G GRAY TAYLOR MINING 6O., LTD. ' : . . “App lean i . by ¢. B Nort. Agent 7 Teacher of Piano The date of the firat publication of this) : : ; e natiee is April «7, 108 % Studio 197 Seeond Avenu SKPENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT PHONE Blue 421 of 444 3 DISTHICT oF tance. CHARLOTTE pancgarnccoanqwosrereers eee Ol Skidegate, B. ©, settler, intends to apply! for @ license to prospect for coal end) petroleum on and under the following de- including the |serthed landa:-- | north weet corned of DL, (O88; thence jrouth 80 chaing; thence Soo! #0 chains: | | thence north 60 chains; thenee weet 86) chains, Wa, PPS Tene PP Meant. ii erre: Bor NOTICE, soshnnninnmaneipasananentt SKRENA LANE eT ' Ds iN THER MATPER OF on application for QOAEN CHARLOTTE y Uue bundred and twenty (120) ecres,/ihe | wing drerrBed lence OPO OLE EOE EEL ORDER EE OCR LDS | NUTIVLE is bereby givem thet it is my/terter of Tl. S7308 ae * e umbered 3433-1 sha sever spectively | ln Gay of April, 1920 w& PF. MACLEOD District Megietrer f Titles LAND ACT, ln Cassiar Land Disirict, Recording bis i of Seema, tnd situate \& mike east jake gotice that MH. RB. Powler and A. F sim, of Alice Arm, B ‘ of copetions) fer, 6nd Gerried @iuimsh, intends to SOTICKR is HET y vin hat « iy for permission W lwase the [olkeW: lnerpome holding rren i ' ng described foresbere lands i Towmelle eaabadi¥ iebons aeree mmmpencing 61 & pet plented of C681 fof sale from w the ¢ se 6 benk of Biteault River; thence south S0)cn such lance Tow : chains, thence east #0 chains Wore oF less unpaid is over ‘ i - aa liltance iver; theute gorth 20 chaipaipayment within ef2 months fr the @ more of less te Lot 60; theure weat 60 of thie Natiow, efther of the f ou chains more or less point of cosmipence- gua twerther will ereet ment, end containing 166 acres, More OF jny be *, of & subset * jess such ati nt, which guest at leeet ve HAR. POWLEAR, ithe full interes! due to date, together © A. ¥. BERGIN levideace that all taact. Whether © : nH. Fowler, ageut or Provineial, have been peld, falling © pore ee ee —en ibe eareemments for_sale wil | . WATER NOTICE a¢ provided t om USE AND STURAGS Art. Ciapter i7¥ i ta a. F NADEN Take notice that the Ts lor Mining Co Deputy Minister of I “ De partapent of Lar le ding, Vancouver, B.C, Will apply for Vieira, B. ¢ ‘ ee ee acre feet, and It Wil) Mood about ¥UO acres This botice *6s posted on the ground FIRGT-OLASS oars m the seventh dey of April, 1990 ( A copy of this notice and 60 spplicetion A Tea Carte ursugnt thereto and to the “Water Act, “SRRADDADPOTOPDOP ADO OL DP PORE OTL Objections to the application may be) e*mwaesregevnsensnnonnros™ nartioalars The powers of this unger eens ome A orrcs age " ula he exercise or power end lighting within ow om. ; ny ome ane the territory embreciag ol Wolf wie: " Bam. to 18) 1180 wm t “ticrai claims, the holly arden minerai/* ' pert, claims, end all of this Company's Rallroed ' OR. J. s. BROWN 4 wid properties end buildings, or any prop. 4 penrierT ' erties and bulidings of others in end 6@a- jacent to the Alice Arm district } Omer: Smith Block, Third Avenue | The petition for eporovel | of the)" Prose 464. j |ue the boat wet a "ihe SERA ORO OI onerr of ihe board at &@ date to be bene’ by the . exttveutnannionans PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. HONE 09 Neliable Serve at reasonable Rates We have Warehouse far jlithes @ &. Parker, Manager bs TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary © Commencing at @ poet planted at the) Dated ins 6m day lof March, Fogo. Whe ‘Has fic tog Co, r ‘OR i\ SALE oreo ee M, M. Steph PEP OD POOP OR ORO OES (Pe enone ~oeroorre Opens Store On Monday, lon , eye 210 4th St. ee ee ee ee ee + SMITH HA MALLETT PLU BING ano ae “ere eenet poorer el sii Sanitary and oer ereceetee— - eeteretet oer i HOUSE: