way 10, 1920. pnday. . Dy osaeees { 4 y Yorh Cup. funy rule bears the T i ame me) pewore Uf cowaterfillta neys commenced mak- stoves in 1848. Still in same line of business Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert, oneal On SALE AT ed Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 PAINTS TCH KALSOMIME, elc ilversides JROTHERS street Thone 156 Green ordera eatefully nde) to RINCE RUPERT cil ax oO. B. a Units and Dates of MEETINGS ding Trades Unit, : pt tral Labor Couneil, i ay, ® pet en's Auxiliary, Firat wv odueadaye, S al Fourth Wedues Business Meeti e ermnen, Every Thureday. tal Trades, First » sckers, Fou eage al Terrace ‘cre Lot or Ten Terrace for a me before prices Good lots adjoin- nsite at reason- ; p rice 8, and lote of fishing pwn a Lats $75 to $200 Write to mney Bros. & Co, Real Est r he nce ‘ ate and Insurance Terrace - ~ B.C, OM LEE CO. 0 See cond Avenue, West, VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall € neral Contractors ond “abon Fxohange, Pringe | Rupert, B.Q, i he 547 P.O, Box 725 ae and ‘Auditor ten Up atid Balanced ‘hte Prepared ny the Honr or Month sioutside for 25 years, THE DAILY SEWws MRS, GOLDBLOON — Migatgle— ee RALAYEN SOLD HER ites Local ‘News Notes i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | poop beans , 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. | , Pormarty of the |™ a ' ts. lott Poe No Advertisement Takeri for Less than SOc | htebmhone. Roome, is Now SUI! a few seats lel for Tues-| ) Tae Day News Wit Not Be Resronsisie For Ixgtxuctions OR Tae f Branch of Denatien Brotherhood in Chideb, day's Vaudeville, ‘ it CANCELLATION OF WANT Abs Oves THe TH “LEPHONE, | rom Form a | | its die ormed Here and Officers | A large assortment of Voile % tan siceettsbi Rig a 4 Are Elected. Miss Gleeson, formerly pro- dresses at Demers 8 fi) J WAM TED. piles ade ey (FOR SALE—Lot Block ae sec e: Fraser Valley “& im UG prietress of the Richmond Rooms #se @ | WANTED—Yyor } tion 7, Fifth nding near The ri ay ' ’ I ; ing lady for office, | Phe railwaymen completed their! has bought the ladywear business Best Household Lump Ooal, ee ee organization on Saturday evening recently ducted » , ) recent conducted as Gold-| $13.50 delivered. Phone Bjack 85.) witt : ee hr es ie thn fe ; 1 high school education and |———_-___ id itanw ting fon that purpose. 00m's and it is understood will] Tefminal Goal Co, = ; ; the fertile Frasen Permanent ollicers were elected) canting { mewhe ‘ i . -. * knowledge of stenography pre-|FOR SALE-—Lot 15, Block 5, Set-| They are stringless, . 4 soil Gaaieediaienanths catia | rae I i it somewhat along the) The fh ate fox Mg ferred. Apply box 66 News of- tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal a i ane nis made tor carry- ame lines aa he; predecessor. | ve api anaster wi attend hinds tf | a $176.00 : ’ QUAKER BRAN : ; to date] to your immediate wants, Phone ee ai sOve. 75.00. M, M. Stephens. | ; > ail : known & th Prin Kupert i uct a } n cakikm ere 2. Howard Steen, proprietor WANTED —Hom » ata sess Be ates, , is the choicest of the fe Ww 8 f nce upert and conduct a business whie j jvte t ; 1, proprietor. WA! ome for » sutmmmer ; A a aaa See cht GP dish Ceneiiadimecateh | ondu bot which wil, | —’, i 9 e for the wus mer} STEWAKT LOTS he 2 only the perfect onea are anal appeal to the women of Prince} for boy fou years old, where},. ; canned under this famous — hood of Railway Employees en-| Rupert. Robert Bell, formerly chief en- ;, FOR SALE—Lot 2, Block 40, Map | 905, Stewart Townsite. Price name, no other small boy preferred gineer o 1@ Prince Georg s ; : ; n th scorge, | i p. Smith. General Delivery, | ; a : ° i . i! 110) $1,000. his lot adjoins busi arioua branehes of railway em-|«naid she was sorry to cive up her now superintendent of engineers) (ity. ; . . ' ; f . “f y ‘lorage : . vit : ° i i ployee . should = be in a unified bh a here as she liked Prince|** the local Cold St rag plant. ten ton Cee ee ae ee ness section on Sixth Street, Dominion Canners position to dec! * their s si per d had always had the Owing to : devo the i 5¢ Taos Bonita x Se at ed fein - is i ator é ethplovings tl ities ; ee a i ” ’ F . Prot, ; 2 4ul. Genera ospital, p oe S40) PET, BG EOE SEER we Hi B C L : d bet mn — : feasant relations with ae being sold for Tuesday's: per month wish haneall ae FOR = er imite . . ide * are arked “reserve . ea ee ees a ee iows ness required all her attention at ite , Aces, ead ediiiea rhein - - ca FOR RENY Newly completed and Head Office, Vancouver, & 9. President, J. Harvey. presen! ut she might be BACK) seats cost $4.00. it| WANTED — Furnished or partly decorated hall above the Candy Viee-Pres : . Waldort. | som \y. / ee furnished suis@ of 3 or 4 rooms Store de Luxe, on Third Ave. ' holme, ‘ ifeson well known McCarty will work out at 7 and *-Apply P. 0. box 800%0r phone | Hall is a hundred feet long and who fins for|NetY at 8 at the Trail Club to-| 834. tf} Specially suitable for dances had charge of Gold-| night. This will be the last; ~ os ee ee Soe ek a ee and other social events. Foi WANTED—Housekeeper for gan-| terms, apply to Jim Kile as. tf eral hospitai. For particulars oat ae apply Matron. tf FOR RENT.—Three-roomed ion { ——-— . fiat, furnished. Mrs. Wolters, ieaton, oon, i Pi vate th = . ji at the ee a | Venerable Archdeacon Collison Ww AN’ rE D F et Ay need hou 7. St. Louis Hooms, Phone Red 91. maid. Hotel Prince Rupert. tf of Kincolith, delivered <¢ address hihi Sie alien heads bo tne y ‘is ba and 3rd ** MAY COST TEN CENTS jin st. “Mark's as ish Hall, Gan: WANTED—A machinist and boy. ie ered Pains A 01S a REGISTER LETTER) ts ah “Ap wo "gy C6 | | Cove, $175.00 eash, a .. experience not necessary, one} Stephens, tf Refugee ~ beans ing on the union, What is now She will bring the thusinstitally ixreed that the Mrs. Goldbloom before leaving Phe officers elec wel asipeople. She found that her busi- isiness will continuelchance to see these boxers work nder the new management. Ajout. Anyone interested is wel- antily of new sto will be here|come to see them. 1. natives of the north. | @ral post office , Minister of Customs and Inland ow 7 Office. ar tic abou afternoon at Metlakatia of Gor- ‘ i LODGE MEETINGS don Auckland, aged 9, a native LODGE 10514 LOYAL Ohi boy, and son of Charles Auck- WANTED Moose meets every Mon } land. Interment took place at the evening at the Deep Sea Fish village this afternoon. MINERS, mine helpers, | men's h ill. eee and both insidé and (~~ Following constitute the Ha- ‘ - any, for they are the very latest lwaiian Sextette at the Vatideville outside labour. High- April song suctesses fuesday: Mts. Geo. Bryant, est union wages. Good Ga > 1920 is Player Piano Yeat ; ‘an, Miss slanche ee wT : J .C. Duncan, M Blanche mining conditions. At- hoy’ oe: 4 Our ieee Taning a ued Raaebe Messrs. Sidney sazzett- A cee Department D. Dotialdson, and Alex. tractive housing ar- | EF SS is now under the supervision of aT | S : ” eee me manny race o L X 2217 oe ect ee ee ALE 1 A t t x NARROW ESCAPE = In the opening game of the employment. Apply | Sealed tendefs will - received by the Phoie Sibiae ola k 183° ys S ; MOUNTAIN PARK Minister of Lands not later ne a ; football league between the Cal- : Uae - “a - = ihe YUth day of May, 20, rp the pur- co — 2h lies and the G. ‘T. P. on Wednes- COAL con {PANY chase fo aeeanae x ¥847, to cu : vt e {4 fi Will Edinuads : STENOORAPHERS. day evening, the Callies team will ; ? lick ea te Gren mentee’ ae Deer La ' Prince Rapert Music Stare. La Pra ’ : Ltd., Mountain Park, Princess Royal island, Range 4, Goas i \s Oppesite the Post Office w and seniorins the same as announced Satur- Box 644 Phome BLACK 183 This Effect elements Big assortment of Oar PLAYER ROLLS Q.R.S. and Suit Artist Word olls You'll have to hurry if you want verment to| Revenue Makes Resolution to The death oceurred on Friday 6 a _ ; Here at ar | POCO CE FE OL Ce ror “« ‘be be 4 on Saturday,| r j trict. Way v4 s Vancouver, Victoria, New| day for the mateh with the [rail Alberta 111 Two i#) years will be allowed for re o | Woe \ i such other points as x mndvgl of ‘tiniber. Seized With Fainting Spell Com " pot Athletics. ee te miter a ing From Ketchikan and Nearly |”; Bt ig gag? = gy 1 “aca i Lone’ Witaein Be nae ee oboe Fell Overboard. Fe ee or cannes teh years, and not} The strike that is threatening Prince Rupert, _B. ( ro. ee, ive years of age. | {to tie up steamship transpertation WATER NOTICE Athy eh passage frOM sy, hoon, Friday, May £181, 1920. Applica-}on the coast. .was started last DIVERSION: AND--USB, Keteolkan ber if, Chet Neff ae ne S ta oa ioe week when the firemen of the SITUATIONS WANTED | TAKE NOTICE ¢ The Taylor Engi- and party, who went nonmh forie y Gor rhaetit e \ ACINNES | Princess Beatrice walked off that, _— neier Building: H ig Brent, Venous tae; SERS “owen . wey are a P , Commissiober, |vessel at Vancouver, on her ar- Young man, 26, with reilrowd, |on6 ese “ten second. feet of: water Sener der returned at © Oomex yestere iris rival there from Prince Rupert banking. customs and whole-{|Wolf Creek, also known as Davidson Creek, day morning. They left Ketch a ; a nn Hast Wednesday morning. sale drygoods —asberichtd. dée- jute. Sows so thw st rly and drat s into | oo ¢ ™ irday morn- r ° e : 7 : 5 Oh ween hein miles north of the Dolly Varier i eal Nd ot tae ee Th late rR . sial sires position. References. Hox rhe water will be diverted ing but, on atcount of heavy ; " a The dates o 1@ «provincia 68 News office. {Q|stream at a point me m at Ma ury Island light ib ES fairs have just been made known Sober paiidba Unth he hinine cribed MANAGER , : yeas i e ‘ t ; oe ae +. ; 1y morning we, at Victoria. The Prince George FOR SALE as the Wolf ‘ and light : " top. ' ; Alice Arm District, BEES Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 veather aig t fair will be between Saptember 15 : This ind 18; Prince Rupert, September FOR SALE—P.'R. T. No. 1, boatton the I Bae pia ‘ COAL. 122, 23 and 24; Bulkley Valley be ed 16 the un-| (Sinithers); September 24. There| Is 57. feet long, 14.3 wide, : “ Li ® raed sbotatl for 2 ¥. . % vn 7.9 deep Groas ) age 39.96. ion to th plies m nay be filed ; ‘ . ind, Ber ‘ i i ar Darin ; fines i 4 08 um.| Will be 43 fairs in the province. ' . a ; nnage 27.18 5G {wi B10 the : \ may be, fled Hand Your Segigeie. Gee wt ups Beeomir seasick : ay Soe ° neon oe dee i aust ee hit eee Seber ce) to ter Righ Parliament ‘ ae ht Soi Ree HORE RAE RACA| on tut oth n| eta ham tga eee JOR BROWN aa h alr ks tside and was) 2%} British Columbt cert at St. Peter's Church, Seal plates tanks, capacity 2,000 | nou k newspaper . 2 ' < Ye an be of te ped m Pu ‘hast Oove, on Wednesday, 12th at 8 gallons. Iron sheeted bottom.},,. ‘exe r power undertaking within Motor Transfer and + N il . e ee on he eized with a fainting spell i Westholme | the territory embracifig ail the Wolf min . Agent, I part af u . lo'’e ’ . . S A f , am ar . Pe Ha became insenaible and| suk” Gare uk can eras. SS clock sharp, are Miss Edmands,| Apply The ene feral claims, the Dolly Varden mineral Passenger Service = a different Don lin Mrs. R. B..Linzey, Mrs. G. W.| Theatre Bios 4114 |claims, and all of this Company's Railroad for towing or packing salmon. . 1 to the deck, roll the low Tend will t be considered unless : iia tledieaeeplinindgei i icine ail ech tl { properties and buildings, or any prop- bs ; ade hpplled by the De-| Brown, Mrs. Wm. Millar, Miss} jand ind utitleds Gf coats in’ do ae Stand, Empress Hotel hing, th nl t ier between ‘ t : ‘ 7 . ‘ Be She es ’ ariment and rdance With the CO0-} King, Messrs, Pudney, Sinclair,| "OR SALE— 25. -i0 h.p. Medium) jacent to the Alice Arm District the deck and the He aoe Pet Sore , hte an| Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch| THE TAYLOR aE eae Phones 176, 16, Black : tend e accompanied by an] Clappenton, Fraser, Vaughan : | eked up later in ¢ L Of DlOOd | popes heque ot ariered bank pay Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 eycle, in per- by John Anderson, agent. ‘3. lable te the order of the Minister of Public} Davies and Canon Rix. it : The @ate of Dest publication of this ia from a cut on! es CDEN ” rks, equal i [ tbe amount of ° e ? i fect condition, $1,500.00.—M. notice is May 6, 920." ene : Quick Del Deliveries Ena ow r bh ‘ ivin ! nie ah Bonds of the Do om . * ’ St j t Know hov . ; shot als c accepted as security, The leading social event of the) M. Stephens. ti IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPAMES sROONECIOUE. r war bonds and cheques if required t/ craduating class at the University FOR SALE—Two lots on grade, | por Oe can” ee if ‘ she = e . a oa ake 1 r ld amount 3 of B. C. was the reeeption held : IN THE MATTER OF THE PRINCE ROPERT F near drydock, ground sandy) SPRUCH MILLS, LIMITED (IN LIQUIDA- ' e " R HEAD-ON COLLISION | ' Mi DRSROCHENefeary it the home of Chancellor and fata? heat buy in the city -| TION). cE oe cs ER 7 = Zz OD | April 42, i920 Mrs, R. / K, MeKechnie, Drom- $550. 00 pair. M. M. Stephens. | NoviCR ts hereby wiven thal at an extra- BETWEEN PASS i nse fiochy,’’ Shaughnessy Heights, on ek RRR rec ee jordinary general meeting of the members ; yp ‘ ¢ abeve na qd Compan 1 con- WATER NOTICE Wednesday evening in honor of FOR SALE—Two 4ix8 pool tables ooaed a held ‘ on dee Uh at AND FREIGHT TRAIN DIVERSION AND USE the gnaduating class, Among the in geod condition, bargains. Jan Extraordinary , 508 tt of Spee, te08, -- TAKE NOTICE remier Gold — ing} guests were Miss Katherine Pills- Ap ply Daily News Office. {4jfor the voluntary winding up of the above . jdreas te Premier ; apie SaepeeiG Ning Some LENS yed ormmpany, nd jeorge E Winter, rRXARCANA, May 8#-A ead ee tates ag BC. wh ts \ fo a licence} bury, Of this city, Miss Mary In SALE a" a a . z _ ener io ak mpeny, Abd eo oe ater, meollision octurred here today /to take and . le of water) rig, formerly of Port Essington, FOR SALE—Fifty mattresses At) was appointed Liquidator for the purposes ’ t - special discount prices. See | of such winding up, and at a second Extra- t Fletetier (Cu ae hows west } Missouri Pacific wee } and drains into Ca¢cade Creek, abouthand John C, Berto, who was at jordipary General Meeting, duty couyened betweeh a . ; , extra ene quarter mile north of Uw International ‘ : . Barrie's Furniture House, t£iand held at the registered ofMce passenger train and an extra idary in Salthen River Valley Anyox last summer, ‘ | Gampany, Pacife Building, Vancouver, ) ls is i ' ‘ will be diverted from the . . ° i . . C., On Saturday, 24th of April, 1920, | freight, OMicials have said that] The water bout néar the porth FOR SALE — 8-roomed mod fn |G. on Bal was’ duly uaitiened sifeam at potat about néar : ta, lithe passenger train Was badly legs: carne Lot $507, Rupert Mineral Bishop Stringer, of the Yukon ' ee jouble GoPner, Ojto| The Creditors of the above Named, Com | pt : of the [claim used for power purposes rerritony is a passenger north- } 1Ouse On adouble eC me é y { lpany are required op or before the 44tb jwrecked and foun cars pot AY remier Mine; power house fo be ! i . ihe Drince eae Miller, 1545 9th Ave. Fast. A2 | day of Mey, 1920, to send In their names Ifmwight completely demolished, |tocated o® Lot 3007 Caseade vorvs fe. &. ound on e Prineess Mary to- and addresses and’ th ypertieut ars of their : hi water eo Use ‘ y . deb or ¢ ns to e quidator, 21¢ to casualties have wert son the. praperty of the} day after an absence from this) FOR SALE—Splendid lot on Atlin | Bank of Nova Scotia Building, “Veneauver, No details as n Mining Gk Lid., im ¢con-| epnas ) ag , vO vearsa 2 , ‘ , B.C yet been received. ; with its mining aud niiliiig opera- |“ ast of nearly two years, the; Avenue, Section Two, close in, | E mativitie GF tha Ckediiots bf thi thos \ ; most of which time has been spe: i} 8400.00. M. M. Stephens. tfinamed Company, in Uquidation, will be notire Was posted on the grounc ar sj ‘ : : Y held at tre office of tre Liquidator, 210; lecturing to Canadian troops in Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Vancouver, , “ [Hone 1a » 20th day of April, 1080, bh . ‘ * be tics s , LARGE SUMS ARE A copy of this notce and an application! Belgium, After a few montis | FOR SALE Furniture of all kinds |p. ¢. on Saturday the 15th day of May, | pursuant ihereto and to c ater ’ | See Barrie's Furniture House. eat eee dar of Abed: 1088 ED SOLDIERS foi4.” Will be fled in the oMce of Mébspent Jn the east recuperating Xu ote day : LOAN Obie Bias ta he Lilicenod they be Aiea his health, the Bishop is neturn-| HOUSES FOR SALE ee ‘Liguias ator lwith the said Water eae er 5 Dapilament ing to Dawson accompanied by | _— IN PROBATE: OTTAWA, May 8.—In a com | Comesrouer, oF tk Te : within fifty days}his wife, He expects navigation|RINE HOME, best residentia! in THE SUPREME count OF BRITISH prehensive review of the soldier jatter the Ares apnetrance Of Sane: Bontee. Ls) be opep when he reaches the section. Moderate terms. Hel-|iy qygp Ee is ey ADMINISTRA : o¢a) newspape ¥ ; , § 7 settlement, for whieh Hon, Arthur PRENIER Garb MINING OO ED. Yukon River at' White, Horse. gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, TION ACT bate Meighen is asking $50,000,000, hy Bate t, Met, Keene Notary Public, IN THE MATTER OF THR ESTATE OF LOUIS DIXON, DECEASED, INTESTATE | , . Com- ft the frst publication ot this . ve aye was given in the House of Gom F site fae ay 4 1080 wane 2 The Hawiian Sextette at the LOTS FOR SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI¥#N TO. WHOM mons at the week-end, rin Vaudeville Tuesday night will be) ' His ‘tion ur Fo Mee “ Shs. in iat tae Tt onour F, McB. oung, he ahove From the time of incorporation | MINBRAL AOT, somethiag entirely new to Prince; FOR SALE—Lot 16, Bloek 7, and|matter on the 27th day “ot April, A.D until Mane h 27 last loans aggre-| (Form F.) Rupert theatre goers, Come and) Lot 10, Block 42, May 905, 7 12 ORDENED ‘that the said John H wating $58,589,069 had been ap-} cen riPICATE be JugpovalenTs, hear tifem, it Sixth Street, Stewart, $500 each Memullin aha be plowed to qunar to ibs r ‘ ‘ 0 e Sale deceasec S$ occurring proved, There had been 50, 000) “wWolr’ Mineral Claim, Situate in the a Stephens. tfjin ar about the month of January, 1918 applications under the scheme of} das River Mining Division of Gassiar Diss Advertise in the Daily News. atter the expiration of one month from the ‘ ‘ i. é date o Me rst publication of notice o which 836,000 he id been approve sd. | " Tiling located Near the head of Alice a iF OR SALE—-Lots 17 and 18, Blk. this order, unless in the naanaitike proof pA CR rR CR eR Errno re rere re rR mr As aes , is furnished to the Registrar of this Court Sialacpincriinniiionered | sem 26, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue, jai “prince Rupert, B.C. that the sald de é Take notice that, J Stark, Free ( Gean Binet, one of the best | dinot's Gertie 21% NB apt re oars ano uning tlose in, $500.00 the pair, cash coated, Lous Dixon, was alive subseque nily , inty days from » he n,| known and most successful Men) Me Mining Recorder for a Ce epuihe i oI and —M,. M, Stephens. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED. that ihe Mir for the purposé ef it ning All Kinds of Repairs. the said John HW. MeMullin do publish notice of the Yukon, is bound north on) mprovoment y above cial . A Pan ‘ ‘eo ro rown Grant of the above claim, 7OR SALE—Lots 8 and 4, Block |/Of tis order in the Prince Rupert. Dat! ping / Mary, returning to} further take notice that action, tif- GEORGES GAGNO — P 7 ° News, @ newspaper published at Prince the Princess! Mary Ang ft roust be commenced before N 32, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue,| Rupert, B.©,, for a period of one month. . :p er seétion 83; *s iis bride, The last} | Fee etee of such Certificate 6f Im- ‘oO ATED at Prince’ Rupert, B. C . Mayo with lhe isstance of sué For Outside Orders address near drydock. $150.00 dash-—| gol BD at Ann A ref c.,. hi ae * 1 he} sreventer t& & has been his second winter in { | ind’ die ab AOA C66 P.O, B&x 1666 Phone 71 : ated this Srd day of | 5 . s . JOHN A. MeMULLIN oa q. B. OTARK. - ad M. M. Stephens, tf OMetal Administrator, Heant.