® t . 4 i ‘ i ee ‘ tty a ob ’ a a ‘ : kt af y 4) = < ow her witht « Kev ° erypods v3 fhe most ¢ whole- DAINTIEST CONFECTIONERY Wh \ i A shipment « ¢ Nellson’s Chocolates has just f ar MITED OR} [ES / ! oe a inne AAS ieee A The Pioneer a. P.O. Box 1680 TORE 1200 THE REXALL Phones 82 an = (CREAT BRITAIN | AGAIN TRADING WITH GERMANY | rok | PARIS, May 9. }has stolen a mareh on the United} /States and France in resumption relations with) Ger-| Bulky Rugs Great Britain| Washed for you Laundering heavy rag and washable rugs at home is of business jimany, say French merchants, slow work, especially in these The British are expecting great} uncertain spring days whea quantities of raw material. Ger-| the right sort of drying many is asking no money but tak- weather is so seldom avail- ing manufactured articles in ex- able. change. | In five minutes, you can | pack up half this heavy work of housecleaning, and have us do it expertly for vou in our modern way. Then, too, your floor and bath mats, which soil so quickly, probably need wash- . ing. You can seud them along also. WHEAT PRICES TAKE ANOTHER BIG JUMP ‘Advante 35c a Bushe! in Middle West and 40c on Both Coasts. (tae i Let us lighten this toilsome eo —roe i ’ ve WINNIPEG, May 40,—The new work, and at the same time . egulations of the Canadian help you ‘make your home WitBey PO TH E RI N G | Wheat Board effeetive May 8 have) a washed Y , “ae that is to bind hearts for a life- advanced wheat prices generally.) to © new, KA sy time should be a good one, but \ll grades of western wheat ad- Have our driver call for NZ y thatdoes not mean it must necess- vance 35¢ in central Canada and) your bundle. Telephone A arly be ver} nsive. We have in Ontanio, Quebec and British | today. * 4 DIAMONDS Columbia, 40c. Another regula-/| CANADIAN Well cut stones, clear and brilliant tion effective at the same time} that we can you at modest t's the same with all our --good qualities and fair revail here. prices Jewelry prices [| All repairs promptly done, TS R., W. Cameron STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 8 increases the wholesale prices of! |bran and shorts to the extent of} $3 a ton. i The Jeweler 3rd Ave a © ' i eset ee eeeneeveeeneeee i \ low cards tak i * . yé qui see them at the| TIMBER SALE X 2400, LOGAL WEWS ITEMS rah i ‘ t i Bi aki e@eetseoemwmerev eee ee . 7 ‘¢ 5 JO! separ nm Sealed tenders will tb re ved by the ealed tenders me received by the : eae Special Value t_, —— | ete? teaders, il Ee reeninea, ttt! Dalby B, Morkill arzived 1 + : SIPRE tT OURT OF BRITISH| 010th day of June 1920 for the pur- | Stewart on the Prince George last : COLUMBIA. vas chase of Licence X2400, to cut 1,889,000 : d BI feet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock, Balsam | night. . : 1 Fir, on an area adjoining Lot 232 . . in Section 6 Aan “Est . an Channel, Range 3, Coast District ri i ies : : . incon = Tw 2 ears will be allowed for re James Turnbull, Sst Fane ee REERR RETREATED k Ha fol leceased at Tae” eee gt et en ae On a k j sth day of Further particulars of the Chief Forester,| ** Hazelton, went ' iver th . hye sst will and) ¥ictoria, B.t r District Forester, Prince | morning _- D1... 07 ’ ll and! : ; Lots 4 and 54, Block ai, i sf ink H. Mobley, teceased hkupert, B, i nee NJ rr | , 7? i 3 ‘ta "| a Se N s \ ‘ k a t s ror ne Seventh Avenue, and ere er 1yo David sordon fr nyt aoe oP | ” sa Str aii tuy ie . tors mamed in the 1¢r Way to Sweden where she wii near MeBr id Street aa ties having clatins ‘visit her eld haine. gins: the s : ¢ hereby required | . a i . . . : : : $ prop verified to,! : } 1 all $ ed the estate are | W. S. Harris, of Hazelton, was v @ach equired to pay t amount of their in ; ; ; ¢ lebtedness 1 t said David Gordon }a@ passenger southbound on the cepagee ee, Sa ae [Prince George last night. eet i s f May. A.D. 132 | ° ° os aaa TIMBER SALE X 2286. asl cy ; ; * sca ada Seeecntiers ie Mrs. Ludwig arrived from Do ne : ain ied Sealed tenders will be received by the at a Sud tea remiatered MeCaft ry bh S : i Minister of Lands not later than noon on} Ce? last night and is registered l el * i vOn MINERAL ACT, the 27th day. of May 1920 for the purehase|at the Hotel Prince Rupert. f f Licence X2286, to cut 395,000 fret of Form § Spruce, Cedar and Hemiocex on an area ad-| ..™ ° & Doy! ie, Ltd. CERTIFICATE UF IMPROVEMENTS se eee 3.) AV. J. Crawford returned to th SUA LE a st Distric | NOTICE One (1). year Will be allowed for re-jcity last night after making the : semriakd twin 6 ' , os dtessndl OT if timber i ; ae Agents ma : tN i. Maud Mcphee” } be “T part! leulavs of the Ciilef Forester jround. ti ip to Blewart.on UW ; Ra tlle aay ae A pe Ace |. Victoria, B.C, or District Forester, Prince | Prince George. 3rd Ave. Phone 11 ; Re ic Gime Divine af can ere Ba ” arif ad ‘ : i es , 0 as sex<-eneeeeeeeees sence mmresttaalinesinsine Mitt Eee | a haute River, ve OPIUM WAS FOUND Cilpbneraeeeennmee: f Alice ‘ Kitzault River KE NOT E that Lewis W Patine re, ~ ‘ i ‘o. 31018 €, as agent Seatt! "Washin Certificate Ne da e vs fr ve Ca i t he Mining Kh rder eS i ' i a rp 5 | f » e ¢ " : Town Orent = IN CHINAMAN’S PLACE Five Drunks Were Also Fined in Police Court This Morning. ° te f of v TIMBER SALE X 2042. And f ther t notice that action, un iS onetion Sh. ccuet be chekenad Mahene : sa Proceeds, $165. the ‘ of such Certificate of Im Sealed tenders will be received by the ets orig creene provements Minister of Lands not later than noon on PECL Dated this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1920 po rae oon of ay ane yg port Following a raid made b " i= WPA’ : chase o rence 2042 o eu 70.006 GUARANTEED LUMP LE We n ATMORE feet of Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock on an|geant Adams and Warden Bail i ; ea situated o Moss Passage. K e 3 For Kitchen Stove. PATRON |= strict Passage, Kange 3.) on Saturday morning when three Phe bi | er ton rwe 2 years will be allowed for re ‘ ¢ ° ‘ i . Sacked $15.00 p ‘ sine a p are { : moval of timber ao : oe : Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton WEEK FAD SPECIALS Further particulars of the Chief Forester,| premises, Wong Sim appeared it e4°c £F o \ ‘ + ; “t ' oresle ? ner Rats $12.50 per ton \ f ! xeon rn , or Distr Forester, Prin the police rt this morning and Only a Limited Supply nnn ames tne fined $100 by Magistrate M Phone Your Order Now California Fresh Spinach per Ib., .25 | Mordie “ Heag Letsuce 15 and 20 | ae 8 ew Cabbage 2 ibs, .25 | Five drunks were also | Straw herr art 2 Ibs, .25 ert Hic! cCaffer Famey Hothouse Cucumbers... each 4b lthis mornings Richard Joht Vv y Large Bu ew Grees Onions — i 8415 and #1 @¢ostea: William And LTD. California Racishe buneh, .10 son, bail of #95 forfeited: J: ae hey oa Sweet Potatoes ..per ib, 20 Phones 564 and 116 yA aie py eRe cess ope Se | Henderson, $40 and 81 cost a Freeh I CY. bunch, .10 Hit \Peter Peters bail f mic — Fresh A per Ib, -40 TIMBER SALE X 2426. ere POOPOD LILO OO DILDO POLO OOOOLOOO DIO N w Cal aE ets one oa | feited, and Hank Olsen ei) ‘ + Gunes Turrd Riba 2S Sealed tenders will be received by the} Pa ; ies 46 A | Minister of Lands pot later than p DEN | 1S} r R ; $i tae 5 ton 81.00 the 14th day of May 1920 for the Florida Grapefruit r 2 tor 35 chase of Licence X2126, Ww eut ey our | IS INF D Ww : feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an iO 17 rlacs we . ™ i e have two carloads Alberta ul Jesery ‘Auq uous Uo pwenite wale] n't neg! yur 7 eeth Potatoes transit . Book your let, Cape Cmarioste tslends Disses One dk oth ‘ “d aieks W . ie ax YM One (1) year will be allowed for re ee yth é order early. Wholesale or retail. moval of timber # i ) 1 a F tric | Further particulars of the Chtef Forester, | ? eer Pee "a Seecial . ctoria, B.C., or District Porester, Prince | Phe Granby power boat Azurite DR. BAYNE price in case lots. TN con jareivad from Anyox on Saturday Office Hour ' to 12; _ Cedarbroo} Fresh Churned , TIMBER SALE X 2427. jafternoon and will return north Aft ates Creamery Sates, regular 80c¢ Ib. E lon Wednesday with a sample con aay, eninge Special this week : 75¢ |b. Sealed tenders will be received by the| cig of cai at ; Tuesda "a FF ; Minister of Lands oot later than noon on igninent - val fi n Albert day. fro a re the 14th day of May 1920 for the pur joollieries for experiment in the ver n t chase of Licence X2427, to eut 900,000} ke pi { DENTAL NUT I ENDANCE p ‘ x feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an) COSC plant, $e, 2 , NDANCE area situated oi Snannon Bay, Masset In W. A. Williar guperinter PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT PHONES 211, 212. let, Queen Charlotte Isiands District. - A. Williams, Superintende nf One ar will be allowed for re-|at Anyox, arrived by hen and left Rewreenrnrnrernrwrnsnruserurececeewer, | MERE moval of timber last night { Vaneouve beetle . ——- |} Further particulars of the Ghief Forester,|'] ue or aneouver, James ” Victoria, B.C, or District Forester, Prince| Haslett, ; ; wn ¢ +f (Perororo—etertererreeeoeooooboor | BaROESS B.C. . aalet yao old umes Mf this city cespepeentncneaianimalaiinetenatiptinennteniiieentecienaatitts mand now mine tonstable at Anyox, TIMBER SALE X 2428. is making the round trip on the , , % £ -— Azurite. On her return trip she \ Sealed lenders will, “be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon ou|Will have a full cargo as well as CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 We B.C. Fine corne; ton. strongly head of wi et at recommend it for your kit , quarter chen range ©9 HNN SCREENED LUMP Delivered +4 : 92,000 $15.00 ton, For your heater. PRINCE RUPE: ; CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, eit ERT, cat $12.50 ton, Sacked, $13.75. is a $300.00 eac h Best Furnace Coal in City. the 3rd day of June 1920 for the purchase a number of passengers, of Licence X9428, to cut 4,500,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlodk and Cedar on a) are) =" — situated on Shannen Bay, Masset Inlet, |} Queen Charlotte Islands Distriet, | To (2) years will be allowed for re moval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester Victoria, B.., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C TIMBER SALE X 2385. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 3rd day of June 1920 for the purchase of Licence X2S85, to cut 1,060,900 feet CANCELLATION OF RESERVE > NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the lof Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar and 14,000) reserve existing over certain saints former ONSuMers (la 0 { llineal feet of Piling on an area situated|ly held unter Timber Licenses Nos, 14404 oh imer ") ‘ on Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Is A 59494, kiveumkalum Valley, is “ap jlands Disteiet pGl0d, al Nstate anal J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager One (1) year will be allowed for re newt RS NADEN, ‘ ice . oval of tt , eputy Minister of 1 ° win t. 324 Second Ave nue Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 he wah oF tener. Lala d cies #oreata?. Lauds Departnent, and , Vietoria, BUC, or District Forester, Prince it torla, Be ¢ Tre Pop—— of —O DDL COL CLD; ;coonoonn Hupert, B.C. 2ist April, 1020, s | FORM JEWISH 60d ; ~ REPUBLICIN | PALESTINE is Aim of Zionists—Four Such Million Going There Soon. LONDON. May 7 Four million jews, according to Dr, Max Nor { ind y 6 eader, a WW only wait u thre Britis! nandate ‘ Pa tine » be e el vi hey #1 grat > N i lared tt ! i ’ dat \ on 1 few we Wi are i ef i ii ! i | i) ‘ ia su iy I t sirial i j ' st ind | me th land I jews ! i gra { t » count *e of Pales ' hope f ; i [ t It 5 a ih ; that { \ i on Pa tine: 1 re il t hail es eith friendly ¢ i if ent t . We have o fea regarding our future relations them. Want Civil Rule. lint : eal : i ! ‘? ; ¥ 5 j \\ ‘ j it ti : { ' \ '} . We } ' | air : la ’ ' ; ‘ al Are . ty } \ y ‘ ‘ie ry ’ : hy ne « ; ‘ ' - belw | 4 ‘ ‘ 1 I his not ha v it “ ! i ‘ ; et ha s Jew | i abliat t ' : t and at de at snes MINISTER OF LANDS VISITS CONSTITUENTS Addresses Enthusiastic Meeting At Usk on Saturday Night. * ‘ nicht an entl is fjatt Let em lal I wa ‘ dressed by the M { f La rh n at } i the session and was given a ve good recept 1 J. D. Wells pre sided aft the meeting a dat was held M Pa is Poe { Sli irt W, Morrow went uy; this morn oi orge ecaneeeeseeesecen| % TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY * ee eeneaneevevneeweneere POSITION WANTED —Wy » i stnilia vil a a ' nl and \ > . hos ; ‘‘ “CLEAN—yes and disinfected tool Everyone likes bed-linen, blankets, ete., to be super- clean immaculately fresh. The best of all soaps to use is Lifebuoy—it actually dis- infects as it cleanses LIFEBUOY HEATH SOAP The carb odour te fsa san of 4s pretective ‘ aot whee we ave og ¢t 22 a goods «very Fr attractions We i ‘ | wou) t ee SILK, FPLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS. Odds an SWEATERS CH! DREN'S WOOL tos ; Sal BG« MEN'S WOO ILLEN SO par aoc MEN'S TIES. Keg Asia Trading ‘omp: 423 8rd Avenue ~ = ~ PLEASE PASS Se Good I aa C. tee read | Lightweight cALGARY CHARLEY MoGARTH ¥ of Wed Champion