\veeaetie Library ; ‘ “TENTS | 5 Sizes made SAILS i Kinds ans Jones oi Co. Ltd. Years’ Experie nce) Agent LF. MAGUIRE Sec -ond Avenne c. H. (40 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper _ rurererereseretrenrene ~~ RUPERT, B. G., WEDA KSDAY, PRINCE Bavaich 12, 1020, oses His J ob, Attacks Governmilli IRST INDICATION OF ANY ATTEMPT ADE v BREAK FIREMEN’S ‘STRIKE FRANCHISE ACT IS UNDER FIRE Cpposition Develops to Section of Measure Dealing with Women Stealers will Be Run by Grand Trunk Regularly. PE Sta:.d by Ship Despite p Despite Strike Call; Employees Found to man C.P.R. Boats which are ~ . on Schedule Te ajor Retallack After Government psses Job when Utilities Commission Dissolved and Thinks Government was getting at him; Farris says iG a Opposition Voted for Bill Jover the ne esumed last of Con VANCOUVER, May 12.—The Grand Trunk Pacilie here an- | nounced today that the service from this city to Prince Rupert, | Anyox, and Stewart would not be interrupted ,although one in- i weather district Number The catch ormy April ‘Seri- which ineludes i@gregated 135. tons catch in Distriet Naas, Number 3, eom- was placed at $125/792, month of ana in comparison with the H. tisheries that J. the government @x- | here in Conlon, convenvon problems of transportation of fish to ry centres, BOATS UNFAIR Vrades and Labor Council re- ceived a notice from Rk. Townsend, ibusiness agent of. the i Unis of Pacific Coast: “All Coast passenger | proiet hioats to until further leckhands, and stewards out,” Mor charged with be- keeper of a disorderly sion Adama, WisO untair notice operate Sailors, it Kitty ne the house San, i! ! and Go fate.’ were ing till tomorrow. * * ¥ . *| © * * * ” * © * * * 8. C. Undertakere. Phone i. coming West to unions, S15 lof the men in the different classi-| captured i ficatio the one that question is developing : : into favor of Germany and partieular- of recognition.of the \iy directed against Great Britain. ‘He has political aspirations, and it is understood that he is seeking the favor of the German element Company’s Offer. It is understood that the ted agreements to the men, giving the following wage increases: Coal firemen, $100 instead of $90; oil firemen, S90 instead of $80; oilers, 3100 instead of $909; wipers, $60 in- POLES, UKRAINIANS stead of 5 slewaeds. $65 in- CAPTURED ODESSA com- pany has presen very powerful, with a view to po- litical honors. $55; stead of It understood hat the fl oilers and stew-! in the first place for increase. It appears from talk on the waterfront that many $55. is remen, irds asked The that Russian the embassy reports Odessa, an ms have signed these ag ree-/ set aport on the Black Sea, ments presented by the company.) ‘This followed the ousting of The agreed upon by the’ the Reds from Kiey by the Poias deckhands and the C, P. R, divides army. the men into three classes, and makes certain ‘concessions in working conditions. The wage} $95 per month for the! Sailors’ $90 for the second and) which scale Launch Alice DB. Phone Blue is first-class, scale Union of the Paeiftie, the ©. P, RL refuses to | $85 for the third, with board in-| recognize, and was made with the } | Sailors’ and) an in-| remanded this morn-| This said to be the|C paid on the Pacific | tetas still go- The CG. P. R. areement is “Ox. between the pected to agree, as regards w lstewards and firemen. jand conditions, . With the. Ua No Recognition. land G.T.P. employees, but wh This agreement is reported as er recognition of the union ibeing made imdependent of the be an issue was not slated, i cluded. highest rate Coast. Negotiations are ing on in Vietoria is . P. R. crews sailing out of Vie- ay tinanad ecaal CANADIAN LIGHTWEIGHT CHAD - Boxing Conta Oxmng THEATRE, TON Charley McCarthy vs. Champion 128 lbs., Len Halliday vs, Jack 125 lbs., Tommy S Sherman vs. Eat ¢ Tickets o on ‘Sale at ae rey in the United States, which is still Sede & CONSTANTINOPLE: May rr me : Poles and Ukrainians © important . 1 i vuld