ee : THE DAILY ‘NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH’ COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING eye ~) RELPLESS WITH ~—RATUMATISM Until. He Took “Fruit-a-tives” SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The Fruit Medicine City Delivery, by carrier or ‘maitaper month ............ 75c. Ry mail to ail parts of the British Empire and the United States, R. R. No. 1. Lounr, Owr, in advance, Per YOOr poses ssesbednsscevesccenvvecess 36.00. “For over three years, I was : To all other countries, advance, per year ..:......... $7.50.) confined to bed with Rheumatism. | I treated with doctors, and tried TELEPHONE 98. | mearly everything without benefit, pe ee Finally, I tried “Fruita-tives”’ 7" Transient Disp! Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion., Sore / Aad used half a bor I saw Transient advertising on SPOT, DRO 6 C5 Be ws $2.00 per inch. ce PER" the pain was easier i; Local Readers, per iINGOPE Kes Oe bw 4 0 OS 8 é<» 250 per line. and the sweiling started to go down ie oi Classified advertising, per baratertintn fie Re ek 2c. per word. I continued taking this fruit me- #7 oy Le *a] Notices, each insertion, ........... {Sc. per agate line. dicine, improving all the time, and oh ab: or ie Contract Rates on Application. oe eagle about two miles ond AJ) adver ng should be in the. Daily News Oflice on day pre-| “° "6 ” Sietaghiee inoue ’ ; eoding Pp rn tien. All advertising received subject to approval. | a cs s —_—— “s 5658 onbhel gol pete te {i ?. DAILY EDITION. angie: Thursday, May 13, 1920. Fruit-a-tives Tinted. Oiteons . a zt Secret of Success “ ' is Very _— - rf Many people ask what is the secret - ee on ae WHOLESA LE rf sans sacrifice. The sacrifice must precede the success. 1 : a 4 erarhe : willing to give up anything today in order to) a spe re oftak e. henefit tomorrow will never succeed. A writer in the Americart eat aie one S, i be aa Tit Magazine q successful businessman as saying :-— co fa tad SE aaeaa 5, : bi “The secret of any success is so simple that it is strange we eee wate wey 3) otuing, 7 fi. call it a secret. It is just this: To have a vision, a dream of baggage, eee a " t something one wants to achieve—and then to work like the devil saan. pn os * AWHINGS. ole : in order to achieve That—and one other thing: To put igto TENTS, SAILS, » r one’s work the ae a Yee ae ze ta nebie wit bevond that ahi F. MAGUIRE 3 “Some men have the aream-——odDut il *ve rets peyt al, =~ + a i ie because they are not willing to pay the price necessary to make it beanie vero aan caeoee Sepert rf come true. Work fifteea hours a day? Not on your life! They — — : 2H would rather go to the te af to ime e4 abare of play oe SRR ERS SSH SSS vhs go skaling. Skimp and save to pay fora little home? NO ¥ E eect They wa eae up housekeeping in a Nat just a little ‘ on wae ort hi od ia nicer than they n afford. “ Wy “Qh. ves, they have the dream. They want to succeed. But Thursday, May " Sd thev take it o wanting. When it comes to the second point, High, 9:29 a.m., 16 feet. bet the ‘working like the devil’—they aren’t there, Dreams do not 21:56 um, ‘as feet. ait come true of themselves. Not once in a blue moon. A dream Low, 3:26 a.m., 7.9 feet. is a goal. It s not come to you. It is you that must struggle 15:29 p.m. 6.8 feet, : att in + » it”? Friday, May 14 and fight to reach 14 High, 10:30 a.m., 17.3 feet. Mexico Example of 22:40 p 49.7 freer The “Red” Democracy. Low 1:28 a.m. 6.3 feet. Mexico is the oldest extant example of a “‘red”’ democracy, 16:24 p.m., 6.5 feet. says the Edmonton Builetin. There the people rule—in theory, Saturday, May 15 through the ag of the most elaborate, and perhaps the most High, 11:22 a.m., 18.2 feet, skilfully designed, written constitution that the human mind has 23:23 p.m., 24 feet. yet produc@éd. In reality the ruler at any particular time is the Low, 5:18 a.m., 4.6 feet. faction, however small, that happens to have the most ammuni- {7:13 p.m., 6 feet. tion. Sunday, May 16 In that land of liberty when anyone gets dissatisfied with High. 12:41 a a9 feet. the existing order of things he does not wait for the tardy action Low, 6:03 a.m., 3 feet. of constitutional machinery to bring abiout a change. He gets 7:59 p.m., 5.6 fapt, down his rifle, takes to the sage brush, joins the hundreds or , Monday, May 17. thousands of other malcontents lurking there and begins ‘direct High, 0:5 a.m., 22.4 feet. action” upon Government soldiers, railway trains, wealthy civil-| 12:57 p.m., 20. feet. ians, foreign travellers, and any other person or thing that comes Low, 6:47 a.m., 1.6 feet. within range. If in process of time it is made to appear that 18:44 p.m., 5.3 feet. get shot there following, those who support the Government are likely to is a sudden disintegration of the Government's succeeded himself regularly when the It was rough on political of disorder h and constitutional term expired. and on Diaz’ friends, but it was better for the Mexican people than anything they have known since, are likely to know until another of his kind appears on the scene and re-establishes the same kind of iron-handed rule. Mexico is going through what Russia is coming to when eadless, or at dj the first of the revolutionary leaders who gets into Mexico City | proclaims himself president. Then his lieutenants take to the sage brush again and start to pick off his army and repeat the performance Diaz seems to have been the only man who succeeded in breaking up this juence of eyents for any lengthy period. He went on the principle that the time to deal with a rival is before he becomes arival. By eliminating those who if left alone might become rivals, and occasionally “‘expemding” a friend who had become powerful enough to be treacherous, he kept the forces aspirants, | a Lenine tmapee s. Bolshevism is the tyranny of the faction; and ed faction tyranny means either personal dictalorship or chaos, * > Fz2aS— ee m4 _|DENTISTRY } Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms: 7 (& 8 Smith Block No Better Bauisded Office in Prince Rupert This equipment, with my experience, will ® give you the results you desire . ‘&, a. Te yf | Phone 575 five Hours: “ Lddy Assistant Open Evenings P "12; 1-6; 7-9. Sunday by Appointment PLEASE PASS THE BREAD .* ¥ Good Bread is chiefly a matter of materials f and methods 'y La Casse’s iy, i) : Ps Tuesday, May 18. 0:46 a.m., 22.9 feet. 13:42 p.m., 20.4 feet. 7:30 a.m. 0.6 feet. 19:29, feet High, Low, 9 5.2 The time used is Pacific Stan- dard, for the 120th Meridian west. iit is counted from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. | The table givem is for Port Simpson but the time for Prince |Rupert varies only a few minutes on some days and on others is ithe same. The range of the tide imay be computed as 5 per cent greater at Prince Kupert than at Port Simpson both at springs and inéaps. Therefore the rise in the Prince Rupert harbor is slightly jereater than Port Simpson. ‘The height is in feet and tenths of feet above the average lével of power i low water, a CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 MEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certsin lands former ly held under Tunber Licenses Nos, 16403 aml 16404, Kitsumkalum Valley, is cosh celled, } 6G. RK. NADEN, Deputy , Minister ot Lands. | Lands Department, Victoria, B.C 2ist April; a | 1920, TIMBER SALE X #331. Sealed tenders will be received by the | Minister of Lands not later than noon on ord day of June, 1920, for the purchase of Licence X 9834, to cut 9,940,000 feat of Cedar, Bpruce, Hemlock and Yellow Cedar on an area situated on Roscoe Inlet, Range %, Coast District, Two (2) years will be allowed for re- moval of timber, | Further partic lars of the Ohiet Porester, | Victoria, fe » OF District Forester, Prince TIMBER SALE X 2218. hKupert, Sealed tenders will be reeelved by the | Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 2nd day of July, 1920, for the pur- chase of Licenee X 2218, to cut 6,600, ote feet of Spruce, Hemlock an Cedar on area adjoining 8. T. L. 1749p, fimshewts Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands District, Two (2) years will be Allowed for re- inoval of timber, Further partic lars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C,, or Dissrtes Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C, THE DAILY NEWS nen ™ SHAT AERA EERE ERR EERE EE REE eee “ : ‘Bi eee @e eee Gee eee + } ins ee ee eee eee ee ec ee T nm For the East. ae K Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. urdays at 10:30 a. im, Be wi ’ rtner Appears z ‘' ie ee i, qe cotiane From the East. or oo > . Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- Yet Filed. 5 days at 7 p.m. VICTORIA, May {2-—H. | a ay ’ For Vancouver and South. Shandley of t rm of Elliott & PUeewe 2 gi bh tia cmeni 7 p.m }Shandley for: y entered an ap , . PRUPSGSYS ....-0008% a. 11D. m pearance for s ent, R. T. El Sot Javea ? on lintt, K. © the suit brought |" OSU , Me : : 7 Sundays ee oes : ii p.m against him by er Offver in . . i May 4, 11 and ) connection w crams sent to} . the premier by ! tt just before th i , , ' niin dtl From Vancouver and South. Ye Ciose oO pm Tea . mo » IERIIGOMS co eocteccsesees 0 p. : Ne’ Befance has yel been filed Bundays .....4.. : p.m ; , 5 Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a, m, The date of | ul will be t tl nd ’ zee Fundays . Foes ii 0 a.m ' Le at it nSsizesu . - “_ agendas iPr days 4 p.m oo i April 10, May 10. ?i and di Brief. | a ~ Sport riers } For Anyox and Alice Arm. eR Sundays it p.m | ” ale the 6; ne of the foot.| Wedmesdays .......... = 3 ball and the baseball leagues now close al hand, everything aug From Anyox and Alice Arm. Iwell for a promising season PUBOUETS obo bccessivdence p. m. loutdoor sport During the wint Sg. ee ee pm there was such a phenomenal m-| -_—_— vival in the indoor game of bags- |For Port Simpson, Arrandele, Mill ketball that it is thought the Bay, Wales Island and Naas River will be the same reaction with the Sundays fi p summer games Al present there| Pridays are four teams lined up for each - league and the outcome tn either From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mii seides will be watched with con-| Bay, Wales tsiand and Naas River siderable interest from quar-| Pripedays ....escseess ne 2 ters, Saturdays ne . . * On Monday evening on the Ex Queen Charlotte Islands: tibition grounds befor tl foot Fer Massett, Port Clements an‘ hallers began to be Loo oppressive ir Upper island polats the follower f the smaller ar Maw! 1 oF harder ball were g xa few isis ounds of the bases he “-) rom Masset, Port Clements and Hi crowd were oul for a@ [itt Upper Ieland ¢ te xereise at isebal and thei May 13 ane ify coach at fhcetee plate whe surely keeping them on the | "or Skidegats Queen Charlotte Many faces common to the Ruy ‘ity and I Island points ert ball diamond appeared in tl May 4 4 line-up whilst there are . ‘ number of strangers who a } m Skidecat Queen Che jshowing up im exer Hent ity and Lower Island pointe Che men from the mili do not i Mav 4. 18 a { tend to let the sawdust clog up their winning powers and vow t For Skagway and the Yukon. give the Colts the HKeavers ind Ay i ‘ Maw 4: °% and i the Red Sox a good hard race for a the latrels From Skagway and Yukon. oan . stl , oF M 1% ; ! ’ i «* Did anyone ask who was hely : ing to pilot the Grand Taunk foot SLewart, Maple Bay and Swamp ball team this year? Well, Billy Point. ieid is one of their most entbnsi-[ pop saturdays or aslic supporters and has been do From—Ss jays . {0 p ing mutb Lions organization lines. Billy has long been follow VEENA LAN! FCORDING VISION ing up this game wit!® rather! STAI OF QUEEN CHAI rvs close interest ever since his ar-| ISLANDS > ie sein’ : ‘ ; 2 . rival im Prince Rupert and on TAKE NOTICK thel William J. Leary of more than one oecasion has taken «