iy if et, i tr fee ll : y om / ex: nm} Phd t 4 re, : ‘ . a ft ee re | white Neff wae also bleeding con- ~ SNAPPY FIGHT 00 goin eines Preliminaries. | The first paeliminary Detween | jneau Was a pretty es I In 8 APR aa the first round the su or weight avoid that a stick of WRIGLEYS Other benefits: to teeth, breath, appetite, nerves. That’s a good deal to get for 5 cents! Sealed Tisht—Keot Right Ry fi SDT ar SM Ly meal, you'll (= stuffy feeling if you chew THE DAILY NEWS Close Mill Between Charley Moe) of Cousineau teld | Sherman, Carthy and Chet Neff Ended =| Wi!!! several tolling rights, Dut in) ithe second Sherman ed to in a Draw. ° ee ea duc k these easily, as ve os ‘CHAMPIONSHIP HELD BY ee tne bell CALGARY DEFENDER iy Shera tit se pert eral times but not h Phe de Len Halliday Knocked Out Jack (9 or corre th lDweese Wolf in Second Preliminary lwas a draw ! of Evening. Knockout. i slihehaiii In the second pr ry be | @McCarthy, fighting an even,)tween Len Halliday and Jack | cool-headed match, and Net! put-!i Wolf, th latte te the count it ng up an elusive offensive which!in the third round, ‘17 e was no }proved a surprise to many fans,|}comparison betwee tw for ithe twelve-round contest in the! Halliday was quick and eflective, WestholIme Theatre last night was while Wolf was slow a his Diows (decided a draw and McCarthy stillidid not tell, When the two hay lmaintains the lightweight cham-/| making ippercuts with the Ipionship title of Canada. The/left and one with the right, came decision was finally made, after ” relief was genera It was imuch heated argument between/scheduled for a six na " lithe contending factions, on the! test. basis of the judges sheets which} donosuniee totais 2 read one for Neff, one for M- | pemmenmcem emmcemsemsemsrme errr Carthy, and one draw. The ref-| The Man in the Moon leree’s decision, awarded to Neff / was thrown out, although an at | SAYS: Lermpt was made to NAVE Ib COUDL | emcee coms ere cemermcomermaiy in the decision. The referee w Ls | THAT the advert he live |A. R. Jayne and the judges wet wire. George Frizzell, Dr. J. PF. Maguire acs i jand W. J. Urawford, of Stewart, THAT there are a lot of live | Referees Appointed. wires jn Prince Rupert. It is easy] The interest last night natur-/to see by the newspaper who is lally centred about the main event} aking goed, iwhich was the hattle between |Charley McCarthy, of Calgary lehampion of Canada, and Chet | Neff, of Seattle, challenger. rHAT you should beware of th ian who calls y Mists Jones ith*the accent on the Mister : HERE is something mighty comforting and satisfy; about “OLD CHUM" Tobacco; a sort of eo sthin® restfulness that pipe smokers have come to associate ‘with this friendly smoke. “OLD CHUM” is an old, old chum with all pipe smokers, It has the perfect tobacco taste—the mellow richness— men know that they can be chummy with “OLD CHUM” all day a and that the “good night pipeful” will be as eweet cool as the one enjoyed just after breakfast. For years and ars “OLD CHUM” has been Canada’s favourite pipe t cco and today is more popular than ever. | Owing to differences between rHAT de a'this . > at Deas > the two sides the selection of a + a rh ; a Pa: f nuch ene . ois |judge and referee was not mad Sa _ ; : ate, f ¢. Sa‘ Fa 5 toe i iy SaAete ! and se« ntil the bout was called. Frank ; ; ’ y os anace $ avorile iSmithers, manager for McCarthy es ns | ‘3 “ee Pi Y Ti b : , anaget! or acta , . . a Mdemanded the selection of three rHAT there was e g “4 ipe ° acco, udges to make the final decision, phere yesterday whe ews 4 with the referee having no word! same that the ships ere tu > ” o n the outcome. Ben Self, rep-|erate to this port . : resenting Neff, wanted a referpe | week jand two judges to make the de . . . ’ ~ - on his bedy. He had used his LAND Ac’ bia by Z j y ; A8& lcision. rhe matter was finally rHAT fresh vegetables ary P icompro sec ipon 2 . dayneibadiv needed in a tow! ike this,? => 4 compromised ul A. R a) willy I i i a i, yveing named referee and the three| when people become too fresh , eee —= Sl NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Phone 453 A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. MBWOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 deciding udges being selected. it if a different story. The Big Fight. In the opening round Neff start- were caught mostly on the’ glove. having served lightning left jabs in the one armibe “O where, O where ig my little} THE VANDERHOOF HOTEL VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel That Is A Home. Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT JAS. F.McCORMACK - ~- - Manager + and make the McCarthy waited and assisted him el " foot work and could be seen to be WATE waiting for a chance. The fifth was a quiet round. The sixth round started with a lunge by Me Carthy which missed and was an- E. H. SHOCKLEY Xeopening in new works at Cow Bay With additional Machinery and a full stock of Doors, Windows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar Boat Lumber, Oak, Glass and Marine Paint. Phone 383, Quick Delivery by own Truck in good blows,and MeCarthy gotihim at 11 zun in an/atle ; Notice of Intent! te Apely te Purches THAT a grass-widowers’ olub{@nd wax unable to answer the mse tee © Pree! DE NTISTR is the latest proposal signal shots of the searcl ¥ In ¢ en i ; ed — = =" J off msive ¢ rat i ; : ; ‘ : ed iT on his -o ive mu z i eee party. There was ice in the bay|t > Gieeua. tema eVICKR BOURR: © y f d at McUartl > . : ' ‘ : Da w . few light jabs at eCarthy which THAT naturally the members |when he was found of the beach o Pe e hos j wail : © om, to $2; 1:90 pm to 60 be, : : will be very green. land he had suffered terribly from (7! fs The work of McCarthy's lef? could : lint i blood ee ee ‘ OR. J. 8. BROWS eadily see Neff soon got , CON) ARG: Tree: OF WeOGm. ME ore oe ge a DanTieT be re adily een met? € ( 1 rHA'T t ax) «been suggested The relatives of thé dead man , ’ Chain vties i. : . e Office: Belth Block, Thire Aven onto his fht and oar = ae they may not be as green as they jhave not been located. He was a . a "ia Some le . ~ hy a left handed drive. . t “7 next | look. |Scandinavian, about 39 years of | souimer ect following tbe , re as cons re > ac} . . . ’ “ae of the Saas “ t round there was consider able ac jase. He was an ex-service man, | genceu b Daa ane 7 tion with McCarthy making short} THAT their favorite song wilf oneine jhalf in France with the regunent Apr 4, 189 . "hes any o c Neff wife gone? } 7 = a scinalll WS etine ae,” men t wale iof engineers from Alaska \ t af PV) RLOR jcaught in the body. In the third ° “j * j LAND ACT NOR “ AMI PAR : rHAT when a man comes in meee, eT to wee he > r t ‘oOunpie® oO nice eae : ' “ lround Neff got in a coupl fn : ae : 4 e. If you have an alvertisement in) etice of Intention to Appiy to Lease Land ; expression: 6 iblows more than once, while Mc- the country and is told of a sae whens : + ja) this paper today several thor , , i ange the grey i}\Carthy was laying in wait with *” y dance he expects it is act f neople will read it. The : { she eit treat earnde oO eo ie ’ ; . : > ‘ ar pach qa gone Dy at d fast j rl ° ator trea |his left drawn far back in a : oe oe 4 will read it again tomorrow if i ‘ ot 8 8. Habine » and all kinds threatening manner. In the fourth nus ne of ‘ ter gar- . ; t aster m . i ; ie still on view Advertise len ‘* . ’ - e : lround Neff fell to the floor and ‘ents. : up. McCarthy did some ‘real fast ALASKA MINER IS jare bound to get reauite ss ord ’ ies Ae : x et ‘ a. is southeast Of George : tee 210 4th St. Phone 49% ‘R NOTICE ae aia ' Be eee ining | pereworeresees = VICTIM FATAL FIGHT = USE AND STORAGE 1a eres, more oF tees | HM. 8 BABRINGTON ; Take notice that the Taylor Mining C : - WITH ALASKA BEAR Lid, whose address ie 607 Credit Foncier | SEFENA LAN i 1 MATHICT OF 'Buliding, Vancouver, B.<., will appiy fo UCEESN HARLOTTE i 560 s@cond feet 9 . a licence to take and use . 1 to store $500 Gere feet of water out of TARE NOTICE that I, Chartes Harter ee swered by Neff leading meht into Clarence Thompson Tells Story Clearwater’ Creek, tributary 10 Kitssuli|Queen Cha pation rancher. = = WEATING oe als « « lef The hiver, which fows westerly end drains inw |r? to apply & periniee “ 8 ase Ano him and also using hi Ae t. Th of Fight Before Dying Kitheult River about 23 miles porth of | following deserthed lands PLUMBING RS == jround was characterized by many From Wounds. Alice Arm, B. C (oampeoring at & pont 5 ¢ ENGINEE ; Rhea a | The storege-dam will be located ot out. | ore “bidegats et, about a hed rushes from McCarthy which all ‘et of Clearwater Lake. The capacity of | ® &n caster r n from the &.W Fetimates furnished. 1e ’ E wing to Neff's arence Thompso . ewer | the reservoir to be created is about 2600)\curper of TL. § thence »® missed their m are & ; Clarence Ph ny n, a logger acre feet, and if @ill Nood alamit 200 acres | Chains: thene eet, ft a and * ad elusive ducking. The end of the employed by the Faleon Mining/of land. The water will be diverted from) OWite shore line to | Se ee ae Add ‘ ird Avenue, b ‘ . ¢ , . ‘the stream 61 8 potnt close to leke outies, | oe and : ng t : *, more ere sixth round saw both boys going /company on Chicagof Island, died lana will be used for power plirposes upon| ees oe vf Becond Stregt. eir , 4 f 0 » be > OVET. | nacent} 4 ‘ a al ss the mine described os Wolf ineral Claim CHARLES HARTI ae trong and half of the battle ove recently at the hospital at Chi- |ang ‘ighw to Alice Arm Disirlet | April 6, 192 es Phone 174 Pp. 0. Box a Very Fast. cagof from wounds inflicted by a| This notice was posted on the ground | nme -~ } om on the seventh day of April, (#20 NOTICI ] - The seventh began with a num-ilarge brown bear His body was! «4 copy of this notice and an application | renner nnrrrrtt ~ opananecorentl ber of clinches. joth fighters |brought to Juneau, says the Ju pee bee 2 pg one = I’ THE MATTE n applica 1 Reeereeeeeeetenet 1) seemed to leave themselves open,|neau Capital. | Waser Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ ihe issue of fr . ~ : r am s N }, G oe "i wes Objections to plication may be| Lot Piftee i f Lot Thre ined Nig ! : ‘ Rive 270 depending on footwor k for de. ! hompson was suffer ing from ified with the Po ee fecorder o and siasty-t 6? Range f " » an ' " ’ 5 aig Hy | aie am dmhixht ane ‘ wwe ; shoulder é .|with the Comptroller of Water Rights ,iirict (Map 667), and U rt ; Day Phone fence more than actual covering.|a sprained houlder and while Pariiement pultamnes, Victoria, B. C., within |erly One bundred and twenty (12 a ’ The beginning of the eighth was/ unable to work weat.on a hunting |wirty days efter the first appearance of |More or less, of Lot Fourteen fh m1 Pan this notice In & locel newspaper twenty - tree fans Hang ve characterized by a rush on the| expedition Thursday morning.| The powers of thie undertaking are so) Coat! Disirict icy fa j ne ap afte d a , m he had no te _|be exercised for power and lighting within| NUTICE is hereby given Us It ie my ea Metal Wor part of MeCarthy whicl? forced the| When he had not eyrn d to the the deevttory embracing all the Wolf min. |iention to issue, after the eg raul a 0 Sheet ‘ - fighting and made the round a}camp Friday morning asearching|ers) claims, the Dolly Verden minera)|b¢ month from the fret pul es wees roe MeClary Furnese ~y ft . Both fighte rot aniw wan i The laima, ond ell of this Company's Raliroad | {res ertfncatcs ithe to the p ove mes Agent 1 ’ — very fast one. oth fighters got|party was sent oul, They found |gnq properties and buildings, or any prop. |toned lands. in the name lexan o'claek Beids ; lerties and butldings of others in and ed clock Friday morning jacent to the Alice Arm district arch, 1913, and 20th mpt to build a fire ¢ weemte : octes r leo for @ yea: and a » 4 MAWHINNEY Shampoo Parlor Oppotite Government Bus idang? ad. snappy and y e ccocososoocccoococoresonTTien Sanitary and Chisholm, which Certificates are dated 201! as Heating En May 1918, and gineer" left hand haymaker and had it) him and he was only able to shoot south 80 eheing; a nasty poke on the head. In the|on the beach some distance from] The petition for the approval of the | inte red 4498-1 at ; 1ooge | reapeci!yel) ! cs ’ | upd t me and Kegistry OMce, ines upe ‘ 1 Fraser Street ninth Neff was still going strong | the scene of the tragedy, trying “Po beans ry , yy Sh * Ke - gih day of apr ; 1090. Bth Street and reo and McCarthy developed a right|to bathe his wounds in the water leon amaw ‘Blo 'on Biseten et, te District Registrar of Titles vr nanoorecstttnn ' Lt) o , oe - ma ; punch that he had not shown be-jof the bay. He was hurried to|jotmee of the Comptroltier, or of the Water ' apnanane’ sebtteemeert| fore. The tenth saw MeCarihy|/the hospital but died at 9 p.m. Recorder OF OR WINING CO. LTD. peoooarcceserrreere eon ap again looking for an opening to|Although his skull was fractured, Applicant H¢ YUSES FOR SALE place an effective left hander, The his head and face terribly lacer-| Tne date of at os % piestion ‘oft ~ ¢ and 6 on prem : aes. ’ publication of this noi 08 a pace was forced in the eleventh|ated and he was pantly disem.. |netice is April 17, 1990 a Te eeemne cult. aginventn™ and thene was a lot of good in-|bowled, he was conscious when| SKERNA LAND RECORDING DISTHICT ea ative 100% yg, RABT H , | - . . ow lor® fighting, both fighters getting in| found and able to give a con- ermey Oa a «x Phone iieck & . : ‘ wee : ” Gil'ee series of stiort jabs. jnected account of the happening ra” ! : ; i ‘| TAKE NOTICE that Willian) J, Leary of iIOTICE Probably the biggest action of| He stated that he came Upon | Skideware, B. C., settler, intends to spply oa , se > . ef ne ta . jfor @ Heense to prospeet for coal an u yu the whole fight was seen in the|the bear unexpectedly while it petroleum on end under the following de NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that all sort ar ave twelfth and last round. McCarthy) was feeding on the carcass of a|*eribed lands : persons holding Grown Lands OF owe i phone areen 607 i ' ac Commencing at @ post planted at the| Townsite subdivisions under | e strove in every way to place his|deer. It immediately rushed at|north-west corned of DL. 186%; thence |for sale from whem the purchase thence east #86 chains, /On such lands oF Fownotie” Lite remain | Dalgarno & Watts sarily he accepted | finally took their corners. Mec-| face without resisting until the ( tarthy had a bad cut over the|bear walked away and left him. | right eye which bled profusely, | Not a particle of clothing remain- thence north #6 chaitia; thence west #46/Unpaid is overdue are ine date ——“ landed the results might havelit once before it struck him in| chains, to point eof commencement payment, within six months from tse h Jed —— 0s ; WILLIAM LEARY, Applicant jor this Notice, either of the fu 6 Pi QNTRACT been serious for Neff, However,|the face with itd paw. He tried! | Dated this éth dey Of March, 1090, |dua, together with interest tmernin, | BUILDERS AND C years ool y he | ann | any be duc, or a substantial proportien © P id He Y the little Seattle boy was too|to reach his knife after he had ESTATE OF CARL RICHARD CARLSON laueb amount, whieh must at least coner specialists If Light | were clever to be caught and the final|been knocked down, but the huge|_ TENDERS will be received by the under. |the full interest due to date, tom Muntelpal struction, nore ssceet work ier evidence that all tares . gong rang with both looking for|animal ciawed and buffeted him olpeee “ae te ae Tecate diner | or Provincial, have been paid, failing whieh . | ‘ ) le | » ow. @ gong rangiabout unti » 0 45, Section 8, City of Prince Rupert, in-|the agreements for sale will | “Land a deciding bl yw, The gong S\about until he could do nothing chiding @ seven-room house ith bath 7@ of the “Lan several timés before the fightens'to defend himself and lay on hig |The biehest or any tender will not neces Dated thie 4th day of May, 1090 Government Agent's Office, Prince Rupert, B.C | i First Clan? © ighio’ will be cancelled Pneertvlll giver ro ° fe timates ae ewe Chapter’ 129, Milevinel. Statutes of - oe € suo 1o01 6. h NADEN Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands, Vietorta, B.C., April tat, 1020, oon BRIOK ANP onTanactons Ho MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator