4 Tap hs ih A ad? § ie Dy ily Netus PRINCE RUPERT, . rt Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newsanuer 707 Second Ave... Feines AWNINGS lated 4 ve »> All kinds = sizes made T E «as hnkadiaial T 5 (40 Years’ Experience) Agent] sovcossosscesanoesioa gJ J, F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. ee = OL, Xt. NO, 419. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. B.U., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920. ‘PRICE FIVE CENTS” flay Take Hand i in ; Stritee Settlement | i a SALMON ON WAY TO NAAS RIVER 10 SPAWN CAUGHT BY AMERICAN TRAPS a ommission of lauiry May PRESS SELECTS NEWSPAPERS ” Fish Traps Being Be Appointed by Government NEW OFFICERS MAYHAVE MILL = Built at at Boundary iE. Norman Smith is President and Propose to ‘Minaleutab. Own Strike; unless Deadlock Broken within Few Days | -TORONTD; May 20.—At the an-| TORONTO, May 20—Five ‘o- Traps on American side; Canadian inual meeting of the Canadian conte newspapers are in asscheme Government will act |Preas, Lid, KE, Norman Smith was|to establish a newsprint mill of| Traps Under Construction leletted President in the west and their own, and the Canadian Dailyy ; iJ. F sivesay general manager,, Newspaper Associatic ; > oy 2 a et eat OTTAWA, May 20.-The appointment of a commission of WINNIPE Ei Pa an . eran fede Ya ie raid oa tetake | Two salmon traps are being built by the Wales Island Cannery quiry by a Federal Order in Council! under the Public Inquiries lwho has resigned. ek ; lishing mills to supply all the |4t Dog Fish Bay near the Alaskan boundary off the mouth of the ‘J. F. B. Livesay General Paper Owing to Diffoulty o Change in Conditions in connection with the Seamen’s) ~ Manager. in Securing Supply. Salmon on way to ‘to Naas intercepted by — t will probably be the next move in the shipping strike if the The western directors elected|newspapers in Canada. Naas River, and one will be finished by the end of the week. padlock now existing at Vancouver between the unions and the APPRECIATIVE: werd #. M; Macklin. of the Mani- The difficulty of securing news-| This is the first attempt of the Canadian canneries to offset the ipping companies does not end in a few days. oba Free Press, R. i. Riehard-|print from the established mills|jpap fishing on the American side of the boundary. VANCOUVER, May 20..-There is no change in the situation on, OF Pes © aay) af oe ee a See me Reports from Ketchikan state that a number of traps are connection with the strike of firemen, oilers, deckhands and '" a sa Demonstration Me ae ne vte Of the Cal tT" deat alana | being built and as near the boundary as possible in order to secure hers on the looal shipping fleet. The Union boats are stiil tied es “‘Meleude Wa Teen r | sary eusté, and Griflith Hughes White canvas shoes on sale/for the American canneries as many as possible of the fish that and the Prince Albert and Prince George are at the G. T. P. senssuiaieananial lof the Victoria Times. it Jabour’s Three Day Sale,j/are on their way to spawn in the Naas Hivef. Sock. The Prince Rupert is expected to leave tonight for Prince WINNIPEG iy 2 Express-| oe : Phuraday, Friday. and: Gajorday,) There is grave danger that the waters of the Naas will be j . .| Latneh’ Alice B. Phone Blue 518.)15 per cent off. 20 . upert, Stewart and Anyox, still operated by a crew of officers, 1 of the) ; lepleted of salmon if the present fishing continues. The example ir gratii-| — mean HGH PRICES od be ée hese 68 eenn at ; ‘ta 3 by whos TITLED ENGLISH EDITOR SEEN ON THE LINKS. f the Fraser river, that once teemed with myriads of salmon, allow is a case in point and conditions are very similar on the Naas to Jews partici-| ; hose existing in the Fraser. nator Thomas Declares it Rests i a sys |) SONS CANADA (WAGE SCALE AT meh NEW SCHOOL | (i | ANNUAL BALL DOLLY VARDEN § a) UNICN COMPANY WiLL TRY TO BREAK STRIKE festival yes- ,. ° . > * ¥ ° VANCOUVER, May 20.— * The Union Steamship Go. * refuses any concessions to , « ? * . . . Se ee oe siriking deckhands, fire- to broak the strike by sali- ing the Venture. without —-- them tomorrow night. Excavation Finished and Founda- tion Masonry About to Com- eeeeeeeeeveteeaeeasn mence—Matcrial is Being Ordered. “Presenting Whist League Cup {| Mu to Now Holders. —— ats A wire stating that the demands About 150 persons attended the/of the O, B. U. in ¢onnection with hird Annual Ball of the Sons of|the strike at Alie@ Arm has been lanada Society in the St. An-|conceded by the Taylor Mining WAR VETERANS t erection of. the irew's Hall last night gnd the/Co., was received by General Sec- st ‘le 18 « Cove Girel Yair was very enjoyable. Ajretary J. H. Burrough this morn- nes A too! shed die be a ¥ 3 : “, tag large banners welcoming all asjing from R, Welsh, secretary of . . erected at the a , f SBS . _ jzuests of the society was stretch-/the strike committee at Alice Arm. ~4 4 , ; ; Vv Bs “~* , ; = an 5 dd across the west wall of the! By the new agement miners ation by : Mr Baseos oom and this welcome was still) will receive $6.25 per day, muck- President Kelly Chosen Delegate; ; g material urther extended by the congen-/jers $5.75, trackmen $5.25, and Assistance Towards Athletic i ement of the i Bity of ol proven) {cooks and mechanies according Gray's Orchestra was in its'to the union seale, All men ap- i GTON, May eonhdme tr ‘ ° i * _ hh ao oe . os? soar 7a ~ . ai aes # to break-the virtke by eall- . WORK STARTS aaah aaa e ; tie bs Enjoyable Affair and Occasion of | Union Raton. to ire Meld-anaiMen Men a %. a 2 é ‘a Siege Sa ‘ _ 3 a ope ; See ; 239 - . ie +} he thet ok Bg : : ea a ae * “a ry * * Endeavor. t indation 5 aah = F ; ‘3 iers for material Bee. 2 ov ae BS isual lively and harmonious vein|plying for jobs there will be re- EW INDUSTRY M ‘ uN “rear ive vy yced by con- ‘sia r e ey ey ee, T8 land the extras were played by!quired to show @ union card. ; \ , : , ‘ ' santlious of: ihe es a . ae : ee Miss Adams and Mrs, Taylor. The| Mr, Burrough reports that the” FOR TERRACE age s the pipe ar- " $ “OF FY > < : scot) supper extras by Mrs. Taylor were international men who went up ‘ “ . i Cig hel gas ge in BPI BS bat ise! fe he worthy of special mention for on Saturday stood solidly behind eu ; aye ‘ Gat viding Adtech debe i A; = ‘ Si Irs. Taylor is a gifted pianist as the O. B. U. strikers after the | running | vell as. violinist. Her intended joint conference here on Saturday | ~ IPE $I wn \ ‘ th . a terfering rekyard to be started There Im- { k ‘ hf { work Poday mel mediately; Ering Here » de ate | ' - de partment is Purchasing Outfit. t ; : els 1 the i; te . os ; : oer iSons of Canada who obtained the "SH NAMES ’ Fe. . Re et wee winter: whist championship. BRUSILOFF Is ae is P a S We . n ‘ | Master of Ceremonies W. E. 3 eet ‘ ee See ifhompson called forward John | ; VANCOUVER, May 20,— The | Roe aS : AR |Dybhavn, president of the Whist NOW SUPREME : ; Tae ae Y RESAS iL eague and donor of the cup, and a view t ci ‘ dardization of fish names by S38 + nt industry : , es ee : 5 ‘4 } with a few well chosen remarks rational comission on sin the sum sr oi z is to be advec- a: |Mr. Dybhavn presented the hand- | Former Army Commander in Chief vinter NEW BRANCH 10 | ofessor Huntsinan . of oo ba sme silver trophy to Kenny Rood, of Russia Under Old Regime ulds ae toe ; " 2 iversity at the June Lord Northcliffe, owner of the “Daily Mail’ und the London “Times,” me ted pat ata stereo Again on Top. ouiiah 4 ama onvention here is seen making a drive on the Biarritz golf course. Golf is one of Lord auiadcabare alike uhaas “ae Ge : _ ania i work is being conduct- Northcliffe’s famous peatimnet , Paha . ae PARED 50 hm LONDON, Ma ¥ 20.—General ifacture on a pen SSeum: warkdiln a VEG GE i tlm Oi RS ‘octinibiei di cieenidismecgiesainiieiiatae ta iateiarens laugan was made to EK, Stock- Brusiloff, former commander ‘in George Little, who fving the marketing of the land, president of the Valhalla| chief of the Russian armies unde: jand, is interested in eam, in the absence of Mr, Hau-|the Imperial 7 Business Firms Selling Taxable gb t F S k F B d u nperial regime, has been amous Stock Farm Burne ~e vn Ree en to Take seca apis? Suchen Goode Will Have to rhe refreshments served to tWO| ity under the S@viet Government. DETECTIVES CLASH Out Licenses. cn - HICH with $100,000 Damages eee ° Oa ee Che The soon ae th with the OTTAWA, May : ; a hbne | , ing in Shaiees 6 onhanin z t sivilinies vee ai r Hes WITH POLICE FORCE tong a new branch 01 ve ak Corfield Ranch, Pedigreed Bulls, Autos and Machinery | |\\. ‘ata w. Er. Mvetoon: eae Revel pa é he now Dr. Magill Says Price Will Reach go up in smoke at Cowichan Bay, president of the society, was floor Hospital Canderelia Dance pn ‘ I Welve vinci. ik ganized to take 7 yar tae vA are Ki Between Three and Five manager, while C, O. Rowe and} prj ited in a excise taxation a Dotlars. Vancouver Island George Téhneton were on the day, May 24, in St. Andrew's Fight in w nn jtiol the situation retaliers nan doom Besides these gentlemen Town. Sd mamta —— , gereernrene ’ jting taxable goods and amnura orl AW A, May 20-——Addressing VANCOUVER, May 20,—Damages to the extent of $100,000 |i). committee in charge consist- luirers Desale sob bers > . a bee? toe cel : ahs et whol a ae western supporters of the] resulted from a fire at the biz G. T. Corfield ranch at Cowichanjed of Harry Love (convehor), J. iwi ® requires u lint MA . aon » , > Welve men were killed and] Government yesterday, Dr, Robert! Ray Vancouver_Island, yesterday. Not only was the fine ranch|Knight and Gordon Campbell, It censes, ' ' t : t the . i 2 , ‘din a battle between | Magill with a deputation of the) ) 9.6 destroyed but the Eureka Pure Bred Stock Farm buildings|“®* @fter 2 o'clock when. the pee Grain Exchange de- , ipleasant event broke up. ind citize ig Winniy ; a Take sa a, pt VICTORIA GETS NEXT red that in «all probability and equipment and eight valuable animals including the ramous iVes on the er her iret ‘ ‘ : : " e , , ® other here ‘dian wheat this year will sell! Jersey. bulls. ‘Interested, “Sweet Violets” and “Oxford. ‘wo | : to. eas METHODIST CONFERENCE .. ‘ a itihen and five dollars Al niiuiohiies and a quantity of machinery were also destroyed, ‘QUEEN: OF MAY MAY AT 'the mintag company the | bu ah Mr. Corfield, the owner of the ranch, did not escape uninjured| CITY OF NANAIMO c ae who had been} VANOGOUVER, May * ERG em top hepg 0 alan dah dol and he is now in the Duncan hospital suffering from shock nae , - rom the company's|Methodist conference closed her hn Sudak was } r “ns ey i . mr .: . ger iding rey) the inualilars in the police, court this burns, NANAIMO, May 20.— Lizzie “ held next.vear in}monning when he pleaded guilty Robert Service, the famous poet of the Yukon, once worked | band was chosen queen of the 8. . event should be : ’ j ae , i : 7 las. x : a 0, Undortakers, Phone 41 jthe Metropolitan Ghurenh Victoria , being drunk and disorderly, j at this ranch. | May here yesterday, loparture in the near future from|night. Details as to board and the city will leave a place in local/other details have nut yet been imusical circles that will be dif-|neceived. On account of snow it {fcult to fill. jwill be some -time yet before Immediately after supper, the)things are in active operation at | presentation was made of the|the Arm, * |Dybhavn Whist League Cup to the v7 AS ESE ANDRERIC IE RAST ™ Hall. 8:30 pum, Admission 500; M \TEWAN, West Virginia, May