Best" ilesmen ( lour satisfied omers the people who ¢ their work done re —particular per- stoo—and let them you why we do their rk, And then—try r excellent Dry aning and Pressing ice. Canadian eam Laundry Phone & QUAKER BRAND ominion Canners B.C. Limited ead Office, bl me 7 yp : ~ mete - °. a ng CO el yes ae ih S- 4 - rc Here at Last! f rAYER ROLLS \ ‘ at Wor f vou want atest iyer Piano Year rao ' Te and Repair Department i nervision of .. GEORGES GAGNON id Sint T em r Prince Rupert Manic Store Ca te the Poet OFF Box 644 Phew BLACK 183 . OOOO OOORONOEDEOD OLED Vancouver, B C terre 7 FOUR BANKS INCREASE THEIR CAPITAL STOCK or Com i i ‘ort, Céurtesy~ Service £O to je SAVOY HOTEL FT arn -Fowness AGER one 37 P.O) Box 704 ‘tegage Checks to BROWN Transfer and Nger Service Stand, Empress Horel Pones 176, Black 334 Quik k De ga wu Riess eries Yee. eer ibbeeeeaener te et rnere x“ niente ie hee ie / MONTREAL, May 24 The ih. Meuts. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. nountement of an i: Sirloin steak , ; : - ws No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c r Notary Public Netibel af J SAE eee a + Mengelh ie. She One ao Ask. for 24 iss Uf | THe DaiLy News WILL Not Be Responsipte For Instructions Or Tue ) | apna’ Sock of the Banque Prow|. °° Pot roash tb, 300 to apo). i & / CANCELLATION OF WANT ADS OVER THE TELEPHONE. vinciale from $2,000,000 to #3..| Beef, chuck roast, lb. ...... BOK Tonight's train is reporte Binirnssitichditss x 3 ’ at et ——— | a 000,000, at an ie price of #120 Beef. rib PORBTs SA. + 6 ieee 45civieht hours late. oe ‘ he ae 1 th M Beef, boiling. 1b 50 to 30 i aa WAMTED. rO RENT—Comfortable room in | FOR ‘ Sarre, plane Lhe our i on rit OUNIIB, ‘ au OM JVI -— ~—-+ —— — - ” | : sii : ‘ ki. MeGew, of Anyox, ar ed in private family. Good location. ‘ a in ' ' . Hamburee 0 a “ Wh ‘ nis house : vate 7 il bar in { u past tww o ; I : o er oe dvsvdtee ov ie altuna Sh GIRL wants hou se h om private Room large and airy. Phone! A beautiful ave: roomed mee Vo tha has ke nr or SLO Wink ee!, er 6. 06 Ve Pot he . ‘ 7s house nmediately, $35.00 a] y. ° | ! ‘ tak n action Corntd | ye tt , ae . . ‘ ! e imimediat ly oe i per Greeh 165. 49 | Modern of this kind the Bank of Mon MU DeWT, Per doy ce vseve wl Prig Barred Ho tt ines paar month. Phone Red 633. Of een eiettnceeeecenectecemeniciatinntineninlidiaieions. 1 treal starts with ¢ iida ah Remb, lew, eer ib. 6 ids , bbe s re 6 5 — OOM TO INT 4 i 7 ifled with an inecrea of thinb' | i , so $1.50. Atkins Meat Market. 0} WwanrTED High powérd rifle. R M TO KENT with OF without | $2,000,000 in capital stock at qi BM, IOIN, cece eee e ee esees vt é . ; ’ sit , board. Phone Red 415. 13) { Mutt stewing re State make, condition and price ——_— cancetemnonemntensnemamaiiiinesanie: | price of $150 a share, This was| Mutton, stewing .........,. ee) fh. WH, Sinelair, of the Wale se 1. Mutte sh) . ) . : +: er oe ae “F Box 69 News office, 44 tl ed by the ty il tank with Mutt ul, nOuIE) roast 32¢ to Bde}; nd Cannery, al ed ih the : x ‘ ‘ ' ollice ae Loer | us 100.0 ' 10 | Yel Shouidern roast ....... se a As \ ‘ 94 avid inca 5 : ; 00,000 atl the : , , rea Os yesterday. WANTED—Three clerks, Prince| Los 7 Nugget stick pin Monday. i \ rm } aer . § é< . . . ‘ : r : ? 8 the Mereha : nel 1 0 at s + post Apply ‘post Finder please retarn to Bulger’s on Fifth Avenue, West, with is wilh an i ie of #2 O00 ee Ol COAL sseesees and 40¢ sadies jon we Jab rs neatar r ri el ch ; f $2,100,00 py susas per I 45 rt tay ‘Brid 1 P master 15 Jewellery Store and receive re- water view, at a very low i ») at €150 I W issuc mn SaUSaB' er v Aut ile iursday, Friday and Satut ne . a a s the Bang p inle. brings| omato sausages .......... 30 | 4 25 per cent off. 20| WANTED—Woman Saturday af- ward. oa phe tra ee 18) price and easy terms } total en ipital stor POP) A608 45 Ceindiws i5e to 50% . . . Lerge ons to clean oflice. P. OU. LOST Boston bull dog, white | t} fi t 1000, the POrK CHOPS ..seceeeeesreee 60 Best Household Lump Coal bow 953. markings on face and neck with S h _ j 4 “4¢ { . ere Ihone Black 5 - a — a 3 eeds f iil be #412 Po BOOUIGES, 04.65 0siue be 13.50 deliv aoe op ne Black 85, WANTED—Dinit brn uel Tos collar and license No. 114. Any- M. M. tep ens ane Ba piece, per Ib. ..,.. . OF ferminal Goa 10. sy mane aaa am acho - a ‘ oan } B ; arte sn ea General Hospital. Apply Ma- one found harbe ring same after Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent een wae cers oP ee ee , f ‘ 1 at th 1p tro} tf this notice will be prosecuted.) , . ft tenis f a ‘ ‘ ince ti. . “oo LIBERALS LEAVE ROOM BM, BHOOD, seeserererroes ee eae ie Or Ada msg Phone Blue 399 or Red 399. 13] , | SEE, BRIOROG, 08 6d09 0 6b ee 606 oe ia ae ; * i : is ‘WANTED | xp enced house- Balt backs ....... idoekhee bbe) © nee a ster maid, Hotel Prince Rupert. tf LODGE MEETINGS Overruled by Chairman of M MIORGR, OOF Ih, wevccscese 50« Gas Nivel —_——— tS es eek Pee Pact a “i anne wi. per |! 4b a. * VANTED—Watch dog, preferably | LODGE 1051 LOYAL Okuviht ©: | and Fisheries Committee. OW), POP Ty see e eee ew nae vt B d ts ‘ bour’s . , M : r is Monday | Pickled pork, per Ib. «..... 4 5c 4 : me , , Airedale. P.O. box 953. is moose mees wee em nda) OTTAWA. M A ficht | ‘ ked ham, sliced, per Ib., 75¢\"" ‘ for th days com- ' as evening at the Deep Sea Fisher- ‘ , ; j ee ae Some ie ae : an, 2 hursday > p cen WANTED—A barn aid; 835, 2nd men's hall. tf oie ( ; ‘ ind oppositio pa ribs, pe ic b+ }eewere 3 t] ‘ ir prices oy Aventia o 116 } soem SSS END ft Ma eand Fi MOOSE BAM csavcs ter csvewe Bi ‘ . ‘ silbcniaiannnegipciaapinsinecetgeininsinsaincsiahages FARMS FOR SALE f the fish 4 Bologna, per Ib. ree | ee against Kitty Mor-|BOY WANTED Orme's Drug ee ee to YESIGHT—The most valuable of : ia s today Jellied tongue ...... 0c to 60C\,,, ng keeper of a bawdy Store. tf MIXED FARMING—The C, P. R. all the senses—-1s the most | Ae EP OUNES 66 35 sae 6 bs 00 60056 60 withdra hy Chie 4 eens re, ae E ; has still some choice lands in neglected and the least understood. MF ’ ors ; re TUATIONS WANT D Rl om Man; suffer from ils, upon tent f MOULD, ORO, 4.0 6156 Gb 0 dit0is r ‘ . si well-settled districts in West- ’ ' i r : it 88: \ 4 the police court this 5 Stee ae Hawhta®’ for die uk dot examination, can be traced directly alves iver, De ceoesesbese ov , ning vo g lady desires situation ern sanada or saie : ‘ to Ceneesien eyesight. ‘ ked beef tongue 75 e : 4 » i rohit prices; twenty years to pay;) Iwo years’ experience in cleri- Fe ; ’ b Dalry Produce. \ chance for everyone to see the) a) work. Apply a box $ig| ieeeated anes is Sol 1E removal of the cause will UGE 9 64:50 5s cH abe wee dae . BO teri intr Spe@ial train t Prince R pert, B. 121 ern Alberta, with loan of $2,000) often restore the delfcate and Butter (cooking) ........+. 75¢) Terra n May 24, leaving at 7.30 —- in improvements to assisf, new) run-jown sufferer to robust Bealth. : ; ee " 7 as . eet oy gs Whe giasses are properly Gweese, OOF ID, os ceeere oes Hige| rning, leaves Terrace 9 FOR FALE settlers. Act now—they are} : F j i ; - sishsteathnsandniciagiisiabdisiniatibeaaielgiy ae a ase : si a a aha ed. hey restore the vision to nor- ‘ berger cheese, per Ib. : Return fare #3.25.. 24). ; ; 4 1 a seb bine going fast. For free booklets) mas! and ‘eliminate all eye serail Mees (GRNC) 165-45 oi iee ae 5/ ce FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium) ang full information write H. B.C, fee f i Capt. J. Gordon § who is Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch G. Loughran, Canadian Pacific} = id « 8 gab the Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cyele, in per- Railway Station, Vancouver, -B. . . : f ‘ . 54.5 —M : rity new-pld eone 2. 2 booklet on northern] Ignition, 4 erly 4erele fn pes | Fred Joudry ( ; ¥ rove ent, | last night M. Stephens. tf od i r ou ey ee ey Care HE ah es a rubienaven ; . Damar, UO IDe hs 6-000ca hes 2 \ d Al \ OR SALI Tn iltng ticw ihe minal WATER NOTICE Practical Optometrist | uf ‘! . — . my ge resaeniencrca ting tes og : DIVERSION AND USE. 4 O Fike N Lida n about d Hines colicd Goat ko eee ae |} Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert . . 8 I I i s0dgze TA} NOTICE h he ayk E “I ; I s } Vhursd: I th ts cit. Perfect con-|, ae Co toa ae add bs ia. Credii : Opposite Post Office Mi | ° ° : * s M ‘ 245 00 43 Hays Cove neler Building, t , Vancou ~ Fish : : : ne . iver c., will > to tak . . ‘ ‘ { le, | Biue 400, 14 i, r out of : t a Dee ’ Ot ae + MR ca ot Bk es 5 S m : a —_—$—$$$ $$ as Davidson Creek, ; ‘ . { 0 ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 y and drains into f e yral 10 ° d f ts, smnoked, 20 i OR SALI y tabdie, one wa and a half! o : ] boys when * j 4° ae aa table, one flat top i y Varlen Mine. | 7" I M Ale : Th be diverted from the] om g carry olcial re- ©) |} ED POEE ais 0 «0k 00:0'400-8 2 ; 4 des 1 kitehen table. Phone |stream at a poit:t about one mile Re O ens Store ; ‘ f ' Ast a “se the Kitsault River and will used for ® ceipts which should al. ® but, pe ) 25 a tintabbote G 513 it powes p urpose upon the mine describe d a s b preserved, . , ‘ ay ) : F 5 ’ . nw jas the Wolf Mineral Claim, and lights to} . ’ 9 erved e ° diel . . at ition f OR SAL! House and lot on|Alts ; are ‘District ; 5/ NORTHERN INTERIOR Salt ‘ a OM od os ois ia 0 : * This notice was Stel on the ground} ‘ee ee en ee ewe ee aees pe oh the xz al hos- Fifth Av e Kast, near Seallon the Third day at tae, 1920. : CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION pide Hels, i ai ' ha ates copy of this notice and pplication : : ’ ; ee. cd : ; i Cove: Apply "446 Sixth” Aventie) poor eee eon tg the cane Abe, will open in C. H. Thomas’s . = * 3 tf)1914« wUl be fMied in the offee of the} 5 : . $ 5 tysters dozer } I that } i t. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert B.C ’ stand, Third Avenue, ; ent . : t Ghats, all suades ee eee Pee Obj to the application may be fled)? opposite Post Office ~~ o> “hy ps, | ib On * ee 1 and Alpine OR SALI Fifty mattresses ati with “th d Wate . Nesordae or with the ; On Monda 1 h a + wie ye it DOP TPic'0 bs 0 bb > o0eee 4 10K ‘ dren’s hats. and special discount prices. See}! omptr I of ‘Water Rights, Parliament |} ys Ot M Y, x ie ir I Buildings, Victoria, B , Within thirty} |? with a full stock of local Mea 4 ets Bills 22. c ere eeeees 31 - 5 eent off at Ja Jarrie’s Furniture House. tf da after the first appearance of this}* Wi'? : pe ee 5 | 7 : . ae oon a rere . ice in a local newspaper. { Fruits, eee Farm : pi % oa . & ' ws 4 « s "| e Day Sal ‘om - ee r Tire powers of this undertaking are to air rod = {e >: _ $ = , es : ‘\ sll , 0 SALI Iwo 4x8 pool, tables |ne ouiveien 1 for power and lighting within | $ ¥ mete : et? eee en Se ! Ay “ ree bargain he territory embracing all the Wolf min-j ' + s gs I h . . - - a com m, JAP SAIS. loral claims, the Dolly Varden mineral NOTICE TO CONT POS . : r » ‘ . sas 4 v Daily News Oflice 14 jaime, and ‘ail of this Company's Railroad} White salmy “ : s Pf the Hotel oe wena as ee eee ot oS : properties and buildir or any prop-| f Us : ded ity to]... : and buildings of others in and ad- | : ee eee ee oe ee Oe Se " . Dy ere ee OR SALI Baby < riage, library |ia t to the Alice Arm District. if i Vegetables i gx intoxicating Le caw te. Apply| THE TAYLOR ENGINEERING co. LTD., | 3 Hq ; ti chest drawers, etc. p Applicant. ‘e s, ary, } : Mis | séeSs to wi 508 5th ve. Fast {9 by John Anderson, agent. | F ote Prince Carrots 1 ; i nd hia wey ae The date of the first publication of this! ? . ' . a‘ spe : t, th eT ee ; tice Is May 6, 1920. > I ps, p 8 ind was $50.50 by | FOR SALI Heat dresser, ane ——— ; : ' ; ' AE ME Es te Call 899 Borden|!N THE MATTER OF THE ee CUROPEAN PLAN a ' ; : " Wass Paton ane ay P aa ACT AND AMENDING ACTS 13 $1.00 per day and up. ae ) si ‘ rn gs c ‘ : | 0 ss Ae ————— |IN THE MATTER OF THE PRINCE RUPERT ; ; OR SALE—Ford Aut good] Hoa Ce re ee FIRST-CLASS CAFE . atti Z eg se MI Chea cash aeaetioies A La Oarte. , ‘ } 20 \ Lane I s 2 & alien Sige the wat cies N that at an extra 3, : : expe ‘ FOR SAMI imniture of all nds , : ee ae ee J onccslericiagi i ; \ ; oni + A Furniture House 1 and held at the Company’s office at ‘ \ i x = nae @ t oe aes ° —— ve € Rupert, B.C., om ist of April, 1920, Pi 7 ; ‘ ae bers, each ' , . : 2 = ree SS oe. rere Resolution was passed ano uning : for the voluntary winding up of the above ; spinach, | ae: oe i HOUSES FOR SALE. mumed, Company, amd Goccee Winter and All Kinds of Repairs. - te a ul ea ic Chartered Accountant, Vancouver, B. C.,} ‘ NID Af Pod { ay ared be FIN} HOME, best residentia!}was appointed Liquidator for the purposes > : ; = AGT HShes, per t "i 1 ‘ . } ' ; Moderate tern He} i such winding up, and at a sect nd Extra ; GEORGES GAGNON ; Sweet potatoes, 1 } Mag MeMor HIS SECLION. MOGCrALE t¢ ad § rdinary General Meeting, duly ex avons ; For Outside Orders adress © LY ' = " ‘ : ; a _ n. Real state SI und held at the stered office of the i * ; irsiey, per bunel i ; ms th having ~ al 3 ate, Insurange Company, Pacific iiiding, Vancouver, B.}8 P.O. Box 1666 Phone 71 z xieat his posses Notary Public. Naturday, 24th of April, 1920,’ the | s7eeer ~ _— ‘ . sh aspa . ' — R$ Resolution was duly confirmed au ; be a hok i - 7 Nas dismissed OR SALI 8-roomed modern The ins the al bet aaroee —_ ‘ ‘ ty ; many a on or before e - : i ra ‘ alif« MA beets ibs Jot , , oe house on double corner. Otto | day f ! 20, to send in their names > n : , amr i) ‘i ™ * Ad Ss fave ‘ lel : "tn Oj act o~ and addresses and the perticusars of their|> A G GRA ? i ships, per Ib : ar ‘ : M {1545 9th Ave. East. lebts to the Liquidator, 2410/2 . . wa 1) re is ou p SRSEhS * . 3 : Evaporated Fruits. 7 : ; cae “reer ano a Building, Vancouver, ; Teacher of Piano eas Ok ee ue ( ’ P ; ene STEWART LOTS 4 meet reditors of the above | § Studio 1878 ' \\ : ' \ defi ed i ee ee ak named in. liq oe will na Studio 137 Second Avenue ’ PIBS «sees z } i at f tre Liquidator, 0 * ? i : \ ‘ 15 ' : OR SALI a 2. Blo k 10 ae ink of Nova Seotia Building, Vancouver, PHONE Blue 421 or 444 , ' VUES seeeteesers toy : ns ve 3 : : ; c s ‘ » {5t a of Mi ; ‘ 7s p nege er I \ G.C. K w | 15. Stewart’ Townsite. Price. b B.C. a Salureay the {5th day of May, , ; ut si. Wigw a scow bearing 1 $14.000. This lot adjoins busi DATED this 27tr day of April, 1930, | ‘ snd PPIOR «ee eees j ' } s fo ey t a . GEORG : INTER, | * : n Raediess Raisins n aes ness section Sixth Street. : Liquidator ALS ‘ ; Py rere j tha Det “ : & at Po Apply Da iv News ollice. tf i E ; asierly ary of Le Sosveeeeeees < her Island, is rt today. TI - ————— -—__—_—_ West a sid ta Fruit __ |horses, which in charg FOR SALE—Lot 16, Block 7, and Has Any- t g6 BANANAS se veeeeneerenes vv ly Crawferd, arrived this u Lot 10, Block 12, May 905, | i , ‘ irapoet it California s for rnd wi | for tha } Sixth Street. Stewar S500 each ' ] 1 fe , aun L ie m the no Sixth Street, wart, u \ . \ 1 da @MONS ccocessessesvereses acon this afternoor rhey belong to M. M. Stephens, tf one e se a aan, BAS ; mor Dates (Grom) ...sereeeeees YC iw. J. Grawford and others at) 77 poe Seoerermaycenne—naeernan serene : : i Sulk Dates, per Ib, ........ 600) srawart Several head failed to FOR RENT M th d? ALBERT 1 ! LONE a hn. treed ' BS aren ACTS San ee DLP ED pa VER Navel oranges ..... US 1 wy live through the winter at Porche | e 0 ° by Allen Fa Agent Apples Yellow Newtons No.1 84.50 FOR REN’ Newly completed and acon ; ! ‘ : r . ' : Seale -nders e pcelve » | a, : # ued 12 5 Jonathan apples No. 4 BA lecorated hall above the Candy} ,,,Sealed jenders wilt war ee me It is our experience that Women ears douailanisaples. Nort... e275] CARSON HEARD =| “Store de Luxe, of Third ave, Stan’ gf atn'isht Ai pirat St] are over read? loeDaaal lm oot . icence 2331, o cu 2,340,006 eet of} < fotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land.) Canyed Italian prunes ..... a Hall is a hundred feet long and Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Yellow Coaar'| ee pe along to others. i i . ; iy . sneciall s ila r é ras (On 4 area situated o oscoe ie e . . . In The Skeena Land District, Ree raing laisifis, per ns -+++ 35¢ pectares Home Rule will Separate 8] a uital , for R a oe : Coast istrict as . | . ; a ~ * a meta that visiviet of Coast, Range e District, 00) Owprants, ner Ib ......060s ade and other social even ror wo (2) years wi 22 allowed for re- ou enable a ¢oo vata a a venue 4 oe { ur in $ pe A Ireland From Erigland. ver rt jim Killas te| moval of timber, ’ | cine Milk use Pa. ; William A. Nople| Pei, Wer iD es beh ae ' OOK toms, apply iim ALAS, : Further particulars of the Chief Forester, in recipes which eall rAkt NOTICH thas ul n Ose Mixed nuts, por Pai Bist eo 25 : = or —_—- Vic tora B C., OF District Forester, Prince for sour milk, oF Pringe: Rupert, 'B. neers : . LONDON, May 20.—In the;/FOR REN' Four-room apart-|upert, B.C, raed Sgidier, intends to apply for per. |Table Figs, per PEGs +. +++. 15¢ | House of Gommons today Sir Kd rily furnished, bat! Several have answered, — papk mission to lease the following described) wring Meat oo... ees . . 20K : ss a ‘i ee aes one keene | of them practical. ; ward Carson made another decla- and toilet, 830 per month, Mrs.| e j wads I Has anyone else a | Commencing at a post arte ation that the Home Rule Bill Wileox, 725 Fraser St. Phone recipe where ith Dee or - ast Coast, about 114 miles distant in 8 REPAVING STREET would) mean thp. separation of _Blue aa 3, 13 as Deen one Jortheriy direction from the 8. BE, extreme land ff ' i 4
. " . OVE o er, Drake . We have W v oo fire apparatus to get to the build-/and Saturday, 25 per cent off reg flat, furnished, Mrs, Wolters, | _ Further particulars of the Chief Forester, FACTORY AT Lapns © Perna es should a fire occur, ular prices, at Jabour’s, 20 St. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 94, }¥ictor4, B. ©., or District Forester, Prince meanness hou | ! | j Rupert, SG: THE DAILY NEWS | Local News Notes Market Prices x~™ | ” t | ” { i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS