Tus DAILY NEWS NEW SETTLERS | e | - | § a ee CLEAR | Special Values | in | port Bri Many Loo - | i} io riefs T oe & Sere i| vas ce hey Will @ Where | Noe | Refereos Put ° wnt row Berries When the P Right For mo egetables. for the 24 an Football Sent Rupert Am ii . ~“ ASS . at er, W ith the re L . { hand on 1 - tation ahie ather. th fe gh { ! neral inrush of acdtes” whit | promised it uesday night rir) * to the . . oO , ; : 8 « « . and gt € boys De has biel Terrace etrt o leather sofe and pumps, Ihandling war upport to ref ot bote en a great rict ii low heel lweise nes it, iV erees ris ? mm land at demand r 4 my e slept deed, | ' § o it sie Arh son in , too the sweet ¥/ {t Ss division of Sar with the cf Rates” White-oar $3.00 | fohovwed vie one: that wou he e for al Hformertly k . Braun's 1 ub-|# leather sol vas pulinps, lathletio « , advantage | d be ages—at wo i le ran ; nown as Braun’ caine hy ie and high heel Al cea bhi Weantzations it i other | num Lan of a t » Ials vs ' ne tt 1 thitg © : f ne : and adics’ more ; g ert rk er tenon aun” o families ha‘ . white canvas ¢ oe tice that ha . feree” isa pr y most ain ere ve ai eu , as colon in the as been t a part the . For tt : punips - | 1 Bports oo col lwooded but he island is he the |} Ladies’ whit $5.00 and the Sold in Prince nimon ithe this does eavily |f] fords, | anvas the sooner it e Hupert enthusi f not ret | I a, low Heel OX« 1 better ‘ea «ten IRap siastic la etard adies’ . £3.00 int When | pped on When : \4 pidly the tre and breaker f while can . o the fleld t a man is “es 8 8 os } anvyas ne ‘ ; n eer you re down and wher are bé@ing cut’! ee da, iieh heel . Oke I . goes in W o referee @ 8 ni nervous lappears there aver A tlear . os white cf 93.50 j)'te organ th the supy = ne a , ‘a ar spot/]] o canvas anizatic port o or tired [vegetables sseauatia’:. tnd rls high oe ox. Bynes Dut ia ition and it i of see how i . jOnty tant are being : and Ladies’ whit wel $5.00 | playe yeolence for a * noth t iterror week a fore . planted. e canvas bo has r to dispute \ an tAdividual refreshes! Ine or into the he¢ st firé spread Men's $4.75 to ots, Hl, ayer iy not ai with fim Ww eers on the arts of the br ae $7.50 adjadicnt eatiefied w a | fortunately island but tl orn leather anvas boots hix gr ion he may ¢ th the lan opp . turned th : 1 Wind! and hael ' ae . jevances to th slways take! T le osite directi e blaze Men’ anc ne may ® Bence! he F jens location ection to the pr at ' $4.00 receive 1 be sure that | ne ine of the pres- leath invas hb ‘ air slay i” Ww jnew ar ie shack ; ather wots “mn piay @ i lKitearr ea has now ! acks. The ind heel a al on the id Showing bi i nvilla by een na $4 and only Held ts sy | é io ame 5 ily sho indis Besides the the recent aad ai ALL STYLES 00 to $7.50 nanship hows his lack of liscreet |Mrs. Broun ar timers. Mr als TENNIS co RUNNING spor iClaher : , ae. He , Mr. andi} ou ' bec nd ‘ oT i ppe T . land Mi Mr. and ra ; and D.\} ae SHOES ING Shamrock Prepari leaee ai cd ie Ye Rishop “ parations for t ng. Linas Cras fail a . Stapleton 4 - re masts and eg * de ighte 1 @ iptor ’ spars of iz 0 |iumbie ted with the ast andj? @ ns Shamro m Sir Thos s bia climate ¢ ¢ British © EO. HILL E ee last wee ck IV were oil. Mr. and fine io- |] The P _R. TABR York ek at Ista e be far and Mrs, alluvial ff ractical $ um fos, where land City, N nily have L. Rice ¢ PH hoe Men fitted out he yacht ow jCalifornia recently arrin vial Ts adinmepeereiaemranenenil «9 Mie | Phe part being —— lereatiy a where Mr ed from on Ble nine eamer PI : atrived on P t lihe ari interested in f Rice was|}# # # Cernampyen preeaeecss fr - N . ee and nov n fruit fs } -e* leonstr i letaila 4, om R ithe T wy holds gr arm. | eve ruction of as to t aa } errac eres eit 7 -? are thre hes on |Mrs ppkognad district vant o IN THE LETT esac will gre of canvas ae end tne i a El Sinai royd-are ret ba ' Mr. and see #8 © ER BOX . tly are being oe challenger ov oo RHOO i ainwrig it arrive BOO es ¢ will rem 1G. SOPs See 7 F, ” i quite ; ght. Alte ivals st “*-*. ain s crel ans ine tior e delighted with ta., and are ER FOR PRINCE see Nicholeor ' Designer Oh em : CeMral! Ho Ths at Is 7 -- ions . Vit . " has ‘ Arien aly | Ps of the nev the cond | RUPERT n Envta 1m just arrt Y i ted. C A Hor jAcroyd is 1ew count % Rochester, \ : ad to arrived Euro 1. Lonve me, lpreses in Prince Ru “ ry. Mr ro th . Ninn. Mav 7 a eitok “att assume charse pean Pin C nvenient to de Wile er es IGH ICov it time engaged ipert at the /** ah a e® Edit D> y 1020 ve ft final mmttir " mirare id] prt Good re = Wve seh aged ¢ ss ’ jmil ming ’ ge tf . ' anc be OL Sip pat ¥ n yma = ito th ehool but expec at the Seal , - aelf 1 the re e058 JAS. F. McC eee very in = : A £ ; re interior s pects to retur x city, w ’ and wife i: Carpenti . a CORMA ar 1) Connects y jof the 8 oon. M , ind the { er th onme ACK y Ke ooo Skeena Co ©. Beecher (ent £1 ‘ Z weather |¢ A ne - felt e Great asians as won” & y ace, is ar -Operalive from the ry diff i va ' a. pea Ma Wi a recen ous at ts ster sor t ! demi ——— nage ALLER ELIA y, inniper nt ars mat of : ' 85 mang ee y, a4 taki peg and he t rival from . 1d heard ‘ ‘ oo. 3 SST : le. . neg oo ant . dt Ss that « ees ving * eens — up % antienp os ; ve al | pent 7 1 i [GAT clearing it 1 block of kan pates } not alv hat a ivwweg! ’ “« ft Sit T e There ‘ and and lainous ’ é ; ers |, ! ‘ : ; ha P i ACC T ve" - . » is : re tes urpent ; ' o thriv promise At least vil ' . sin Aone: ing a se of ast, we ndivid «tent , Y - nd a very P! ‘ le ntiatrous! 1d ‘ mit prospe ry rir as ‘ ‘ usi - NOW OPE inity and w osperous Co liz Rupe . iva think of while int , was @ QC os E N FOR B the bridge ith the build m.(lightful eis as havit of hse \ that city and ‘sod B y aere .o V. ine i de hat . ang ‘ a” ig 2 USINESS will be across the sl ding of }Geliahttl a and stil Rh de-ig im was #ought ye f Ph Masin nothing to d ugh tharet--M il people ill more eal of int whi with a vy a matter of on a , “es. Blas deter ; ants santana Ibeen nterest ’ good f material Equi oo A ed and ” hing has alre the set-|those of a arieous. offic : n there long al Before he h cee 2 -ady o s O'R lietals and b ie almos . r pped for building and Sh S hauling eams are in “ start-jert we | he GLP fear than | ny: . boy had him be t every ma ry BWOODWORKIN nd repaying ait ‘ele awatlans Passa road ke tae the logs a wander ya e nat met-in ‘ ape oe slow to tell ' A ted and wn G, BL in lengt sses of be ge y whict - om the|#! ngs algo su ea ea ell of the di . Best e ACK h. pats Mr. M 1 will e |etmater et myer the iT ling n, Carpen BCOV ’ st equip ped PP SMI ui NG up to 100 feet ) cIntosh’s ron between; *! cage rely 7 wortd 4 ne tn @ higt pentier was oe ant in C ; AND MA properties and Mr 1 onary ¢t to hes h iigh-pow d - ral Br r CHINE ae Mr. Keitl f elleuf ro a mis! » THAN ered ¢ > a Co itish Columbi SHOPS ~ at aa a a i's foreign fe dd eEpenreneces ager, M, De ar wit! - ALS ve M vA ; : in any ewe Nave in the . i eacamps -- aa President arine > W CE LADIES DI 1s ny Peopte. . ¥4 seldom seen! Automobiles . No ene Bae 2 s “a tt : wir har tT 4 one Red 391 i” ays, td. ARE ca — wribtauts harbor alao! The autemobil Ruled off. an Of ietention wo __ ” tee Gen. M TAINED | We he } 18 veryiway . ts as the fath which history wt Lane Dnt re ae ,D = hone Green at 2 AT TEA “ure bay to return t ' itt a ocomotive, wa roof the ali. " take = DE N TISTA an har gain atl sor ” Irince |. , oads of : al ’ egisiated «off * ; y Attend Musical oe try our hand ne future tin wheels wer 2 neland in 1856 m the § wins atin *? ; # A sich you and at fis 1, leas re brea 27. fis B tag x. § orric ‘ome of 8 s ffair at the our walers ar fishing, for iy* rhe sit king up the hig . . * at 6 vs “ b Bom. to 12; ua 9 Sa a . Sundal. : meantime are famed ' ferent tod nation is quit eb : ‘ : ¢ ‘ at p es In keeping ot not “knockers® we are “he ni build = It's lite dif-jeaia ‘ ‘ ‘ DA. J. 6. ; ping «Ww ers ~oaters” jing | whee ia optimis ith the of Pris oe ip the hig is are meteetyy, oF ‘ : penta m ard general nee Rupert.| ne hast r sighways ies of re s weote woe on spirit of T the pnog al} 1 FIN pert. lwill mi ronda of t ; mak. | mercer the © wing esorty ane | oo: Guntth Giect, Tee the churcl errace, th ae ree re GRAN j ‘A endure for he type that - ; of cu Orage GA irches |} ’ ° wome j me ; many ® at . oom nies . i > n f assenge gene ‘ uly ‘ selves ‘into me formed OF} farn : ngeer car ci ALions a... P Gelled wae % s0€ » two . them-! ’ ier desis ame af - " societies, the , very” ene - faid ¢ sired good 1 and the — ald of the Pr m Women’s At rgetic as n breaking d roads as ar LA? : sronercocess esbyte . rtiliary | jisolation ig down ! ; ” i the I yyterian C ary i n Fins sie we ets vadies’ G Chure i freig inall . 7 om of Church Be Guild of — h and! a ight truck nae, a thee eki inteniion to Apoty te & 1ampoo P 1 * ‘ach «¢ Anglice uck are c anid the i “ ; enee Land ; tions is to} Mf these organi ol ithe f coming int express peers es ‘ ' ase THE niente? ielp provid aniza- | I + arroer, the t to their ow? euler ge . tu ) w SHAMPOO Pil paar - or the visitors t refresh-| NOTICE jthe ullimate = e¢ usinesaman ar nt ; “ ' . spingee ¢ o 8 feria) mamagen ll eee On F or Monday aa Prince \ NOTICE IS HERE the pores ened ¢ neumer are d i + following ate merine foo og to tim ef ri ; ersous he 7 AY ion , oads ae ith ’ veare . a by these ay last a smart te | Fownsite ae ur os avEN that all f of the count In Many se , ; ae maed aloud ‘“ — emcee || societie a given |° sale from. iv isbestis ands or Lo rig yrenak » niry as ; he re , rT mo 7. oer eason at th Lies opened Nihon sucn lands whom the aoe Ce in! nomic nking down tl a mean arly .f o* eet we rue eee EO Cc ae ae a oe def “ettene 1e home of Mr the ae ‘ vis Gr “Tuwnalve. Lote re pemnaes om nic transportat eo fast ec 1. une i nae or and eM : OLLA ae recenrses aerts 1rOr ? many tla Mrs. Sun-|% this mitt ri Se censieed te ame? een producer ion barrie : ” " maining reams, et » fe Bu : R rT, fee ae a few social adies gathere idue, esee, aoe tr: c © oeke cer and co r be ox i ABIX Opposite Coversmetl re ya che; ota ternoor al hours diany be as ther with wf the fr the date “%. naumer EERA LAN w 91 pa ap Home.--7 ry Publi fying foe One panticul in the af-|the tull | uate wee stantial thereon, Hf] Royalty to Re vars Ce 210 4th St. Phone Ea aon ( J eature ’ ar . he full inte whit nila! proports if , CEAhLOTT STRICT OF : a pered, bath, oom Hous > Cc the ure of the gz ly grati- evidene soe o rest ey Ta st af s rien of His Majest K ces. Oo TAAK BOT! LOTTS se, oppor : gather ott stae ' to date ast oc in #ts y Al ; \Queen | rice , ol plaste portu z ris ; Provit all t te, to we 1 #t ig Ge b mt 1th yu idi red inity ig Was vinetal axes toge the r) ate t« eorge V | tex arlotte i war lee ee, MARINE INS $2300.00; Tu iiding; close i and number of re of welcoming “ agreements fer’ sale pala te per withithe lord » the Royal A © V goes |e fullowne are ceeetee or ) INE INSUE rae _O7 e in distrie scent arr ga provide rT or sale waid, faiils cipal) ord lieule yal Ascot rac 1 SomoNnns oe pera irsion chet, & goacecceret SURANC “asyv . on] rict. T rrivals }Act,” ¢ by See e will t we which | Pt jlenant races oenet acre ; % periee Phon or —————— y ierm y G ea WwW s in the|'*! hapter 13 tion 70 of cance » | Punchestos it of Irel shore of wing at ba bee # oe ¢ Blue 69 REAL ESTA? - NeRCY BS $6r z ss is9 70 of the “Land own, ft reland ee ef eet, L ESTA iinet y with ved b , Kevisel “ “Land dia t ‘ ne vic lo | # en 8 deuate Hy au se Ve TE ovation Mrs 1 Mrs. G y Mrs Statut o the ¢ ceroy™ core eterty : . a oe esthoime 7 pa eae Mrs. L. H. K s. George if 6. RN en Of | FOV aleutte f In ro 1 . shout one me eve vi ‘ . ep an verno tia ; vain i. & ‘ m 1 roseon Theatre Block "? . Bor 66 oh salaaaaae nney, and ge Keith, eee victer! of Lats, Minister of Le lFlen nor-general of oa rby, the pwing shure. Spee: i ane 3 wb ave o Bo while S$. BoOu- cra, BOC “ nde ; iington if Auatre ment, at 4 ’ ne t ead weet, f . we . U. Box younger se . e some i Avra hee lcelebr on w alia to| J enciosin . of eommence "i 5 Ean passed the ¢ ne the | oy 19320 lan a ated eres h track the : om, * e PLUMBING AnD WEA u cake. ; ¥ - ane v1 si ‘nea *| April CHA . oi eee Program vr NOTE ironed i xeellency, ee $. 19 LES MANTIE EXGIREEN . shire ‘ “ y : " a j I frest we the Amb 81: Cs , ROVE uke « mane i! ‘timates fornis® shments passi Take noti MD BTORAOE lanade ernor- 4 NOTH , , lent pr nity there was ne of re- Kear we notlog Se the 1 ; | one da, by riding 9 r-general of |,,!% 7 ; — program of an exce | Building, addfess is ¢ aylor Mini . s of the ¢ mn state t the I WE MATTE Add D.D.M of music ej |% leence 1 ancouver, B G4 Credit ing Co,,\at W Intarle o the kat sue of f 1 OF anolice dress, 3rd Avendt, - Munro a with M and Ww store take anc C., will Yoneier | oodbine Ps » Jockey © | er Fifi#en ' poucenn & Ere * pa, serwteor’ tina aia se" si. sectsnd feet | a aaa ane bind win ty tm ttle f of Second § ; “ibutir ° ._ E. Cha _|h ver, ¢ Crvek, cre feet ’ secoud fee } cai m May 2 strict bat ee ot | Keith most aor Mrs. Gee ” Kiteaiit nis h ows tant 5S out rt | Advertia ‘. foe oe otdvad 4 (i as Phone 174 - p. 0, Bor companist, M y assisted as eee |The or ee $3 miles drains inte! ¢ im the Dally ® ieesty three’ hg Gt tore husb . ra. Ch ac-|le @ sora } miles no ) ews Coast s 1493 ; adre ve and edi iandle t of CG) age-dam W rth of ° x b etrict ’ Range 4 its t ' r, whe the earwat ill be i Th weve an : he wee |acte fee, er 1. loca inte is here y d who is a rec ferrace Ne acre cesreoir ta be ake. | The oe at cate! | tetens to by given that it ea ie hee el dg A Re see haat seri ae aera were W ist. B is aland stream at ater will a mut 204 6 ste e rs pul ton © ell ree oth si it aeee as 8 pent c so tieeeade. Tanne je ‘Rat ete vhs om the above Arc eived, ngers | ” thine a used for ose wo lak a from Mar m. whieh ¢ the nai eal et | ong tho and tem esoribed power pur & outlet, if hb, 1059 ertificatrs # one and se prese This # to Alle as Wolf poses Upo umbered 3 and 9oih fom date 201 dle Pr, = Giggey urs ao we e Mr. -, seve oth was Seat ‘Dietriet lala, on aay try “ my 6 I 61 ovem, St ’ oth yated o ’ i ’ da yh led rrit valy | M re. L. HL K . Chan- | pursuant of S Oag of Apt il the grow CAN ' v of april, 100 fupert, I | unro, Mrs enney, iwi: n- 119144, ani thereto notice b rip! 1920 na CELLATION OF MAUI | Mrs D. E . MeGregor, M “i D; Water we be foe oe the ° epplication | sete B18 HE a RESERVE. i opis EOD RT lg anecgg r Map. Carr, aud "eit ie ahd eee Lath et i at Haed ane | me és. D f , ; e th the ) 1 ap upert, B of Or ituated of la re (Pp over orge with t ia ppiteat c aharo alo nd tea rince Rh , Miss J | Pastienene: Kan id Wat on ot it rel Istand ne the clalins . 8 e ptrole er We may be | tt ates i cane north shy Mrs. J upert M ohnson | thrt ament Build Mer of ecorder ” eae » that elied tn re} Mrs. J. Bruce Miss Chr thirty days a vietorn be or |No ly be portion t fo far a 4 thrist is notice after toria, Right 5 situ vundar ying be s sen , Johnate ie, The ice it the fr BC. Ww 4, jand the 4 i y of Indl tween eens, fee ene, Mra. O- |e Mae ond of ite ante Pearinee af| her ei sae | , awa ’ rs. Gil | the torri se0 ‘for pm undert e leland ry of Lot il | Donal ’ Mra ilbert, leral tory emt ower and aking ar a. « District 1016, | d, Mrs . Moore. M erek claims embracing nd lighting an to | Land De Rh. NADEN . Viger ' 8 ithe e tb puty M DEPAR oe son, Mra. & Viger, Mrs, ' (ng | tea propertion e, Rey \ the Wolt m I "Uiiore Eee inister of TMENT OF ae pe wareh ra. Sousie and fhe homp. wa ala wpinera bth he 1 ith PISne pm, pee SERVICE 13. ; a 2 8 The pulanes oF - bp Md lirnad) & tet 99. SEALED T HiRS BRAN . e + we he ne Alice others any pro KEENA | form » TENDERS ot CH at the Chi undertaking Ww for ™ districe an an: bisTnt Lge p RECORD jor ihe aha accompanied * the preseribed 1e Westhol . thildnen's dr lilies 19 the board will be aA approval Pr pukeN eM! DISTRIC | the 0 ract price, wi a five per cent olme "Tonight ment, 25 pe resses, big ¢ | Gomptroiter onae date “ay In ia, P4 TAKE ANDS CHARLOTTE T lowes Maen d at the ites eived DY ' Jabo 25 per cent off assort. | ome may file enee aoe teens one | oe rh . 9G, tor tt Att che 980d | 8 ur's T th . eof the an objec iy int yy th emate, * that | hous a ne construct day of M day Frid ceyon Day Sale week al order s comntreiter. ithe re ot, pers | petrol license te oat enue J Leary of) \bieby feiand, ae iat oe , B, e » “. GF 0 7 eu ? ids mu 4 “" arine Staun ay and Baturday Thurs- TAYLOR MINING. © ‘a Weter| Comm a Under the Oat Sai Ena ti wilt "be iatinetiy mere 4 Rupe “nit , 20) The 0, LTD, ean ; cilowing der | Pri eine of. th be had ‘inns and b how * at de |? : of the my applicall notice Gate of any f:. B ror APP hicont south meat corned 6 om planted at ai ieee Ru are, " Inspec nears ation I | pril 17, 19 publicatl Agent shanoa cote aa ther! 1854; th the | receipt sollar, whieh ¥ ne nt of the sum 70 ovmi hotnt chain; = oh Rane | orende eit et vill be refunded 0? wil of ¢ aoe weal Bi |ugehacr ton 4 be | Dated this AdAM J mencemerit Ke space fan Wie Be ware + op the outside, | day of By. fre accepted any, tender yt necessarily | v 20 Chief ¥. OF NNINGHAM poctor of Fisheries