AWNINGS and sizes made by All kinds c. H. Jones & Son 7 Years’ Experience) Agent] J. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. i “She Daily News PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centra! British Columbia's nant ~ es — = _ —a oe —_—— _ = z NO, 124 PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1020, PRICE. FIVE CENTS Present Railway ———— Control Maintai iInea ————_——————_———_—___aEE=_—— PTILITIES COMMITTEE IS WORKING ON ‘NEW THULME RIVER POWER ‘PROJECT hulme River Power Scheme Plans Are Being Advanced perintendent of Utilities Returns from Two Weeks’ Ex- ploratory Trip into Thulme Basin and Will Prepare Official Report CHILDREN’S SPORTS AT ACROPOLIS HILL Chief Vickers Preparing Program While Merchants are Sub- ommittee Securing All Possible Required Data CARRANZA IS KILLED Fell in Battle During Flight to Mountains — Huerta Probably President. MEXICO CITY, May 22.— President Carranza was killed on Thursday in a battle during his flight to the moun- tains. Qeneral Serrera who | led the attack confirmed the — report. it is rumored that Adolfo de la Huerta, leader of the revolutionaries, has been elected president to act until ‘TERRIBLE SWEDE President H. Kelly head New | Co-ordination Committee will have work of Unifying Two Big Railway Systems; No Change in Management for present — Pa MONTREAL, May 22.-—It is announced that @ committee. has a ‘been appointed to co-ordinate the Grand Trunk and Canadian ie National systems and to secure the best and most efticient joint service possible until the Grand Trunk Railway has been formally | This committee will not have the general manage- ment of the road but will simply bring the activities of the two roads into harmony so that there will be no loss of effort from BEATS CHRIS GELEK | Cnaltenges insane. Walker and Offers Bet. taken over. VANCOUVER, May 22.—Charlie Dpos sal May be Made to Install Single Unit De- ecribing Towards Prize such time as order has been §$([(lsen, the Terrible Swede, defeat- duplication or from lack of co-operation. veloping 4 ,000 Horse Power; Better Plan than List. secured and a general elec- = el Cyt ip of —— for The committee consists of G. A. Hayes and S, D. Hungerford ecast Hghtweight ‘hampionsl! ; ; : ‘ . DD Woodworth Lake ven th : lare ee ee pens otra dae nea a representing the Government; Frank Scott and W. D. Robb for ———-- persons will probably bi \George Walker, the Canadian the Grand Trunk. These mem have appointed Howard G. Kelly { ‘ ae Dunca has just returned j ~ PRICE CUTTING heavyweight champion, and offer- as their first mie mber and chairman of the committee. ka’ @x ra trip to the Phulme River and last/tions eight ied to put up a thoeusand dollar it is expec ted that this committee will eontinue its duties g j Paul I { ‘ nimitte was Mi i { \ ‘ lay STATES side “ if the challenge was ac- until the Board of Arbitration has brought in its finding | and the } “¥ \ ot i % p a rej rw the council on Monday week nk ceptec iGrand Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific lines are formally taken be based on the last trip and on previous reports yy)... y b ' a A. aantit- it ae, of Anyox, is regis- over. In the meantime the local management of each road will r the ition exhaustively Alderman C. C. Perry, of childrer ports at the Acrop- Reports Received. at Washington tered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. continue as at present. ; ) ng a keen interest in the scheme, is chairman of thejolis Hill starting at 1 1 in Indicate Move-ie Genera! >i cf et eee ae having the matter in hand. the afternoo For the last dozen Throughout Country. i li Sh t ere ee Fs years the genial chief has always ————— " o Mr ner survever » store P are i« , ‘ ; ‘ - " Ar | ist trip Mr. Dunean survey me Tage area and) ion lovking out for the ‘kiddies| .WASHINGTOM,. May -£2- » Gaso ne . or age iis atid AT he source of the river. He reports that any contentions) 4, holidays and he is still going indications throughout the United i % a ' ; ick of storage accommodaiion there May be piii ai Festi «trong, proving bimer ife as ail- States arc. thatthe eontinued! gor a Re rn horae-wren- of 4:000 acres —-lTware. their forendufd enteRaine cutting ef food and clothes} rea €fk aki ver e sined by building dams. | been set asideas not bemg either ports @ to ta i s becoming general, especially FROM ch iter than any as “economical or as useful to the i in th s s e price bf luxuries Reports rpected The extent of City as the larger » heme. rfe ‘ t re coming in to the Government eT rate Yaar = | ‘ See ee et teres SUpply Stations at Sacramento Refuse a eee — \ ncer t and the plat may , t i Ww 4 ” 8 ae { Set Se v Tells o installa , i : ie yvuncement an ‘ ans Y me M . Z a eral tendeney downward. ent dire ae than had ‘ changed, it is understood call for prize L ge s At Spokane, it is reported, two to Sell to Pleasure C Cars; Vancouver ine on eee . th dake toc that the committee will ecom ne ft ovie houses have cut nches. aly nen. bd the’ inchgllated. of s.siabial: ca a thes eee | Manager again Urges Strict Results Satisfactory. i eir | s loday. EF VICTORIA, May 22.— Chief f the recent tri t al ilme Hiver, capable ‘rnAP rT pest conom Forester *M. A. Grainger, who is 4) \ Zz 4 ' horse | ner ¢ d OR } y eons z ¥ ser, i me er . ap : a JOHN J Ct AS! OR iu MADAME GALLI CURCI ea just back from a trip up the coast, ler as the pows s required FINED FOR AUN 1K ¥ USANDS SACRAMENTO, May 22.—The Standard Oil supply stations; says that wireless stations are , that iA ee af . ew he | yf PLEASES THO ‘here today are refusing to sup ply gasoline for ple asure cars @s the |Pe ing i i ee ne a wh tha ‘ . : Soh io 4 ‘ - 1 i a 3 ie jlaunches and @ an Anda, e “4 \ ! : iVen | VANCOUVER. May” 2%-—-Gani| SUPPly is very low. Commercial demands are being met so far, | expects there will be a complete , i -a% ' ; 4, will a this ‘ vei, the famous ¢oloratura so-| Dut even these, it is understood, will be endangered in the ne&r|.y.tem from Vancouver north. as Wark Canal. Th i by xp rt “ , at In) W ‘ ino, electrified 8,000 people at| future unless the supply is increased. The large increase in the|rar as Lund. ] y suitable for de | A ; Pee table’ Wat ‘ i Arena yesterday. The en-| yumber of cars and trucks is said to be responsible for the short- It is pointed out by lumbermen ; ties committee 2 ; dy el a advaneed stag i s ebled the length of her), re jhere that north of Lund the rain- — a iperir ni He tatd th fe ograni, Tf ‘ria veel bo. Ihe managéeh of the imperial vit fal increases and that from Van- , } and detatled LORD DOUGLAS that this 1 be Scores wept with emotion at) | or tae aaa tee om one - ee couver Istand north there is Httte idvantages, ¢ of beer g ! y a “Hor Sweet Home,” her final; G0. here urges the vital need of taking immediate steps to StOP need of a close wateh. for fines,, { i ha GETS DIVORCE « white numbor. joy riding and the running of standing cars. While there is 4/such as is necessaty in the south- . . very considerable shortage, rationing is not considered necessary|ern distriets of the coast. the sel x or ner lvet. but at the same time everyone throughout the province is| : phase « j with | civir Feport and] Srether ot Marguls of Queene Venture Sailed Last Night; furged to conserve the gasoline supply. | TELEGRAPH RATES lation to the Gity Coun- ' F ; in B.C. | RAISE 20 PER CENT le as possible. ‘The , Prince Rupert Expected to _ NASTY ACCIDENT PAPER PRICES spected will. be ready a ; ‘ | a : LONDON, May 22.—Lord Sholt B Y OTTAWA, May 22.—~The Rail less arn t will } | d bee ond a | Douglas, thi d son of the lat Get Away North on Monday AT SWANSON A lei Commissibners have allowed pun i ‘i Marquis of Queensburg, has been ee at wo aa) twenty per cent raise in the one granted a divoree from his wif emer vrs : Vernon ore Falis in ulp sotometeial telegraph rates i Woodworth Lake. naked oret tx Aadis Modnes VANCOUVER. May 22 rhe tirst Union Steamship Co, boat “Hog” and has Right Foot \comn hace ia a ho Oe ttee it iis ae staan California. to sail since the strike was the Venture which left last night with-| Terribly Manglied Newsprint Now up to Ten and @lin. press rates. Oa «the ” a at | Lord Douglas is well known tM) out her regular crew and without the semblance of a protest. | I a l f Walt Sacks a. Ran od ami aise the da i mbi : rmerly i} Vernon Moore, an e oyee 0 Lak 1 the install British Golumbia, He formerly) 410.