y, May 22, 1920. ALICE ARM BANK OPENS NEXT WEEK M. D. Ross, of Vancouver Main ate Manager, L. M. Mo- VICTORIA, May 22.—A clothed ulay, Accountant. skeleton of a man, possibly an ’ ’ Indian, has been discovered in the| i — co Arm branch of the! woods at West Sooke about twenty ! z mg aE ee Pp for busi if from this city. Phe ir ” “8 eek and M.D. Koss, of | mains have been brought to this a ‘a t - eee ere ce ty and an investigation will be Maving on George tonight to held ake charge. He will be accom een tasnctenneeninanapiastcicinnet j ed by I M. MeAulay. of the | Mewes cmerer re ee errr . i) bran who will be ° re our satisfied iat: ns hae eat fe Market Prices stormers d ty tre of the town|3®™ Fe ee es re ee ree BE n t cra | wilding Mieuts. Sirloin steak ... 55¢ co le who IPIOGUN.. BUGGER soveesebveoses Ask the P P THANKS FROM i 0 D E Beef, pot roast, Ib., 30¢ to 35« avé their work done . sa ly Aas i Beef, chuck roast, lb, ...... BO . meet, fi. youn iba «cee ue Ade here —particular per he . ue Ty hapte 1.0 A seef, boiling, lb. .... 256 to 30¢ Vis! of the twe°e agcemet ‘ sons too—and let them ror nh : ‘MY Hamburger, per lb. ........ 3 ; ’ a ‘ - o Stewing beef, per Ib. a 20 tell youwhy we do their “ , n giving the corned beef se ib ix work. And then—try ‘ eas ; ; ; Ded — g" : Lams, 168, DOP 1D... 6 oo ke 03 . 856 eden seh eg : sie“ eestor abai ti LOMD, lOin, 00. ee ec ecco s 5! our excellent Dry May 21. Owing to the un-\Mutton, stewing .......0.- a , ‘ ettled condit { shipping they Rte ee dox at Cleaning and Pressing tet ae Nearer elit ig “tsar : sso ated ae F FORSL 280 SO 5S . ' . re eal shoulder roast ....... 35 Service. ily intended and they went to 4/ yea) shoulder roast ....... 2z¢ ta e 4 bie im atvine the oP res Tem ' ble in giving the) Leg of veal ........! 0c and 40 . generous treat.’pork squsages, per Ib. 4 De Canadian s Tomato S@uSAagesS .....--6-. 3UK d QLOCK GOES FORWARD pork jez, ....... ise to 50 team Laun ry Pork chops eC ooo Ooo HR eC oeES 60 Phone & VANCOUVER, May All the pork, shoulder, .%.......... b5 z oe Z " ' Bacon, piece, per lb. ..... 67° - ’ . , © ’ d th Bacon, sliced, per Li e466 0-04 7 ‘ ' ts LO MOVO ithe glined. . 542s Ss siden 65« he hands ne ¢ irward BOM, GMOKOG, Jisievvacsss 60 ' hf of 1 Bit. iBalt backs ....... enews ke EY é hioken,- per ID. 234 o'4s 0 0%. 50 | Want ~ Vie owl, per Ib., bcees vei dR 4B e Sy 2h Pickled pork, per Ib. i5e¢ 5 Sau‘ Cooked | sliced, per Ib., 7 the best See a Sea ee a. * g Grr Spa bs, per Ib. onien% . SVE oes BS) Coe v eee ER es b0 86 80 What see yay = oe eG | : BSS 55 ie to f aL MOTION TO CONTRAUTUME Ss Impouers 31305006145 4e-45 55 ) ’ | LA . iss 6 oo eee | , Dairy Produce. am | ‘ Wibtad oO eis ca edices 8 4 ; Butts 9 ear ee 7K : w bel ( se, pe Ba asuvts iS J Ag Limberwer cheese pe lb f * ; : agent.| Kegs MGlc.c ct cen seeeess 5 q , 4, h aka tuts be Depart-| St ne laid eggs ..... BL) warns, SR CRAPING i i cane vise 6s acs 50 .'' ‘ f bh Vii cbececveceser 50K Works Ene Sugar, per tb., ...-..- “2 “! ‘ : j ios i ii< ii aa } ; AE, ese eeeeeese ) Vancouver, BC. arr er a ft ey read MINERAL ACT, Muk, per case ... 6.00 Wo 4 rm ‘ i } Fish. " cry ‘ serpy ENTS od, 2 Ibs. . Novtch . ane) 20d fillets, smoked, ........ 2 vs : i ul * ar Di es biack d pe i ‘ f al ree om, . a 5d ee ee © ‘ , ey ilibut : ‘ . c eitiker:: itu i ing I i 3 “° con. Sall Herring, ¢ it f . a * Mmunder | i . noes S Acad { 5 ¢ ts sae il ny . ps, p ] eA per | : LAND ACI rile tice of Intention to Apply to Loose Land : ( lan i0 Here at Last! and aie. . I = Say) : , tment of Hh. Pow sy {White salmon ...... : aT A , . I i bs ~ LAYER ROLLS |; von n i A eek : Aetias Ward ‘ : " _Meaetabies | . ‘ = ‘ inions a I i * the ery iatest 2 : I ps. | ot K . ‘ “ i ‘ pe i | of 40is Player Piano Year } ibbage i Our Piano Tuning and Repair ‘ A At cae Mey ar eo { ‘ ; > ) Depar' ment ; nh. Fow if add fetiuce .. ' en 4 wervia f ‘ trussels sprouts oon eeee roe IR. GEORGES GAGNON } oAt OF Sabrele | Poa per Bi i wa ert ; . ns IDET cece dees ibs » Black 183 ‘ i £ , Es G t nions bs. f } ‘ ‘ ‘ Mabiey, de ased mbers, each Oc al ath « f Will Edmunds vx B teat on ine Bem ay of] cah apinacl, per id. ..... 42 Prince Rupert Masic Store Frank | > : raps c' Hot house cucumbers, each, 4° / Opposite the Post Office 1 1 Ae oev : Aa 2 tadishes per OO 1 ea es {Ox ~~ —~ be 644 Phone BLACK 183 ; we’ seen umed in the/ Sweet potatoes, per Ib,, &. “26 OOOO EOL OOLO EEL EL LLOELOEOOEOE SN ‘ sey yg — Parsley, per bunch, ....... 10 : wt wy Bye hte : Fresh aspanagus .......+.-. if nt of their Giobe artichokes, ea: h ut ~ David { n oe . ! ' Catifornia beets Sin ace for 2of or Comfor ‘our : tA before f ‘ aH rt, Courtesy~ ewer’ ne, 1080. vs Lparsnips, perad, ...++e+e+e 10 and Service Dated UN TLLIAMS & MANSON : Evaporated Fruits. go to Lhe folteltors for ERscUsOre, tetack FIGS <.casisccasesss 0¢ LAND ACT SAP Ra th me WR ig ag a ane 30K 1 he SAVO ADPIGOLE coscescececreweces de 7 wi dotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land Peaches . Bk ae ein oad pineriet, Mecording ac Later eeees rr ee Be Pop strict of Coast, Range Five District, and} APPleS ...se0+ seeereceees oars . owness jtuate. and known as Zayas Island, Beediess NAiSINS ...eeeeees } MA AD ‘A ceR l TAKE NOTICE that Willam A. Noble] pny nes Ora tan : 20c-30¢ " r . pert, B. ¢ ecupation Ke hone 37 PC OF, Erince | Rus ; Fruit. “ rned &§ te tends 1 apply for per . ne 0. Box 1704 Romer wo lease the following described | Bananas 0 65.60 ee OA eee 8 sus ae > ands Grapefruit (California) 3 for 25c) oe eae Commencing at @ post planted -s the eye tee ee Seas Sesh 088 10¢ ; aat Coast, about 1% miles distan n 8 , Sho Pand Your havgvay . ortherly direction from the 5 EK, extreme Dates MPOM) veneers +? ne S rs ckeage Checks to int of the Island; thence including the | 3ulk Dates, per-Ib. ...ee+: 60¢ J YD vhole the sald Zayas Island, and CO |Nayol oranges ....-+ iNe to $1.00 Dp N alning heres, More OF or Aupiles Yellow Newlons No.4 $4.50 LLTAM A, NO “a Otor Transfer and Per Hoomes K, Freeman, Agent Jonathan apples No, 4 A py Pass ' Dated Maren 12th, te20 Cooking apples ...... ‘. $2.75 4sseneper Service aes Canned Italian prunes ,.... 40 Stand, Empress Hotel Raisins, per ID, weseeeeees BH4 hones 264, B A. G. GRAY Currants, per ID: weseeeeees 350 lack 334 Teacher of Piano Peel, per Pay i a ck eda bt ia eU0 Quick “Deli Studio 187 Second Avenue i more ane per th tee eeene rc vu Kc e iveries . i : able igs, per Pp eon 0 0 8 me Oh ‘ PHONE Blue 421 or 444 ; Mince Meat .r.cecrecserepees an i VO tees we TOPCO COLOR ~OOOOE | ODOC OOO OET OSE THE DAILY NEWA SKELETON IN WOODS Investigation Boing Made Into Remains Found Near Socke. | es | Local News Notes | een ren | Ask for Atkins’ § sage tf . oe J. Ford-@piived from Swanson Pay veuterak . aia nh. G. Mewsely Stewart, ar- rived in towmcyesterday. * * jest Household Lump Coal £13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. ferminal Coal Co, . . . ; S. W. Helward fined Ten} Dollars im the police court this morning for drunkenness, fhe Ketehikan Daily Times suspended publication on May 9, i a bankrupt petition was . *. » ie A. M. Kipp, of t essing ind R. W. Sine! of Inverness ure egistered at th: ytel Prince tupert. . ° Launch ALICE B. for Salt Lakes 1 Digby Island Sfinday and M la Phone Blue 548 for times of running it * acl per cent off “Wear-Eve Aluminum Saucepans regular ' ‘ . 4 85, spec i} : 4 * B10 Ch pson Hatdware Co., Ltd i It ration tl Citizens Association of Stewart, B. ¢ ~ jounced.im the current’ number f the British Columbia Gazette he regular monthly meeting of e Hospital Ladies A iry will held » the 1 chambs j sda ext, M Dd, at 4 p.0 A cl for ¢ to seet ntr Ss al trair t May ng at 7.30 Z =} ace @ tet 3 £3.25 - M M Le - ind M 5 MeLe 2 n { sist Ml | as MeCly t e today's f } Pee 14 ( St F. Wi second teller f L bre f the Royal i : Kit ‘ ound tri t \ x nd Slewart , the G eile g tonight ( i I hav a tra of . adiness f i Perrace on Me ’ h ! wHL be amp room pers and ») crowding \ j to tt B. C. Gazett sf ] H i bert { ? i t has beet d ' is for the ! Setth if Board at P1 ‘ uA I { of the Br i i i tt ar ly unces \W am =keid- ? Rupe s i [ pia th I M -. 4 young =s ’ i ed Pree Mao te. MeaeMord in we ‘ t this ne ar 1 wit Ww dainagre te ity ty y tea gx dow ! > : s Cast is led { ese n gr Mr | s Bartlett, of Or- 0 S ting with United States Cons i Mrs. Wakefield it ti I h Ave nue \l } i t Prir s M ing i is ext ica \ lo the Pacil es Lee Yik, a aman, was $50.50 this ng by Magis ite MeM having intox i x li iis possession in i place other i that permitted nder the Pr tion Act. Phe ccused Was wht up from Swgnse Bay by Constable Dun- bar on the P1 ess Mary which ived last nie OCTOGENARIAN WAS KILLED BY AN AUTO Toronto Manufacturer and Son were Arrested on Man- slaughter Charge. PORONTO, May 22, hdward Kettlewell, eiehty years of age, was killed by an auto and Henry Miller and his fourteen year old son, Benjamin, were arrested and charged with manslaughter, The y Was driving the the accident. the time of poalics say car at the SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Dau.y NEws | | } CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c x“ { | if | ak Tue DAILy News WiLL Not Be Responsip_e For Instructions Or THE / CANCELLATION OF WANT ApS OveR THE TELEPHONE. WARTED. (FOR RENT — Room in private} it oi family. Gentieman preferred. } N ‘al ‘ - ; ae WANTED fo rent bi iby ‘bugey Very central. Apply box 70 for about one week, Mrs.) Daily News office. tf Monckton, Hotel Prince Rupert. anpntagsiri er } ae Oe a Se a ar aD REN’ '—Comfortable room in| WANTED—Clerk, lady or gentle- . . ah : private family. Good location. man. Experience not essential. } . patel aks ; g Monae Best cee eae “tt toom large and airy. Phone} ee ae ret Ole ee | Green 165. 19) 1% NTEI Wome Sa "day at- ‘ ‘ we aa Ww pp fED nan -_ ‘ ‘at FOR RENT.-Three-roomed front ‘ oons to cles ce, » R . or gna a 18 flat, furnished. Mrs, Wolters, ieee A GOR TORE 7 -| St. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 91. Dining room maid for | Hospital. Apply Ma-| tf | LOST WANTED General Lost ; for the 24th Ladies’ white canvas pumps, leather sole and low h Ladies’ white canvas pumps, leather sole and high heel, $3.00 Ladies’ white ¢anvas eoloni- ‘al buckle pumps... Ladies’ white canvas OxX- fords, low heel ...-. $3.00 white canvas OX- high heel .. Ladies’ white canvas OX- fords high heel .:. $5.00 sadies’ fords, tron. Nugget stick pin Monday. a boots 6 yes Finder please return to Bulger’s|{| Ladies’ w rite canvas cn i VANT ED Exp rienced _house- Jewellery Store and receive re-| $4.75 to $7.50 maid. . Hotel Prince Rupert. ui dad. 18 Men's brown canvas boots, | = VANTED—Watch dog, preferably ee | feather sole and heel, eos pry crue i 7 box 953 43|/OST—Boston bull dog, white see Sapnemeenrs s+ SS NER markings on face and neck with |!) Men's white Ganval™ boots, & " OY WANTED Orme’s Drug! collar and license No. 111. Any-j} leather sole and heel, « Store tf| one found harboring same after ||| $4.00 to $7.50 i ‘ aD this notice will be prosecuted. ||| ALL STYLES IN RUNNING, | ¥ " SITUATIONS WANTED __| Phone Blue 399 or Red 399. 13|| TeNNIs AND OUTING jf} Young lady desires situation—| LODGE MEETINGS | SHOES ] [wo years’ experience in cleri-;|; —— -~ Hae — <—— | i cal work. Apply P.O. box 312 LODGE 1054 LOYAL Okun t+ | FAMILY SHAE STORE 1 Prince Rupert, B.C. d Moose meets every Monday } | eee ———| evening at the Deep Sea Fisher-| GEO. HILL E.R. TASRUM i) a FOR SALE | men’s hall. tT} The Practical Shoe Men | £ — a 3 i PHONE 357 ee ey FOR SALI Immediately. Fumed MISGELLANEOUS ~ 18 : oak round extension dining | e : Bae sad room table, six chairs leather LONELY? Join Western © corres-| bottoms, buffet, davenette couch | pondence Club, hundreds weal-| thy men and women desire} M.M.Step hens | Notary Public > © ; FOR SALE A beautiful five-roonted Modern House on Fifth Avenue, West, with water view, at a very low spring and mattress. All new,| , : early marriage. Send dollar have never been used. Leaving ’ ; town and Will sell cheap. Ap- bill for membership anc maga | ; a ag arge—pi ; 410 6th Avenue E. it zine—no other char re plain | ances —_—__—_—— ——_—_—_———-|.. wrapper, P.O. Box 971, Van- FOR SALE—25-40 b.p. Medium couver, B.C, ‘ 129) Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch . ee ae ee Ignition, 4 eyl., 4 cycle, in per-| WATER NOTICE = wYe —M.| DIVERSION Ane Use. M. Stephens. tf} . TAKE NOTICE that The Taylor Engi - -_— neering Co., Lid., whose address is Credit ' Swern a a|'|Fonecier Building, Hastings Street, Vancou- mR SALI Ladies bicycle ‘Royal’ | yore! 6. will apply for 4 Veenee. to taka shout dozen times, com-|and use ten second feet of water out of ; ° Wolf Creek, also known as Davidson Creek, plete h tool kit. Perfect COn-(| which fows southwesterly and drains into $45.00. 43 Hays Covel ities north of ihe Dolly Varien Mine. { Ph Blue 450. 14 The water will be diverted from the} ; jecetal stream at a point abe uut one mile from| ‘ ee ne kitsault River afid will be used for FOR SALI House and lot ON}power purpose upon the mine described | ar Seal |#s the Wolf Mineral Claim, and lights to) Fifth Avenue East, near Seal \lice Arm. District . or nly 446 Si Avenue This notice was postel on the ground ‘ e. Apply 446 Sixth ““lon the Third day of May, 1920. | Fast tf A copy of this notice and an application ey ———$$—$—$ $+ »§ | ursuant thereto and to the “Water Act ' . 1] sek |i9ide’ will be Nied in the oMce of the FOR SALI Large roll-top desk,| Water necorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. gol splendid con- Objection to the application may be filed re oo iia eas o4 | With the said Water Recorder or with the d Pi Bhie 333. 2 r of Water Rights, Partten: — -~ +--+ | Buildings, V oria, B. within vou 3 : t . . a olin ‘a lays after first appearance 0o this FOR SALI Fifty mattresses at) octice in. a tocal newspaper. ‘A } ere secoun rice Ss The powers of this undertaking are to/ faeces a count “prices. sy sed for power and lighting within} Barrie's Furniture House. tf che territory embracing all the Wolf min- eerie neem — _ al laims, the Dolly. Varden mineral 4s ; i : laims, and all of this Com:pany’s Railroad FOR SALE Canada’s Pride md properties and buildings, or any prop- ; ange 6 holes, good as new.jctrtes and buildings of others in and ad nee . acent to the Alice Arm District. Apply 233 8th Ave. East. 24) THE TAYLOR ENGINEERING CO., LTD., ina een Applicant. . Ray by John Anderson, agent. FOR SALI Heater, dresser, and The date of the first publication of this bed ce lets Call 899 Borden |%0tce is May 6, 1920. j ' : s 20 ee at tree ing “IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES r ee ACT AND AMENDING ACTS OR SALI } d Aut in good — and : . ee z ; IN THE MATTER OF THE PRINCE RCPERT i IO! casu SPRUCE MILLS, LIMITED (IN LIQUIDA- 19 »0 TION Sr oaae . ? NOTICE TO CREDITORS FORS | imnita of all kinds + BAL ; i i” NOTICE is hereby given that at an extra- Sue Ba s Furniture House linar n eeting of the members Oe NR “id Company duly con OR SALI Br and medicine aa bumpay's office at cabinet hone - ue 404. 424 ry Resolution was passed er . Phone a ‘ voluntary winding up of the above Company. and George E. Winter, i Accountant, Vancouver, B. C., HOUSES FOR SALE inted Liquidator for the purposes os ee . winding up, and at a second Extra LINE HOME, best reeidaadial jinary General Meeting, duly convened ‘ ‘id at the registered office of the sectior Moderate terms. Hel “unpany, Pacifle Building, Vancouver, B 7 nn 8 a . e ‘ — n Saterday, 24th of April, 1920, the gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, Resolution was duly confirmed Notary Public, The Creditors of the above named Com- . : ___ er [pany are required on or before the 14th > lay f May, 1920, to send in their names FOR SALE 8-roomed modern!and addresses and the particulars of thetr } . fouble corner debts or claims to the Liquidator, 210 ‘ se on double corner. Otto Rank of Nova Scotia Building, Vancouver, Mille 1545 Oth Ave. East. 27 |B. ¢ oe anti stiieinsiiastentabignlinine : a ‘beeen 4 meeting of the Creditors of the above named Comps in liquidation, will be STEWART LOTS” held at tre office of quidator, 210 Bank of Nova Seotia Buiidh Vancouver, ee or it Siaaaat : B, ¢ on Saturday the 15th day of May, OR SALI Lot 2, Block 10, a 1920, at 11 a.m : » arir des . 92 905 Stewam, Townsite Price DATED this 27tr day of Ap il, 1920, | ¥UV, HLewar 5 . , GEORGE E. WINTER | $1,000 his lot adjoins busi Liquidator ness section on Sixth Street./ Apply Daily News oflice. tf ; ia | FOR SALE—Lot 16, Block 7, and} Lot 10, Block 412, May 905,; Sixth Street, Stewart, $500 each) M. M. Stepbens. tf} chiLiicennitaninteerenevtiinienaiantigsesoain aan aemaemnnigh | IM ALE X 2331 i FARMS FOR SALE | TIMBER SALE X S888, a 4 Tee ty | Sealed tenders will be received by the MIXED FARMING—The C: P. f.] Seige gators, wilt be seaived by. te as s ls 1c ica ls n| 3rd day of June, 1920, for the purchase of ha til! some choice lands 1 : ay eval io cat 9,840,000 feet of} well-settled districts in West-|: Spruce Hemlock and Yellow Cedar} : : s yn an’ avea situated on Roscoe Inlet, Range ern Canada for sale at low], an’ area situal ' ’ prices; twenty years to pay; Two (2) years will be allowed for re , . moval of timber, irrigated lands in Sunry South-| ern Alberta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new sett! Act now-——they are gt fast. For free booklets and full information write H, G. Loughran, Canadian Pacific Railway Station, Vancouver, B. OF Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B. C,, or District @orester, Prince }Rupert, .B, C, is. mnhe FOR RENT ea TIMBER SALE X 2218. tenders will be received by the of Lands not later than noon on New be completed and | FOR WENT Sealed | Minister sy \ hal ve iA yithe 2nd day of July, 1920, for the pur-! decorated hall above the and) chase of Licence X 2248, to cut 6,600,000 Stgre de Luxe, on Third Ave.|feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an eres, adjoining 8. °T, L. t719p, Cumshewa Queen Charlotte Islands District. two (2) years will be allowed for re . Hall is a hundred feet long and , | Inlet suitable for dances} sially speciality I all; }moval of tunber. and other social events. For) Purther particulars of the Chief Forester, Vict nt District F 1 Pri mee an ictoria, , or Distr orester, Prince terms, apply to Jim Killas, Ul Rupert, B. C. ’ a price ard easy terms : M. M. Step hens Real Estate Insurance ‘Tani ent ee 4 - SAVE YOUR SIG YESIGHT—The most valuable of all the senses—tis the most and the least understeod. suffer from iis, whieh, upon can be traced directly eyesight. E neglected Man: examination, to cefective 7 removal of the cause will often restore the delicate and run-fown sufferer to robust health. Whea glasses are properly preserib- hey restore the vision to mor- mal and eliminate all eye strain 4 eu. Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist Third Ave. Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office Opens Store NORTHERN INTERIOR — CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION will open in C. H, Thomas’s stand, Third Avenue, opposite Post Office © On Monday, 10th May, with a full stoaie of local Mea Fruits, Vopotalies, Farm Dairy Products. Hotel Prince Rr EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST-OL OArE A La 8, GEO GA EORGES GAGNON P.O. Box 1666