1920, THE vscamtal NEWS of the ’ BLADDER relieved In 24 HOURS Each Cap » breve pithe ame mania hea SELL \TOVE Brneys commenced mak- ygtoves in 1843. Still in same line of business Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. — so ON SALE AT red Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 of ‘ a ‘ lversides BROTHERS Groen 156 P.O. Box 120 Dealers in LLPAPERS PAINTS a KALSORINE, ava, ’ @ car illy ded ta 3] Patriotic Demonstration By City School Children Assembled in Westholme Theatre where Addresses and Music were the order ending with Canadian Gazette Miities ana to Exhibition. Sowete” Helter ofcers whoiare anxiously from the hills. howings of ore HOUSTON 5 BUILDING New Settlers Go in and Stati Nearly Completed. HOUSTON, May 22.—A number of new tlers hav rived in this with their The tian tie Union Empire Day patriotic the scene Westholme with in the more school children who seated themselves Marshalling the children and generally of the’ affair and e buildings in town the schoot trustees were noticed among the number of grown ups r, P. station, who edifice. There is a oronre nd the ments Th demonstration in he Many have some of therm dévelop into he most recent additic yesterday OXCE Jacks decor ating the “ix hindred or its gala hands of a colorful and borne afternoon was house : nere ana per ted to looking { the in the theatre titer the order and conduct were the teachers which is a were als The order maintained during the |" *s of the program reflects a good deal of credit the pline of the and the children elves, ™ The started shortly after two o'clock the rtain ra the platform seating Mrs. Parkin, vice-regent Plastering. > Munic ipal Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, qG id atteudaprce. sized wailing room a ral interior suitable for the purpose, upon arrange teachers good conduct of the hear I ‘ not yel finish ered with metal lath read program when med on New Store. general storm of PRINCE RUPERT niral Labor Council “O.B. U. te and Date MEETINGS g Trades Unit, First bor Council, i Coremneil Auxiliary, First iu : thermen, I ery Thuradsy, Prades, First and Third packers, First Saturday creage at Terrace Acre Lot or Ten tat Terrace for a before prices Good lots adjoin- vnsite at reason- able prices, tand lots of fishing Own Th: $75 to $200 Write to eniey Bros. & Co. Rea! Estate and Insurance errace - = B.C, OM LEE CO. 40 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesate and Metall “Neral Contractors and Labon Exo hange. Prince Rupert, B,C, One 547 P.O, Box 725 one | 907 "7 oO red 2nd Avenue C V. EVITT uctioneer Uditor and Accountant oe task of reorganization, and it will country. whose auspices the cle was planned, and the re-|these is the Imperi of the . d standard bearers of the|Daughters, of the whose rge Of pos aster G sidiary to the Muni-|Object is the dissemination of. the old.scne. The pal Chapt rhe opening num-| patriotism in the land the wr he mae been operated i is tite singing of ‘O Canada’ | betterment of humanity generally. teak a Hy . ati of whole mblage, Besides this are the G. W. V. A, |, ral nigh sta card Wirs. Parkin presides. Boy Scouts, Girl allot | (oe Pere ee Mrs. P who is chair, | which are worthy of support. Fifteen poi att . : e DPOR th Mr. Atkinson, a ret br tof remarks, Sympolic of Truth. oa : i in, if charge Next year purpose of the| Before me I the aA” take’ ee rating Empire|Jack, sympolic of truth, hon , MLey.® oe: 8 ned the or-/and justice. For i idren of the|Hoated triumphantly ove: he work oftland and fs still ng the city ber that it is your larly the it and if necessar nursery at the Di; W. T. Ker ithe échool board, the firadjspeaker and with children of|™Marks endorsed up, and|the preceding ples for which it stood.| Parkin then publicly shed them to live up to|Self of the Adair these principles andithe managentien ake good citizens of them-|bolme Theatr always remembering to|for the provision of use for| Al mination jus mt out the bad and cultivate the|the purpose free of charge. ; Wwidcouset i i. Following Canon Riz, Mrs.ithen rose and McLeod sang “We'll Never|Anthem. Old Fiag Fall,” the child-} Before ining lustily in the chorus./children the vociferous applause she! movies, a Canadian Gazette, spec- to noon, Friday, ponded With “Dear Little Boy) tally chosen, being exhibited. : e Mine Siren alas Ds takes Sara PROBATE Colonel McMordie. THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Colonel McMordie, D. 8. O., COLUMBIA Victoria, B.C, WAS ix ome MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA pril 19th, Bee ifr f speake ; is ON af i he next speaker and h address | deel MIXERAL ACT. vas oth clear and inspiring.|w THe MATTER OF THE Pom: ¥,) 4 ; { Dp , Hefore me in this audience there | are NEON, DECEASE IMPI many of the ; eo. | NOTICE 18 BEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM - yen’ f the future great yoo j 3 CUNCEKA of an Order mauve by of this eountry, end perBaps, | ar F. Mew. Young, in ihe above f you may even become pre- wa ee er of this Dominion, It is im-/| at you should know the which our Empire is take you ntly and the post % al Order sorta r Empire, and by the asse fesse (at es Huidgs, “arain, a few the see trance Class. years can c reh mini eRe. Hix id the ils make- War ACK, Bes ae es a GF y= . grailaiaiialiin selves for junior and in Vatic con or more cap must be British eside ada for at deast one the theatre, thejor rali sea of sevemteen yeate treated to the /#0re than thirty-five years of age ' ns to wr May vist, 1920 1, particulars m mndersigiied or be ve Jarvis la les oe . f ieavile were MACIIENES, Ran ssid Buf ent W.H Civil.-Service 1920 ESTATE OF rESTATE vy “ATE OF ar pus BOTICE “Kitsol No. 2,” errh Maud Mc cde 1S ORDERED that the said MeMullin shall be allowed to s Geath of ibe seid , ip ar about the month afver the expiration of Gate of the frst pul 3 thie Order, unless in the t jie furnisbed to the HKegistrar yitt Prince Rupert, B. ¢ see i 7 socees pate Dine . wa ' yuently | nan pp} . “ ining Re down ’ . , vi- | °c - not Jan 1 ay jown the gauge to the civi afp if 18 FURTHER ORDEE ee world, trampled upon the! | the $414 Jokn BH. McMuliin dof ¥ mrpnes Ot" Sons | order ¢ Rupert Daily od eae , — : empire of Belgium and tore} [Seok < mevepaper pubis ‘ hed ' Prince | yor ” Ss enue bg aeieonee the esac w that| Rupett, B.C, for a period ne month.| ne ‘bauer s r ineate p the sacre d treaty ith (that ATED at Deine” Ruper t. B : idecmarte e of ertincate ountry, calling it a serap Of|peuw day of April, aD Dated this 19 NX ULLIN paper, started a military machine} sOaN % ach i ‘ Bc lal Adu the equal of which - rid bad never geen, and TIMBER SALE X 2286. Sealed tenders Ww be rece unnameable crimes ¥ Sesied tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands pot Jater than no amains \ ’ sinking that Sere of Lendé not later than noon on|the 3rd day of June 1920 for th against civilization, tl ® }the #7ib day of May 1090 for the purchase|or Licence X2985, to ent 4,040 the British Empire was in 4 state tt 30086, to cut 805,000 feet of of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar . ms ee, Cader end Hemlock om sn area aa peel feet of Pilir m en area oi of dissension and could easily be| Pars EE tt WOE, Balada toned, Wanet B.[da Ganebeee tale Cneee ushed, What did Great Britain} Coass Diatriet, anda District : j ype (1) veer will be allowed for re One 9 lo? m< val of timber ' ; , : e ¢) Farther particulars of the Chie Pledged to the protection « f Victories. @C., oF 1 Pg A lll og pod ‘ cudars nations of the worid,! “ | Rupert, pe burden of crush-/ rliant t? i?s On and i ack to 10144, Ii was then want to ertificat that German threw ized ittle Crown Gra actior 2nd day of April, A.D LEW! Ss _W. TIMBER SALE X 2385. in operation, ihe we committed ar will be allowed fe ite ber the amaliet she assumed the Bhow to disap been found — are mines, is the gor d- ed but veares, id the se urned f the ec: Saturday, | Victoria, New ean 1a ‘ . West st 1 and such other ints sang the National) > Ssswus diate, ubjects amd tol » will by) received up Applica VEMENTS i “Sunset | Jaims, si sion of Cas Washing- |} m the is, fo ced before or PATMORE tved b purchase 000 feet and 18,000 Chariotee Is- f Forester rt particujars ofthe Chief Fare et Parester, erineey ——______— MORRICE TOWN UP on is | | Over Land in Late Summer. MORRIOETOWNR, the distriet about Morricetown on the G, * P, the settlers aré look- lapge @ ar- ently aft of are, Nn it was near the as ener. ' is not districts, soiit joined, nlace wate settied pear that the ent , 68 the war, nenced some men have however, improving likely i tn provement Late in new crops are very ex- there is to be a great im- the when the at their best, two train- jloads of land seekers from Dakota are expected to visit the district and see what can be produced. summer, gen- ary INVERNESS CANNERY e ex. it i y for ened iflice, oold, hotel y Pi Walls up and Machinery Ready to Go in—Tender Fiorence Gone for Boats. For the past few weeks work : has been proceéding apace On the ane ‘and now the sides of ¢he new hool | Huilding are up with just the roof it is new machinery high the wharf seady lhe to on May 24—In| IS FAST REBUILDING to be put on and windows to go ip.} is all crated} go in as! IS IMPROVING Trains of sotsigte:t Going to Look ; ! a prospennits year.| here that the steel | as well) Now) returned from} aud have com.) their’ Roldings / jrebuilding of Inverness cannery}. ™MARELESSNESS Al &SseD. big eReEeST irReS F ae LAST SUMMER. = HESEG COST” AX PAYERS $370,000, ALJTTLE CARE WOULD HAVE SAVED THIS aie a a PSS _ el oe = soon as the building is complete.) sters Though large, the new building is said to be much the one that was WeeKs ago. Cannery net quite 20 ym- bi ty ‘better built than irnt up a few the Florence is uver to bring Inverness leaving Cod: iy tender Vanes for} north twenty} 4 | 26-foot cannery boats to replace} those consumed in the fire. Never forget to look through the classified list —— Ww ATE R NOTIC 1. DIVERSION “AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that P Premier Gold Mining o., Lid., Whose address is Premier, B.C., 7 via Stewart, 5. C., will apply for a cence year, take and use three cubic feet of water ul of Pletcher Creek, which fows west- erly end drains into Cascade Creek, about me querter mile north of the International Boundary im Salmon River Valley. The water will be diverted _from the stream at & poimt about near the north- ésst corner of Lot 3507, Rupert Mineral |} Claim, and will be used for power purposes jupom the Premier Mine; power Rouse 9 be Hlocated on Lot 3697-—Cascade Forks No. 5. |This water is to be used to ge ipower for tse om the property of Premier Gold Mining Co., w., in e- nection with its mining and millaps opers- { tons. es senior 8 as ay be from ner, jon the 29th day of April, 1920. 4 copy of wis po and oe purevent thereto = @e sg. 1914," will be Aled in the off@e— of Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C Objections to the application mey be Sled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Rultidings, Vittoria, B. C., within arty days rt ' after the firet appearance of this notice in cent {8 local newspaper PREMIER GOLD MINING CO., LTD., No. | oe date by Dele L. Pitt, agent rder The date of the first publication of this r the notice is May 4, 1920 nt of|~ Phee tuate 1, un Im 1920 y the an on CANCELLATION OF BESERVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ad the reserve existing over certain lends former- ly meld ender Tismber Licesses Nos. 16408 NM a Niwpumsalum Velley, ff oon- re . wr re 6. R NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. is Department, Victoria, B.C., 2ist April. woated ster | Lar ter, | La 1920. From all her} —— colonies, India, South Afriea Aus- New Zealand and ¢ canada, the tyrant. itik tralia, came the great response of mil-!| Gene Byrnes Says:— Par mt) | This notice was posted on the ground | Stewart Land Co. Ltd. | Sane SO aaa Fifth Street STEWART 101 Pemberton Block VICTORIA Lots for § Sale All Parts of the Town ~ ae of Bussisieles Lows Wanted HELGERSON, LTD LOCAL AGENTS. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT - and Ice At BUTEDALE. CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. E. H. SHOCKLEY Reopening in new works at Cow Bay With additional Machinery and affull stock of _ Doors, Windows, D.D. Fir and Spruce, Lumber, Oak, Glass and Marine P. Phone 383} Quick Delivery by own Truck gas t Pe “it’s a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken.” lions of men and money. Her sons demonstrated their patriotism on the fleld of battle and won for the world the freedom of democ- racy and humanity. Value of Patriotism. , 4 want you children to remem- ' that patriotism is aa neces- that victory has been There faces the immense WHAT ? NE DOLLARS TWENTY - ONE AND ElGHTY CENTS ther jsary now jwon as ever it was. ithe world now be patriotism that earries us through, Peoplet cannot apend all their time on their private af- lfairs but must give some of it ito the country. The laws must be 1 JUST GO COVER To THAT OFFICE AND JORN IT INSIDE CUT— THE IDEA TWERTY- ONE DOLLARS AND EIGATY ce AND | woe USE A PENNS wine You MEAN BX SENDING ME & BILL FoR ”“, eee eer ee + 2. ewer ee oon mee e+e =e lobeyed and the governments must jbe sup ported, Criticism must be well based and when it is given lmust be of a constructive, not ideatruetive, character. “You must show your pide in your country and your city. Al- though we do have our ‘liquid sunshine’ still we do not have the idisadvantages of many places, the [rigors of the prairie winters for instance, “Refore concluding I would like to refer to of the many patriotic onganizations in this One of the greatest of some rokeor “To ve tert yHe Cas OFF IM THE MADAM