YOU CAN PLEASE her wilh our Candy. Ev- erybods who enjoys the rnost delicious, W hole- eome and DAINTIEST CONFECTIONERY Whe don't you try our Candy yourself or buy some fe friends and prove its excellence? A shipment of Neilson's Chocolates has Just arrived RMES | IMITED >) VANDERHOOF | THE DAMLY NEWS ; , EOC = —_—_ EEE eer) a May 9 10) ee — r = 6 SINCE § 1LOH A sitting éy ‘we County Court lof Cariboo was held in Vander-| thoof last week before Judge Rob-| Church Notices ||] ps WALLACE Co, tiny Om rr rt ee First Baptist Church. ertson, of Prince George. Mike) D Empire Sunday. Morning set Droneck was given judgment! 30 878s COUGHS vice tf acm, Topt The New MEN’S against F, ©. Borheven for balance : Decision Bible Sehool, 2:30 due him on the purchase of a tie Evening semfFe at 7:30. Topic camp. Mike Dronech also oil VA The Dawn of the New Day : tained judgment against James PreachelsS Rev. Jas. Dunlop. Spec-/ Graham for $439 an amount ow- ind instrumental musk CONVENTION AT os" ee serene Piret Methediet Church. dniforess Uave bisa erdersa toe} A CAPITAL tg Special C - the Vanderhoof baseball team vice at 7:30. } which promises to be a promising a : i Tr . . : . Held This Year wough avyspecial lucky purcha of athletes. Deanering WIN Be Ne First Presbyterian Church. | Ce WE ing for the purvhase of loan and labor. horses, , f aggregation R. W. Cameron The Jeweler 3rd Ave. ‘ ‘ . . “ to Mame Leader and State i. © eatvinn. 11a ke, wank have secured ni I TI Pi D , : a hg 4 Aye Sy eA nee Policy ject: “The Report of the B, ( M 1e f-toneer L/ruggisis hursday last on the pre-emption a Synod.” Sunday School at 12:30 en’s un-Metal of K. Braman, Greer Valley, when rORONTO, M i plete | 12:30. Subient , a : ve x seuvicee al 7:30, Subjeet Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 the two-year-old son, Roderick, of reaiganization ¢ e Conserva fhe Growth and Maintainanece of Calf Sho Mr. anc Mrs, J. D. MacDonald, x : anal 8 ’ ’ we THE REXALL STORE Mr. and Mrs, J.D. MacDonald 'tive party throvshout Canada|iye British Empire,” Preacher, es papper lons bos ce emer aha preparatory to a hion col \. H.R, Grant Goodyear welt, in bla gp | water. The MacDonalds arrived nit ; ioe y ention in Ottaw irl ' a here from Okotoks, Alberta, only p ible date” i tebtatrm of either in re oN toe of ) ' oOssible ate . u ' : ; j ] a month ago. ike twenty-six representative FEAGE RESOLU LIONS toe. These are well worth § . . . - - 3 ies Gn Rata a dee .. Conservatives wh ta few days RESS Dair bul we are putti : A RING J Phere oa born t c "’ : Mrs. ago in private ( er ® at tf PASSED BY CONG } } . ale that means something is al- Jouegh won oe Se Ryrie Building, ater at (he : for at { Ways treasured. oe >> :% . Aibany Club.. I eleven Cars President May Vote the Measure, 6. 4 ! spr aa ‘end pei ae Seeding operations are in full fullye drawn rv lions, eael Which is “Republican 5 that some friend gave or left swing under, most favorable con-|“carried unanin y the ¢ in Origin. pair vou or that belonged to your servatives n yw the sult : ditions. ervati tan sellin deteaesitil aaa mother, If so you know pees of their deliberations. Hon. BR WASHINGTON, May 22.—The hat we mean, J. W. Baird has arrived here ert Rogers’ political genius as- e of Representat * finally Another number is a LECKII Had you thought someone for the purpose of, opening up 4 sisted, and to some extent guided adopted the Hep van peace smart looking but ¢a would appreciate in the ibranch of the Royal Bank as soon decisions, and ¢ Joh Curric shai sting eh had already been ' saine way a gift trom you of as the fixtures arrive. It is hoped M.P.. the leader of the ginger passed by the Senatl« it is un- These my | p at Gur Quality Jewelry? ithat the new bank will be open grdup” at Ottawa was a notabie derspood that President Wilson ifor business on June 4, attendant. may veto the measure. VICTORIA DAY FOOTBALL [wo matched teams will part in the benefit For Sale football match Whites—Judge or Martin; Fan- thorpe and W SECTION 5 King OD § Rooms, 5th Ave. W. $1,576 Ss. 6 Rooms, Davies. ie earmouth; Crisp, mnel; Camy McLean, A; horn, Smith, Jackson, Dunsmuir Street, $3,600 Stripes—Clapperton; Stewant, 4 R jth Ave $1,776 Hamilton; Kolsey, Lawson, Ley; aN borers Black, E. Smith, Tinker, Wiggins, SECTION 6 and Ross. 4 Rooms, . $1,800 al TIMBER SALE X 2042. 1 be received by the s tet later than noon ay May 1920 for the puri X2042, ta cut 870,000 e¢ and Hem - on ap Passage, 9th Ave. . McCafiery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. ee Agents yeee e a r District Forester, Prince . fhhupert,’ B.C 3rd Ave. Phone 11 * allowed for re moval of timb Further particulars of the p——— —}| Weekend opecials ria Dairy Butter, } 6Bc Selected Fancy Dairy Butter, th. 7Oc Choice Fresh Creamery Butter per Ib. ; Fe Alberta Screened take ng passed his ninetieth birthday. 4), aps of any kind st be al ; : : a th prolate’ 9 Seimgiaaeneireen lowed”; to Lat whose need , : Follow the crowd to Terrace On| ust be met, and to the worer ; ah hort are as follows: } H 0 U S KB S on the afternoon of May 24. They} bell, | Range 3, ’ . . . The National P y brought up $9. 45 Last eek n Burdette “lt date is heralded as the Conser r il 7 oe ted tig cad nau af the death ol oe «l ae 4 next 7 jeral MARY STAYED HERE SEE Ww INDOW ai ate, Derdte, olen Ponte! ete want, QR THELVE HOURS —— fay 24. Return fare, $3.25. Train GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Eaas 3,000 DOZEN EGGs Another irge shipment arrived reday from Alberta These are fvaranteed new laid ane Sacked pe $7.75 per Vo ton . sold to make Ay un for pm 1 iving next wee Bulk ....... $13.50 per ton Special, per dozen, 60¢ Only a Limited Supply Wire, write or phone us for case prices, Phone Your Order Now Finest Ontario, special per I A Lard, in bulk 2 ibs. for 7c e C ery He Mixed Pickles, quart. fonvn Bee LTD. ckl mn bulk, per ¢ oxen Heinz Saverkraul, per Ib -- tBe Phones 564 and 116 GROCERIES. Cowan's ¢ a, per Ib . BBec leg Ae ES: Seal Brand Coffee, 2-Jb. tin o Sp 1 * " 25 Clark's Potted Meats, ase 3 oy ame Clark's Cateup, per bottle DENTISTRY jf ieccue. ” E Sultana Haisir in bulk, ib 30c : \ Glacier Sardines in pure olive ofl Do + Fa 2 for 36c¢ nt neg ect your Teeth Ca Norwegian Sardines, Special One decayed or missing tooth lowers your e ficiency perenne Seen ; kiss ta oken ies ose re Evaporated Peaches, Ib 30c DR BAYNE Dried Green Peas, i 10c¢ Split Peas, Ib 260 Red Kidney Beans 3 ibs. 25c Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212. Office Hours-- Morning, 9 to 12; Alte rnoon, 1.80 te 6.30; Satur- d«y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9, | DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT | » berctbaaamatcntnal, tas si hastens pelts | FOR SALE ” aed ite ae | CLEAN SCREENED Delivered I oan show au Thvestment for $13.75 ° ton. We strongly $2,000 CASH a : x Meaeia)fe bn 4 | se price of $6,000, that Sif recommend it for your kit Dries Jn rentals of $73.50 a month, : chen range, — | SCREENED LUMP Delivered Also for a payment of $15.00 ton. For your heater, $4,000 CASH on & purchase price of a4 brings If rentals of #1 CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, 2,000 that 7,00 @ month, Ed. H. Mortimer Rea! Estate and Insurance Agent, 324 Second Avenue $12.50 ton. Sacked, $13.75. Best Furnace Coal in City, 4 Consumers Coal Co, Le J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 ‘ i . . een Wee ee od ‘aie te toed We commonsens e ' al night test night Third and Fulton Phone 9 fOAnVES Fis 4.Mm. and returning | .oevatives confess ar rbiding ’ Luan Tabane ” a0 ntil about eaves Terrace at 8 p.m, Zi faith Another iad Sivas . ‘ ; < sediocnmeeoniiiias . tin the —————— ' the Tratle Newe e a . “Aap iy : \ ae { + the returned met Lanada . 4 je cere ces senna ANNETTE EDSON fis . : 4 — WII! Choose a Leader frets : She also t ¢? Ni it ifornat i a irs 7 WV ite Pass Official, Was forthooming be Yuk : vees as wéll ks / participants in the conference @s _ sine for the seas t ; sf it! | : be : . to the feelings of the stalwarts on na the-qd@eation of leadershir Aside wd i‘ spe NOTICE : a from on Robert Rogers pro- . id 7 NOTICE. thable ehdice, one could not even WW wish Lo advise that we hawe ; 4 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that in ac-/infer a single dei@gates pret } out the G getown Saw Mi ' cordance with an Amendment to the “Town: | anes. That a Wader will be chos- , it 8 "ae LePir . site Proportionate Allotment Act” passed at ‘ ‘ “ i the last session of the Legisiature any personien al the (Cttawa’ con ence is Wy sf Lid wt will in fut j holding an agreement for Sale from the tated i ibe rmeotutior wir i crown in respect to the purchase at auc- |“) m 4 ves : t a Crna and tail tion of Town or City lots or lands within Robert’ « return. Heelared Hon. Mr : : 7 the site or suburb of 4 town payment for . ‘ ; ’ ht te athe which has not been made in full and who/Roger® early in the proceedings We w . that a aettl ; wishes to obtain a proportionate siiotment had nothing to do with tt , . ; of such land im consideration of the (AG NOLninhs wile ov ee ihe enact fa “ units due fponies eady paid must tle application! f the conferenoe, whieli. ‘ 4 ne is L we m that fespect om of before the ist day ' " pan) > ne of September, 1929, on which date the ef] had been arranged bone . . j “ privilege of obtaining s proportionate al asin But unlesé Sir Robert's al ‘ ‘ lowpent will cease and any person in ar oe , mane ; We wieh to thank you for your Le rears @f peyinent ander an sereement for! a»; as made the heart« M ‘; A ahi, af nd trust f sale as aforesaid failing to make applica ; ; ; ib ' ai) pa Ana ru tion as Stipulated will thereafter be de-)Hogers and Col’ Gortie grow f iy be giver barred from taking advantage w such son anie bie fandes = ‘ privilege and will be subject to the ful eseurs . as : flment of the terms of the sale and the ng « isp that sah : y et rovistons of the Land Act governing . . . verdue purchase money ymnection convention ‘ : ‘ ‘ Sow Mill ¢ Lid with which special attention is dragn to be » rire ents the notice appearing in the curreat Issues S are f this paper. Among the mesolul : ' ner takes er the (omant a OBO. R. NADEN ; ; | na ta ! ; Deputy Minister of Lands the conference Ca u a ~ of the above npany we will tt Department of Lands, : P Vicwria. _ C. oe | following fut c fuct a wholesal and ae A Dominion Convention. retail Jumber business That when active reanizatio VV ‘A iid « ta continuance of the Conservative party th et rf a hy nese entrusted te the mul Canada is progrey ad sal i i and can guarantes factorily, a Dominion ¢ nvent atiafa } of the Conservatives be held u We will cats { Spru the city of Ottawa at the earliest Fir, Ceds and Hemloek and nh i ssible dats | “«& the pre nt miler i« ¢ lara too aun or a TIMBER SALE X 2428. v9 ore POs 0 st art 4 year, for the purpose Of selecting sf handie, Sealed tenders will be received by the), jpy r and maling with « | all ecif tions wil ‘ 5 inane nese ieder tee iin ae i lender i | dea i | Hheatiogr ii I takeu the 3rd day of Jume 1920 for the purchase jothe: matters as tay properly eare of by u ° f Licence X2428 cut 3,500,000 feet i AO ane f Spriice, Hemlodk and Cedar on an area) © O'S before the convent Very truly yours situated on Shannon Bay, Masset Iniet P ‘ine & Wright ' Gstnan Pheri site Islands District Back to the National Policy I Ltd Two (2 irs will be aliowed for re That Canada’s hope to na Vt Rupert, B.C., ¢ moval of tiniber : a ‘ dan ‘ eo ‘ , Further particulars of the Chiet Porester,|Ui0nal greatness Invite today May ist, 1920,, ~ peu ria, B.C., of District Forester, Prince rnjore than ever before a continu 4 : @) tupert, B.C : ' ‘ —_——— Or Or atior f tl traditional national There may be something you Vancouver Millin® © Gra pte policy brought “up to date as\want. See the classified column! Vancouver, 5 a } | Mi scdonald and Cartier w uld =n ‘ ) bring it were they here to see the y pli iwonderful opportunities which the aio A ireturn of peace presents to re ‘ ibuild a greater and stronger, a lmore united, prosperous Cart ada TIMBER SALE X 2400. las the largest and the leading SPaled tenders will be received by the Dominion in the great Common Minister of Lands not later than noon oniwealth of the British kinpire. ithe 10th day of June 1920 for the pur chase Of Licence X2400, to eut_ 1,889,000) Reorganize Everywhere. feet of Sprues, Cedar, Hemlock, Balsam) “That we fulflll our plain duty jand Fir, on an area adjoining Lot 232,} “ : : I |Dean Channel, Range 3, Coast District. jig our country by taking immedi- } Two (2) years will be allowed for re . Imoval of timber jate steps to reorganize the Con Further particulars of the Chief Forester, | saryvati e party in all the pros To Terrace - May 24 _ Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince | hupert, B.C e hinces, With sueh organization are mt i we can feel as ‘ed that, throug TIMBER SALE X 2452. [We can feel aseured Mat, though junited foree and action, and the Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister Of Lands not later than noon on the 17th day of June, 1920, for the pur help of cor jservative nonsense, the } Con party will not only io Train leaves Prince Rupert at 7.30 a.m., and chase of license X 2462, to cut 1,674,000 tellig ¥ er: e pres. 9 m feet of aeeyes. Hemiock and Ceder on an oe att j pple — hp Avi { t eaves sete at P area situated on Shannon Bay, Queen Char-(@DL apprehension gnd diseonten R urnin lotte Islands District e ? wo (2) years will be allowed ‘for ré ins y to be found everywhere 8 moval of timber, bw : t a defi. ~ “Further parGijiars of the Chief nioieten | - ui deal and deal in a def Victoria, B.C, Or District Forester, Prince Hite and permanent way for the Rupert, BOC common good of alt, for the com- TIMBER SALE X 1991. imon good of Canada, with our R - - fiscal, our soldier, Oun labor, our Sealed tenders will be received by the! ! , tel dae |Minister of Lands not later than noon be | Ashorie > Our the 17th day of June, 1920, for the pur-|other chase of Licence K 1901, to cut 1,200,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an|ingistently cry area adjoining Lot 204, Kitequiy River, ition and agriculture, and problems that so today for domestie atten Children, $1.65 ricket offi Range Coast Distriet solution,” a P. m aval oF ae wih be allowed for re-| J, } Morryfleld ‘of Vancouver Tickets on Sale at * " . 5 G. T, | Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B, ¢ }Rupert, B.C. lwas the only sare Of he Eihes Var British ‘ € , © ole orester, Mnee | delegati Columbia