Thead vy THE DAILY NEWS —_- et Mee epidermis andiomn atime “es eee @e@ ee eee wee « THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpIToR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Nity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ 75c. By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, pet VEG? . 64.3 3.5 Gas op ee ee ee To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. TELEPHONE 68. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. Transient advertising on front page’........ .. $2.00 per inch. Local Readers, per insertion, ............. «.. 265c, per line. Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. Lega! Notices, each insertion, ....... ‘\... 45c. per agate line. Contract Rates on Application. gdvertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- ing publication. DAILY EDITION. aie: Tuesday, May 25, 1920. $6.00. All advertising received subject to approval. | a STOPPED HER HEADACHES Years Of Suffering Ended By “Frult-a-tives” 112 Hazen St., St. Jonn, N. B. “Tt is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I received from the use ef your medicine “fyruil-e-lices”, made from fruit juices. I was @ great sufferer for raany years from Nerwows //eadaches and Constipation. 1 tried everything, consulted doctors; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried “*Fruit-a-tives’’, After taking several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since”. Minas ANNIE WARD. We. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sixe, 260. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, | } | ’ MAIL SCHEDULE . “ee eeeee ee eee For the East. Pe iondays, Wednesdays and Sat. nedays at 10:30 a, m, ) Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert ’ u t i i ; a ee i ee ee | May 25, 1910. After a trying ex} ence they were adrift { where rourteen days | From the East. eee —— Dr. Tolmie on Farming in Canada. Hon. Dr. Tolmie of Victoria, Minister of Agriculture in the Dominion Parliament, gave a review of the farming industry a few days ago which proved very interesting. It is not often that farming is a topic of discussion in the House. Labor matters and commercial matters are before the members very frequently, but the work of the farmer is something in which members are not supposed to interest themselves. Dr. Tolmie urged that there be a continuous and vigorous campaign of agricultural education. There has been such a cam- paign carried on by the provincial governments for many years past and-the Dominion has aided a good deal, but, according to Dr. Tolmie there is much yet to be done. Anyone who has travelled through a farming community will heartily agree with Mr. Tolmie when they of the of the different farmers. : see a comparison records Smal! Improvement Gets Big Results. mm his speech the minister of agriculture drew attention to} the fact that in grain growing the securing of an increase of three bushels to the acre from improved methods was not much. Yet if every farmer in the country raised three bushels to the | acre more than he was doing teday the value-of the would amount to nearly fovr million dollars. Similarly in dairy- |} ing and stock raising. Improved methods resulted in greater) wealth for the farmers and consequent greater wealth to the! whole community. . z i The Minister of Agriculture, being himself a practical farm-} er, was able to give facts and figures and to speak from first hand | knowledge. He quoted many cases of large production by in-| dividuals who used modern methods. He urged the more general | use of ensilage in feeding, and his advice would particularly apply | to the farms in northern British Columbia where the conditions for haying may not always be as good as in other parts of the province. : Marketing is Also Important. Dealing with the question of marketing, Dr. Tolmie spoke} incidentally of the value of the market across the Pacific. @ increase He| said that members would be surprised to hear that China was one of the largest consumers of condensed milk and that Japan| also took some as well as many other food products. The minister promised the greatest co-operation of his de- | partment to improve the status of farming and to provide markets. He concluded his very excellent address in part as follows:— “After travelling all over Canada I find mysel/ to be more) than ever a thorough believer in this country. I am more strongly than ever impressed with the extent of our wonderful resources. There should really be no pessimism at this time on the part of our Canadian people, if they will only consider the tremendous wealth of this country and its possibilities. While it is necessary to apply taxation to meet our immediate requirements, it will be but a temporary burden and but a side line to a big progressive movement for more business and the development of our won- derful opportunities in agricultural and natural resources. All| that is required is ap intelligent handling of the situation, and } fee! that with the spirit of the Canadian people behind it no safer plan of action can be adopted and nothing is surer of success than the policy which J have indicated.” we ' DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms: 7 & 8 Smith Block No Better Equipped Office in Prince Rupert This equipment, with my experience, will give you the results you desire Phone 575 Lady Assistant Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment Office Hours: 98-12; 1-6; 7-2, Subscribe for The Daily News The Leading Daily of Northegn British Columbia | AGENCY FOR ALL KINDS oF goods, oilskins, overalls, mackinaws, gloves, waterproof clothing, shoes, Canvas boots, baggage, harness, woolen underwear and socks. TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. J. F. MAGUIRE on a disabled i h in Heeate | Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. Straits, shipwrec ion Cape Fox|daye at 7 p. m. jand nine days afloa! a raft, A W, Agnew and Guy Tooker have For Vancouver and South. at last arrived s« y he “ nay PUGHGATE esrcwecsestecver 7 p.m, ing beea picked | sta quarter! Thursdays ..e...eesees if p,m.) of a mile out of t Simpson BONO Ms 6 60s cbs 0 coe 2 p.m, : oy SUNGAS cevccscsess -» {f pvm, Many children assembled for May 4, 14 and. 26 ithe Victoria Day races yesterday. oe ne iW. A. Viekers was charge, W From Vancouver and South. }E. Burritt, looking after entries, Qungays ......0ceesess 10 p.m. Lionel Crippen lerk of = thely ednesdays ......6. 10:30 a. m. jcourse, and G, D. Newton, general i gundays ..........+. 16.30 acm jmanager.- The judzes were Alder-|pridays .......0s. ees. 4 pm jman Mobley, Wm. Manson, M.P.P.) Appi 30, May 10, 24 and 34 jand Dr. N. M. McNeill, } a i j . . . : i For Anyox and Alice Arm. | Metlakatla was nearly destroy-| . ndave 7 114 p.m % 2 ts cian” enti UOMO Wes ciseccvetsi .m ed by fre yente oe WednesGaes ooicecsccus fi p.m iof Prinee Rupert mpers set the ! From Anyox and Alice Arm. dry grass ablaz ‘ a + TuGMGAyS o's od cb ccvecices sch M. Fourteen applications for th HUPsday® ..ccs-ceeessess P.M, |position of City enkineer have oun caluries asked For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill | Bay, Walee Istand and Naas River. BUMGAYS cecese seseses fi p. m . ibeen received. ‘J range from $900 Director & Cx to 86,000 have decided |} ridays .... > pu 722 Seeond Ave., Prince Rupert to establish a branch of their Frém Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! business at Kytselas. Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. i . A Cs. ss bss oe wll ds p. m. Samuel Harrison has fone tO) Saturdays .....+...-e+:- noon Vancouver to attend the sale of aati POPPE AIS seccee. ° ° See Tee ee ee ee * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * RS FRR eRe ee ee He Tuesday, May 25. High, 7:26 a.m., 16.8 feet. 20:19 p.m., 18.3 feet. Low, 1:20 a.m., 7.9 feet. (3:45 p.m., 6 feet. Wednesday, May 26. High, 8:46 a. m., 16.3 feet. 21:14 p.m. 14.6 feet. Low, 2:42 a.m., 7.4 feet. 14:52 p.m., 6.8 feet. Thursday, May 27. High, 9:56 a.m., 16.3 feet. 22:5 p.m., 28.9 feet. Low, 3:52 a.m., 6.5 feet. 15:53 p.m., 6.3 feet. Friday, May 28. High, 10:55 a.m., 16.6 feet 22:50 p.m., 19.4 feet. Low, 4:51 a.m., 5.6 feet. 16:46 p.m. 7.6 feet. Saturday, May 29. High, 11:44 a.m., 17.4*feet. 23:30 p.m., 19.9 feet. Low, 5:41 a.m., 4.6 feet. 17:30 p.m. 4.7 feet. The time used is Pacific Stan-| dard, for the 120th Meridian west. it is counted from 0 to 24 hours, | from midnight to midnight. The table given is for Port Simpson but the time for Prince Rupert varies only a few minutes, on days and on others is the same. The range of the tide may be computed as 5 per cent greater at Prince Rupert than at Port Simpson both at springs and neaps. Therefore the rise in the Prince Rupert harbor is slightly greater than Port Simpson. The height is in feet and tenths of feet above the average level of lower low water. LAND ACT. some NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. in the Cassiar Land District, Recording District Of Skeene, situate in the vicinity of Let 1074A Cassiar. Take notice that we, Allen Falconer end Albert B. Armstrong, of Alice Arm, B. ¢ coupalions carflagemen, intend wo apply for permission to lease the following de iscribed lands :— Commencing at & point in the egsteriy boundary of Lot 1074A, Cassiar, 375.1 feet northerly from the South-East corner of said Jot; thence at right angies to said boundary easterly 175 feet more or less to the Westerly bounfary of the Kitsault indian reserve; theoce scutherly along said westerly boundary and the projection thereof 925 feet more or less to the inter section hereof with the projection south- easterly of the southerly Souhdery of Lot 3643, Cassiar; thence north 57 deg. 114 min. West along projection of said last |mentioned boundary ine to the southeriy| British countries during the past} corner Of said jot 3643; thence north 24 deg. Bast 601.3 feet to the north east corer Of said lot 8643; thenee 375.1 feet northerly slong the easterly boundary of said Lot 1074A to the point of commence iment, and containing ten acres, more or less. ALBERT B. ARMSTRONG, ae PALCONER, 2y Allen Paiconer, A t Dated 12 May, 1920 - WATER NOTICE, DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that Premier Gold Mining | Co., Lid, whose address is Premier, B. C., via Siewart, B.C., will apply for a licence t% take end use three cubic feet of water out of Fletcher Creek, which flows west- erly and Grains into Cascade Creek, about one quarter mile north of the International Boundary ‘mn Salmon River Valley. The water will be Giverted from wee Siream Af & poimt about pear the porth- east corner of Lot 3507, Rupert Mineral Claim, and will be used for power pa upon the Premier Mine; power Rouse be on Lot 3697-Cascade Forks Wo. 5. This water is to be used t generate power for use on the property of the Premier Gold Mining Go, Lid, ia eca- sectian with its mining and milling opera ons. This “ice Wat posted on the ground on the 29th Gey of April, 1920. A copy of this notice and am application pursuant therew and to the “Water Act, 1014," will be filed in the oMee of the Water Kecorder at Prince Rupert, B.C Objections to the lieation may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptrovier of Water Rights, Parliament Hulldings, Vietoria, B.C, within Afty deys after the frst appearance of this notice in 8 local powepeper PREMIER GOLD MINING CO., LTD, Applicant by Dale L. Pitt, Agent The date of the first publieation of this notice 19 May 4, 1990, ee22 —— ’ a containing enough willing ore to Queen Cisarlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper isiand polata: / May 12 and 26 x 30 and Jt. Stewart lots om May ‘rom Maseet, Port Clements and Upper island points May ¢3 and 27 c hana News Electrical Smelting. Spefiking of smelting by electrics Sir John Handa! United Steel Co f England, This method of reducing ore an interesting “fs the succesea al pr ease the says rv Skidegate Charlotte City and Lower Island points May 1, 15 and 29 isiProm Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points- Queen president of experiment and naturally, we ateel men are very ” May 4, 18 and J t much interested such a method _- but I have not yet heard of it be For Skagway and the Yukon. ing a success in a large commer- April 30, May 10, 21 ang 31 cial way. You must realize that From Gkagway ane Yukon. there is a very greal difference: May 4, 14 and 25 ibetween a laboratory experiment! itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp and a large Commercial under- taking. I would not say too moch Point. labout the success of the electri- For-—Saturdays ...... 9 p.m cal furnace. Some day, perhaps, From—-Sundays 10 p.m. it may be a great success but it - is not the sort of afi undertaking} S&kZENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION that I should imagine large capi- | DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLUTTE ISLANDS ital would go into at the present SLAND time. i TARE NOTICE that William /. Leary of as *kidegate, B. C.. setiier, intends to apply for a licemse to prospect for “ai snd Big Company In 8. Cc. ipetroi¢um oc and wuader ike following In British .Columbia twenty- | descrthea tends seven proposals were last year Commencing a1 & post planted of the considered by the Mining Corpor- oor) Weel cormer of DL. 1864; thence . rs ;sowth $0 chains; hence east 64 chains ation of Canada, Ltd., for the de-| uence north 86 chains west 86 velopment of mines in the prov- | qhatns, + { of rome peat lince. Options were taken on gold 1AM J. LEARY, Applicant ‘ Dated thie 61h day { March, 199 bearing schist areas in the old| Bs placer camp of Barkerville and | SKEENA SAND Al ADING DIVISION exploration work is now going on DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ; In the Bridge River section op- " ; i TARR NOTICE that William j tions were taken on several small Leary of igold mines and work is’ also go- | Bees. | C.. eeiter, intends to apply j for a cent & prospect for coal end ing on in them. Although they | petroleum +m sod under the following are small propositions, it is pos- i Wwagribed nds sible that one small central plant mmencng at & post planted at the . : . orth weet rier < i £3 ben may be kept on the Yankee Girl garde eaes Core of D s ; ® ; Y m ulin 6 c lus ifreaee west & hate and Dundee Gold mines near! mence north £0 chains: thence cast 6 lYinir; these mines are being ex- chains, @ point of commencement amined now. The Yankee Girl! WILLEAM 3. LEAKY, Applicant Deted this @th day of March, 1980 has a good record of pooduction,| —_ widbicaiiliiiaiiseat but it is mot a shipper and it must! sxzena LAND RECORDING DIVISION ibe judged on the possibility of it} DISTRICT OF QUREN CHARLOTTE i ISLANDS jjustify the ereetion of a mill. TAKE NOTICE that William Jj. Leary of ; Skidegate, B C.. settler, intends apply | . for @ license 14 prospect for coal snd World 8 Gold Output. )Petrolews of and upder the following Partially complete statistics for | gesermped ~iands ithe year 1919 show that Canada! Commencing st a post planted at tt was the only creat gold-producing | 207 Ye! corner of DL. 1853; thence) inorth 60 chains; Wence esest £0 chains; cougtry to increase its output last! es. « so chins: thence west 66! year over 1918. Following is the! chains, w point of commencement WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant Deted this 6th day of March, 1990 summary of gold ; production in two years, jin pounds: values being expressed) 8KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, | } DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE 1949 1918 ISLANDS South Africas .... 636,388,074 35,758 #36! Australia 4,566,086 6.426.360| TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Canada 3,260,469 7,975,644! Skidegate, &. C., settler, intends tt spply/ ores Tees tee s'oan'see for & licepse to prospect for coal and West Africa 1,240,601 1.993.563 | Petroleum ep and under the following || Other HKegions 750,000 800,000 | described tends i at