yosday May 25, 1920, THE DAILY hina TERRACE iS INVADED sicvsincvs ia eae ETE EHh H ' * BY LOCAL TRIPPERS aa Market Prices * LOCAL NEWS NOTES *% | Continued Fr . ‘ + # fe ee ee ee | uu rom Page One.) | BE me oeomsomncrmsetns Gets ens tne teens ial F. L, Buckley went south yes- ib., Harry Menzies p., Astoria t..}c Meats. terday morning. I Fr j . Dye rf Sirloin steak 4 66-06 dalbs os CCCI i aa Perrace-—ltoss c., Wild p., Jack Beef, pot roast, lb., 30¢ to 35¢| J. L. Wilson arrived from Port ib., Moore 2b., Robinson ss., Lind- rs Cha em Funes We sas + 30¢|Glements on. Saturday. Japom Bb. Wiley of. Mofvor rhilnceeconmein oe itl Vanderlip If : : "| Beef, boiling, Ib. 25ce to 30c| Miss Mae Billings went south fa f or or 30e\or » George yesterd ins grow in The game was refereed by Mr, seeutae Gate gt pi eee eh ov +a ne cs ° ee aa rollow. | Vahderl of ; cdl ; : | ewing beef, per , coco wut 0. Se meer hy infids bei a ane! fe tS " ave this place for the Skee hat. Ee ay 4 Vegetables Ps i plants this season went ou me 37 P.O, Box 1704 ; : nied witht es Ory Der ‘ Salugday afternoon. i i , ed _ | Carrots, per Ib rt eve te . WHuiy nips, pe a Miss 1 } daughter of Dr { day at | Ie ( 1 coocccontquiandadanedbanes ery, per b ci. 1. I I, Vaneouyer tmedi- ‘ i ' awe { j ; etu ds th Baggage Checks t il “ i t \ ifter spending Rr. i i tun i ; t visiting in the city 2, ws JOE BROWN |“ Se tie Motor Transfer san Rotat per sa . M Pritt : ting manage Motor Transfer and +e im anata ' f the-Bank of Montreal,-accom- Passenger Service ; oC ee St Gteen onions . 2 Ibs. fe inied by his wife and family, ‘ sites “Seka ; ae ' 1 ve ound-trippers to Stewart Stand, Empress Hotel ‘ - r 72 . ee ' , an “ens Pa ‘ Fresh sy] h, p { nd Any this wWeek-end, A. bONES 264 Black 334 (|) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS lot ho bers. ¢ ise Bentley’ also miade the trip. ’ ‘ > = amomnte : : ed “Te I ! 7 : : nh “ be receive + : \ party of sel | teachers re 2uick Deliveries Shige Mittisver of J irned home last night after Work ' ft ‘ a. toa a ane {0 SSO POOODELEOLOLOODOD OOO OEE : tine T spending the hb iys at Metla ‘ ‘ ‘ Be «uk nel ‘ ' i 6 at hitsumka ‘ inh on, | Kkatla They were Miss Rothwell, int i Electoral D nis aaa Miss King, Miss Stene, Miss Mc ut a wl 5 ‘Onil and Miss Josephine Easen. sont Ag i, f . . _ ‘s Evaporated Fruits. M d Mrs. Stanley MeMilfan, au i bsg. — \é S cK "hee PW wy to Vancouve ‘ Rissuen tary be tho) WON Samm. Sadees 9 40 2h Oe! yesterday morning. Mr. MeMillan ’ ‘ . nha © Le} . cots ) . ty 1 of | \\ 7% a MI si BE PERCE Ne + - \\ has been s Inanager for s iy oneal : ee ante Ege * Methdetiala' vcepite the Klim Milk ¢ at Winnipeg, ’ ‘ ; POREMAN ppies cas 8.8 oo 88 2 22 Var to take chargé Works: Eng Seedless Raisins .......... 3h at : i Work arin ial agency vi os gl. Bree gees? oe RP EE eS 20¢-301 a e , ? ) cig One Fruit. : Cannery arrivals over the wer ur est’ iN THE B&i Ms MBIA rT OF BRITISH RAROMAR 4b 6 wide ey Kc 0 4's 0a eve included \\ F. Binns, H. in Probat Grapefruit ulifornia) 3 for 25« | bers. R. B ell. F. Bil mat ft ministration . Act’ And in ma Of the Betate| CMONS ss sseseescessecees sie n and. Ed, H ‘r, Balmoral; rh Ki NOT E t ine ba aa of ee eset ts Sb iues eles om !, G, Davis, Claxt Sam Packet ‘ . ny ba be last will and! 31) bPales; DOr ID. ..eesere O04 iJ Dal i lisle : j ou Apr 102 i a Pe } ued. aljse, iisie, ane Gi. ; satisfied oct “adentn a as os ’ it a effects Navel oranges ..... iNe to $41.08 Gibbs, Port Edwa > a granted avid Gordo nies Yello ~wtons ' 50 tomers Peraeet "ane * hh Fark vianke ot ‘prines App! Yellow Newton No.f ab : i ’ Rupert, B. ¢., the executors named in the} Jonathan apples No. 1 $4.00 Building permits were issued said will, and all parties haying clatms { kine ples $2.75 /this mor t \\ Slory for k lane a id ste are hereby required OOKINE APPLOS «ee eeeeaes md norpineg > SPOAT, or a the people who ' t sh aceour . A . i vorinen — Canned Italian prunes ..... 400 | $2. 200>-residence on Graham Ave ave th ‘ nd all parties Indehtec as — chalp a Raisins vor Ib ues fanae ue under the Soldiers’ Hoy ne cir i tu I i un i } eo eer eeene } isitiz work done febtedness to the said David Gordon) (wants pep: that 8 3 35¢c/scheme, and bk. C. Massey, for ex- TC ; m i ; Foncier Bullding, Hastings Street, Vanex ROR SALA Boat Wolverine, fit- ver, B.C., will apply for a licence to saa M. M. Stephens ted out for saln fishing Ap- and use ten second feet of water out of , : Ee “es Wolf Creek, also known as Davidson Creek, ply P. Doreen on float at the | which nuws southwesteriy and drains into} Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent a WI “f 93 \the kitsault iver, about two and a halt| $ Wovegninent nari. <“ miles north of the Dolly Varien Mine. 1 a. Pas The water will be diverted from the} FOR S arga yi] desk. |stream at a point about one mile from FOR SALI Large roll-top d ,the BitsauJt River and will be used for), golden oak, in splendid Con-/power purpose upon the ee ‘ents to or . 5 as the Wolf Mineral Claim, and lights + dition. $50. Phone Blue 388. 24 |%)\-e “arm pistriet. ; 5 af wane —~ ————-—————~ | This notice was postel on the ground : uw > é “asses ation the Third day of May, 1920. ; FOR SALE F ifty a attres , a A copy of this notice and an application special discount prices. See!pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, cael Furniture H i tt 19144 wil be filed in the Office of the Barrie’s Furniture ouse. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. aba ee Serer » | Objection to the application may be fled FOR SALE ‘Canada’s Pride” | with the said Water Recorder or with the . Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parliament pein . J range, 6 holes, good as neW./Bulldings, Victoria, B. ‘ within thirty YESIGHT— The most valuable of . 1 an Kast 24 days after the first, appearance of this all jhe senses—is the most Apply 233 8th Ave. East. ~- notice in a local newspaper. } neglected and thé ‘least understood. " The pewers of this undertaking are to » FOR SALE—Furniture of all kinds | be exercised for power and lighting within Man; suier frase: tie See ; the territory embracing all the Wolf min- exaniination, can he traced See Barrie’s Furniture House.|eral claims, the Dolly Varden minerai to cefectiv sight. * tiny ee ee ns eee | Claiins, and all of this Company's Railroad roe © exeelene i FOR SALI B u and medicine ee aA Senge iat Coals te aa ob t SAL sureau ane ate ‘lerties and buildings of others in and ad- | e cabinet Phone Blue 404, 4124 |J@cent to the Alice Arm District. orien ceotdid aaa 2 aks “ : THE TAYLOR ENGINEERING CO., LTD., | often restore the delicate iy Applicant. run- town sufferer to robust health. | FOR SALI One Kelly. Engine, by John Anderson, agent. whe wlesha: seer i 2 gs \ The date of the first publication of this rs — properly preserib, i% h. p., 623 8th Ave. West. [notice is May 6, 1920. \§ ed. ‘bey restore the vision 1 nor- ali ——__ --— Seca mel and eliminate all eye. strain. FOR SALI One rifle and one};y vHE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ' shot gun. 623 8th Ave. West. ACT AND AMENDING ACTS and — 1 i LI y 3 4 ht! IN THE MATTER OF THE PRINCE RCPERT FOR SAL One skiff, 623 Eighth SPRUCE MILLS, LIMITED (IN LIQUIDA- F ed J d Avel West 27 sonny di r ou ry a eg a a NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Practical trist HOUSES FOR SALE NOTICE is hereby given that at an extra- a Ot i os -~ ———-———— ordinary general meeting of the members Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert KINE HOMI best residential | & the above naméd Company duly con- ose aot ’ . *ivened and held at the Company's oMece at Opposite Post Offide section. Moderate terms, Hel- |Prince Rupert, B. C., om 1st of April, 1920, . a jan Extraordinary Resolution was passed gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, |ror ime voluntary winding up of the above a > named Company, and George E. Winter, |Company, Pacific Building, Vancouver, B 3 Mille 1545 9th Ave, Kast. ame if mn Saturday, 24th of April, 1920, the Nox er ee ere Resolution was duly confirmed. NORTHERN INTERIOR ? : The Creditors of the above naméd Com- i a ss “1 STEWART LOTS pany are required on or before the 14in|§ CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . LT — }day of May, 1920, to send in their names * : ’ yy FOR SALI Lot 2. Block 10. Map /#8@ addresses and the particulars of their! will open in C. H. Thomas’s +17 <2>. Nene ~) os - » MAP lGebts or, claims to the Liquidator, 210/95 st nd, Thi d A 5 oa 905. Stewart Townsite. Price,| Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Vancouver, | > a ir venue, = 4.000 lot adjoins busi. |= | a : ia ; opposite Post Office : : ei,Ur ° iiss 10 aqgjoins DUS A meeting of 1 Creditors of the above ness section on Sixth Street named f any, ip Heeateaton, will be } On Monday, 10th May, , heat. . *iheld at tre office « tre Liquidator, 210 Apply Daily News office, tf i Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Vancouver, with a full stock of local Meats, rte ge cater aa cl B.C, on Saturday the 15th day of May, Fruits, vegetables. Farm ; : — > . . 9 920, at 11 om air rod OR SALE—-Lot 16, Block 7, and) DATED this 27tr day of April, 1920. | y ucts. s lock 42 , 905 GEORGE E. WINTER Let 140 hl $2, May 905, Liquidator, 5 Sixth Street, Stewart, $500 each} — 3 M. M. Stepbens. tf é ans —~—-———— | fe FOR RENT i | 4 : | POR TEN T—Newly completed and decorated hall above the Candy Store de Luxe, on Third Ave. Hall is a hundred feet long and TIMBER SALE X 2331. specially suitable for dances eee » enn wate . Pen Sealed tenders will be received by the and other social events. For} yinister of Lands not later than noon on ‘TNs, ». ird day of June, 1920, for the purchase of temms, apply tk » Jim Killas, tt aces SAUET Ge one RT eeo Tees ct Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Yellow Cedar FOR RENY Room in. private |b. 40 area situated on Roscoe Inlet, Range Coast District, family. Gentleman = preferred, Two (2) years will be allowed for re- soo “i : 7, | moral of timber. Very central. Apply box 70 Purther particulars of the Chief Forester, Daily News office. tf | Vietoria, B.C,, or District Forester, Prince . ie NEES BAR anew | hupert;, B. C; : | TO RENT-—Comfortable room in| private family, Good location. | Room large and airy. Phone} Green 165. 19} os vrs i | OR RENT. Three-roomed front} (lat, furnished, Mrs, Wolters,| St. Louis Rooms, Phone | Red 1. TIMBER SALE X 2218. | a FLAT TO RENT Furniture for} 2 . j one or Sealed tenders will be received by the sale, Phone Red 442, 126 | Minister of Lands not later than noon on } the Qud day of July, 1920, for the pur- ichase of _Licence X 2218, to cnt 6,600,000 feet of Spruce ‘Hemlock and, Cedar on an ieee jo LOST pueol + _ Parea adjoining « 4719p, Cumshewa | r 7 | Tnlet ‘en Charlotte Islands ‘District, LOST Rost: m hull dog, white} two (2) years will be allowed for re moval of timber, Further partic ilar 8 of the Ki, { B,C, and neck with} No, 441, Any- markings on face collar and license | Chief Forester | Vietorta | Aupert, » ur District Furester, reine Dated this Sra day a EUROPEAN , $1.80 per day a FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Marte. | "Piano Tuni and All Kinds of R, ShGHON: GEORGES GA For Outside Orders P.O, Box 1666 MINERAL ACT. (Porm orm ¥.) A CERTIPIC At on it yer ro? “Wor Sineoat tens River Mining Dt Wi o nt ere located:-—Near the nang of Take notice that 1, g° i diner’s Certifieate No. ¢ ixty days from the da oO Le mprovements, Tor tel 2) Crown Grant of And further take ler section 85, must he issuenee ‘of such ‘roveme#r ta, VEMENTS, iis ae