THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. | | | H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Epiror. | ae tic nn SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ; ; rc ft r é er eas cece eat TBs ‘ity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ Bu. ait to all parts of the Brilish Empire and the United States, in advance, per VORl wees eee cere eer eet e een ene eee ens $6.00. To all other countries, in advance, per year ..........., $7.50. TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. Local Readers, per insertion, os cleo e be 4 8S 8 e736 26c. per line Classified advertising, per SUOPSUME, 65 0 86 058 4 2c. per word. Legal Nolices, Mhoh. insertion, puis d a6 <0 se {5c..per agate line. Contract Rates on Application. A advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- eeding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Pte Wednesday, May 26, 1920. DAILY EDITION, Juices. p + STOPPED HER HEADACHES REPRESENT CITY Years Of Suffering Ended By “Fruit-a-tives” 112 Iiazen Sr., Sv. Joun, N. By “It is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I received use of your medicine made from /ruit i was @ great sufferer for many vears from NMervous Headaches and Constipation 1 triéd everything, nothing scemed to help me until I tried “FPruit-a-tives”. After taking several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since’. from the * Frudl-atives"’, consulted doctors; but Mise ANNIE WARD. 50c. a box, 6 fer $2.50, trial size, B5c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, THE DAILY NEWS DYBHAVN 10 gebeerweever New President For Mexico. . The election of a new president for Mexico does not seem yery important to us, but to the man who is elected it must be The president must be aware that, like ‘2? a very exciling event. the birds and animals of the wild, his end is likely to be a tragedy. Diaz was the only one to escape of receny years. Usually the presidents are ordered to run and then shot because they are trying to gel away. It is to be hoped now that Carranza is gone that Mexico will According to AGENCY FOR ALL KINDS OF goods, oilskins, overalls, mackinaws, waterproof clothing, Canvas bo gloves, its, baggage, harness, shoes, woolen undemwear and socks. TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. J. F. MAGUIRE 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert kettle down and form a more stable government. the guarantee of security to experience a great commercial boom. | » Prison Reform Under Discussion. The matter of prison reform is one that has been a subject for debate, especially among reformers and philanthropists, for many years. Many improvements have been made in the methods of conducting prisons, and the prison farm is about the latest | and most succes-ful institution resulting from all the discussion. The Methodist the subject which says: “It is sometimes fcrgotten that our prison population largely recruited from the ranks of the feeble-minded, this account alone our whole point of view requires to be changed as regards the treatment of crimes and criminals. After all the prison expenditure, the astounding fact remains that we turn | out a worse product than we take in. If the object is the .pro- tection of society, this is manifestly not achieved. We are giad of the increasing understanding of the problem and the intelli- gence in its handling. In some communities the parole system, the indeterminate sentence, and other features are operative. | What still remains, however, is to transform and humanize prison | treatment throughout.” Good Roads for This Province. Conference recently received a report on is and on at a Good Roads Convention at Winnipeg next week. be a great powwow regarding better roads and how to make them, | Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms: 7 @ 8 Smith Block one No Better Equipped Office in Prince Rupert This equipment, with my experience, will , 81ve you the results you desire Phone 575 Lady Assistant Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment ea A Office Hours: 8-42; 1-6; 7-9, pursuant thereto 1914," all reports the country is rich in natural resources and needs Only ge eea eee eee & *# ® *® * Arrangements for Grants Made PRINCE RUPERT TIDES je seen ereeee se ** eal Wednesday, May 26. High, 8:46 a. m., 16.3 feet 21:14 p.m., 14.6 feet. Low, 2:42 a.m., 7.4 feet. 14:52 p.m., 6.8 feet. Thursday, May 27. High, 9:56 a.m., 16.3 feet. 22:5 p.m., 18.9 feet. Low, 3 > a.m., 6.5° feet. 15:53 p.m., 6.3 feet. Friday, May 28. High,.10:55 a.m., 16.6 feet. 22:50 p.m., 19.4 feet. Low, 4:51 a.m., 5.5 feet 16:46 p.m., 7.6 feet. Saturday, May 29. High, 11:44 a.m., 17.1 feet. 23:30 p.m., 19.9 feet. Low, 5:44 a.m., 4.6 feet. 17:30 p.m., 7.7 feet. Sunday, May 30. ligh, 12:26 p.m., 47.6 feet. Low, 6:22 p:m:, 4 feet. 18:10 p.m., 7.8 feet. The time used is Pacific Stan |dard, for the 120th Meridian west. Dr. King, minister of public works, is to attend and speak |It is counted from 0 to 24 hours, There will|from midnight to midnight. The table given is for Por out of Fletcher Creek, which flows west-/ erly and drains into Cascade Creek, about quarter mile north of the Internationa! from the near the north- Miners! Boundary ‘n Salmon River Valley. The Water will be diverted stream 4t & point about t corner of Lot 3507, Rupert im, and will be used for power pnrposes |Upoa the Premier Mine; [nee on Lot 3607-—Cascade Forks No. 5. | This |power for use om the pro | Premier nection with its mining and milling opera | tlons. This notice was posted on the ground on the 20th da power horse to be water is to he used ww generate riy of Mux Gold Mining Cr, in con- 4 of April, copy of this not and 1920. ¢ and am application t the ‘Water act, will be fled tn the offee of the en eee eh Bee eee eae «| May on 4 Wednesday, ‘ " ee MALL. SCHEDULE *) ‘ee eve eee eee eee eee For the East. oe Moudays, Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 10:30 a, m, Alderman is Member of Canadian Seem dha Rast. } ae ee cor and Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- i — —! days at 7 p.m. On motic of an Perry, aE 7 a 1 ‘ ‘ sh Mt nd For Vancouver and South, seconde ) hate ’ \. etme J Ee 7 rt Alderman Dybhavn wo to the} 3" MAYS ve veveveces Bs Fishe Cha vent) Va ¥ POUPSGSIS: bocce csaciecs iip.m . re — ee Fe 7 Sim . ee _ imitted to the conve n, but his April 30, May 10, 21 and 34 9 membership to the Canadian Fish ee eries Association w lid give him For Anyox and Alice Arm. IGETS 2 ¢ KA 68 be ‘és 13°08 this right. a ~ ‘ be : oe The council n era were Wednesdays ..cceccsees ii p.m unanimous in the ction and a all thought that t ty should) From Anyox and Alice Arm. be represented and that the now| Tuesdays ..... eeeereecns Pp. m. lisheries regulations be strongly hursdayS ..+..+++- see Pp. in, SMOKING TOBACCO supported against attempt to Cte have them rescinded by southern |For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili interests. The e jeration of Say, Wales Island and Naas River. a these regulations ll form an SUMNdAYS ....65 ween ° i¢ Pp. Met) aa junportant part of convention | PPidays «6... cere ween op. program. “Ree Si an oe From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill | n Bay, Wales tsiand and Naas River. : PUBLICITY FOR FAIR jvnesdays ........- , Sinaia a —---- * IOtUreeee adic cd oe BRO ES noon ——— oe Of... *| at Meeting Last Night. Queen Chariotie Isiands: —- iFor Maassett, Port Clements and QUALITY At the meeting of the Agr i- | Upper island poilats: cultural Association last night it May 12 and 26 . | was decided to give a grant. to sntiiaendiiias various publications in the city! *pem Masset, Port Clements and to aid in the adve sing of this Upper Isiand polats: : r a ne year’s exhibition The Empire May 13 and 27 e has been granted $150, the News . OFFICE HOURS £150 tr Wwe erale S50. are ‘ . —oale 24 otte ‘ . . a. (3850, Omineca Herald $50,.and) practice road-making. However, we are looking for better|the same. The range of the tide lin, Ontario, has been appointed See yon Oe things. We are promised a survey of the route by the inside|may be computed as 5 per cent) oo. +t eed’ beg .* ee See Passenger Mendey, W°égeeday sad Saturgay'ef 11:50 & = " at i * : | . city engineer atas iry of 85,00 we or isSé¢ thene ‘ ‘ . . ‘ passage, past the wonderful rapids with a view to a beginning!greater at Prince Rupert than at sii th 6 ' ast Prince George, Edmoston, end Wianbeg’ mating Grect ¢ : . - - rt ear. . = . being made in actual construction next year. It would be a fine|Port Simpson both at springs and)" 3 gee ba ‘ « weet * al) polnts east aod south fcemic drive and when it is built Morse Lake and the other water-|neaps. Therefore the rise in the| Carl E. Lofstedt has been found oa eae —— — is of en ice is 4 , i ; i ss : | , eee ” ee et WILLIAM J. LEAMY, Applicant. ‘i ways of the other side of the Island will be used much more than! Prince Rupert harbor is slightly! eniity before a Vanconver assizes ates thie 6th day at Maren 407 Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines they are today. jsneater than Port Simpson. of manslaughter over the death Se ee ee ‘the height is in feet and tenths) rife . hk SecsiGcm Antti, | SREENA IAND RECORDING DIVItION For information and reservations apply to Medical. Officer £ , . z cso of his wife from injuries inflicted] DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue Phon® 200. On Exercise. |of feet above the average level Of|pny him and was sentenced to sever ISLANDS j llower low wate al ideas In the course of the Lady Priestley Memorial lecture, Sir) ee eo. genwe Ma DON Ean TAKE D at William 3, Leary a George Newman laid stress 1g 2 of ga ; "eCPrei i An * So =» = thas 4. be - pec > an laid stress on the value of games and recreation, | LAND ACT. ey ee prospectors into | Skiers settle to apt Says the London Times. He would carry athletic exercises right! . ALi Arm is ried. many of ” ee : -. 69e * 7 ‘ > ; Th 7 . . D | re P repo . na 0 pula : . : : . e ou into adult life, insisting that it is not enough to make pro-|‘°T™™® 0° Sr ak Te oe: eect alas ir a in dite: toate Pee 1 under ti wink AY ‘ . S At . _ co c ; Fr a i138 ré ribe hi neds vision for children only. Nor would he limit them to men, since| ae eels ee ; rs ote ne eh. 8 pest. planted at th CANAD : Bh fa, ate equally beneficial to women. It does not follow from Sir| ptaith”of Barn smu Ts akties | [north-west corner of Dy L 4803; theme George Newinan’s being the Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry |of Lot 10744 Cassar, jeouth 60 crains; thenee west 80 chains CANADIAN PROIFIO OORAN SERVICES of Healt} ; a. 7 ' ‘ a : $ Take notice that we, Alien Falconer end! ~~ thenee porth #0 chains: thence ast £0 feaiih that we are to have an intensive system of physical cul-| Albert B. Armstrong, Gf Alice Arm, B. C., . ¥ hains, t nt of commencement hi S ices , ; C * ali f ; | oecupati $ “ar « c ) bails, Oo pom u . alive ement ture for young and mature alike. But a few words from such | 7. heresies: ‘te’ aoe’ the following ae. Sport Briefs j WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant B.C. Coast Steams ip erv! an authority may produce some impression. If they were to in-|*ctibed_Jands:- Dated this 6th day of March, 1¢26 duce the i : : | Commencing 41 & polnt In the easter) y | Bp ereer ee er creer omg as i al “se yk ' ‘* 1€ general practioner to recommend toe-touching, a simple }boundary of Lot 10744, Cassiar, 375.1 feet rr ) Smith Tel cia sa ; ants pIve ‘ 6.8. PRINCESS MARY mut swkward fez elderly pati re w i |northerly from the South-East corner of| re proposed Smithers-Telkwa) SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVIS! ‘ i ird te it, to elderly patients, there would be a SOO |ssid jot; thence at right sngies to said| +, eail ‘ola es ' dl DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alasta, fom Prince Rupert oa Cgimning, Highly respectable mature men can be met in the |boundary rt er elo Sne Way PomppRed last ISLANDS Aprii @, 1, 90; May 10, 21 a A : }to the Westerly bounMary of the Kitsault) Sy nde V wt ’ n-arrive : Prince Rupert city of London who are immensely proud of the facility Mhey|indisn reserve; thence soutberly along unday owing to the non-arrival| For Vancouver ete 4 ae r - have reached in morning exercises. ‘These exercises have ex-|*#!* westerly boundary end the projection)Of the Smithers contingent of| TAKE NOTICE that WilNam J. Leary of April 14, 24; May 6, 16, an , : : pers ‘ . c “*&~ |thereof 925 feet more or less to the inter-/ ann nits P on whiten . | Skidegate ( nettle intends to apply tended remarkably among the middle classes of late years. One |*#¢ton thereof with the projetion south-|Players. It was apparently rain— | >*!4 ~ o> Soe : yg ee ; 6. 6. PRINCESS BEATRICE Bay, Alert Bey, proof is the m , ; : P easterly of the southerly boundery of Lothing im the railroad centr How estes cage Agree : From Prince Mupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Hardy ' , s the number of physical instructors who make a gOOd | 3643, Cassiar; thence north 67 deg. 11 ” Tpetroleum on and under the following Beaver Gove, Powell River, Vencouver and Victoria thing out of their “old men's classes.” Itis the working man who |imin. ‘West slong projection of said last lever, 4 quartet went over to play | deseribed tands Every Gaturday at @ p.m. seems to have no ; : ; toes at 6 lcorner of said lot 3643; thenee north 9¢)tennis and had some interesting} Commencing at a post planted at the iy we ) ambition to be able to touch his toes at 60. \Seg. Bast $04.3 feet to the north east] games on the new court recently | [West corver of D.L. 1653; thenee ae ee Se er ae ‘ ee jeorner Of said lot 3643; thence 375.1 feet! © , ot * |gorth 80 Chains; thence east 80 chains W. ©. OMOHANRD, Genoral Agen a jnortherly along the easterly boundary of) put in by the Telkwa Tennis Club.| jones south 86 clininss thenes weet 60 Pri Rupert, B Cc sal ot 7 to the po we ence-| . i 4 ins; t 4 é esd peat nid” comtashing En acres, amore, or| ” - chains, to point of commencement Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street rince F : less, : } Alex. Murray, formerly of this} WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant. : A PERT LF, SRaraona. icity and now a resident of Telkwa, Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. ~ by Allen Falconer, Agent. “xpects eave ort | : ee ae . | Dated 12 May, 1920. ' pects $0 leave. shortly ard SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, | 2 Span enaiarey eye mesa Doughty where he will improve DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE . ° WATER NOTICE, his ranch. Before “going to ISLANDS nin ih DIVERSION AND USE. Telkwa he was a prominent mem- nr OW e ays are n Pe . : . AKE NOTICE Aar > — TAKE NOTICE that Premier Gold Mining/ber of the St. Andrew's Society !. TAKE NOTICE thet William J, Leary of a : » > » * | Skidegate, G. C., sectier, intends to apply Co, Ltd., whose address is Premier, B. C.,}, 1 » of tl Id all sh you ¥ via Stewart, B.C., will apply for a Tieanee | 216 one © ie Old time footbalil ror a iicense to prospect for coal and) leht the Electricity for whieh to take and use three cubic feet of water! stars. Since living in the interior|petroleum on and under the following and you do not use Electric Light, use . to blow the flies away he has done well in the teaming | “shea lands A letter f \pointing out the lack of fire pno-| tection between Fulton and Me-| Bride streets now that Tatlow st. | is closed for repairs, was referred | tan? lagt night by the council to the] ine "esusron es reek Cortineste of Title 10 city engineer for immediate ac |1et Three (3), Block Fifteen (15), Town ‘ten | Of Stewart (Map 818A). Satisfactory proof : shains, 10 point of commencement rom M, M. Stephens, |‘ ' Phens, WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant. Dated this Ath day of March, 1920 NOTICE of the joss of the above Certificate of Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C , ’ “e duc tle ‘ Objections to the application may be fied ‘ ee 7 poneby nptven ther tt ah “may intontihe to |with ‘the said Water Recorder or with the) During the month of May there |itsue after the expiration of one month Comptroller of Water Hights, Parliament “et . : }from the first publication hereof, a freah /Bulldings, Vietoria, B.C., within afty days| were ten fire alarms in the city! coMtineate or Ryne Mone above men jertar she Apes sppearanee of this noUlce Iniwifh but Slight dainage of &50 Boned lands, in the name of Vietor A. G i ’ pit : ;Elilot, whieh Certificate | fated 24th PREMIEMOOLD MINING $0.4 La Phe cost of maintaining the de-|Getober, 1910, and ts numbered 969 l by Dale L, Pitt, Agent, |Partment for thé month was seth den ab ean ahaa napert, 8. The date of the Arst publieation of this)g4 494 84 | i. F. MacLeop gtawt. . : f — ’ notice is May 4, 1920, ' District Kegistrar of Titles, : Commencing at a pdat planted st the business, but still longs for a kick! northwest eorner of D.L. 1853; thenee at the leather, north 80 ¢Aains; thence west 80 chains; | —EE thence south 80 chaifis; thence east 80 For Anyox and Stewart Saturday 10 p.m. have to pay anyhow to Cook, Toast, or run a fan PATTINSON, LING & CO. sell aaa $5.25 } ld allay - - - $15.00 | Fans - - - - - $15.00 Hot Plates and Ovens will operate from a lamp pocket for 4 cents an hour Have your old Hot Plates rawired, pService Good Prices Moderate Subscribe for The Daily New bia The Leading Daily of Northern British Colum