oP POO BMG. 4 ~ . & Lit re e yr lag * - v — a ; im a wed ; A ait k and sizes made by H, Jones & Son Daily Netwos TAXI Phone Rupert ” C. Years’ Expe yrience) (4 . WE NEVER SLEEP Agent ‘ Feat : upert Auto — F F, Maguire. PRINCE RUPERT Peines cane sti 707 Second Ave. - Prince ) S50 ‘second Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ee Se — = — ¥ — — ea _— —_ sb vol. ge PRINCE RUPERT, BLG., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS (PIVE CENTS Steamers Operating; Men Still Out BOLT FROM DOMINION ae RAN OVER THE BUDGET PROPOSALS SH TROUBLE BIGCONTRACTOR "S CONTINUING Property Being Burned—Ancient Castic Destroyed by Fire in County Cork. Longshoremen Refuse to Join Striking Firemen and as Employers say practically all the Vessels are being Operated; Timothy Pores, Who Built G.T.P., Dies at St. Paul, 82 Years of Age. Prince Albert Sailed Last Night and George Tonight _ DUBLIN, May 27.—Burning of VANCOUVER, May 27.—Word in Ireb is continuing. has been received here of the VANCOUVER, May 27. “The International Longshoremen’s ’ Tuesday (4 ng Kilbritain death on Tuesday at St. Peul, eediation comreittee will today make strenuous efforts to make BEASLEY’S DEATH - n County Cx rk, " viag ‘ont _ a of ba rene oak a at yp NRT = = RPPaiee and The Gente. 5 WAS UNAVOIDABLE. d diel bei 5 £100 000: Sasmedln. Abe cee: Shibeare: vs mond meeting has been arranged with the steamship heads y the ding was un- age following negative results yesterday when the representatives of That Is Verdict of Coroner's Jury i rhe late Mr. Foley was bead of the companies said there was nothing on which they could en eee a g # £40,000 |the Iirm-of Foley, Welch & Blew- negotiate, as practically all the boats from which the strikers VANCOUVER. Ma nv cM = ; Banc p im | Ot OT qil are now sailing. avoidable act : vas { ; i vsti “ 1 e P iT Bate » from Sh stathbn it is expected that the Chelohsin will sail tomorrow night for “ct of the cor rs 7 at n i ling at the to Prinee Rupert. The’same firm Prince Rupert and Alert Bay. na wt : : d : , ‘ e fit they 1d a built the Canadian Northern Rail- The SS. Prince Albert sailed last might with freight and one Bree RT ee ee muengers for the north and will call at southern Queen Char- |, « CARI AD . ig al corkibhe at the wie Islands with food-for the camps. to tl ‘ I M ; fA iw ARS PP G. 1 vesides a long section of The Prince George artived yesterday and sails again tonight ; pa sa POU the ©. P. R. They undertook the tr Prince Rupert and Stewart. : a Ohne i .f ense work of constructing the VANCOUVER, May 27. (Noon.)-—The latest indication here — lt iam b ’ ? MOR: LAROR Loss keene eh on the maim that there is further weakening of the strikers. This morning quent tat the Air Boats t longshoremen voted against coming out in support of the fire- wake a separaty me and deckhands. , The mediation meeting which it was expected would have TWO BOATS CALLED Mr. } Lanark es a wi Ontario, He no children. DOUKHOBOR LADY “_ounty, but Seb ortancdibiial of Employment a: Service Says Oan Take 1,000 leay Laborers Weekly. dow ben held this morning did not take place. Late HERE THIS MORNING VANCOUYI ™ is a BURNED 70 DEATH, fisheries Engineer Will Venture and Oniltiwack Both! 28 91h pital Colin. CHILDREN--SAVED' > Southbound from Naas River. Let Contract at Digby and {ro Sur in'e ny im the lumber eanpe a NELSON, May 27.—Mrs. Wil- rd : tion lia Leverenkofl, a Doukhobor, : i the “ died here frem burns received Arrange Fishway on Naas» 0 dum the fa veg. (ie Mere this pert this : \ i i ‘ - ma , destroyed her home at ee a Sanidd’ dant ; , ane * Pp Castlegar yesterday. The sum of M 27 Jo Mel Hugh resident engineer - . : ; i . ‘ 2 py stinone 3 « Ww) oir bank notes was burned heres, lett la sight the north to _ . ro + 2 rh ves of three childrem were gvement the construction of a fishway daa . — ——_ -——— saved by an oper brother, cigh- : ; tae Mane Sige While in the ha UR ’ oF . 6 C Undertrerx. Phone 41 years of age ' quiindieihisi oabeok aaleae wih. tr ected bout ich is being const ec eth enn, wt oh a “Break in Support ver Anetta have seo rend evap afte ome of the Government : SRcatet, Three compe will be ootabs Petar har apr arTuaeh Battleford Farmer and r and the Member for ' | sy eh agp So Rabe Ba TN ca cate Lethbridge beth oppose Budget and Promise to Vote with j Oppesition eak in the took in ~ Break for Freedam and Travelied Six Miles. (WWMISSIONON (ASK CLEMENCY ssscces WINNIPES 1 PAWA, May The first b GHELL CONTRACT, FOR FINDLAY iconv S05 cot tt te ig freedom wh i t p~ iH. O. Wrig battleford farmer, hie tured late the sa ‘ rought by J. Wesley Allison Has Already Served a Year In the ¢ieatty ver next year ranks of the’ Gov last. night when a concise positive place is thd pbuationt i and » would have“*to break* with the Government The announcement was all tl opposition amendment.