re e : Page 2 cS — THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Voy o- ' = , ht a ee ety aa au ar — initia! ERG ; ee ae | een eee ae eee e see? | THE DAILY NEWS The Man in the Moon MAIL SCHEDULE . - eeeeeeeeneePaaene PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | gAvs:- wee aaa 7 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News AN} nicuT Nemes emnarmmarmmarmeeeme Ht! Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. , HAT Man Who can allord telurdays at 10:30 a. m. — uly potatoes ea . wares, a catenin H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. Th Tortu 98 of 0 se linen who can't carns “salary. From the East. ey Of =7.* — e [ y p psia ; ; a ie Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Relieved By “Fruit-a-tives” | TA it S58 Somes Jour day at 7 pm, QUALITY City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ . nalist Who suggests that wher ee By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, Lrrmur Bras D’or, C, B. gunna comme. iid ' Pa "ied For Vancouver and South, in advance, per Year «+. ees reeset sees eere sere eeeees $6.00. “T was a terrible sufferer from onct Ar tans should ¢ bene. WOES Py aetkOE. Ciwd 6 sks s C49 48 7 p.m To all other ‘aber ies, in advance, Pr YOGr suave eeecrseces 7.59. Dyspepsia and Constipation foryears. | wild. PAUPSGRYS <0 ees fi p.m I had pain after eating, belchirg gas, YHAT th cos eho und Saturdays .....eescecees B PM a yne I * si whe 1aeT TELEPHONE. 98. constznt headaches and did notsleep | nia sieitnata would not |BUMdAYS «6. .eeeeeeeees {1 p.m, . a: * ° ce t ‘Cums es ‘ t ww an well at night. Finally, a friend told work feb Sia ate on» 60n b meneel May 4, 14 and*25 OF FICE HOU i, ‘ Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. re oy ee Vegabetptne is willing to give services free Morning, 9 te 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays $ to 12 on Transient advertising on front page ......6..-. $2.00 per inch.; the Constipation was corrected and lava it From Vancouver and South. Every Evening from 7.30 ‘il oe : , © YF . ce ai ~ nh oe er otner co ns Local Readers, Ps r insertion, ......+++:- a 25c, per line. hee: : a ie - re, eee ted i Sundays ..... eV eee ook 10 p.m. 3 q to § . » . an oP oar anc muserabdie 8c § . 7 ; Classified advertising, per insé TUOR, ...5..04 B.... 2C. pel word. na . n “ e fee _ that | opHAt unpaid is often the | Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. Dental Nurse in attendance Legal Notices, each insertion, ......-+.+- i5c. per agate line. oat ane s Dyspepsia. I continued most expensive SundayS ..sscess oy} 10.30 a.m : Contract Rates on Application. mee . ‘sm el oe oe a Fridays> as +e Phone 109 for appointment fice on day pre-| S25 MOY * Se wee, Strong aac | 6 6THAT gir very patient April 30, May 4¢, 24 and 31 oom Ail advertising should be in the Daily News ¢ p ; a ' girls a ry patient, pril 30, May £0, 24 and: s eeding publication. All advertising received subject to approval.| he. 8 entanbe ¢ t a ve lbut there is ont thing a self jtnilied R 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and | th e size coc. | : Wee ‘ . V—_ : ° os >| Ad all dealers ot seat ee Be by lrespecting youns lady will not For Anyox and Alice Arm. Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C : c « t ' DAILY EDITION. of > Thursday, May 27, 1920. | Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, stand, and that is going out with! Sundays wi akeee bers fi p.m.ith eee oe —— a boy who wea 2 $45 suit of | Wednesdays ......2000. {i p.m ™ a clothes. - Propaganda AGENCY FOR . ee From Anyox and Alice Arm. “Hi Si er rt or Vasi¢q Advertising. as di sae : re “ 3 a : — ps 7 PUGRGRYS cos ccccccess 13s Oe r aidvertisi ir McKim Ltd. has just issued a booklet LL KINDS OF pVOUNUCSS aware — — Hursdays .cecescoes seceese De M. Phe adyprt ae a of McKim | d ae ‘ Er Canvas goods, oilskins, gjhe drafted his b 1dget speech, aaa TL PTAA which it calls “The Force that Makes Ideas Live.” The bookte boots, overalis, mackinaws, $) — For Port Simpson, Arrandalo, Mill. RUNK S S PRINCE GEOR is very interesting allhough it deals with the work of the eee gloves, waterproof clothing, hee . to the a ; 2 oo Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. mis ms “= GE ers and is somewhat in the nature of a house organ. To quote baggage, harness, shoes, BED GrocnG town G FOPEY-BVG | nindays .sness veces 11 p.m. PACIF . ni it woolen underwear and socks. dollar hand-me-down is just as | shh we 5 p.n - BAILING rom it:— GUI 0 Wks Cdinnic sie te 0H impossible as an cight dollar pat “Great industrial organizations of the future will be known, TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. of ‘cea to the g 2 2 as For A not simply as successful business institutions, but as definite ey. F. MAGUIRE a ej ei > Nig ety ade xy htm § or Anyox and Stewart Saturday 10 p.m. F ; THAT vines ined » Bay, Wa nd and Naas River. contributors to human progress. Propaganda advertising will be 22 Second Ave., Prince Rupert 3) THAT the less ae Teed a om p.m Swanson Bay, Ocean Falis and Vancouver Monday 10 a.m : more he wants epend on his PMOGSGAYS 2... cece eeeenenee »™m, the medium. Litntte fas Deane plus dew”. ic'g's ce nbilawies noon — es, J Governments will only be democratic governments when ## ### # #2 #22 #2 8 # € 2) 7». - — TRAIN SERVICE ° they have been elected on a sane, logical and convincing presen- | * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ¥) THAT many people have neth- Queen Citariotte Islands: Patseheer Mondsy, W*dneeday snd Saturday af 11°90 & m for Smithers tation of their policies to all the people, and when they keep those | ® ee $e eee ee HH EH Baling but their clothes to recom-/|for Massett, Port Clements and Prince George, Edmeontum and Wintives, making direct connections people constantly informed of the progress made in putting their Thursday, May 27. end them. q | Upper oa Pera oll points east and south g “56 all 4.3 ee j . ‘ wa ~ amd 26 policies into effect, The means will be furnished by propaganda High, hie re 7 ra nes rHAT even t suit does t Bese PD. Mi. 8. eet. ° | : : advertising. | Low, 3:52 ; m., 6.5 feet jhang right on their round should-| ¢rom Masset, Port Clements aud’ Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines i ' 5-5: . ‘ 1.3 fee jers. Upper Island pointe: For formation and reservations apply t Agency for Moulding 15:53 p.m, ¢ feet. | er. Sy Pi May 43 and 27 City Tieket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phen? 200 Public Opinion. ; ss tine Friday, May 28. ‘ THAT Sir Art Meighen at ot eb j igh, 10:55 a.m., 16.6 feet. ‘ ‘ ‘ The press is the greatest agency for moulding public opinion, = 22:50 | - 19.4 feet acks the dual oj ee he leor Skide gate, Queen Charlotte » om . -<-9 , ’ - eet. iouse of Comr ns saving ‘ % y ———a a says the booklet. Yesterday that opinion was influenced through Low, 4:51 a.m.. 5.5 feet. oni ay shes ae er pe oy sp oa , City and Lower Island points: pu. the news and editorial columns, today the advertising columns 16:46 p.m., 7.6 feet. sie eee “i May 1, 15 and 2 mY tn 9 = a ~ | T fake precedence, commanding instant attention, so that the story Saturday, May 29. ae Fa s = Mey CANADIAN PACIFIC RAII WAY : : High, 11:44 a.m., 17.14 feet PHAT me ple have , |From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte A MEL TTA can be presented uniformly when and wherever desired, all over me rye eee : | , some people have been ; 3 La fy " 23:30 p.m., 19.9 feet. unkind enough to say that the City and Lower Island pvincts ‘ eninninll Sali édtnk conve P country. Bry | ‘ : ; Mi: 18 and June 1 : Low, 5:41 a.m., 4.6 feet. flag under whieh Sir Arthur and ny , Yesterday leaders’ and organizations that had some far- 17:30 7.7 ; : a. —_—— . : e 1 i i i its p.m., 7.7 feet. his colleagues fight has on it a ] prestige, and is very much more effective than the same message i ry’ aye yyy i rere von ithen someone cuessed that it was! " For rates, reverrations and seilings, apply j Base ~~ |dard, for the 1 Meridian wes clothed as 4 news item or editorial and claiming attention on ie a sdtntad tram BD fo 2 4. houre because no babies were admitted SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVIgION W. ©. ORCHARD, Generali Agent. asis "!to the building so the stork droffi—| DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE that basis. | fr om midnight to midnight. to the buildin the stork irop- | ISLANDS Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, BC Imperial Conference | The table given is for Port | Ped them outside, neti ° ee Late oe | riapyiclnenpesiagpaliccs : . Has Been Called | Simpson but the time for Prince) poor» = eee ane + : iRupert varies only a few minutes s ors, a anal” hag” eid "aed The press dispatch which came through yesterday sayingjon some days and on others ie Ten Years A (| leunt a er wing that an imperial conference had been called to discuss the malter|the same. The range of the tide f nt 8° 4|% ; N th ing of war claims on Germany, is another step in the direction of |'ay be computed as 5 per cent f a ae { bone ete g ° ‘ a : OW e aysar are eng Hl > the formation of a British Commonwealth Government. It may oe at Ac Rupert than = i mes ae ae S| cut $0 chains; ‘thence’ cast 80. chaind, : ; “ |Port Simps at springs ¢ ' . ‘ hence porth 80 chains hes weet 0 be that sueh a government may never be formed. It is possible neaps "There fore io eet the| Phe see ume ke ured las, Ww § wet 4 mr ‘ ont and not use Electric Light, the Eleetr e srefore » rise » of -oune Sas lala slo int ; i " ees Sp he es ao a 3 sii : me ’ _—s ’ . ' Ll aRY.” Ape have to pay anyhow to Cook, Toast, or run a fan to shat there will be a breaking up, rather than a coming together. ! prince Rupert harbor is slightly |the old Bank of Commerce build-| . a gh va = ee vi eee . . . N - . : : ated this 6th day f March, 1920 “O one can foresee what is going to happen. If there is to be greater than Port Simpson. ing on Centre Street as premis . PF I i close co-operation among the English speaking parts of the world,} The beight is in f€et and tenths for a temporary city hall, weprecy 0s oo an eal om: it must come in this way. We shall have to getdogether gradually. . ott above per average level of ‘ins sinthiat i a at as Dieoe! ISLANDS - y : y 3 ‘ ™ . we ¢ ar, | e 1¢S8 SLE ) t i y} alii Socialists talk of a great socialistic co-operative common-| : wo toed iisland was formally opened for. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of HOT PLATES a Fe * $5.25 wealth. If such is to come about it will have to be, not by breaking * LAND ACT. business yesterday when mes-| Skidegate, i. C., set ‘tend ep Ovens - BS a mi ° $15.00 y owt a ‘ ba , sae es aatre mes ~watis . . . of licenwe to prospect tk ecoa nd 7 down boundaric s, but by enlarging them. The greatest socialistic! yoricB™or INTENTION TO APPLY TO a . ¥* re exchanged between) vicieum «im and under the follow! Fans - - - - - $15.0 agency in the world during the past helf century has been the eer? =r, bag ee ie ot oa rae Hot |} I f Britis 3 ans 34, , so yer ; : ; : In the Cass Land District, Recoraing| ™4ayor 5 ork, o lis city. ee mencing at &@ post planted at th ot Plates and Ovens will operate from a lamp socke “ ish Empire, Step by step changes have taken place, rights District of Skeens, situate ‘in the vicinity | o bates | eobthceneet Cather Of BD. b. 1089: thbene a ion ave been won, liberties have been secured until today We have |?" 7,f! notice that we. Alien Falconer ana| Seventy-eight persons joined | *0¥th 80 c:mins one — oe Have your old Hot Plates rewired tater free P . ‘Albe oO o ce } a a as thence north 80 chains: Uence asi 80 ¢ greater freedom than in other parts of the world. CUR Ua certoccthen, intend. eo" Estee excursion for Stewart on the! cnains, to point of commencement Prices Moderate ‘ It would be silly for anyone to argue thnk HomtiRions “dno for Dermiission lo lease the following de-| Princess May tonight. i WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant : . > ribe as . - . i Dated this'éth day of Marctt> 192 anyway ar ‘fe mene 7 ; he sterly ‘ m 7 anyway near perfect here, or in any other part of the Empire, We noida uf tot tuhiRtanalat™GnStitect| ‘The firm of L, Morrow & C0.,| i ize e > 2 , rtherly o the South-Eas cor o . - : N AND CORDING ) [Siu way, is Seve, pitations ‘and we are trying to work out a better said lot; theite ot right angles 10 said butchers, has sold outits business pean rt ' ; SEN MARLON 7 FOOD DRAFTS SOLD | ~ 3 + by ste p. Every political party professes to have such {othe Wester boats ot ty Kineauit to P. Burns & Co. ISLANDS ; ~ es é bjec ; . . . 4 ndian reseryv thence southe ri ° ° i —_— ko ¥o wis oO provide ) for rel ' Bier, oe view. Of their sincerity we have no knowledge. |said Westerly “boundary and rash os The city council has decided to TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of nP ’ r he ze in g ga Czrecho- Slovak { e@ kr aS 1 Treo > feet more « o ih r ‘ . ' wma uetrn Umar) Vv. iow is that progress is being made. [section thereof with the projection’ south stake Lake Woodworth as a pos-| S*iderate, B. C., settler, intends to apply If tt bank will sell you for the Canad _ leasterly of the southerls xoundary of Lot 4 : ifor a license to prospect for coal and —M 6 DSN os, , 7 P - }3643, yoaaater: thence north 67 dew. 11 sible water supply for Prince Hu} poty leum on and under the following of $10 or 850 New York funds Food Drafts mantionss ibcatory Yeas an the spathante pert. Surveyors Agnew and Cle- } described lands: American Relief Administration Warehouse in 4 corner of s@id lot 3643; thence north 26 Tents ane to be sent to make sur-|, Commencing at @ post planted at the j : : The drafts will be issued f i jdeg. Hast 501.3 feet to the north east! yoyg forth-west corner of D.L. 1863) thenes these countries, 1e drafts lnortheriy Slane" 0 S coseotat sean ms . | north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains;| charges and are payable in food. © Ue seasetty Dowedsry 08 | mtn aepintioiegmene thence south #0 ehains; thence west 80 Full particulars may be obtained from a DENTISTRY said Lot 1074A to the point of commence mmencement |ment, and containing ten aeres, more or PRESBYTERIANS PASS jehains, to point of « branches. less, WILLIAM J. LEARY, Appiicant oe ALBE | a il yy ane FIVE MILLION | oe this oth day of Mareh, 1020 I he Ro al Bank of Canada by Allen Palcdber, Agent. i a y Dated 12 May, 1920 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Capital paid up and Reserves . rn rite ; ou DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE $500.0 ° WATER NOTICE, The Presheaaniake have ex. ISLANDS BS! $5,000,000 lr. 0S. aguire DIVERSION AND USE. jceeded their aivnctive for the - ! lo TARE noric E that Premier Gold Mining second time jn the National P or- | ca ae pr ey re , Leary of 2 0 d., whose address 1$ Premier, B. C.,| wz want, aro GOTIOR, Mntonde fe: Apply Rooms: 7 & 8 Smith Block ie tewart 8: will ABBY (ot 8 ence ee ey tree nancial CAM=|for & license to prospect for coal and 6 ° O lake apd use three cuble feet of Water; Palen and / pases + | petrole de ‘ . —— ‘ lout of Fleteher Creek, whieh flows west- F . ' os hake POW passed the 8 a Res Sy WAS, . TM faltosng ~ N B ® ° . | erty juarter mi into Cascade Inter enous | lve million dollar mark, the latest seribed tends one quarter mile north o pternational returns tf rj . , Commeneng at & post planted at the Oo etter Eduineed Office in /soundary ‘0 Salmon Kiver Valle $5.00 ringing the total up to} }northwest corner of D. 1. 1869; thence} te P ' stream ue point Thott aaa? ‘from te 6,000,107, aceohding to a re POPL| north 80 caains; thence west 80 chains , as eall for timber fr mn rince Rupert east corner of Lot 3507, Rupert Mineral | furnished Rey, D. N, McLaughlan,| thence south 80 chains; thence east 80) this, the obief ores 9 Th chan te Pome Mine: power bousetto be | eanitoba organizer. The first ob. | chs! to point of commoncement source of the British Em! ‘ is ui lacated on Lot 3697 Cascade Forks Ne eclive wa WEALIAN 7. LEARY, Appiicant. panne aveloP’ as ’ uP j ' ever incree ; at 7 pment, with my experience, will This we s wo be used 10 senerate |4.1, are, but &. Ri p left teal Dated this 6th day of March, 1920 pbb the larger de ve per o ve power for se on the property of he ere, DU ' a @ rehind| ee am | ng enterprise g1 you the results you desire | Premier Gold Mining Co., Ltd, in eon: learly ir in the drive, and the goal of | NOTIGI / of lumbert fi service whl oh jneection with its mining and milling opera ’ al of | TIC offer finance able assist: ec notice wast posted on the ¢ a jeve :tiliton was aimed at; this | ay : may pecs opt prom tion ( «ee > ’ rou * * . J ir’ or Phone 575 on the 20th day of April, 1920 "MO having been attalne ‘d, thd leaders} | oe ae are of on sopiiention fer ance 1D terest of all jumber- Office Hours: La lpursuane fe ete ae ao ae fipticarion |in the mover:ent doelare that they | Lot, Three (4), Block Fifwen. (15), Town , »! nts Se 00 " 9-12; 1-6; 7a dy Assistant Open Evenings /1914," will be fied in the ofes of ‘he have no ob jenitin to going for-|°% Stewart (Map BISA), Satisfactory prot | / rene Resourses cvcoed 0174,0000 Ri Sunday by Appointment "hia or at Cee tee tate tae aaa ward indefinitely in the same di- Tithe having been produced, notice 1s F with the said Water Kecorder or with the | rectico n, i tae afer "tas ax Mr ath ss tone "tas th O lta ta Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament . from the first publication hereof, © Phat | Done gr torte, oS ; we fifty days ——- iieeateidilinesins Cortificats ' nie cattag Be rept, § ee e ret appearance © MS Notice in i . ———- — la vocal Mrwepeper.. ee It is just as cheap lo get your Biot lands , ty the name of Vietor FF A. vr. Broderick, Manage! Advertise i in “The Daily Nev MIEN GOLD maMINO 0, ti, | PFiMLiNE dong wel! and done at] rishr) tots, sls numbordh Siy.,,'| Prince Rupert Branch by Dale L. Pitt, Agent. |10Me as j r and Hegistry OMmce, Prinee Rupert, B.« e al y ews” The date of the fret publieation of this Che New de to send it wey Try atone were, pM ( notice is May 4, 1920 | ® Print Shop. District Ke iva ar Titles, ’ ° 7