§ a) i hs , _ Page 2 QE New life— new freshness— with LUX The daintier the garment the more delighted you will be with the refreshing, renewing qualities of the LUX bath. For washing the finest pastel tinted Georgette, Crepe or Silk blouse, sheerest silk stockings, etc, use the foamy, cleansing free LUX lather. There is nothing like LUX. No substitute for it. The matchless purity of these satiny wafers of the finest essence of soap can harm nothing that pure water itself may touch. LUX is sold at all grocers departmental stores, etc. A handy little recipe book, ‘The Care af Dainty Clothes’’ is gladly sent free on request. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO 85 0. Lid. Fifth Street STEWART Stewart Lan \ 101 Pemberton Block VICTORIA Lots for Sale All Parts of the Town | Listings of Business Lots Wapted ‘ HELGERSON,LTD - - LOCAL AGENTS lies cen. aa THEO COLLART, Notary Public Buy a cheap Home.--7 room House, plastered and papered, bath, outbuilding; close in, only $2300.00; Easy Terms MARINE INSURANCE Phone Blue 69 Gwrre. ———— REAL ESTATE Westholme Theatre Block FIRE INSURANCE P, 0. Box 66 When in Town, Come to the SVEA POOL ROOM Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes E. Petersen Proprietress tet a == a Sun-Herald Special. “Nicky” Arnstein, alleged “master oind” in $5,000,000 bond plot aud Fannie Brice, his wife, photographed after he surrendered himself to the New York police Saturday last. Practecally every policeman im fhe United States was looking for him. : THE DAILY NEWS —- — = BOUND NORTH ADAIR CARSS’ FOR SIBERIA ing voyages in the history of nay- Any : ws barred reen stmpa of igation, the 92 - foot power),,, pe paper g 1 lattice effect peencemer Chukotsk, second of the | waive white re formed the bor-| | Hibimrd-Swenson Go.'s Far North ders, the St. Andrew's hall pre- tradets fo leave port, sailed from), nted a prett d noteT appear ° eS cow errereee AAG Ptince ug the t annual spring Wi omato S shouted farewells of a crowd OD/)an of the A - Carss Chapter, e the wharf, Imperial Ord f the Daughters The Chukotsk will go by the in ; t nig : of the Empire 1 Last ght. In- i ; hide ‘passage to “Cape Spencer oe Be ue ee ae make an ideal dish when your thenge across the stormy Gulf of),, Alaska through the pass into the e most str seam in the St. : Andrew's Hal I iany months, . Ses . s x to | Be ring Sea and then straight tol). pony wne cebsful both Kast Cape in the Arctic. From | ¢., m a finan ind social stand- j Rast Cape she will return lo Nome poiut alt ee prepares for her great venture nn jto the Kolyma River. No trader ah Ant has been in the Kolyma for three|,, jyears and it is said the people), there have run out of everything, even matches, Wy the route she ol very we there being jovalle atllair, success attained much credit on the con- ners and t oulmittees. will follow, the litlle schooner ° The floor s in exceptionally | northward voyage will exceec g i conditi und Gray's Of 4,000 miles. hestra sup] the usual high Fhe romance of the sea, Of) io ngard of . much to the peuilous voyages to sti Nel deliznt of all. The refreshments places, held the crowd rooted to) a nvag were h dainty and ap- the wharf until the staunch little! siing and, also, were different vessel disappeared in the after-|) oo) the yer der. The whole noon haze off Magnolia Bluff. fa ee the supervision Shout “Good Luck” f Mrs. Fred (G ulv. revent of “Goodbye, good luck, look outline Adair Carss Chapter, who was ror-yourselvés first,” were the last/. .cicted ably by the decoratio: words from the shore'to reach the afreshm tees. The steady-nerved mariners on the nam? a eonvened decks of the schooner rhe were hy Mrs ey «s assisted by shouted by Henry ©. Hibbard, ol yjico Mi ay pute, Hibbard-Swanson Company,| and Mrs. Ne rhe refresl to Captain H. Weeding, master of ‘ s —" he My | a bh ; ott ' rg re ae , ca the ‘gallant little ship. Cay Mills. V. Cox Mrs. Strong | Weeding waved his arm in reply nd Mra. Ad Dr. 8. J. Evans iHis face was wreathed in smiles res . . ww hifte iM ro we ss : i: is aste ‘ es whil }So were the faces of his ‘ lack Knight 8. ¥. Cox attend Phey had the beartng of those). of the dos ‘ who hear the call of great itupes and set forth with light thearts to match their skill and MCKINNON GETS cunning against the perils of re-|4T& ‘ idven- imote waters and the treacheries i pout Se Beefstesk and Onions Corned Beef Has » ic lelds wnch ongue ¢ Cambridge Sewsage Pott } jor a — elds. | by LVI MONTHS Spaghetti with Tomate Sauce and Cheese Hamburger Stcak and Onicas The Kolyma River tlows into j a ge Rg ee ga ete Fa ‘ety bf has ar G : of the : veriet # our Peligi kiced ithe Arctic 1,000 miles to the . ! foods. All Government inspected, and made in Can da y Canadiz ithe mariner sights East Cape in ithe Arctic, he is only getting istarted on the way to the Kolyma. Store Sent Down by “Judge Young. i sere When he sees the gaunt slopes of Donald MeKinnon pleaded [remote Nowih Cape looming on! eyiity to the charge of breaking. jthe southern horizon, he is onlyjentering and stealing from Martin} jhalf way from Bering Strait to the| O'Reilly's men's f shine store iKolyma. And when he drops an-|peTore Judge Young in the County jehor wt the mouth of the Kolymal(ourt yesterday afternoon and jeivilization has become a fading was sentenced to 12 months’ im- mnemory. prisonment at Okalla Prison First to Make Trip Farm. A previous eConvietior of | Aside from the Russian gov- accused in the police cdurt erninent steamships, the Chuk- vagraney was referred to by otsk is the first vesse! to altempl ;}h, ore ithe feat of making the Kolyma In deliv ne sentence Judge River and returning to Seattle in'youne handed dow strong the samé@ season. Once past Kast advice to the lad. not in a harsh i}Cape ashe will have a long wrestl- | manner.“but nage in the form of ing match with the ice, but her therly nsel. He drew atten- imaster and sailors are contident m to the suffering and pain it ijthat.the can fight their way to must bring to the boy's parents |Kolyima. There's a strong chanceland urged that when he 3 re. that they may be frozen in for the |eased f prison that he en- lwinter, but they are outfitted and deay rt ad an honest and de- iprovisioned against such a Con-jcent life and forget evil ways. The jtingency, prisoner stated that he would try} endl | While the little power schoonen|to reforn jis wrestling with the iceflelds a sapsienesjbaimesiaiiatitnieaicinn cepmnet ($200 phonograph will make the ‘Arctic atmosphere vibrate to the TERRACE inotes of the latest jazz or the old : jest grand opera, the records run- Ther s born to Mr. and Mra, ining the gamut of musical a-|F. 8. | 1 Wednesday, May 19, jchievement a sOn.. | The Chukotsk is the former ,. i ‘halibut schooner Tyee She is Mr. and Mrs. Eaton and family lequipped with a 140-honsepower have arrived here from Saskat- gas engine that gives a speed of ©hewan and have rented Knut OF eight knots She is known as a/sen’s house. Mr. FKaton is bring- fine sailor, handling ing in a carload of settler’s effects canvas For the she was sheathed in ironbark. well under Arctic venture | and lve ! S08, i . . . ; INTERNATIONAL LOAN 5.2%," its cro on te TO HELP GERMANY IN RE-ESTABLISHING... e . ae nag Was disposed of his | yea-! $2,500,000,000 would be adequate terday ar help in starting Germany's pro-lup for ductive activities. rmnoon, His case comes judieation this after. jnoon, ANNUAL BALL Schooner Chukotsk Leaves Seattle Was One of Season's Prettiost For Kolyma River in Affairs — Decorations and Ne Bi the Arctic. Refresiiments Were aig OV | Splendid. ; p Be | Ns Ce Nic os Bound for the Kolyma River, : Arctic Siberia, 3,400 miles fron Mali Audin-oted with various | Seattle, on one of the most dar-) 04). )¢ shes ets and the win- attendance! attendance. | northwest of Nome, Alaska When Lad Who Stole from O’Reilly’s/ | oron'a }payment, within six months from the date * tthe ‘ of this Notice, either of the full amount | Skidewate a " ster, anes oes dua, together with interest thereon, if|'0% 4 license to Dp ies the following de-|' any be due, or 4 substantial proportion of peeoneere OR ORG Caney Fe ee en ¥ ac ribo ances ' Thured ‘ . Vinay iye9 Pork and Beans | } | friends drop in unexpectedly for lunch or dinner. It can be prepared so quickly and Government easily. And the flavor and Inspected deliciousness of Davies’ Pork and Beans is fi really surpassingly fy | good. fh \ The Each bean is | ag whole, plump, oop a and is per- / an oe fectly cook- y a ed. bit—the rich te adds lightful relish, $ And rot a particle of waste! A dish oy that will do credit to any table—and a tru economy ! mato sauce a de. ; Order a supply from you: mrocer aay thd * ys * 4 ask him a LV ut these other— ‘ Made Saeed T)aeuy j om of DAWES tO “A Different Dish for Every Da |e eee me ame a em ee Se ee DAVIES COMPANY, Limited Montreal a a“. THE WILLIAM LAND ACT. LAMBETH CONFERENCE eenere oo Parl Anglican Bishops Will Gather in Sham D GO TO THE etice of Intention to Apply to Leese Land In Queen Chariotic istands Land Dieta England Early, in July. reas pears keens, and whimete NORTON SHAMPOO PAE = Take oOtice that Hume B. Babingtwe ef to get a facia assage \o we LONDON, May o7 rhe sixth uw Kupert, « feat traeter martoer, > ‘ oe ¢ the ext 3 onde ¢ apy ' niesion to leaee § ar a " seee the Lambeth Conference of Bishops ihe following des bed lands Henna Pack Bn5 s f the Anagticoan Church is to be COmnencigs Ma post planted about 20 hair to any # ' ines ‘ t« «er 1 thence ment elect held t ane hy r m 1 t thet weet sbout ve * , heid her OMY 180 Uy WHR DDE, | oor cone ae hehe an Bente; manne aie ments, face 5 e Davidson, Archbishoy f Cant aster re st | and eoetinne of fac . i 7} wore les i id bury presiding Already a num.}'? _ iT t ‘ ABINGTON Opposite Government Belts ber of Bishops from overseas are ’ wen ————= |? 910 4th St. Phone 4 oe a ot tt ‘ SARENA LAND DisTDp! ~ DitMmerT oF thei way t attend 1 {~~ VCREN CHARLOTTE he Conference has met at ki = Phe Conk @ has met at ten-P gyre worice haries Martie, of year intervals since 1867. OwingiVueen Charioiw ation, reecher, is ad t rt for na we rehare to the war, however, it has not z's < 1 des — ee ‘ been held for 12 years. Der. David-| , Cowmmencing at 6 t planted om the SMITH & MALLE ’ . f Skidewats About ome mlir ; son will be the first Arehbishap) : y d from the &.W rhe ’ 5 #7 : thence souttl = to be twice President of the Con-'-,, oheaen : a F po wane. | dy ference, with which, in several, ©WiP# Shore ine to point of ¢ ae he PLUMBING AND HEAT nent ar er sitia m acres capacities, he has been associat-| ess ENGIKEERS sea : CHARLES HARTER ; ed for over 40 years The ex- Aprnh 6, 1920 317 Estimates furnished. pectation is that some 279 bishops ee eer : ie will attend the coming gathering, NOTICE, Address, 3rd Avenue, b 100 of them from the Hritish IN THE MATTER OF an application for of Becond Street. Isles, 107 from overeeas, and 72 " Of fresh Certincates of woes : P.0 Box ot Friliten ie inn Three t 1 3 * » from America jand sixty-two (362), Range Five (S$), Const Phone 174 SS a Diatrict ¢67 snd the North Weert 7 ee erly One ndreé aud twenty (i? acres wis more or | of Lot Fourteen hundred and --* _ twenty-three 1423), Kanege Five s ae Coast District 1 ( Steer NOTICE t& heret given that it ls my Night Phones ’ ; tention +t suc, after the expiration of, Mw Long bDive «# ne month from the first pul ation hereof, f eh cortifientes tithe t he above men- } Day Phone 5 thon land im: the name of Alexander Chisholm, which Certificates are dated 29th March, 1013. and 20th May, 1918, and numbered 3479-1 and 1 | respectively. | k * iii is ad |\Land Registry OMice, Prince Rupert, B. C., heet Metal Wor NOTICE oih day of April, 1920 ae Ss Sores Hu. OI MA‘ OD, — lary rnea Ail gg District Hegistrar of Titles Agent for Me! NOTK ‘ IS HEREBY GIVEN that all pendee~tieeegereeares — — er" persons holding Crown Lands or Lots in! , SORnpIneg Cc Sanitary *® engine Townsite subdivisions under agreement| ®SEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT Heating Ens” : . DISTRICT OF GUREN CHARLOTTE for sale from whom the purchase* mom ; : ISLANDS aor Stree mm such lands or Townsite Lots remaining | 5th Street and Frast unpaid is overdue are required t) make! Leary of bth : B. TAKE NOTICE that William J Prince Rupert such amount, which must at least cover planted at the Iding next to Lazetle’s|the full interest due to date, together with Commencing at & post \ 7 on : 7 . . : . . corn 0 853; thence ’ =o, ard Store evidence that all taxes, whether Municipal | Q0rt-west conned of DL. t sad; IC CARTAGE L LONDON, May 27.—An.inter:. [Hardware tore, jus Provincial, have been paid, failing whic h oe 5° oo eine. oe ‘arn PA y ’ national loan is to he raised in| is ’ ’ bey provided by yy + . cancelled, | chains, aan! or commencement PHONE 03 le Ra ; : pros The acreage in strawberr eit Chetan ane ant eel ee " “WILLIAM J. LEARY, Appiteant gervice at reasonable order to mobilize Germany's Mel ound 7, re amiss ty hi at * pees 120, NKevisel Statutes of) poing ius oth day of Mareh, 1990 Re eae nouse facili tie demnity under international con- |, day a COUnreet G. Ro NADEN, 6. &. Parker, Maneger trol 18 yoar and ne&t year, it is ex- | Deputy Minister of Lands , he | pected, iif Bee three times as | Department of Lands, The loan, already adopted in Vietcria, B. C., -_ principle, will be floated, it is/2U°" &round in this form of pro-| Apel ici. 1530 niet ; e ; - - ; duce as t : af } ru ar understood, with the participa- ae x x ‘ MINERAL ACT, | + arson 5or 1017 8F6 ay tion of Britain, France, Italy, Bel The bas for the now straw (Porm F.) Phon gium and the United States. It p.)., Site nhl erates " CERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS | Watt is probable it wiil be aided by );, Be ey CRE) rw’ tien, Lae 4 garno . 716 now « @ kroun : 2 neral Claim. situate in the Aaa Holland, Denmark and other, now- |), B.. ground and the | dane River Mining Division of Cassiar Dis. | CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. com END CONTRACTOR . ere suuliding commence at once, , | C trals, plus such help as Germany, hy ss ; ‘ ' | sae nere located Near the head of Alice NOTICE 18 PaRABY oN ae Wes 00 the BUILDERS AND C + Heavy 0 of " ly aes . : | rm serve covering the beh of lauc 4 ; ‘ ight and Mee. tid Austria and Turkey will be able H. Hokkannon, committed for| ,.Tak¢ notiee that I, J, £, Statk, Pree|in width situated. along the porth shor Sponae™ Nepairs and Alserett to give. itrial bef Judge ¥ | diner'’s Certificate No. 20386, ‘intend,|of Graham Island ts cancelled In so far as struction, staircase Work a ., P org Meat OUNK ON @| IXty days from the date hereof, to apply jit relates to that portion lying belwoen | Firat Close Being The amount has not been fixed, charge of theft elected for speedy | 2 the Mining Recorder for a Cerufeate of | the easterly” b uindary of Indie ow. Hin | Oheertully aver adi cer ‘ * | jmprovements, for the ose No. 9 situated in the vicinity o ) imates ’ but a leading banker snid thatitrial and pleaded not euilty Crown Grant of the “Weave CE eee ond the sou ttierly boundary of Lot 1016, Gone ilo anick AND cononeTe 6 And further take notice that action, un-|Queen Gharlotte Islands District OONTRACTORS ler section BS, dust be commenced before | G, A. NADEN So he issuance of such Certificate of Im Deputy Minister of Land TOVeIpet ls Dated this rd day of April, 1920, 4, BE. STARK, | Landy Dbepartnent, Victoria, Bh. C, Sth May, 10920,