1920, - THE ae. NEWS ener - ne = = = me) Telkwa is Fast Becoming 7 tt Briefs | | BLADDER Sport Briefs { "1 iOURS a x ae et 24 BH oO ry t t t at tt Ot ee eee Fach Cap- e m or an en re a meeting held in Hazelto kre toy) tn ! azellor ame R ite week the youn: dies “of the} aa anchers are Coming In and Taking Up Land, while town .comptéted irrangemeée@nts Coal Deposits are attracting much attentien Whereby the tennis club with be in| d S operation there shortly. The of-| and Sawmills Working ficers elected for year were:| 9 Te o7 te President, Miss ith; viee-| ) rELKWA, May 27.—-In common with many other pla CBi president, Misa Flonance earl along the Grand Trunk Pacifle Railway, the town of Velkwa is’ Jougall; seeretar murer. Mise expemencug @ greal inrush of new settlers and at present new- (froddard An @xe * commit. comers are satisfied to live in tents on the townsite or in other! hag algo Deel nted The} fannie a : : ’ ee ewpect ¢ cCeak ; emporary quarter People are coming from all parts of Canada : ties vé io ee ' season this year. lo the Bulkley and Telkwa valleys, The following are most ae | reeent arriva eral Prin perters be 4 rrible to the na! enced mak- KH. L. Lamb from Saskat hewan has started ran hide in the ® hhorribl a, t ; iA ‘ w till in anyon Creek district: A. F. Luke of Winnipeg, J. Keller of Indian ee , } eel da ind didn ‘ leave the business Head d J, GuthbePt of Alberta have just’¢ome in and are betsy! tenni« court do take in the n é in use in 1 Lheir pro The districti °° ificerns scenery. Chevy st ap ' nert. has weleomed the arrival of J She has been here ofter enough propriated that neat. littl ground| Z . nas Ke , i dent of the for Prince Kupert audiences t court p there and w ldn't let| es B ‘Aa United Grain Growers Associa.) appreciate her wor a ; use it « was tol Tobacco GC ; ! yho ha larted operations @ ” - pla th them. j ha v| ? “2 ms ly of * acreage pat bi } ; ra cs : : ‘ mraet } Fred Stork’s | ios! sie sceaee ist IMMORAL PRACTICES bared, at that” of Preference *® Asal O Hh ae ane an ~ ‘ t prove fler e ake in tw ari is O§% BeLLiers js up ¢ es H - Heed sonia two car toads actives WANCOUVER BARMAIDS si pa ) AVENUE ' a Rela — n is ; i i : ; ih ! Bulkley Kanch, ey ‘ — ’ VANCOL VER, a 27 in the @& + WOUi pla I ‘ : Pno k 114 vliile (ay G. ! Murray, former- dian . ‘ : oa ball tentis?” iene B. C. Fir on a logging train in se ; = ; ss * aise mesion over the prohibition of op ‘ ie tish umbia. Over 1%; million Seat oes a , : _ icler = Bettlement) barmaids in this city, the chief of} ~._, e see — e ' has purehased John Nor- police and Inspector Jones both me uae , W. Elliott is opening} save instances of womens using!) | team ma bad crack | , w tra land near Tyee their positions to get mbney in at ‘I ce Monday when he} ; Lake and asty hers are BOMB other illegitimate ways Be Hupert, girls ont} ‘/ the eame ne hborhood “ roof sorely the 7 r fellow m at] hoes Yr Sf CS i atti vig ii : Inspector Jones said that pro- : ; ; ue tf a bil fo ‘} swinilt business 18 BOW! pdetors had told him they Would ” . * nM oe : ‘ rr “tl - _ 6 quite an importastigot do half the business ifjit were OO Se Slee ue enone - ror . ait pusine ight were eat ‘dy epaiell . ts he a rR 4. ae ERS ptine the town <¢ vel ipinent. not.for the barmaids. Men thought lea i dy re e N re rh (Mr. Van Horn’s they could be more free with we ; a ? oo hangs | Phone Gr 156 saw "ees it four miles to the these women because they were adies from Strawherry City} P.O. Box 120 ant f the townsite will arkiienind bars. : na when they « down on if { ivanee nme Chief McHae said that womer July 4, that te se : : ’ on i tis iy the stre patel Svenson & Chapmanlyag heen insulted and eubjected y ra [ r ec a | As AF ~ ity dewratior me “ croy ne, JUICY or planing mil and | quent ed the places. The preser eee 5 Corr ish . ' Lon z is, shov . ws ee (Of females had tended to deg wi iceccaaaiet Ce backes cok Sp gab ge + T , « _ oe HOTEL | MeN HOM. th +schuple pend. Jast , Monday VANDERHOOF, B.C. 4 ' 4 eitl | . 2 . ~ > oT Dee > ° j . mares Aerie y hed rie S " Hi th The Hotel That Is A Home. fe . : «eas e! per s ts have been a : ; oak 7 aon ee CANCELLATION OF RESERVE tered andthe Vanderhgef girls| n ac Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service « : { the ver were moved : ; vee NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that ive chosen blue and gdid for Tews WILLPAPERS allow a street being made loeny ae aifaiee ctl inode oe ete: gered vpnar 1401 se European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection. :; PAINTS : s ee if . me ot ae ay ne N . cn Be c. - ’ ye | - o °: Feed a p r= Unpes New thie : , oUTRE As Um wy 2 ‘ sler, “tie COACHDINE the) crow spect to the purchase awave VARNISHES (he summer road work of the Mj a. a sabi = eeepc Se aps. ee 2 aay |g gE CH Oy JAS. F.McCORMACK - - - a . " ‘ a coe of site suburb of a t vent for} LSOMIENE, ere. - neial government wilt som? ent peer. “ : anda » ‘ nt and: Leslie Watkinsi« hat 1 tbe n mote os re 7 wae a ¢ Lends Department, ioe @ . : anes : ® n Lmopre vernents are ictoris, &. ¢ harge Of the Vanderhoof|.. o. at 6 Pee. eae Sager Se ee" , fireetior #iet Apr i, 1920 - cod o , f su and in consideration tie] See ———__—__ ——_—— _— g hoped for in he Gireeton: a teres a (ten rhe Nechako team will beri es already paid = fle application) ‘ . Awe . : t at t on of re the ist day) a al deposite. The Pelkwa | Timeer SALE X 2385. Vina Glover. Florence Hunt, Mo r Sept uber, 1920, Of which date” thee ~——e man been proved, and Mere a R Mcintosh Bessie petvilese ~ obtaining @ propertiogate a} aap . . . ose ’ ; (otment ill cease and any persop in ar- sins only the matter of trans- . naar ~——? ‘ tbe a. nA . imond. Lovise ahd Mafw Snell. |} ers of payment under an sereement far NOTICE TO F. TO FISHERMEN ; gic P ey Ae oe aie aad : ia : uke as aforesaid failing to maite applica- PRINCE RUPERT portat to make Mhis natural) rd day dune 1920 for the 5 a thers. The Vanderhoof gir ts |i ve ax at pulated ‘will’ thecentaar bn aa ; Seer ie tak dadielot a trode r tageoe Ee wo cut 1.b60.bod. Te ana: ghee ae ig joured. from taxing advantage of Buch BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH B A IT Peal nn a : : . oF re ae ~ —™ 2 wees ‘ : LTD pny nd will be subject to the fl- a it fi h n interesting capital in| rn weet! oe root oo rise te. (Sadie ¢ pbell, Oddella Duvault,} ment of the ‘terms of the sale and the |” mii LG vUuliuil, The teturn of Mr oe * . : Lit Get sions of the “Land Act’) governing ‘ es oe weuere , ’ * ret te : 5 Mab. ley tliat rething, | ov « purchase money in . connection d ] O.B. U. Sells will greatly aid in the], val of umber. ee rer ce pUathe Hntfman, Clara dohn- =| we edearan oe the purr ae loons ; on ce ° wler j»peari in > gurre sue ' aR jevelopment of the dis- pap Set parce mars | t the Ch ; I > u a \ Mitchell, Margar« f this Pauper. ; oF ae At BUTEDALE CANNERY & #! o r sir st : : GEO sEN, , en a. ae “ New properties are re hepert, 6.¢ is Me = é { ipfee Sturgess | Deputy Minister of Lands : § > nce caren: See i alone | SaPare A sono tment of La ad ; . = a Oe ences oun ai ik LIN HE SUPREME i KT ’ sAITIS, May St 1920 : PREP LUMBIA —_——~ Butedale, B.C. Se ee a a Se MINERAL, ACT. Me!? RE HAL } h ia oo W F x a sda cin: «the district ate lis THE (k wee Me? ag prc a tf ednesday, 26th May sirly good condit and} den wo Wi s 6A wee otc 4 ERTIPICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS | « » 26th Ms ie 0 fete e culverts, [iT = ce made | =igoe” NOTICES : ssiblo to motor from | aun nas ane oe o> weiea Coltri” es deitedeallina| NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ne ‘ ik | Sains Georg and | )PRR. ae Si eel Sunset No. 2,” “Maud McPhee” | : . COT Be =res I ; “a Jor I y } i Sportsm t 1 Claims, * situath . | death of the sal Yeceased a es; Ant , ad one turda | where tox About 24 mileé trom | ; if r i . iin o von r Ja ’ ots Stour { : wil I ie m Sa ay here i Ou Ne ; t's Anxtuahy ee ee jatter the. in oe fey PE 0, iy Vancouv@r, Victoria, New |nead of Alice Arm, on Kitgault River. .|f Phone 453 Shawatlans Passage ie een eeneencmemnens loom =o ewan the mee A r| the hk are | ge IP ping ade mm boca Eaten Se ie ea ain te 0: pred Equipped for building and repairing al! classes of boatsup to 100 feet _ ON DIPPER’S NEST H [is furmisbed ‘to the iepistrs « Gates milss Brit bjects Willian Martin, of Séattle, ‘Washing ; in. length. i ; af vi WIT [ak Prince Rupert. B. at the said de-|regidents of Canada for at teas USA. Bree ‘Miner's Certifieste Na | — WOODWORKING, BLAC KSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS, — " > i joe oils Dixon, was a teh TV) Tented |e gs Be ghia ae on ae . ent. to annie. th a ince ore Best equipped plant.in Central British Columbia. YOUNG WAS FOUND AT |: eh TRS, FURTHER ORGERED. wat) “Abpiications W write Sill be fecnved up or 4 ‘certifeate of tmprorements, Gor, te} . Marine W « Mu to dott r } tay 21st, 1920 MT A’ purpose f ; “ro } \ KLOYAH RIVER FALLS |: a oa “sal gee Prince Rupert BD forms and. ty ticulars 1 be jrach of e above claims ’ ' Seal Cove arine ays, Ltd. Teage at errace Ne Oh & hewspafer published at Pr sined fram ie rstened r from And ther take notice that action, un- i hupert, B.C., for a period of * mont ninent Ace Lonunes ler Sect 85 sone pe Seerepeens oer A. Swanson, President ’ W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager | , a ATED at Frince hu 4 ! f Ss, ih ssuance of such ertificate 0 n- Ph * [ ; = y ¢ eit pb. af ’ s Commissioner, nents one Red 391 Phone Green 153 ‘ - Lot or Ten One of the most familiar sights |#@@ Gay of iin i MeMULLIN Victoria, B, ( : Dated this 2nd @ay of April, A.D. 1920, . ' r ’ fiahis \ frequent (the «ficial Administra Ar 191 192 LEWIS W. PATMORE. Lérrace for a ; arch f ire ty =— : : nal sirea ; Sel ke . ' = = SS _ eg iore prices et! the ity-brown water] ‘ood lots adjoin- sel that bots and bows on the “6 se ” at re , socks long | banks right al G B i S 3 Th k f th Ad eason ocks along the banks right, @ ene byrnes Says:— anks for e vice, . “ } Cs (te sarein aat Wate: ° ° ey Tt ts of fishing bird is know is the dipper be- . > ys im Lote #75 suee of its tant dipping or moo TWEE BEEN vo ¥ x L 5 to $200 ree * Tey HEALTA HASNT ey POS Tae Bune Samia : Ce ee en a sias BEEN Too GooD ene = THe LAST MONTH KE OFF On the recent holiday a dipper’s (LL JOST GO IN HERE | Hospi wat FOR THe we TARE OF he foot of the ra — WOULD NOo G YoUOR Ainey ros. 8 C nest was found at the foot ¢ AND FIND OUT WHA ME THE ONCE. , AS < COAT 0. fall on the Kioyah River, It was THE “TROUBLE is S. “3 ; Real Estate and lasurance bout three feet from the ground { aaa Terrace eae B.C. and built of moss, covered like a wren's nest nly ich larger. it measures about tvelve inches icross., Phe neat contained young birds TON j ibout a week old, maked little it LEE CO. CO. things that nearly fiiled the mossy HO & cond A home ~ “Venue, West, rhe dippers always nest near a ees YEGrra waterfall or close to a running OSS lesa! “+Se stream and usually the nest 1s 80 THE CHIN THING 1S AN ker ® and Retali Iplaced that the spray from the IMAL DIATE .O bag = tas “Ollractors and jfail keeps it wet all the time, The t HAVE — e oie Sbon Kxeh : sort diver and seems THAT 1 : 4 : hange, jbird is an exf ° y waters A SUCCESS x Prin, eR ig delight in ie BOY sTWmkc ¥ Ne §47 ‘Pert, BO, You NEVER % 7 } ti "eLt ; P.O, N AN TEL b, Ll = P.O, Box 726 PEGGY HYLAND IS ic be a tel TO BE HERE TONIGHT r i ae e 2 2nd Avenue | Pegay Hyland will be here to- a C.V, EV night in “Phe Girl with no Re a ITT ne Pama 4 a ucti grets."’ The play is a tale oO : itor ae love with unusual difleulties in 4 n Accountant the attainment, G * Pogey herself is woll known. —— ee * x eS