—esneineeemtaiaiiieeias : THE DAWLY NEWS rhursday. y ' inosiat re Sl ial iiniatihads snaenettiianniepieaiaiaisaiaiesslii aa men 2 MAY 27, t0m ics . > NO ELECTIONS ABOLISH SUNDAY ——— FISHING AND HUNTING} H.§, WALLACE CO., LIMITE) FOR TWOOR | eat CET msc esees em iMITED THREE YEARS ““seste:coucnis sya" MENS YOU CAN PLEASE her with our Candy, Ev- erybody who en joys the most delicious, whole- some and DAINTiIEST CONFECTIONERY Why don’t you try our Candy yourself. or buy «ome for youn friends and prove its excellence? A shipment of Neilson’s Chocolates has just Methodist Con At the recent So Deelares Hon. c C. earenyne. ALBERT A CRAIN ferences 4 resolution was passed | SHOE f° | asking that the yamne laws be! Z | Government Setting House : ry in Order First. amended in order to make Sunday 6 {| i close season for fishing and . bintetes a “ a OTTAWA, May 27.—Hon. ©. Ci) hunting. The resolution will be CC tnt erg ek ‘ae t to the Gave ment at Vie 1a ‘ se” . that \ . Ballantyne declared a few days! arrived taro that the Government would! CALGARY, Mays 7 Wheat toria but beyond no active oF not go to the people until. the and oats ars piy lv all sawn st « will be taken to secure legis. = s RMES IM] j ED fautumn of 1922 or the early part in Albesta and tl eding of only lation, except with the co-opera . : ee “ of .923. He made it clear that/@ small acreage ivley remaingetion of other denon lions, I hrough a special lux ky purchase he was speaking for the Govern. |to be completed. eady most of rs it the resolution censoring have secured ninety pair s of Th Pi D , L lment, jthe wheat is: s} vn above the Sunday tishinge and hunting Was 9 ’ ec toneecr ruggis s | Similar expressions have been surface and in ny places is ad vy at the very best friends of Men S Gun-Meta} t heard before, but in view of the Several inches hich the ech h, Was the opinion ex tG Phones 82 and 200 P.O, Box 1680 recent return of Premier Borden Phe crop this ir has been sed to tha Val vet See om THE REXALL STORE and following consultations with | Put in under very fayorable eon- ©. J. White, secretary of the Van- | a A oes him the declaration has a good/ ditions, plepty noisture and cous \ngling & Gaine Associa x ; \ y deal of significance. good growing \ ther although tion, who stated that the members Goodyear welt, in black or mahovra It is und®rstood that the Gov-jthere is an ind tion that rain the Association Were ubaniMous either in recede toe or broad ernment feels that it is able to/Will be needed within the next two tn protesting against any pro- toe. These ; , h ¢ ° es are V ort .] eer carry on and seeurse money tofor three weeks. posal to stop fishing and hunting ; vell worth oil A RING | carry the country over the recon-| The acreage to wheat will nol on Sundays, i ¢@ pair but we are putting them on § that means semething is al- struction period. (While it is an-/be decreased to the extent as at Anglers as a class have the for a time at ways treasured, inounced that there will not be an-/frst thought, probably about 5 deepest respeet for the Almighty, Perhaps — you have one lother popular joan this year, it}per cent., owing (o the fact that said Mr. White, who held that aj]is $8.45 that some friend gavé or left lis possible that financial institu-/the farmers mace an extra effort Sunday spent in the great out-of you or that belonged to your ltions will be ¢alled upon to take to hurrgin the grain, Barley and ors was of decided spiritual a gmir. mother. If $0, you» know lup the Government's secupities, oats acreage wii! be somewhat less benef _ hat we mean lfor i i . } : bdavrsee —— ; j ih an who rh i F r itis well known that they must} lan in previous urs, While flay : a ma who works all : . “ “WT Sars f } not f JE E” in Had you thought someone ihave money. Already last year’s! seed not being available.in some wee m a busy office a Sunday's Another number =. 8 LECKIE” j would appreciate in the Ioan is “spent. districts, there vill ‘also. be .a/ recreabic in the open is-a physi- | smart-looking but easy- fittin: same way a cift from you of | Better Financial Basis. slieht decrease acreage mn that il feCessity said Mn. Ww hite,| These area Special sn ip at Our Quality Jewelry? } Whe Government is making}svain. , Germination if alinost “and By keeping up bis vitality by} R W C igreal efforts to place the commtry | every case has been uniform, es-'spending Sunday out of doors he $9 45 ° Ws ameron jon a more solid financial basis./pecially on su rfallgw land Will probably live longer to attend 7 The Jeweler 3rd Ave. iMoney has been spent with reck- | Where the percentage of the standjchurel than if he stayed bome a parr. ii ' bes ; ; Te Hess prodigality, but intimations|is in almost every case practically|g Mr, White stated that he be SEE WINDOW f — — jfiave been given that if this is to {100 per cent. ‘asture is in fine Heved tl ike minister would TIMBER SALE X 2042. }rontinue no money will be avail-;shape and the ee are PICKINE pe | a ha ihe , . jable and there will be nothipg else }Up wonderfully well. ne rad my, Whieh, ID : y ry u oar ene — oe eet by the'to do hut go to the country. In} - White's apis ’ » ) id be con- { “ee iniste 0 ands mm er noo ; . ‘ ; ! ; For Sale the 27th day of May 4920 for ihe pUrL order to stave off the evil day, the/ PUBLIC MEETING dered: a , ir greater crime Ls e oa hase of Licence \20432, to cut 870,000 | Government is trying to set its aw fish t t Sabbath. HOUSES): Third and Fulton of ted situate nh Moss Passéee, Range 3,j/ house in order, It is in the hands District d. S. Woodsworth ANNOUNCEMENT et of Cedar, Spruce agd Hemlock on an ist * : Tw years will be allowed for re |Of the finanejers and*has to do On noval of timber t ta ne of Ge indicted Labor cials “ Further particulars of the Chief Forest@, theit ee rhe budget is the of Winnipeg will speak ' thi \ i i Jitney Rus will leave x - Som. GuseeemnapennemaomnneeueTaemapennes toria, B.C, or District Forester, Prince| res The people st pay ) : SECTION 5 eorst Pe r Dist i . Princejresult. ‘J 1@ pt ple must pay, not i Mcintype Halon Tiniraday,: May Gil’ »Cigza af Wok . ial § Rooms, 5th Ave. W. $1 575 o he ee ee - eee only for the legitimate expendi- °7th. at 8 pom “The Winhi e: . Cit) irwd Prat - 4 ) 8, ¢ Ave. ‘ ~ «tik, My of c mri e 4 down, reku ’ TIMBER SALE X 2400. tures of war-time, but for the | gin. aug Prints.” _ eins! halaetos ote eae 5 oms, Duns * Street, anes j Hea y . a a 2 —— 6 Rooms, Dunsmuir Street Sesled: topical: Wi Gd: feretved. by. the reckless expenditures of the past) Friday end Saturday a4 Dundas cach: é¢venina 24 Ry" IH an $3,600 |Minister of Lands not later than noon on|few years, lTslandoM The Fant fe Fre sienian 91 — ——————__—-— sie TT 4 Rooms, 7th Ave. ..$1,776° §) “> iF basket ged ae i aston! eine | “oe @ Fight for oa MALAY jchase of Licence to cut 1,889,000) : 3. § lay. M Bot } ‘ jfeet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock, Balsam ‘ ~ > 5 } Sunday, May goth in the M: Syn i SECTION 6 oe $9 on an, area adjoining Lot 232, | Launch Alice Rf, Phune Blue 5 18. btntyre Hall aes p.m. "The New opsis of j . i | De thannel, Range 3, Coast District. || - Z ; ; ° 4 Rooms, 9th Ave. ..$1,800 |;movat” (2) gears Wil be allowed for re | - Era.” la d Act L d : a Good Bread is chiefly a matter of mat Pusthainatticulers.of the Chit posateadl Collections ir aid of the Labor n men me ; ar j m *t) d ad —_-— | Vietoriay B.C., or District Forester, Prince | ie Defence Mund . 26 Me ELnOUs jfiupert, B.C . 7 i Bal a i ; re ae _--- * ° y ° TIMBER SALE X 2452. { Mintmam of first-class land — 4 McCaffery, Gibbons | sep | ie syians totd te ete: Saas Try f ’ f Sealed tendbrs will be received by the | ag ; yee re aoa ; te a a S$ S e S | Minister o ands not later than poon on ‘ { -empt now geofined eur & Do le Ltd | tae e7th day of June, 1920, for the pur. | TIMBER SALE X 2438. | Yered lands only. jehase of license X 2452, to cut 1,674,000 Sealed fenders will be received by the Records will be granted covering only = — ' y ? ° jfeet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an| Minister of Lands not later then hoon oh land suitable for agricultural purposer vo c A e jtrea situated on Shannon Bay, Queen Char- | the 92nd day of July 1990, for the pur- and which is non-timber land. , gents jlotte Islands District. 4 chase of Licence X 9438, to cut 6,014,000 5 Partnership pre-emptione abolished, a 3 | Two (2) years will be allowed for re“lfeet of Spruce; Crear, Balsam and Hem- | is but parties of not more than four may rd Ave, Phone 11 moval of timber, : }lock on am grea Situated on Deer and Bear || with tet for adjacent pre-emptions |,,,Purther particulars of the Chief Forester, |Lakes, Princess Royal island, Range 4. |4) with joint residence, but each making Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prineg | Coast’ District, ; , necessary improvements Bn renpective I 4 : ; yr | Rupert, B.C Three (3) years -will be allowed for (|) | Claime ~ i I fr }removal of timber 7 Pre-emptors mus odcupy claims for . ® & . TIMBER SALE X 1991. |} Furthér particulars of the Chief Forester, fH five years ond make lmaprevemnente to i ; Victoria, B. ©, or District Forester, Prince! ]} value of 310 per acre, including clear- Reopenin nae. w : Sealed tenders will be received by the | ¥Pert, B.C, | ’ ing And cultivation of at least 6 acres, . = ; Minister of Lands not Jater than poon os | } before receiving Crown Grant he 17th day of June, 1990, for the pure | |) Where pre-emptor tn occupation not Ow ay 4 chase of Licence X 1991. to’cut 1.900000 | eas en 3 years, and has made pro- La feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an} it portionate improvements, he may, be- With additional Ma ry a ! wrea adjoining Lot 204, Kitsquit River, | if) one. = iU-bealth, or other causé, be £ on me . j ; ei [Range 3, Coast District i} Greemment eed ene rene ot Te- Doors, Windows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar 5 } Two (2) years will be allowed fo +] | ; “rea hy two (21 Years wi allowed for re: | geRncoras without permanent rest- Lumber, Oak, Glass and Marine Paint Me rla creene Putther Deratiters chtha Chet vorsepeitl ‘| gdenee cay Ton neet, permanent rest. . Victoria, B c , or District Forester, Prince ; HERE ARE A FEW $300 jor chou end tesaaee oe oe = Phone 383 F GUARANTEED LUMP Poke - 1 iss 2 a year Failure to maks improvements Quick Delivery by own Truck F iq) . ° “ , w . . For Kitchen Stove. | TIMBER SALE Xx 2450. | Children’s euers. Title’ camast “Ee attained bo 4 Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton . inttled tenders will be received by the} ]] . ea nod aaa ant lmprovements ‘ inister of Lands nog later tha oon « S Ik D © includin, acres SS . poe .»» $7.75 per 2 ton the 24th day of Jnye, 1920, for the pur- | 1 resses cleared and cultivated, and residence IK a eee . chase of Licence X 2450, to cut 560.006 x ot 2 years are required Go maaee O90 a8 feet of Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock ‘ona Bal- in Habata Silk Pre-emptor holding own grant ’ 1 Ne nly a Limited Supply $a, on, aN area situated on DAéfferin Is- ||} Regular -pri¢é, 84.5% may record anothes pre-emption, if he u scr e or eS ally S Ph Y : land, Range 3, Coast District ' requires land in conjunction with his , one Your Order Now —————— | TWO} (2). Sears will be allowed for Sale price, $3.00 farm, without actual occupation, pro- ; i British Columbi -_— removal of timber | vided statutory improvements made The Leading Daily of Northern ritisn aca OUR Further partiguiars of the Chief Forester in Pengee Silk and residence maintained on Crown Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince Re aly sranted land — é C ery Hupert, B.C. ’ tex in price, boo acre rveyed_ arena, ot exceed! so Cl \ - aeons” Tes, may leased as hom : oa RRR eT | - | Sale price, $2.50 oe TIMBER SALE X 242s. i SPOT CREPE dential and improvement eonditinat — 4 Phones 564 and 118 Sealed tenders will be received by thel]} . For grasing and industrial pu al ~ * Minister ot Lands not later than noon on Regular priee, per vard, 75 Canes ras ing 40 acres be + s aie the rd day of June 19206 for the p se one person or company, : ; “i } oe a )of Licence X2498. to cut 5,500,800 test Sale price, 50c oahe metety or industel ain en We have received an ; we. jof Spruce, Hemlodk and Cedar . mber land not exceedi 1} inde , } ; dt or lsituated on Shannon Bay. Masser idiet i TEA CLOTHS may be purchased: csndihions tnatnle i other shipment of the i Queen Charlotte Islands District Th Fans payment of atumpage, } < ti Two (2) years will be allowed for re-if}. @#Pales: linen Regular Nutural hay meadows inaccessible FAMOUS re moval 4 timber j price, £2.50 ba A ae roads may be purchased e j § yp ; " Wwe Further particulate of the Chief Forester, “ . fe nm onal upon construction of a read Don't neglect our Teeth HAS REOPENED AT NIGHTS< | Victoria, BC., or District Forester, Prince i Sale price, $1.50 ; t¢ them Rebate of one-half of cost of | y for the Summer Season jHupert, B.C, price, fo made ae Balt of purchar” assIc e One decayed or missing tooth . 7 pe = ses Wy CUSHION COVERS | wrice is made a owers your efficiency } } 4 NOTICE j a ais i ae 9 7° PREEMPT , your efficie ney We are agents for ALMOND’S ae akn aviinian j Regula price, ®2.75 each } One’ fas GRANTS Td h i { : th o 7 DR BAYNE DAIRY ICE-CREAM. Whole- me pone i} Sale price, $1.50 ; The scope of this Act is enlarged to woich are note or eir F ‘ . - ; ake notice that the Tay i : i 2 nelude al , 16 uali- Office Hou sale or Retail, Prices on request. Ltd, Whose address is Geyer Mining Co. | DOILIES eee He ee ante fend ory. beauty and wearing quali ice Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; ee | Building, Vancouver, B.C., wil apply for||| 4% } 42 i r ; time within which the heirs or devisees ties. We have them in pa- Afterncen, 1.80 to £'80; Baten’ ! la leenoe 10 lake atid Use’ 59 second tect, |f| ) and inches, dhegular of & deceased pre-emptor may apply Tthday, Wednesday and we 4/4 Rupert Table Suppl |eieate auame 4200, sere feet of water ont tI price, 250 Prema Sneey gilt, Att 8 autseded {J tent leather and champagne esday le ; ” ; . “reek, 0 sau © me year A . in ee and Fri- f b Uppiy 0, Drees renee Sows westerly and drains into! | Sale price, 15c sy yeagye as tormerty, untht "ans i kid tops, alsoin plum color- ; : . s 2 DOU 3 mileg north of ear alter the conclusion, of the present f 2 PHONE Alice Arm, B, C. i ° war, This priv! »“ ind suede tops. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE § 211, 212. tet on See eam will be located at out. ||) tromctive privilege ta kiso made re- re eather ' I t a} . : ‘é bt OF Clearwater Lake. The ¢ city ° 1 ss “Be ‘ry ama snoes, ; PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT th "West, and to be created is about $500 lil S an als due or payable ty Sie a} nape Oey Vers P Renreresururnenreres acre feet, and it will food about 206 acres emptions record re . ria ai re ——-—+—--~ ote ti heat ee of land, l@ water will be diverted tros: VW ' Taxes are veniese ae = os, 3048 Mary Jane Kid Slippe rs cae the stream at a point close to lake outlet. |} 6 have just received a *rovision for return of Ae + ry ; tent and will be used for power purposes upon Sbecitl Idt of Me: Suit crued, due and been paid since hag | and Pumps in paten the mine described as Wolf Mineral Claim 1s Pulls: il 4 1914, on secount of paymeantatton | i kid 2 in great » and lights to Alice Arm District, 7 and Hats, Whieh those who oy taxes on soldiers ae. ae oe an : are in grea | This notiee was posted on the ground! ! Interest on narondet p-emptions. rari t hil > ir de- oa Jon the soygn'h day of April, 1920. like good quality will ap- Hil towmer olty bon wengeee to purchase | ariety, while our de eC thi ytic ai ; eat : nem : [pursuant thereto ht te thee Water Net, | preciati Phese are going dure Gr indirect, antants. esquire partment for child- re eee ow be fled 2 , ; ve leg a oahe o - , ; Sepa eee |Water @ecorder at Prince Rinne ware yo. Sm |] Metineng to March t1, 1930, dren, boys and girls, CLEAN SCREENED Delivered Objections to the application. ‘may “be | Hats, your-ehwice, from SUB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN infants & little , 1 can show you an Investment for $19.75 ton We strongly [nea a pine role Water Recorder :or| |) AN a> ne ae . . wit ‘ : ‘oO. 1 he Comptroller of ‘ ‘ i ri On & pure gene a. ; that recommend it for your kit |Vartlament puridings, Victorig. Be ty: eh | $3.50 to $8.50 ony aen made oul pusareanee of i tot, ” full " ith use price of 86,000, tha , |thirty days’ after the first . “ro , r , ; > 7 brings in rentals or 673.50 a month. chen range. | ais nonce ip a local newspaper Suits from Surchasere who tating fishes crom A Great aasort | The powers of this undertaking aré to! : en » complete m . gta: ey SCREENED LUMP Delivered Bi \be exercised for power and lighting srithia| $25 to $65 Rilimant of conditions ny arg) oe ty ment of Sheee. 50 @ paving ‘ = » territory embracir a1 HW) Pian 4 , ih eat oom of $15.00 ton. For your heater ¢ tha d claltn, pe Dolly svaten. itera nx Cay in and { Se ac cr dale ol le ot cotehenne: | ’ cleims, and all of this ‘Co : gyn ANG “pK 10 see ; sh don hn, Origen : ea On @ purchase price of 812,000 that CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, jana properties and buildings, ut car teae these It will “pay you "a mg Gletriat price due and taxes may -- brings in rentals of $137.00 a mouth, $12.50 ton. Sacked, $13.75 | ene ang pulistags K others in and ad pay you, ' a ©. coe od Appliccticns aaa oe Ce Oo the ce Arm district, . ° »plloa tio me Best F The petition for the approval of the | made by May 1, 1430 ’ E es urnace Coal in City. undertaking | will be heard in the office . . | GRAZING ' e 0 @ board at @ date to be fixed by the Or: i 4 Comptroller, and that any intere : asing Act, 1919, for systematic d, H. Mortimer Consumers Coal C0 Ltd so may fle an objection ahead ta Pthe | development of livestock industry pro- ; 7) ’ office of the Comptrgiier, or of the Water e | ps paar for rising districts and ge Real Estate and Insurance atts. : |Recorder. of the District ' | ministration Under Commisstoner, Sie Agent. $248 + Lorne MacLaren, Manager TAYLOR MINING €O., LTD, | 148 Thi d A Aanual grasing permite iegued based J d Seventh Stree ac ee ANOS Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 | by C. B. North Agent Ir VENUE |) fared owners. black coyrin tees Corner Third Avenue and + | a or : . . D Stock. a een earn” oi | The date of the frst publieation ot this forta Associations for range me - la ‘notice Is April 17, 1990. ae or one or partially free, to tae hae, Covers OF trey w m ee e