| Mahtative Library Y . \ue ihe 4 — PX, re / a “’ Vicv orth 7. Jal iF —— | a The Daily News (Se ars’ Experience) en fit at, WE NEVER SLEEP PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert —_ Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper wee ee Agent _F. Maguire 72 ag Second Ave. C2 ej a OFS ne — ee —_ as = fT —-— eS eel KI. NO, 120 PRINGE RUPERT, RB. C., FHIDAY, MAY 28, 1920. PRICE at CENTS Veterans Lose Faith in Government} ALL ABOARD FOR SALT LAKE ON WITH PRINCE RUPERT SWIMMING CLUB § War Veterans President Urges the Necessity of Early General Election R. B. Maxwell of Winnipeg sends Message to al! Branche: saying Parliament Confesses to Inability to Deal Equitably with Returned Men oT Annual Meeting of | P.R.Swimming Club W. D. Vance replaces T-& Duncan as ' | President; p'ans laid for season's | improvetseditss Provincial | Government to Help ' The Prince Rupert Swimming Club is to be & live institution — lagain this year. That faet was made plain at the annual meeting — vA, May 26 RK. B. Maxw w peg, Dominion . Te eer ee A liast night in the cily council chamber when offic.rs for the coming’ | Gireat War Vets \sxociation, who has been), gyppage SITUATION . a year were elected, reports were received and plans were laid toe ¢ the polit | al vesterda sued @ message |» CLEAR VERY SOON * , ithe work of the season. 3 ' . ' hroughout the Dominion. “In| ® 7 A It was decided to ask the mayor to be allowed to hokd a lag : vanes ee wey -— ; | day next week to raise money to liquidate a small debt from las knowledge gained of the political and economic|$ The strike situation is # a year and to make more improvements at the lake. - Further funds } = three years of effort on thé part of * clearing. The employers : a ak I ; * say it is fizzling out. . ; it is expected to secure through the sale of membership tickets ' ‘ ' equitable recon- |» A vote of the unions af- * and possibly by the egjleection of 1 de« 4 ge the necessity Of }@ fected will be taken at six 4 wharfage at the lakes fyom com- 2 Ss ® o'clock tonight on the * nercial boats landing there. WILSGN VETOES a. , i edeem former|*® Question of returning to * President T. C, Duncan report- ee | snidier denendents in a sub-in “OT* Meantime shipping ed that Mr. Pattullo had promised RESOLUTION ON - ay : , eee. Ne eT eT * is being operated. a“) r : to have included in the local esti- - e% advantages they would Bow en-i¢ *| LQ TOS aT EFI TT ET Le, ey imates a sum sufficient to double war service.” PER Cewrer ese erred. | are ithe width of the walk from the —— --= | Lady Geddes, wife o/ Sir Auckland Geddes, British Ambaxxador to wharf te the take. He had con-| the United States. She was born in Dobbs Ferry and educated there jsulted with the local engineer | " Tie ae j ) M‘CLYMONT PARK and in Nove Scotia. She Is sa‘d to be more interested In domestic affairs band found that altpady the prom-. oe ot ec rges e i than in sockoty, but is a charming hostess. This is a very recent portrals \ise had» been’ implemented and Says its: é , T of the distinguished woman, : iprevision was made for the work; Rights of 'tintied ‘btaten. nat? ‘ S t U R t d j}to-pr pce ed. / All Men Foushe For. rn e p S urne : {mpre ssive Fineral for Mr. Duncan also reported that! WASHING TON, eh 28. —The Youngsters are to be Provided for ° arrangements had been made with | Repubhiéan peace ‘Fesol ti wa I te When City Fixes Up Hays j t M f U I I ution s j n | Moreton Frewin, the owner of the |vetoed- yesterday by President Men 1 m St Creek ee e anager o ion |property, to have a long lease of | Wilson, because he said such a , Lease of Property. ’ the property, including the front-|peace with Germany would place a Work is & —_ ex Steamship Co. Yesterday age where the wharf ist built andj/an imeffaceablé stain on the gull- Mt . : f the returned sol-iweek on the fixing : aa the place where the dressingrooms jantry and henor of the United ‘ I was urged upon Pare .* cate VANCOUVER, May 28.—With flag ies on the city buildings and |and floats are placed. This Will States so far as Germany was hment by Lieut- ease banat | s’ Lan’ ‘ he vered to half mast, with Christ Church /®)** ry Bare Hr eipy heb _ COn- |COnCEAEG: Simm relinquish alt me? ' ' me : : : Che j t in t ' t is { Gj g Sires ned with many hundreds of sympa- msg rh & cS ese Toe of /bigh purposes which led the nas. returned men in She@ be improved i ly sed | ; ' ; aspect ‘ pee ei les tam nae been taken uP ition into way, Wileh were Sma: ‘ respect, with scores of automobiles with Colonel Peck, who had re-|bedied in the rejected treat? of. her } Hing fust trolled by the youngst ’ : ” g ' behind four large motors piled high with over|plied that there was no money/| Versailles, ; 3 i be b rh would help to solve the un- er ey" ae i i ‘ | and’ oil floral emblems. the remains of E. H. |available this year but that next The President's aet has brougnat: j | : — by. the new ' a aa : i ix rector of the Union Steamship Co., was voor wee Eeqerte ee about another deadlock, teat ted in sume countries, C Peck said, hans -ke bis ; a sm is " Fe : bn oietnd Sea mF might be done. rhe financial o 8 wir pe D ; , . , Vie ' elery. It was the largest and mé condition of the country would ‘ g boats n Great Hritain the de-jand the logs i out ’ : ral ever held in the city, almost every|not allow of farther expenditures PRINCE RUPERT en were being a ted in acquiring drifters;The a al vol ’ yo ting firm was represented. this year. . ity “oun nf enim OS - el Rev. W. W. Craig. D. D.. officiated, The directors of the Secretary - Treasurer Tabrum} g i rs of the Ganadian|*. Ye &** . ' F eee a ai firms were pall bearers. while’ the Chief — that there was money on | COMING NORTH Brn oree «howine @ total of 1,088 former fishermen m 7 id Al) the ng? 1m the ‘church to'the cobtege thremaiils body- mand amounting to $5.07 and bts ouistanding from last year wh ' posed t e-enter that work ON shape and the bot "A I d P b | ) Steamship officers. to the extent of $177.33, making | Engineers of Alovetees Company ut It w made 5 — @ net deficit of $472.15. A isree| On Way te Mewereteeges °° wi ' oe its investigations in regard to even for those who ca cd ] amount of work bad been done . Worki di rr ae Wes a 6 nee se biinil “ Aeroplane Exp ofation in last year and the Provincial Gov-| shoremen ng. oom ow . the child ’ . ernment had given $300 instead VANCOUVER, May 28, 7m of WILLIAM BURNS HAS Eve Se eer .. Bn + | - the ob a sil rh in Bel! a Coola District OF tye exbeotes Pave a ee oun Geand Trunk steamer Prinee s have been solvent with a few dol- ' ° : ul na t Met —— , George left he 1 st i I pledsant: surroundings a) So ee wenn hen ge le ‘re last night with p. sUReR ee . : ' , 9 p Ae vassengers and frei RESIGNED POSITION . EXPIRE MONDAY * eee fo eee Te _ Seaplane to be Taken In on June 4 to Survey Lands New Officers. pos point tmeldding: Peince aie roundings suitable for an « The election of officers resalted} > m Tot the! oe eed 2 for grown-ups as weil Difficult of Access frem Coast, Expect Work 1 he ooten pee cers resulted} orm Pee” gee nee B, DEPMOIDS! OF FH VICTORIA, May 2 : an! Siitadeden: t ; thy © ; il School, has re- . ‘ es oe sea Ox * . to Take Four Days ine. Hdeniiibia:, Bek. We De | passenger going north are G H ater a Seria inight May 31° # . -- Pattullo, Col. G. W. Peck, M. P., pore Lucien ce of Bruxelfes; ; t i ee et ; eater) . a ae «“jy_|France, mining engineers con- ee pete ally 1 als rights and in- # VANCOUVER, May 28 \ireraft Construction Go. represen-|A. 'T. Broderick, Mayor MeCly ey. : r a Ps : mt? , ’ . ecte con t if the province in . taraste it , nineral proper- * ; 5 we ; i r to ship on June 4 a seaplane from mont, Dr. Kerzin, and T. CG. Dun- neck d a the Algunican 5 ; is practically founded Karly application for # aliy re arr ‘ a fee ean: . | pany. iey will work the Meloehe Normal ehonl, Al. a tant. # Vancpuve Bella Coola under arrangement with J. H, Brownlee," cident, W. D. Vanee. group of claims on Salmon River, : ition, it is un AAW HOPRAGD: ARS erere | ind survey and Wyoming cattleman, who wants lo Inspect 8| yicg eosceleeey ee Roberge. A. B. Mar managing direc-— ae ion, e : : } ‘Cute : : ; : tor of the Pacifle Mills, is on his granted him * tract of meadoawland four miles south of Anaham Lake, one hun Sec.-treas., E. Tabrum. ’ n tee by 1 eeeeeaeuvseeeaet sense i Held at Vancouver with lee es pi le, Proy ial Government, In ‘ ~~ Dawson in Attendance. dred miles east of Bella Coola, Executive Se ‘it. Murray, J. al ~ 2 pales and Mr, ple dot avid M. Robinson, broth “ev, a Mr. Brownlee will inspect the area drained by the Dean and Currie, W. A. Matheson, D. K. Throurh # ee will * er Robinson, former Ts , Goyer, Sid Winsby, Joe W. Scott,} ugh Prinee Rupert on a ae t of ed { i VANCOUVER, May 28.—-F. G.) Salmon Rivers. With plenty of safe waterways and level land- ’. B. Gilhuly, Cyril Westaway, L iway to New Fork, eet} CT Of education, wi yas val on a ere ’ n rs » dal y, Uy ‘ste i ae | Non of tne ’ \ i ceed Depeny af Prince yr fF . i ig Me the tract will be surveyed in a few days, whereas it would W. Patmore, §$. Bazzett-Jones,| The longshiremen are wor 2.) wal s i. T CONTRA 1S with other a ttt me he es require wet to get in by packhorses and do the work, travelling Alex. Rix. and Geo. Tite, Jr. jthe boats. At the meeting yes ao ‘oune o 1@ «industri : . ee Chey sat in private! through a diflienlt eountry where there are no roads, Life saving and physical in-|¢@¥ they unanimously deei | ah 3 of Terrace, and A }' ree ae pte a } oe a 1| -_——--—- - — ; a | structor, J. Day Bel. leontinue working coastwise Udgate wets session at the court house and) , sels and to take no further ‘emo, arrived in town aR at ‘ tee cea eee Re Re On the motion of E. Tabrum © last night's ral om ‘ Seventy-two Foot oratt at the ithe r ware - vari we J ante lie a BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL a hearty vote of Pra an o given | ost in the seamen’s strike, { = aie Fisheries Departmen Iwhich have been applying 10 * —_—_— oan comme This Port financial assistance, ‘They were * BRITISH PREMIER the retiring president, T. C, Dun- Seeman seaiais j Toni rested in the veterans * WILL CONFER WITH * National League. jean, for the excellent aoe he had ' Tonight & Tomorrow _ zs oni thi chiefly intere ‘ ® ho ' © RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK * Boston 5, New Yark 2, done during the past two years, ‘ o) ie ‘- ‘ o o Mr, i son ere . ; : co pik M P R E S VICTORIA, May 2 , feh sant In additi FS ‘ is ay saat * < a * Second game—Bosten 5, New It was largely through his stren-! W ri tan partment of marvine ane ras were present are a . pees . LONDON MM uv 28 Pre. *® York 0, uous efforts that the club had. — i has awarded the porgerd. ; ao velae ae i tt rn zislature;| ie! Lloyd’ George and * builadelphia 5, Brooklyn 4, lbeen able to improve the swim-| W S Harold L k fseventy-two foot ees Sea for Alberni iS oT as Saal * Lord ¢ on will gneet * St. Louis 16, Cineinnati 9, j ming facilities at the lake. : e e 0c woo the B, C, Yacht and ip | pee \Nivol rer is : “ - ofa * tiregory Krassin, Russian *} American League. A committee consisting of) ‘ The Bi the: Roint Hope Mupyt "a sti healt ; we Seige taa! c nen tate ia}|* Rolshevist minister of * New York 6, Boston 4, i'President Vance, and Messi, John Shadow of Su of these boats is to be sta ae Jos ae ' Le ad Wibhanke * trade and commerce this * Chicago 6, Philadelphia ft. Currie, Dunean, Roberge and Imagine Bill ‘ae spicion’ at Prince Kupert. mee an BReErty + |* week, * | Pacific International. ° Winsby was appointed to look | camp, id ‘ . ee ome ; 7 ager of al|@ *" Spokane 6, Seattle 2. after the tag day. “Th he of J. K. Gordon, proprietor of the nr 7 nae ater hy SBeeeeeeeeaecesess - - hie ae ' he y Comedy Ls © |i : sy? ae s . arrival on|Wales ind Cannery, arrives f ; ctorik ’ : i ed adel ger’s Trail rerrace ye was an arr the city yesterday, Launeh Alice B, Phone Blue 648,; Vancouver 14, Yakima 4, B. ©. Undertakers. Phore 41, rt last nights train, | Advance