THE DAILY NEws FINE me, Le 1g iy 4 —_—— $$ —_______ FINE CONCER BURIED GOVERNMENT ACCUSED = 7 oved In WHITE SAYS WATCH Je ds rae. s- CGS aaa Ati 24 HOURS AT SMITHERS ELEPHANT | GIVEN FOR SECURITY | ile bears ae ‘h Pas “Atier spraying the hersed with ae eal | pLRbON: May 26.—Betorn th ie The only crn Toner, th es sm W Were paid off from thel nies Story of of Hindu That it riot come near them, Makes a good Proceeds Brought T a} | All St Guate us to otal Hospital |"/oveh Motor Transpott works «| Was Snatehed From Him— otment of clean oder shout (88 /AMNB ore ¢ j Six Th tween Five and |'@" Gaya ago the Governmerns Adjournment. Gleason, Mounted Poltee, fet re ae ousand Dollars. While elephant was bufied by the ale , Get — six thoudand employe Evidence was take : : | SMITHERS dy id employees, De uken in the TOR K’ Sane weal eave, bear 28-—A con-|S¢riling Ute event a London paper Hokannen theft cage in the county Y. 13 ad ver here on Monday if waye court yesterday afternoon and ad- our SELL ae = proposed new hospital | Boon after nine o'efock thou journment was ordered by Judge Order nae ‘ x it Was announced |84Nds of workmen pataded for the | rouns wnatil Monday afternoon in : T O V E thee sad t fen A. Kilpatrick that|PUurpose of joining in a proces order to get farther evidence as LA In h it : onds available for the}#ion to witness the inferment of vs i v oa to the aceused from Anyor and —s i amounted to between five | What they called tt “e also 6from the bus dz cs ————————————— d x ue j j os le Cm t f ; s driver who! ° a th , and dollars. hia|White elephant. It took place ‘or ra CCIDEN Ss drove actused to Seal Cove where on the train ow herneye. comime need wake Fe ! a with a oo of ap-|@ @rass patch opposite the ger yF the ths - alleged to have been! incnlmiadly ‘ eee U : ieee @ } ‘ iw concer wns roxt ral manager's Mh > COMTITNILLEE Lies e esrn 6s r ag at 15. Still in — ; . . ‘ Banners ‘ F ate danscroos, They carry gS f bus : and eetied great| Were borne aloft a ot aed How often have you cot Constable MeGfinehy and San. _ contagion They are a veritable Owners of Cows. the § me li e of business upon those in ehar@e carried Jaurel wreaths é Phen or burned yourself, and be- tokkh Singh, the Hindu who says! ew’ oo and they eat up + We lheve been notified that 190), Hundre ia In use in ery number on the é xeellent band headed the procession, t cause of the pain and smart- the accused took his watch, both} will ; ‘cs mn tag nae ‘an we \can De SURSRICR a Smte . cmt i . ’ ' ~ yre rel ora vib this one & pe Prince Rupert, a eran wae well received by Hhe/instruments being tin kettles ing have been almost unable gave évidence ‘similar to that re-| they can't fest They lose Mesh and we vhtove, * seraiiacs aaa amet ire atidle nes The rendering ofi horns, ete A white elephant had to continue your household ported in the preliminary hear- supply. They can’t feed properly; men, and stockmen knoW the On SALE ‘ 4 Be Surprised” ghd “Poor een constructed of wood and duties ? Are you aware that ing. Gobal Singh, anothet Hindu, | ie a ones Cop anon merits of PRATTS PLY John’! ny Mies Wattic of Hazelton|Canves at one of tt iy : ; if you would apply Zam-Bok was diso called and he fold of} ae aeiie x: way hee spray CHASER, the carloed WIU be : Fred Stork’ Ss Come Costume made a ety at {this wae th , nt and immediately aiter such an seeing a ifian running down ine! by Chaser a canis “~ a sold on direct order before ‘ ~ wey Wee LEC 6COrps ele accident it would ae were | ser, acknowledged to be the it arrives here. Orders shout t Mrs. Hetherington gave a/#yinan in a surplice, conducted all hat pain and oak: track atthe time of the theft. } perfect product. It does not taint be placed now, a8 this limited Hardware —fjzP!e04!4 interpretation of “The|the ceremony, and six men on) I ee eae aicu rhe accused then took tne wit te uta et car nee a a CO} ‘END s Hornpipe” dance, an either side of the ain fam-Buk quickly tak ness stand and told th: » te oar 7 e SECOND AVENDE ie dhinn of cna und as | : r sid f th rpse” with the fiery pala ont te am heen Means 7 ; vat He had Up the hair—bot it certainly DOES to nearest branch OF Sm@nCy,— Phone Black 114 se pea a few of the) #8 ited candies and ah “under- or scald, the sting out of a ie ay woe 26.2 sonny eee ee, Oe OF Gireet 1-408, rho! steps. Mra. L. B. Warner was|teker” superintended the arrang cut or scratch, and the sore- for a paid for a taxi ride. He wtily encored in the vocal iments hee ness and tenGerness o said that the inf i Ja iat rye al aolo| ment ut ofa nformant and him- Pratt’s as ’ - My Den and responded with| Whieii the long procession halt — —. be ond it - an sel: had both been drunk This ate eee a : ’ S810) hal ifa 1eale an “ j : eae . - eb? 1 Wearyin’ for You.’ Mr. jed opposite the general manager's vents feste ring, vided. ne informant denied and Con-}} 1 sega oe J HHeatherington and Mr. Nott fa-jofflce, the burial party dug a poisoning, etc. Try Zam- stable McGlinchy also stated that th ere > et = ] é ed with vocal solos and eleo|#rave al the request of tt ae ae San oat teemen when he had seen the informant oo AGENCIES: - ‘ ‘ j ’ : - i cc nt and p » cw , . . Ni U °rStc eS ok parl in the quartette “Agnle|&yan” and all present mi d ite merits for Pamceeit. ‘Get shortly after the alleged theft, he henitne eentin and ‘ . Vil C Lauri with Mrs. Kenhedy g@ad}their hat« while he read the ser- a box to-day and have it bere no signs of intoxication. } New Westminster Langley pane rain > DR ( HER Warner. The Misses Pio}¥ice, which had been specially sey ic bee ee epee se _ Accused speaks very broken Mission City Cloverdale : p . and Mamie Gray sang a very Beay- [COUiposed for the oceasior M good for “all pe Again ners 4 English and Jolin Nikonen acted Aldergrove liful doet and feplied to the re_|Wers of the staff from the mar ulcers, salt rheum, biood- as interpreter until it was found , th “Let the Rest of the | S@er's office witnessed the _ sealers Ste. aod piles. All that accused could make himself World by.” A piano doet by{Ceedings, which aux neat oe rane ntelligible in Engtfish. Scheiatniepionaett { i and Mre Hoskina, 4 Gintisement At the Con sing FREE Ll ary = this EE TITS by Mra. D. Jentings,/40 ex-soldier sounded U La name. od eee. chee ’ oe NEW PUBLICATION wee } » d dialogue by Miss Poat A wreath, 1 hict ' a ee to Zam-Ruok Co., HE ANDERHOOF iM W. J. O'Nein com- | seripts Was i hed be seat you eee ; A souvenir bookf®t of Prince} Gray's Orchestra placed tn at at : pert Has just been published by} = — —s = eee at os ! : ‘ cRae Brothers, Ltd f this city.} its #ervices ' and | been filled ae 1s City VA ' (enn tant a White (| = - is a very attractive piece of} NDERHOOF, B.C. wad ine. hb oad work and should prove to be a The Hotel That Is A Home. ‘te ’ good advertisement for the city Cen : en t ne a-i tr Com eni } Anyone wishing to let friends ally located. v ent to depot. Good service ‘MENNONITES MAY GO an ow what the pldce is like can- j European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection. ot do better than send them a J Unper New MANAGEMENT py. AS. F. McCORMA anager 10 HUDSON'S BAY ‘ The booklet is a local produe- a _ M : walers dn i CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ™ -t of the/tion put up on the MeRae presses LPERS ‘Want to Get Away’ frm Rest of 30TIGN 13 wWEnEBY GIVEN Bhat the ' , . stiluency and is a credit to the printer as Wort peserte existing over certain lance meé ‘ s ay Kin diy} i} PAINTS orid bee coder Tuber Léceeeses Bos. 164 : : ae jell as the publishers. ennui ; wumkelum Valley, is . Ml ish aden WINNIPEG, "May 22 During! G. A. NADES Ile s sent to} NOTICE TO E TO FISHERMEN Ing, aa the past few days, deapite rumors rae Minister of Lands etl if in Ot-| efu t . ty is fae fy ae ete rua a ea aie _ BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT. vident that en Seeosien : oo) ——— ni, 1090 sa ___ #8 s is ~ un, do not have 4 - initoba do not wish to leave the! TIMBER SALE X 2385. vc ee and Ice eshte amar i woe, but would an x to Sealed tenders wll be received by th CG. W. PECK At BUTEDALE CANNERY nake a change im the location of one of Lan t er thar auatisihilian’ S P ERs. a ice i} r ‘ for the burct cs | j STENOGRAPH i PRINCE RUPERT vir colony from the present well] ef” Lease dune 106 for tbe purchase | Raa Be ieee See WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED . ‘ne hem « ‘ ; , €. 4 ng 5 | ate 4 ? oS ae belo} | labor Council | itled district to some more re- is ooh ei Bee tte | ey ee tone: ae, Vemenenen, eee New ’ : vet : i ol rea. ‘ aid Inlet, Queen Charlotte | inere may be five or more condlogees. T Butedale, B.C. 7s | Delegates speaking for the Tags’ at + Bae aii, saciid’ pen ss |, Candidates must be British subjects, ier Me ubite Orthodox ot t 7 7 Tun ape sdetein. “= on an 1 re | A oe ge nner Pore ce reape cr setenineds years, “and St ; bers, have interviewed the hupers Be BG, oF District Forester, Pris | “TS pueasions to “write wil ne nee | D i upers ‘ ‘aay, i ie | ul ernmen ecen ,w! ij noon, F , Mey 2 Acca igrhelel sovereeins rent a —— tian eld Yok Sectataees SEED NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS nt taette Petgens SH r oki | NEW MARINE WA : : CULUMBIA ’ os es aul W. H. MACINNES, tral Labor ¢ outa ; y asked the government to} my eee We. FBS ADMINISTRA . ; owe} yee Ssrvice Commissioner, 1 Y S ay es ; act tA i beer B if Phone 453 * pa . ver the map of the province me eek watt and -~ shes 5 ae _Ap ril foi, 1920. } Shawatlans n's Auxiliary, Piret snd if a tract of country could be an Sw THE ESTATI : the MINERAL ACT Equipped for building and repatring all classes of boats up te 100 eacayn. al f il where there wae no settle-} U8 DIZON, DECEASED. INTES ' mtn witht . : | in length. wy arth Wedues conyGaler Pe ciygpen + safes ‘ula gage once 8 GIVES TO WHON [ibe s WA payment for | j (eum 52 GWwoOnwOEKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. ae eine ‘ Me. Young, | above n md who CERTIPICATE ot : saovenenre | equipped piant in Central Britis Central British Columbia, ermen, | en go because of the rigors of @amer aa te f7th Gay of April, A oration, of the]. “Riteal wai 4," «| oats y. the cjimate or the poorness of thal 190. collews nd er at une ‘ tsa no. i” Ctsol Ro. ae } , : is ORDERED t the safd John H : lon | No. ,"' “Sunset No. 2, 4 ui Thee i M arine W Lt F Trades, F ret and Third snd, to allow them to take it over Be@@ilig shail be ellowed swear to the wh oe oe ee ite Binse! laims, re Cove a e ays, Bisdckete. Firat & dvdey h the privileges of edacation ts ee Stipe said ae ated as occurring , roportionate al sag “Distal, . wing Division of Cas- A. ae W. E. Thompson, Gen. a “— nal . ' . afer DL tou f one mont? "os . I son 1 ar ere ca toe :— t Phone 1 and religion which are denied Rae gr geri oes eer notice pa axrcement for head of alice Arm, About 84, miles trot | * Phone Green 153 wr in their present location inti dda, anleed’ to the mxtentionec pt Doak applica TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Pommers, : paishdd ‘to the Registrar of this | ye sity reafter be te | pede Miner's Licence No $1018 C, as = — " Hv ilscuthern Manitoba. It is stated) a Pn Pribée Rupert, Bc, that the said de-|pr anid will be a © Sie ek Sak ttle, Was ae | on that the Ment ites possibly had|@ Louis Dison, was alite subsequently f te he sale and the| 9318 C, inte yee enn e. Cermmenas > d month of is ary tor8 \ “ ' pa : nteods, sixty days from the date When in mind the large tra¢t of country) “= tr iS Ft THER ADERED that purr a whe ¢onnect ng |pereet, to seo guavefanmeis tan ac prey a Come to the” eltage al Terrace bordering on the Hudson's Hay.) af oe. ye hin 0 5 we "pally the it ‘ ate ah ina alirvent Weonae | loeb a ibe Rimmer © neg orem “St SVEA POOL R ie. bhi it iw «tated that the provineial ‘ “aro Weed ot St, Erseee jot Sls. Sane i ‘And further take poles thet action, wa- i eee sokuiionas peg) 7 y os 6 Ss one, donth. GEO ADEN ler section 8$, mos ur Acte Lot or Ten [itor moment any idea Of maxing) Fe eae oceans 0 Ee, ee RR eae: Sere Near Beer, Soft Drinks; Cigars and Cigarettes J in ors oment any . Own ¥ s . ’ ro e Us. Tact at Terrace for a such concessions ; meal meet strator .” “ st = oe "tt Warton” z = P a home before prices Want Remote Colony Aguduindlpedeaenen = pores Ss the 7 Goo 1 lots adjoin- rhe one great desire of the (ak. ee —— ==: come He ~ “eC lownsite at Mennonit ceording to those ih} Cc 6 ea reason- INONNES, BCOOrMDE /' | y hi abl l¢ prices, close touch with the colony, is to ene yr ues oe t’ 8 a reat ife, If ou ‘Don’t t We alk 1 'y fruit and lots of fishing get away from the more civilized} SOS SSS en.” Own L sections of the qountry and found} satad o clions ¢ re Qounlry an vd} y ts $75 to $200 a colony apart from the world al-} HEY Mor’ ( oan . . ; . rite to tomether DIDJA SEE MN aaa Fy ou HEY Mom HEY MOM lay Bros. & Co, |" cacvamoume «| «Ree Mee se Ew y \LL BE LATE / g o 9 where My oe ros. 0. | Qin ‘TERRORIZED | For Schoo. = . tae, po YOU? stRee oY Mate and Insurance re o é , a ‘trace - ~ B.C, | DUBLIN, May 288.—A gir) liv- jentered her hou 0M LEE CO. jcropped her ha nd Avenue, West. The party, YOGrTasLes ale and Retail! : Contractors and On Exo hange, mitted, lapsed from Gener into her bed, wh Pringe | Ripert, B.6 to the yard, One 5 47 P.O. wis 7125 and while sing for Ireland free, Heng 5s Uctioneer an . Accountant the eye quickly. state of weakness from A man took oul a pair of shears, News Job Department. ac in which jing a country district near Tuam unconscious from stiock and at midnight on Saturday, took her from bed and numbered seven threatened to blow ap the house in five minutea if not ad. They took the girl, who UNCONSCIAPS Ness, and, clad onl ef she fell 8 0 ing “We are " out off her y in her night attire, brought her out in a hain. out hair and, asked the others if he should “27 2nd Avente ; b var’, C, a eut off her @ara. This, howeve V, Evr 'T waa not done. echinacea Two-color window cards take See them at the ’ ilies ee jexposure caused by @ gang of} armed and disguised men who