a Page 6 ccm —_—_—_ you CAN PLEASE hor wilh our Candy. Ev- erybody who enjoys the most delicious, whole- and DAINTIEST CONFECTIONERY don't you try our yourself or buy friends and some Why Candy for your prove its A shipment of Neilson’s Chocolates has Just arrived RMES some excellence? | IMITED THE DAWLY a atokine LOCAL MEMBER TELLS WORLD OF DISTRICT VANCOUVER Bc Se. j hence ; } Use Royal Crown Soap and Save the Coupons | | ‘ATLIN AND BOOTH TAKE FISH TODAY | Two Carloads Going East on To- (ornstiluency, fives at ‘Says Wealth ret North Sufficient to Pay Wationa! Debt of Province. VANGOUVER, May 28.—-Hon. T. bD. Pattullo, minister of lands and member for Pr e Rupert in the Legislature, who has just rr turned here from a visit to his intervie morrow's Train—Foster to the newspapers whieh he ; :, Arrives. says that the wealth of the north The Pioneer Druggists mn pave Sen tpe wesith ot Tie AGeth Two carloads of fish were/Wwill pay the national debt of the Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 Daseokt- St tho ide didhenks this inh Whee THE REXALL STORE morning by the Booth and Atlin There are mill ons of acres of Fisheries. This will be shipped land north of the 54th parallel on \ y east tomorrow morning in the Which stock can graze all winter! only two cars now left in the From the Naas River to Kitimat a yards. The George E. Foster an jare the richest valleys of the a rived during the night with 50,- province extending over hundreds A RING 000 pounds for the Canadian Fisb of miles, The north country | that means something is al- and Cold Storage Co.; the Mack- larger than Germany and is need ways treasured, erel, a small American troll boat,| ing only development. Hundreds Perhaps you have one made her first call at this pert of settlers are now coming that some friend gave or left this morning and sold 3,000 Ibs. -_—-_~ you or that belonged to your of ted salmon at {4.4c, and 200° mother, If so you know pounds white saltnon at 5c to the PERMIT FOR hat we mean. Had you thought would appreciate in someone the Oa nadian Fish aid Cold Storage Company. NEW SCHOOL | The following were this morn- same way a gift from you of ing’s halibut sales: Our Quality Jewelry? Caralen, 25,000 pounds to the ‘Booth Fisheries Co. at 13.6c and Building ides ‘Has Made Is- R. W. Cameron Jogo 2 aise the Koko, 3.000 pounds,| 8¥ance to Board of Schoo! , I T ‘ The Jeweler 3rd Ave. and the Red Wing, 300 pounds. rustees _ Hi Gill, 11,000 pounds; Fla : mingo, 7,000 pounds; Bingo, 3 This n roing pyc | me 4 ie 0O0 pounds, and Rennell, 7,000 the new $156,000 sch 1 was Is TIMBER SALE X 2042. ee Tt see a £ TRX sued by the ilding inspe pounds, to the Atlin Fisheries at 7 Se he ie alia Sealed tencers will be received by the|{3.6¢ and 6c. I e permit Is made en r : aa For Sale ihe 274 day ot hay 192 for" the puri rhe Ethel June sold 2,500 Ibs.) 9f School gon eee at : . ; , has< f Licence X2042, tw cut 000 , a ows ‘ig ny d 3 5¢ masonry, MICK and ‘ feet of Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock on an| th Royal Fish Co. at 1 building arca situated 1 Moss Passage, Range 3,/and 6.2c. Kt “ Coast District Contraetor —\ hi Bert has Tw 2 years will be allowed for re ere ; od tT . poval of timber ANNOUNCEMENT already sta a ‘ I th tore f the Chief Forester orke« are ; : eres aes ss ment are begin 0 NATIONAL OWNERSHIP SECTION 5 upert, B.C. Wakefleld Jitney Bus will leave Ment are begtunit Bt . s f j Rooms; Sth Ave, W. $1,878 TIMBER SALE X 2400, (Giil’s Cigar Store at 7:45 each A Pad the cranes ant Guce.| EDMONTON-DUNVEGAN : yards into tip grounds and 5 Ro s, | s * Street, _ . x fo e drydock, return- 6'Rooms, Dunsmuir Street Sealed tenders will “be received by the norning for the. drydoc eu siloads of tiateria!l supplies ars $3,600 Minister of Lands not Jater than noon onjing will leave the drydock at 5 bathed | | REMOTE PO jthe 10th day of June 1920 for the pur- constaptiv. being unloaded. § Rooms, 7th Ave. ..$1,776 Plcnase or Licence X2400, to cut 1.889.000 | Cac h evening. 24) jfeet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock, Balsam ee ee . ; SECTION 6 are rn neal hike, en oles by There may be sore thing vou KDMONTON Mt. ay 8 or A ‘an Channel, ange 3, Coas strict. wnaethin by ‘ ' von tat bear 4 Rooms, 9th Ave $1,800 | Two (2) years will be allowed for re want. See the classified column ©” I P a = ! “¥ ' aur va : Soe jinoval of timber. i i tt a egan ane tritish Columbia Hail Further particulars of the Chief Forester, > es Viet cede ac. _ or District Forester, Prince Advertian in the Tiatie Newe ay is possi j ; jitupert, B.C FF) cqglliamcainy ° feet of Spruce, Hemlock and. Cedar on ano tenga 43 a . ree’ om inn any irea situated on Shannon Bay, Queen Char- calad a wigeeiee X 2438 oh coat Pt oiaaael | Agents |! as tet eee be allowed for re-| feet of Spruce ar, Balsam and Hem 11 |moval of timber ae lock on an area situated on Deer and Bear 3rd Ave. Phone Furtker particulars of the Chief Forester, Lakes, ey teneeee Royal Isiand, Hange 4, Lractoria, B.C. or District Forester, Prince) Three. (3). years will be allowed for — = emoval of Umber Further particalars of the Chief Forester TIMBER SALE X 1991. | Victoria. BL C., or District. Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C, TIMBER SALE X 2450. tenders will be rece hister of Lands not later 24th day of Jan 1920, for the pur of Licence X 2450, to cut 1,560,000 t of Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Bal on an area situated on Dufferin Is 4, Range 3, Cos Two 2 years Sealed ved by the than noon on ast District, will be allowed for Further particulars ctorla, B.C., or B.C. of the Chief Forester District Porester, Prince TIMBER SALE X 2428. Sealed tenders will be received by the nister of Lands not later than noon o1 1920 for the purchase X2428, W cut 3,500,000 feet Hemlodk and Cedar on an area Shannon Bay, Masset Inlet jeen Charlotte lands District, Two (2) years will be allowed for re Licence Spruce, further particulars of the Chief Forester, ctoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince WATER NOTICE The storage-dam will be located at out- et Of Clearwater Lake. The capacity of | be created is about 3500 The water will be diverted frost) to lake outlet, 1d Will be used for power purposes Upon | 1 lights to Alice Arm District, This notice was posted on the ground | bn the seventh day of April, +920. A copy of this notice and an seeeeeken | ursuant thereto and to the ‘Water Act, will be MNled in the office of the} ater Reeorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. | Objections to the application may be! with the said Water Recorder or} ith the Comptroller of Water Rights, after the days first eee of) territory embracing all the Wolf min. claims, the Dolly Varden mineral aims, and all of this Company's Railroad 1d properties and buildings, or any prop- Alice Arm district, petition for the approval of the} ing will be heard in the effice | card at a date to be fixed by the croptroiier, and thas any interested per- on may file an objection thereto in the the Comptroller, or of the Water eeorder of the District. . TAYLOR MINING LTD, Applicant The nderta CO., _ F riday BARGAIN HERE ARE A FEW Children’s Silk Dresses | in Habata Silk G4 .f | Regular price Sale price, $3.00 in Pongee Silk r Regular price, 85,50 | Sale price, $2.50 SPOT CREPE Regular priee, per | Sale price, 50c TEA CLOTHS Japanese linen Revulat price, $2.50 Sale price, $1.50 CUSHION CGVERS priee, #2 75 each Sale price, $1.50 DOILIES 12 inelies Regular price, Zot Sale price, 15c Suits and Hats VW ta yea and like preciate, yard, 75 | have Just received a lot of Men's Hats, whieh those quality will ‘I hese Suits who good ap- are going very cheap. Hats, your choice, | $3.50 to $8.50 Suits from $25 to $65 | mie ja and It yr Asi Trading Co, nr Third Avenue from Ask see ies. Pay you, Cc. B. North, Agent | first puntiestion of this 1990 b The date of the ouce is April 17, ee * Slow PHOTOGRAPHS PROVE TENANTS’ INNOCENCE Iwo young people, Just mar | ok a furnished tlat in I ! i shert t say tl i Dhey . | 1, a : } al { la ix I j f t I ' they id 1 { ! e th da ice, bul how p e thein int ’ It was an aggravating Lilen ‘ As they were despatr- ne nal Imost resolved to pay and ke dot vith it they be thought themselves of photog raphy The man bad a camera, a lara me, and had taken several pictures of his bride when they first came home Possibly thes: vould reveal the marks on chai ind shelf. hey did. Chair and) helf both came into the photo graphs, and the marks were cleat ly sled The damag was der when we carne said the young ple displaying the photographs. Though the evidence may not have been perfect, it served, The claim was withdrawn-——and hus band and wife are now quarreling over the authorship of the bril liant idea. MUSICAL SOCIETY'S. DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT The Prince Rupert Musical So- ciely will give a dance on Friday night in St. Andrew's hall at 9 o'clock, for which the invitations are now out. Music will be sup- plied by Gray's orchestra, Gen-| tlemen, $1.00; ladies, 50c, 2 | | i | PUBLIC MEETING J. 8. Woodsworth One of the indicted Labor ollicials of Winnipeg) will speak in the! Mcintyre Hall on Thursday, May} ‘Tih, at 8 pom. on “The Winnipeg Strike and Trials.” Friday and Saturday at Dundas} Island, “The Fight for Freedom.” Sunday, May 30th in the Me-| Intyre Hall at & p.m. “The New Era.” i in ald of the Labor Fund, 26) i Collections Dy fence LEASE PASS Titi DREAD Good Bread is chiefly a . and met! Ty La Cass SHOCKLEY Cow Bay acidit ‘ E,